SIRS Extracts (New York)

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The SIRS (Student Information Repository System) extracts are used to submit data to NYSED. SIRS Extracts contain data related to meeting state regulations to fulfill NCLB requirements and special education data required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

SIRS Extract Editor Example

SIRS Extracts

Extract Type

Extract Description

Assessment Accommodation Modification Fact

The Assessment Accommodation Modification Fact extract reports test modification data for students who have taken assessments where the State Code is RCT and ALTRCT on or before the Effective Date when the report is generated. A record reports for each testing modification selected for the associated assessment.

Assessment Fact

The Assessment Fact extract reports student indicators for a particular assessment. Information on this report includes the name of the assessment taken by the student, the language in which the assessment was taken, and the score/performance level achieved.

Attendance Code
The Attendance Code extract reports a list of attendance codes that exist at the school level for labeling a student's attendance record.


The Course extract reports course information for active courses.

Course Instructor Assignment   The Course Instructor Assignment extract reports a roster of all staff members assigned to course with a State Code.
Day Calendar
The Day Calendar extract reports a record of all instructional days identified in each calendar selected on the extract editor.

Location Marking Period

The Location Marking Period Code extract defines the marking period code, term code, start date, and end date for each marking period offered at each location in your district.

Programs Fact  

The Program Fact extract reports students' involvement in reportable program services. For example, reportable program services include the following:

  • LEP Eligibility
  • LEP Programs
  • EP Programs
  • No Child Left Behind (NCLB)-Funded Program Services
  • NCLB Transfer Options
  • Type of Disability
  • Safety Net
  • Career and Technical Education
  • Coordinated Early Intervening Services

School Entry Exit

The School Entry Exit extract reports student's enrollment information including entrance and exit dates, school exit codes, and comments about enrollment.

Staff Student Course The Staff Student Course extract reports the details about the relationship between a staff member and a student in a class (course/section). 

Student Class Grades Detail

The Student Class Grades Detail extract reports student grades that are associated with a specific course.

Student Credit GPA   The Student Credit GPA extract captures a variety of GPA data on a student-by-student basis for the purpose of providing data to the New York educational dashboard project.

Student Daily Attendance 

The Student Daily Attendance extract reports students who have been absent or tardy during the school year from the beginning of the school year to the reporting effective date.

Student Lite 

The Student Lite extract reports students' demographic and enrollment data.

SIRS Student Class Entry Exit    The Student Class Entry Exit extract reports a record for each roster record a student has in every class.