Program Participation


Career Readiness (Program Participation)
This article describes how to capture Career Readiness data for a selected student in Campus.
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
This article gives a general description of how to enter and track data in the CTE tool.
Early Learning
Provides information on adding Early Learning program information.
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) New
This article explains how to enter and manage student FERPA program information.
Foster Care
Provides information on tracking students who are in a Foster Care setting.
Gifted and Talented
This article provides information on tracking services provided for Gifted students.
This article provides information on the Homeless tool.
Homeless Services
The Homeless Services tool gives districts the ability to create Homeless Services records that are not tied to a student's enrollment records. Access to this tool can be limited to those who should have rights to see it.
This article provides information on entering Student Migrant records.
OLR Federal Program Posting Setup
This document describes the process for setting up Federal Program fields in an Online Registration application that will automatically post to the Campus field.
Section 504
This article provides guidance on entering Section 504 information.
Title 1
This article provides general information about the Title 1 tool.