Restraint and Isolation (S) Extract

PATH: WA State Reporting > Restraint and Isolation (S)

The Restraint and Isolation Extract includes detailed information about unique student behavior response records (restraint and isolation) which occurred on or between the designated reporting range. This report also includes information about any students/staff injured during reported responses. 

Image 1: Restraint and Isolation (S) Editor

Report Logic

The following logic is used when reporting:

  • Report 1 record per Reportable Student per Reportable Behavior Response.
    • A Reportable Student is defined as:
      • The student must have a Student State ID.
      • The student must be actively enrolled at the time the Reportable Behavior Response occurred.
    • A Reportable Behavior Response is defined as:
      • The response must be mapped to a State Response Code.
      • Should multiple responses exists on a single behavior event/incident, multiple records are reported.
      • The response must occur on or between the Start and End Dates entered on the extract editor.

Please note the following when creating Behavior Responses/Resolutions.

To add a Behavior Response:

  • Alignment MUST be discipline.
  • Status of the Event cannot be complete
  • There MUST be active Response Types.
  • The Incident cannot be locked.

For more information about adding a Behavior Response, please see this article.

To add a Behavior Resolution:

  • The Incident cannot be locked.
  • Behavior > Admin > Preferences > BEH Preference Options > "Lock behavior discipline incidents that have a status of complete"

For more information about adding Behavior Resolutions, please see this article

Generating the Extract

  1. Enter the Start Date. This is the first day in the reporting window.
  2. Enter the End Date. This is the last day in the reporting window. Only students and responses active during this reporting window are reported.
  3. Select which Grades will be included in the report
  4. Choose an Ad Hoc Filter.
  5. Select a Format in which the report will generate from the dropdown options. Available formats include: Tab Delimited, CSV, and HTML.
  6. Select the Calendars to include in this report.
  7. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. The generated extract is available in the Process Inbox. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article. 

Only the header row will report if there are no records reported in the extract.

 Image 2: Restraint and Isolation (S) - HTML Example

Report Layout

ElementDescriptionType, Format, and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Location
School YearThe four digit year in which the current school year ends (i.e., 2019 if the school year is 2018-2019).Char, 4 characters 

Calendar.endDateSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > End Date
County District CodeThe County-District code for the district reporting the record.Char, 5 characters


System Administration > Resources> District Information> State District Number

District Student IDThe student identifier assigned by the district to the student.Varchar, 50 charactersPerson.

Census> People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

SSIDThe unique student identifier for each WA school student.Numeric, 10 digitsPerson.stateID

Census> People > Demographics > Person Identifiers> Student State ID

Location IDThe location ID for the school as generated by the district's SIS.Varchar, 4 charactersSchool.numberSystem Administration > Resources > School > State School Number
Action IDA unique identifier assigned to the response.???


Behavior > Behavior Management/Behavior Referral > Events and Participants > Response Details > Response ID

Action DateThe date of the student's restraint or isolation. Logic reports the Date of Incident value.

Date field, 10 digits



Behavior > Behavior Management/Behavior Referral > Date of Incident

Action Duration

Indicates the approximate length of time in minutes the student was restrained or isolated. 

Logic reports as follows:

  • Value is calculated based on the Response Start Time and Response End Time values entered. 
    • Reported as a whole number only.
    • Normal rounding rules apply with an exception:
      • Must report as 0 if the time < 1 minute.
Numeric, whole number, special rounding rules apply



Behavior > Behavior Management/Behavior Referral > Events and Participants > Response Details > Duration 

Behavior > Behavior Management/Behavior Referral > Events and Participants > Response Details > Response Start Time

Behavior > Behavior Management/Behavior Referral > Events and Participants > Response Details > Response End Time

TypeThe State Response Code (mapping) for the BEH Response being reported.Numeric, 2 digits


Behavior > Behavior Management/Behavior Referral > Admin > Behavior Response Type Editor > State Response Code (mapping)

Student Injured

Indicates if the student (restrained or isolated) was injured:

  • If " Student was injured during the response" is checked, report as Y
  • else report N.
Alpha, Y or N


Behavior > Behavior Management/Behavior Referral > Events and Participants > Response Details > Student was injured during this response

Staff Injured

Indicates how many staff members were injured during the response.

Logic counts the number of Participants on the BEH Response of Record where:

  • Staff State ID <> NULL 
  • "Participant was injured during the response" is checked.
Numeric, no decimal, default as 0


Behavior > Behavior Management/Behavior Referral > Events and Participants > Response Details > Participant was injured during the response