Core SIF Objects

Information on Core SIF Objects.


Core SIF Objects
This article provides information on the core SIF Objects.
Core SIF - Assessment
This article provides information on the Assessment object for SIF reporting.
Core SIF - AssessmentAdministration
This article provides information on the AssessmentAdministration object for SIF reporting.
Core SIF - AssessmentForm
This article provides information on the AssessmentForm object for SIF reporting.
Core SIF - AssessmentRegistration
This article provides information on the AssessmentRegistration object for SIF reporting.
Core SIF - AssessmentSubTest
This article provides information on the AssessmentSubTest for SIF reporting.
Core SIF - AttendanceCodeInfo
This article provides information on the core AttendanceCodeInfo object for SIF.
Core SIF - Authentication
This article provides information on the core Authentication object for SIF.
Core SIF - CalendarSummary
This article provides information on the core CalendarSummary object for SIF.
Core SIF - DisciplineIncident
This article provides information on the core DisciplineIncident object for SIF.
Core SIF - LEAInfo
This article provides information on the core LEAInfo object for SIF.
Core SIF - MarkInfo
This article provides information on the core MarkInfo object for SIF.
Core SIF - MarkValueInfo
This article provides information on the core MarkValueInfo object for SIF.
Core SIF - RoomInfo
This article provides information on the core RoomInfo object for SIF.
Core SIF - SchoolCourseInfo
This article provides information on the core SchoolCourseInfo object for SIF.
Core SIF - SchoolInfo
This article provides information on the core SchoolInfo object for SIF.
Core SIF - SectionInfo
This article provides information on the core SectionInfo object for SIF.
Core SIF - SectionMarkInfo
This article provides information on the core SectionMarksInfo object for SIF.
Core SIF - StaffAssignment
This article provides information on the core StaffAssignment object for SIF
Core SIF - StaffPersonal
This article provides information on the core StaffPersonal object for SIF.
Core SIF - StaffSectionAssignment
This article provides information on the core StaffSectionAssignment object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentAcademicRecord
This article provides information on the core StudentAcademicRecord object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentAttendanceSummary
This article provides information on the core StudentAttendanceSummary object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentContact
This article provides information on the core StudentContactTriggers object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentContactPersonal
This article provides information on the core StudentContactPersonal object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentContactRelationship
This article provides information on the core StudentContactRelationship object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentDailyAttendance
This article provides information on the core StudentDailyAttendance object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentDemographicRecord
This article provides information on the core StudentDemographicRecord object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentParticipation
This article provides information on the core StudentParticipation object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentPeriodAttendance
This article provides information on the core LStudentPeriodAttendance object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentPersonal
This article provides information on the core StudentPersonal object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentSchoolEnrollment
This article provides information on the core StudentSchoolEnrollment object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentScoreSet
This article provides information on the StudentScoreSet object for SIF reporting.
Core SIF - StudentSectionEnrollment
This article provides information on the core StudentSectionEnrollment object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentSectionMarks
This article provides information on the core StudentSectionMarks object for SIF.
Core SIF - StudentSnapshot
This article provides information on the core StudentSnapshot object for SIF.
Core SIF - TermInfo
This article provides information on the core TermInfo object for SIF.