CTE (Pennsylvania)

Tool Search: CTE 

The CTE tool tracks student participation in Career/Technical Education courses and aids in the monitoring of student progress towards course completion. Information on this tool is reported in the PIMS CTE Student Industry Credential and the PIMS CTE Student Fact Template.

Screenshot of the CTE tool.CTE Tool

CTE Fields

The following fields are available on the CTE tool. 


Indicates the school where the student is enrolled in a CTE program. This is not necessarily the school of enrollment for the student.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > School > sch.name

Start Date

Date the student began the CTE program. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be entered using the calendar icon to select a date.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.startDate

End Date

Date the student stopped being part of the CTE program. Dates are entered in mmddyy format or can be entered using the calendar icon to select a date.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.endDate

CIP Classification

Six-digit Classification of Instruction Program (CIP) code that identifies the approved reimbursable CTE program serving the student. A current list of CIP Codes can be found on the Pennsylvania Department of Education website. This value uses the CIP Federal Code List.

The format of the Classification Codes is 12.3456. Previous values without decimals (e.g., 123456) have been converted.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.cipCode

Delivery Method

Two-digit code reflecting the method of instruction and technical skills development, either in a school or work setting as outline in the approved CTE program. Options are: 

  • 50: Occupational
  • 60: Tech Prep
  • 70: Program of Study
  • 75: Career and Technical
  • 80: Adult Affidavit Program

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.deliveryMethod

CTE Status Type

Two-digit code reflecting the most appropriate CTE student status after the student received all related technical instruction.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.cteStatusType

CTE Performance Code

Indicates whether an adult CTE student is reported as enrolled in the program. Options are:

  • Y: Perkins funded, achieved passing grade
  • N: Perkins funded, did not achieve passing grade
  • N/A: Not graded or not Perkins funded

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.ctePerformanceCode

Perkins Status

Indicates whether the student is one of the following:

  • 1: Participant
  • 2: Concentrator
  • 3: Completer

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.Status

Pell Grant

A Yes/No indicator that specifies whether the AAP student received a federal Pell need-based grant during the academic year.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.pellGrant

Academic Instruction Code

Specifies the student's CTE Program's academic instruction component is administered and provided by the reported educating CTE school.

  • Yes: all of the secondary student's reported CTE program's approved academic instructional component is administered and provided by the reported educating CTE school
  • No: not all or not any of the secondary student's reported CTE program's approved academic instructional component is administered and provided by the reported educating CTE school
  • N/A: indicates the template record applies to an AAP student

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.acInstructionCode

POS Task Completion Indicator

Indicates whether a student has completed all the program of study (POS) competencies on the school's task list. This does not apply to students in grades 9-11 or AAP. Options are:

  • Y: teacher has signed the task list stating the student has fulfilled all competencies during the course of their program
  • N: student that has not completed all the competencies
  • N/A: any AAP student or any student not in 12th grade

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.posTaskCompletion

Registered Apprenticeship

Indicates the CTE Program related learning component experience for in-school youth, ages 16 and older (11th and 12th grades) designed to link employers in need of an education workforce with local education agencies seeking to provide quality work based education. This must include an apprenticeship sponsor registered with the US Department of Labor.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.registeredAppr


Indicates whether this CTE student received planned, supervised experiential learning with rotation periods of work observation and work exploration in a variety of employment situations ordinarily for short periods of time. Students are not usually paid for their experience, but do receive school credit.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.Internship

Cooperative Work

Indicates whether the CTE student received on-the-job experience in a career and technical education program. Through written arrangement between the school and employer, the student received instruction, including required academic courses and related career and technical instruction, by alternation of study in the school with a job related to the career/technical education.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.cooperativeWork

Job Exploration

Indicates whether the CTE student received off-campus, credit-bearing exploratory learning activities occurring in the community with the specific intent to provide realistic career exploration experiences for students.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.jobExploration

Agriculture Experience

Indicates whether the CTE student received educational experience any time during the school year related to an agriculture program. These experiences require the student to record, summarized and utlized agriculture record books.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.agricultureExp

School Sponsored Enterprise

Indicates whether the CTE student received experience working in a small business that was created and operated by students where the school implements a real, economically viable business venture.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.schoolSponsoredEnt

Work Based Experience

Indicates whether the CTE student received off-campus learning gained through training and instruction. These experiences are technical in nature and are used within job seeking/changed skills, diversified occupations and programs.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.workBasedExp

Simulated Work Environment

Indicates the student participated in an immersive experience in a protected educational setting that replicates workplace tools, processes and/or environments.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.simulatedWorkEnvironment

Certificate of Apprenticeship APP

Indicates the student participated in an apprenticeship that complies with Pennsylvania Department of Labor and industry Apprenticeship Training Office standards through a written agreement with a registered apprenticeship sponsor.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.certificateOfApprenticeship

Certificate of Apprenticeship PRE

Indicates the student participated in a pre-apprenticeship program that complies with Pennsylvania Department of Labor and industry Apprenticeship Training Office standards through a written agreement with a registered apprenticeship sponsor.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.certificateOfApprenticeshipPre

ASSOC Degree Awarded

Indicates the student was awarded an Associates degree during the reporting year.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.degreeAwarded

BACCA Degree Awarded

Indicates the student was awarded a Baccalaureate degree in the reporting year.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.baccaDegreeAwarded

Adult Cumulative Credit Equivalency

Indicates the student receives credit for the CTE accreditation. This is used for adult students enrolled in CTE programs.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.adultCumulativeCreditEquiv2

Program Hours Completed

The cumulative total secondary CTE program technical component instructional hours the student successfully completed for the student's reported CIP over the span of the student's secondary education (not just the selected reporting year).

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.programHoursComp

Percent Program Completed

The cumulative percent of the total CTE program technical component instructional hours the student received. Values can be 0.00 to 100.00.

Cumulative total CTE program instructional hours divided by the Total CTE Program Technical Component Instructional houses, multiplied by 100, truncated to the nearest hundredth.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.percentProgramComp

Total Postsecondary Credits Earned

The total postsecondary credits earned as a secondary student, reported to the nearest hundredth of a credit.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.totalPostsecCred

Industry Credential Code

Three-digit code identifying the industry certification and the provider of the credential that the CTE student earned during the reporting period. Each school may have different programs available; see the Pennsylvania Department of Education website for a current list of offerings at a selected school.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.indCredCode
Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.indCred2-20

Credential Earned Date

Indicates the date the student earned industry certification during the reporting year.

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > PA CTE Student Fact > PA CTE > pacte.credEarnDate

Add a CTE Record

  1. Select the Add CTE Record button. The CTE Editor displays below the PACTE tree.
  2. Select the School from the dropdown list where the student is receiving instruction.
  3. Enter the Start Date of the CTE program.
  4. Select the CIP Classification from the dropdown list.
  5. Mark the appropriate checkboxes related to the student's CTE program.
  6. Click the Save button when finished.

At this point, the student has a CTE record. At the end of the reporting year, modify the record to include the hours completed, program percentage completed, total credit earned and to note any Industry Credentials received.

Modify the CTE Record for End of Year

  1. Select the CTE Record from the PACTE tree.
  2. Enter the total Program Hours Completed in XX.XX format.
  3. Enter the Percent Program Completed.
  4. Enter the Total Postsecondary Credits Earned value.
  5. If a credential was received, select the Industry Credential Code from the dropdown list.
  6. Enter the Credential Earned Date in mmddyy format.
  7. Click the Save button when finished. 

Delete a CTE Record

  1. Select the CTE Record from the PACTE tree that should be deleted.
  2. Select the Delete button. 
  3. A validation message displays verifying the deletion of the record. Click OK to continue or Cancel to not delete the record. The record is deleted.

Previous Versions

CTE (Pennsylvania) [.2211 - .2243]