Getting Started with Household Applications

The Household Applications editor displays a household's Meal and Educational Benefits applications. If more than one application exists, the applications are sorted chronologically by the Ref # column with the most recent reference number listed first. Selecting an application record displays additional application details.

Screenshot of the Household applications for a household, showing multiple applications over a year with different eligibilities.

  • Parents may submit Household Applications online via the Applications/Forms section of the Portal.
    When one household has two separate household applications (different signers and different students included in the applications), to include both application in the Verification Pool, the district must create two households in Campus but give them the same address. This way, the households can file two separate applications if they are considered two economic units at the same residence.
  • Eligibilities determined through this tool automatically populate student Eligibility records. 
  • District employees must have the FRAM Processor checkbox marked on their District Assignment to process household applications.

Managing People on an Application

  • Before adding a person to the application, a thorough search should be performed in Census to be sure that the person does not have a record in Campus that can be associated with the application. If the person is not found in Census, you can use the Quick Add button; however, the person will NOT be added in Campus. They are only added to the application.
  • Adding members to the application using the Quick Add feature does not add the person as a household member in Census.
  • Adding students to the application using the Find New Person feature does not add the student as a household member in Census.
  • If you remove a student from the list in Student Details, the student is not assigned an eligibility and does not count towards the household size when determining eligibility based on income.

Processing Applications

  • If the student is considered Migrant, Homeless, Runaway, or Head Start, or participates in the SNAP, FDPIR or TANF programs, they are automatically approved for free benefits
  • All students in a household with a provided SNAP, FDPIR or TANF case number are automatically approved for free benefits.
  • The application must be signed to be approved. If a signer is not selected, the application will be denied.
  • When the Eligibility start date on an application is earlier than the date the application is processed, Point of Sale can automatically void and re-enter transactions at the approved eligibility rate. For this to happen, a preference called "Autocorrect transactions for backdated applications" on the  POS Preferences tool must be selected. When the preference is selected, Campus automatically updates eligible transactions. Any transaction(s) that occurred between the Eligibility Start Date and the application date are voided and the transaction is re-entered at the new rate. See the Backdated Adjustments Report for a summary or detailed report of the transactions that were updated when an application was backdated.