Nontraditional Student Credit Attempt (T) (Washington)

PATH: WA State Reporting > Nontraditional Student Credit Attempt (T)

The Nontraditional Student Credit Attempt extract allows users to report and track nontraditional student completion towards state graduation requirements. 

Image 1: Nontraditional Student Credit Attempt (T) Editor

Report Logic

The following logic is used when reporting:

  • The extract will report 1 record per reportable student per manually entered Transcript record where the Transcript school year is the year of the calendar selected on the extract editor. 

    Users must utilize the post-to-transcript function for ALL (traditional credit) scheduled class grades earned or they will unintentional pull in this report.

  • A student must be/have been actively enrolled on at least one date (in at least one reportable calendar enrollment) during the school year of the calendar(s) selected on the extract editor.
    • If a student drops out the same day as they were enrolled in the reporting year selected and a manually entered transcript record exists for the student, a record is reported.
    • The student must not have No Show or State Exclude marked on their Enrollment record nor can they be in a State Excluded grade level or calendar flagged as State Excluded.
  • A header is returned when no records are generated.

Generating the Extract

  1. Select which Grades will be included in the report
  2. Select an Ad Hoc Filter.
  3. Select a Format in which the report will generate from the dropdown options. Available formats include: Tab Delimited, CSV, and HTML.
  4. Select the Calendars to include in this report.
  5. Click Generate Report to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Report. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. The generated extract is available in the Process Inbox. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

 Image 2: Nontraditional Student Credit Attempt (T) - HTML Example

Report Layout

ElementDescriptionType, Format, and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Location
School YearThe four digit year in which the current school year ends (i.e., 2019 if the school year is 2018-2019).Char, 4 characters 

Calendar.endDateSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > End Date
Serving County District CodeIndicates the district serving the student.

Char, 5 digits

Leading zeros if needed.



Student Information > General > Enrollment > Serving District Code

System Administration > Resources > County

System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District number

District Student IDThe student identifier assigned by the district to the student.Varchar, 50 charactersPerson.

Census> People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

SSIDThe unique student identifier for each WA school student.Numeric, 10 digitsPerson.stateID

Census> People > Demographics > Person Identifiers> Student State ID

LocationIDIndicates the school serving the student.Varchar, 4 digitsSchool.number

System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail >  State School Number

AttemptIdReports the Transcript of record's unique Campus generated identifier (transcriptID). Varchar, 20 digits max
Student Information > General > Transcript
CourseIdThe course number from the reporting transcript.Varchar, 20 digits max

Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Course Number

Attempt TitleThe name of the course from the reporting transcript.Varchar, 50 digits

Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Course Name

Content Area Code

Reports the Content Area Code of the transcript only if the value = 123 or ZZZ. Otherwise, this field reports blank.

Valid values:

  • 123 (>1 core content area - block class)
  • ZZZ (Non-instructional time)
Varchar, 3 digitsTranscriptCourse.

Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Content Area Code

Course Designation Code

Reports all all Course Designation Codes indicated on the transcript.

For example, if Course Designation Codes are A, I, R, and X, a value of AIRX is reported.

Varchar, 10 digitsTranscriptCourse.

Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Course Designation Code

State Course CodeReports the State Code from the transcript.Char, 6 digits

Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > State Code


Currently reports as N for all records. 

No known WA BIE schools using NASIS are ALE at this time, therefore they report a value of N. 

Valid values include:

  • N – No, course was not taught through ALE

  • O – Online

  • R – Remote

  • T – Site Based - reg. weekly in-person instruction

  • U – Site Based – less than weekly in-person instruction

Char, 1 digit

ApprovedOnlineProviderReports the Approved Online Provider from the transcript (if selected on transcript). Otherwise, this field reports blank. Char, 1 digitTranscriptCourse.providerStudent Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Approved Online Provider
ApprovedOnlineProgramReports the Approved Online Program from the transcript (if selected on transcript). Otherwise, this field reports blank. Char, 1 digitTranscriptCourse.programStudent Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Approved Online Program

Reports the Current Score as entered on the reporting transcript.

Expected Values
  • A  4.0 
  • A– 3.7 
  • B+ 3.3 
  • B 3.0 
  • B– 2.7 
  • C+ 2.3 
  • C 2.0
  • C– 1.7 
  • D+ 1.3 
  • D 1.0 
  • E  0.0 
  • F 0.0 
  • P Pass 
  • N No Pass
  • CR Credit 
  • NC No Credit 
  • S Satisfactory 
  • U Unsatisfactory
  • W Withdraw
Char, 2 digitsTranscriptCourse.score

Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Current Score

CreditsAttemptedReports the cumulative Attempted credits from all Transcript Credit entries on the reporting transcript.

Numeric, 5 digit including decimal

XX.xx, 00.00, 99.99

Zero fill


Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Credit > Attempted

CreditsEarnedReports the cumulative Earned credits from all Transcript Credit entries on the reporting transcript.

Numeric, 5 digit including decimal

XX.xx, 00.00, 99.99

Zero fill

Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Credit > Earned