BIE Data Health Check Report

This tool will be retired in summer of 2023 

Existing Data Health Check rule lists will be converted to Validation Groups at a later time.

This functionality is available to districts who have purchased the Data Health Check Report as an add-on service. 

The following variations of the Data Health Check Report also exist:

This document provides information on the Data Health Check Report to be used on live districts already using Campus as well as during the implementation process of a new district.

For districts already using Campus, this report shows areas where data can be cleaned to ensure accuracy and increase overall data quality. For districts implementing Campus, this report is generated after every conversion to identify areas of source system data cleanup as well as potential mapping rule changes needed by the conversion analyst for a successful implementation.

Data Health Check Report

In this report, the following definitions are used:

  • Student is defined as anyone who has an enrollment and/or a student number.
  • Current year student is defined as anyone who has an enrollment record in a current or future year.
  • Prior year student is defined as anyone who has an enrollment record before the current year.
  • Scheduling rules look at information in the current year or the next year, not at past years.

The following describes each table column: 

  • Symptom - The audit or "symptom" being diagnosed. These are typically situations where erroneous data may have occurred. Select each symptom to view detailed information.
  • Definition - An explanation of the symptom being diagnosed.
  • Impact - Indicates the amount of impact the information reported for the the audit may have on data integrity. An Impact of 'High' means reported information is likely to be incorrect. An Impact of 'Medium' means reported information may be erroneous and should be reviewed and corrected as necessary. An Impact of 'Low' means reported data is not incorrect but should be reviewed to ensure its accuracy.
  • District - Indicates the symptom is available for District Edition users.
  • State - Indicates the symptom is available for State Edition users.







Students who have no student number

The student number field is null/blank when the person has an enrollment record.




Students who have the same student number

Multiple persons who have the same student number.




Current year students who have no NASIS ID

Persons who have enrollment records in the current or future school year but have no NASIS ID number assigned (NASIS ID field is null or blank).




Students who have the same NASIS ID

Students who have the same NASIS ID number.




Current year students who have no state ID

Persons who have enrollment records in the current or future school year but have no state ID number assigned (state ID field is null or blank).




Students who have the same state ID

Multiple person who have the same state ID number.




Students who have the exact same name, gender, SSN and birth date

Students whose first, middle and last names, gender, birth date and Social Security Number (SSN) exactly match another student(s).




Students enrolled in prior years without enrollment enddate

Students enrolled in prior calendar school years without enrollment record end dates.




Students with overlapping enrollments in the same calendar type

Students who have overlapping enrollment records in same calendar type (i.e., Instructional, Residential, etc).




Students in grades 09-12 without graduation cohorts

Students missing their NCLB Cohort Date.




Current students not rostered into official bedchecks

ISEP students not scheduled into both afternoon and midnight bed checks.




Students whose names match phonetically

Students whose names match phonetically.




Students who have no birth date

Persons who have no birth date assigned (field is null/blank).




Students who do not have M or F in the gender field

Person who have invalid or no gender assigned. Invalid is any value other than M(ale) or F(emale).




Prior year students who have no NASIS ID

Persons who have inactive enrollment records from past school years and the NASIS ID field is blank.




Prior year students who have no state ID

Persons who have inactive enrollment records from past school years and the state ID field is blank.




Students who have no enrollments

Persons who have a student number but do not have any enrollments.










Staff who have the exact same name, gender SSN and birthdate

Staff (who are not students) whose first, middle and last names, gender, birth date and Social Security Number (SSN) exactly match another staff member(s).




Current year primary teachers missing credentials

Current primary teachers missing credentials in the active year calendar.




Prior year primary teachers missing credentials

Primary teachers missing credentials in the year prior to the active calendar year.




Staff whose names match phonetically

Staff whose names match phonetically.










People who have the same SSN

People who have identical Social Security numbers.




Active students who have no guardian

Persons who have enrollment records in the current year or future year and there is no current relationship to another person marked as guardian.




Active students not in a household

Persons who do not have a current membership in a household.




Active students in households by themselves

Person who has an enrollment record and a student number in his/her own household.




Active students who do not have a mailing address

Persons who have enrollment records or a student number and do not have an address where mail can be sent.




People who have unusual characters in their name

Persons who have characters other than letters, spaces, dash (-), period (.), or apostrophe (') in their first, middle or last name.




People whose names match phonetically

Person whose names match phonetically.




People who have the exact same name, gender, ssn and birthdatePersons whose first, middle and last names, gender, birth date and Social Security Number (SSN) exactly match another person(s).HighYesYes

Households with more than 1 primary mailing address

A family has more than one mailing address assigned. This is often a result of a conversion error. There should only be one primary address per household.




Households with more than 2 addresses

A household unit which has more than two addresses assigned




Households with more than 2 guardians

People in one household where more than two people are assigned as guardians of students within the household.




People in more than 1 household

People who have active memberships in two or more households.










Student's grade level not found in calendar

Enrolled student's grade level is not listed in the enrolled calendar. This happens when a user deletes a grade level in the Calendar or a grade level was never created before data was converted.




Sections with no schedule

Section placements are not marked on the section tab of a course.




Calendar Days flagged as instructional outside of term dates

Calendar Days flagged as instructional outside of term dates.




Count weeks where attendance days < residential type on ISEP Management tab

Count weeks where attendance days < residential type on the ISEP Management tab.




Students enrolled with no schedule

A student is enrolled in a calendar but is not enrolled in any course sections.




Roster record not in the same calendar as the student's enrollment

Student is enrolled in a calendar with sections assigned and is moved to another calendar, causing orphaned section assignments.




Discrepancy between age and grade level

Student's age does not appear to match the student's grade level. This could indicate a mis-entered birth date. Listed age is based on the age of the student during the enrollment.




Sections with no teacher

An active course section does not have a primary teacher assigned.




Sections with no students

An active course section does not have any actively enrolled students.










Transcripts with no credits

A student has a transcript record but does not have any earned or attempted credits listed.




Transcripts with no GPA value

A student's transcript record does not have a GPA.




Unweighted GPA value higher than weighted

A student's GPA has an unweighted GPA value higher than the weighted GPA value.




Weighted GPA value higher than the max

A student's weighted GPA value is higher than the maximum GPA value.










Current year events without resolutions

Active current year students who are participants or offenders in a negatively aligned behavior event without a resolution.




Prior year events without resolutions

Prior year students who are participants or offenders in a negatively aligned behavior event without a resolution.




Current year behavior resolutions with incorrect BIE behavior resolutions
Current year behavior resolutions which have an incorrect behavior resolution.MediumYesYes
Prior year behavior resolutions with incorrect BIE behavior resolutions
Prior year behavior resolutions which have an incorrect behavior resolution.MediumYesYes

Special Education (SPED)






Current year SPED/enrollment inconsistencies

Current Special Ed enrollment records with inconsistent data in the Special Ed Status, Special Ed Setting or Disability fields.




Prior year SPED/enrollment inconsistencies

Prior year Special Ed enrollment records with inconsistent data in the Special Ed Status, Special Ed Setting or Disability fields.




Current year SPED exit inconsistencies

Current Special Ed enrollment records with inconsistent data in the Special Ed Exit Date, Special Ed Exit Reason or Special Ed Status fields.




Prior year SPED exit inconsistencies

Prior year Special Ed enrollment records with inconsistent data in the Special Ed Exit Date, Special Ed Exit Reason or Special Ed Status fields.




Current year SPED enrollments that have no IEP

Current year Special Ed students who have no IEPs created between the start and end date of their enrollment.




Prior year SPED enrollments that have no IEP

Prior year Special Ed students who have no IEPs created between the start and end date of their enrollment.




Current SPED students with different values between enrollment and IEPSpecial Ed students who have different Status, Setting or Disability values between the BIE IEP and Enrollment BIE records.HighYesYes
Prior SPED students with different values between enrollment and IEPThe most current, prior year Special Ed students who have different Status, Setting or Disability values between the BIE IEP and Enrollment BIE records.HighYesYes

Current year ISEP enrollments with an enrollment type 'N'

Current year enrollment records where BIE Service Type = ISEP and Enrollment Service Type = N.




Prior year ISEP enrollments with an enrollment type 'N'

Prior year enrollment records where BIE Service = ISEP and Enrollment Service Type = N.




Current year enrollments of returning students with inconsistent SPED statusesReturning current year student enrollments where Special Ed Status is not consistent between enrollment records.HighYesYes
Prior year enrollments of returning students with inconsistent SPED statusesReturning prior year student enrollments where Special Ed Status is not consistent between enrollment records.HighYesYes

Current year enrollments that have unlocked IEPs

Current year Special Ed students who have IEPs created between the start and end date of their enrollment and are unlocked.




Prior year enrollments that have unlocked IEPs

Prior year Special Ed students who have IEPs created between the start and end date of their enrollment and are unlocked.




Current year enrollment inconsistencies between age and SPED valuesCurrent year enrollment records for students who have Special Ed values which are incorrect for the student's age.MediumYesYes
Prior year enrollment inconsistencies between age and SPED valuesPrior year enrollment records for students who have Special Ed values which are incorrect for the student's age.MediumYesYes
Current year enrollments with inconsistent SPED values across calendar typesLogic identifies all current year enrollment records where the student has two enrollment records in the current year with one enrollment record in an Instructional calendar and another in a Non-Instructional calendar and Special Ed Field values differ between the two enrollment records. MediumYesYes
Prior year enrollments with inconsistent SPED values across calendar typesLogic identifies all prior year enrollment records where the student has two enrollment records in the current year with one enrollment record in an Instructional calendar and another in a Non-Instructional calendar and Special Ed Field values differ between the two enrollment records. MediumYesYes

Current year SpEd students who have no guardians

Current Special Ed students who have an active enrollment record where Special Ed = 03 or 04 as of the current date and they have no current relationship to another person marked as Guardian.




Prior year SpEd students who have no guardians 

Prior year Special Ed students who have an enrollment record where Special Ed = 03 or 04 and they have no current relationship to another person marked as Guardian.










Current year ISEP enrollments for students who lack a valid tribal membership

Current students who have a BIE Enrollment Type = ISEP who lack a valid Tribe value on the NASIS tab.




Prior year ISEP enrollments for students who lack a valid tribal membership

Prior year students who have a BIE Enrollment Type = ISEP who lack a valid Tribe value on the NASIS tab.




Current year grade levels where instructional hours < regulated ISEP hours

Current year grade levels in Instructional calendars where total instructional hours is less than the regulated ISEP hours.

Logic sums the period minutes per day that are instructional and compares it to ISEP regulations (KG = 720, 01-03 = 810, 04-08 = 900, 09-12 = 970).

Prior year grade levels where instructional hours < regulated ISEP hours

Prior year grade levels in Instructional calendars where total instructional hours is less than the regulated ISEP hours.

Logic sums the period minutes per day that are instructional and compares it to ISEP regulations (KG = 720, 01-03 = 810, 04-08 = 900, 09-12 = 970).

Current year students with ISEP enrollment overlaps

Current year ISEP-qualified students in calendars where enrollment start and end dates overlap and the sum of percent enrolled is greater than 100.


Once the enrollment is corrected, the only way for it to not show up on this report is to re-certify.

Prior year students with ISEP enrollment overlaps

Prior year ISEP-qualified students in calendars where enrollment start and end dates overlap and the sum of percent enrolled is greater than 100.


Once the enrollment is corrected, the only way for it to not show up on this report is to re-certify.

Current year students with inconsistent grade levels between I & R enrollmentsCurrent year students with grade levels in Residential calendars during the count week which differ from their grade level in an Instructional enrollment during the same date range.MediumYesYes
Prior year students with inconsistent grade levels between I & R enrollmentsPrior year students with grade levels in Residential calendars during the count week which differ from their grade level in an Instructional enrollment during the same date range.MediumNoYes
Current year students with only a qualified residential record

Current year qualified residential students who are without a qualified instructional record.


Logic only looks for already certified records in schools with both Instructional and Residential calendars.

Prior year students with only a qualified residential record

Prior year qualified residential students who are without a qualified instructional record.


Logic only looks for already certified records in schools with both Instructional and Residential calendars.

Current year students with > 10 consecutive non-exempt absencesStudents enrolled in an Instructional or Residential calendar in the current year with more than 10 days of consecutive non-exempt full day absences.MediumYesYes
Prior year students with > 10 consecutive non-exempt absencesStudents enrolled in an Instructional or Residential calendar in the prior year with more than 10 days of consecutive non-exempt full day absences.MediumNoYes

English Learners (EL)






Current year active EL students without corresponding EL assessment

Current year active students marked as active EL or who have a second year monitoring date between the calendar start and end dates and have not been assessed (Type = EL for Identification or EL for Proficiency) during the year.




Prior year active EL students without corresponding EL assessment

Prior year active students marked as active EL or who have a second year monitoring date between the calendar start and end dates and have not been assessed (Type = EL for Identification or EL for Proficiency) during the year.




Audit Report Summary Section

The summary information lists high-level areas of concern where data may be incorrect. For historical purposes, results of past reports are also available if they exist.

Audit Report Summary

Symptom Column

The Symptom column will display definitions when hovering over the name of the symptom. At the bottom of the Summary information, total percentages and assessment of the data will be viewable for each time the report was generated.

Priority Column

The Priority column is the level of attention a district should have based on the item to which it refers. The areas with a high priority should be reviewed first, followed by medium and low. To aid in this review, items are sorted by High, Medium and Low priority.

For example, a student with no student number is considered a severity level of high because this number is often used in state reporting extracts. A household with more than two addresses is considered a severity of low because a household may have a P.O. box and a street address.

All data in error should be reviewed for accuracy, regardless of the severity level.

Error Column

The Error column provides a total number of errors of each summarized item. An item with a zero error value indicates that issues did not exist and data is believed to be correct. Items with errors indicate an issue with the data requiring review.

The error total is hyper-linked and will bring the user to the detail section of the report.

Total Column

The Total column provides a total number of errors of each summarized item that was included in the report.

Error Rate Column

This column gives a percentage of the items in error versus the total number of data reviewed.

Audit Report Detail Section

The detail section provides additional information on the summarized item. The detailed columns vary with each summarized item. If there are no errors listed in the Summary section of the report, no details will be provided.

Audit Report Detail

At any time, the user can select the Back to Summary link and return to the list of items included in the summary.

The following table provides the field names of the items listed in the report and related definitions:



Address 1
Address 2

Location of where student resides.

Birth Date

Date of birth for the person (student, parent, staff, etc).


Calendar of enrollment.

Cell Phone

Person's cell phone number.

City/State/Zip 1
City/State/Zip 2

Residence location for mailing purposes.


Class into which a student is enrolled, also referred to as section.

Credit Type

Category of achievement (English, Mathematics, Technology, etc) to which a course is assigned.

Credits Attempted

Total number of credits attempted by the student when enrolled in the course.

Credits Earned

Total number of credits student earned by successful completion of the course.

Enrolled Calendar

Calendar in which the student is enrolled.

Enrolled School

School in which the student is enrolled.

First Name

Legal first name of student, parent/guardian, staff, etc.


Indication of person being either Male or Female.


Grade level of enrollment.

Home Phone

Designated phone number at residence.


Name of household.

Last Name

Legal last name of student, parent/guardian, staff, etc.


Maximum GPA that can be achieved by the student.

Middle Name

Legal middle name of student, parent/guardian, staff, etc.

Most Recent School

School in which student has the most recent enrollment record.


Name of individual, family, course section, etc.

Phone Number

Contact number at home (usually).

Roster Calendar (Enrolled)

Calendar in which the student is scheduled.

Roster School (Enrolled)

School in which the student is enrolled.


School of enrollment for the student.


Number of the course section.


Federally assigned Social Security number.

State ID

State-assigned identification number.

Student Number

School- or district-assigned identification number.


Calendar section broken into parts - often a quarter, trimester, semester, etc.

Unweighted GPA

GPA value with no additional points.

Weighted GPA

GPA value with additional point.


Calendar year (2008-09, 2009, etc.).

Student Symptoms

The following information is related to student data.

 Students who have no Student Number

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

The Student Number is a unique identifying number assigned to each student in a school/district. It is used within Campus primarily for tracking and state reporting purposes. 

The student number will stay with the student for his/her tenure in the district even if he/she moves from school to school.

Local Student Number

Student who have the Same Student Number

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

Duplications of student numbers will cause issues in state reporting, student searches and syncing. Data integrity is lost when multiple students have the same number.

Local Student Number

Establishing a Student Number Format option will ensure newly enrolled students are automatically assigned a student number (unless the No auto numbering option is selected). Having this preference enabled reduces future issues with duplicate student numbers.

PATH: System Administration > Preferences > Student Number Format

Student Number Format

 Current year students who have no NASIS ID

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > NASIS ID

Students who have the no NASIS ID number.


 Students who have the same NASIS ID

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > NASIS ID

Students who have the same NASIS ID assigned.


Current year students who have no State ID

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

State IDs are assigned to each student and are historically maintained. Departments of education typically assign this number, as it is used extensively in state reporting. All students should have a state ID.

Student State ID

 Students who have the same State ID

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

Multiple students cannot share the same state ID. This number is used extensively in state reporting and duplicates will cause a variety of data integrity issues.

If the same student has been incorrectly duplicated within Campus, users can combine these students using the Combine Person tool.

Student State ID

If two different students share the same number, clarification should be made by the appropriate department of education. If the same student exists within Campus twice, the Combine Student Wizard may be used to combine the two records into one.

A preference exists that will automatically assign a state ID number for newly enrolled students (System Administration > Preferences > Student Number Format).

 Students who have the exact same name, gender, SSN and birth date

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name, First Name, Gender, Birth Date, Soc Sec Number

Students whose first, middle and last names, gender, birth date and Social Security Number (SSN) exactly match another student(s).


Students enrolled in prior years without enrollment End Date

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Students enrolled in prior calendar school years without enrollment record end dates.

Enrollment Editor

 Students with overlapping enrollments in same calendar type

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Students who have overlapping enrollment records with the same calendar type (i.e., Academic, Residential, etc).

Overlapping Enrollments

 Students in grades 09-12 without graduation cohorts

PATH: Student Information > General > Graduation

Students missing NCLB Cohort data.

Graduation Cohorts

Current year students not rostered into official bedchecks

PATH: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Type
PATH: Student Information > General > Schedule

Reports students who are not scheduled into two periods within a Residential calendar for afternoon and midnight bed checks.

Residential Calendar

Students whose names match phonetically

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Information

Students whose names match phonetically.

Names which Match Phonetically

Students who have no Birth Date

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date

Birth Dates are required information for students. This information is used in state reports, learner planning information and immunization records.

Birth Date

 Students who do not have M or F in the gender field

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender

The gender field is required for students. Errors indicate the gender value is blank or null.

Student Gender

Prior year Students who have no NASIS ID

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > NASIS ID

Persons who have inactive enrollment records from past school years and the NASIS ID field is blank.


Prior year Students who have no State ID

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

Persons who have inactive enrollment records from past school years and the state ID field is blank.

Student State ID

 Students who have no Enrollments

PATH: Census > People > Enrollments

Persons entered into Campus fall into three categories, students, staff and persons. The differentiating factor is the existence of a student number (which turns a person into a student) and a staff number (which designates a person as a staff member).

When a student has a student ID number there is usually an accompanying enrollment record. If there is a student number but no enrollment record, an error may be displayed.

No Enrollment Record

Staff Symptoms

The following information relates to Staff data.

Staff who have the exact same name, gender, ssn and birthdate

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name, First Name, Gender, Birth Date, Social Security Number

Staff (who are not students) whose first, middle and last names, gender, birth date and Social Security Number (SSN) exactly match another staff member(s).


Current year primary teachers missing credentials

PATH: Census > People > Credentials

Current primary teachers missing credentials in the active year calendar.

Example of Credentials

Prior year primary teachers missing credentials

PATH: Census > People > Credentials

Primary teachers missing credentials in the year prior to the active calendar year.

Example of Credentials - Prior Year

Staff whose names match phonetically

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Information

Staff whose names match phonetically.

Staff Names

Census Symptoms

The following information relates to Census data.

 People who have the same Social Security Number

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Social Security Number

Social Security numbers are identifiers for individuals born in or working in the United States. Legitimate duplication of social security numbers is possible but not common. This error usually is a result of the duplication of an individual within the system or data entry error.

Social Security Number

Active Students who have no Guardian

PATH: Student Information > General > Relationships

Guardian relationships allow parents and guardians to have access to their children's information, particularly through the Portal. Several student reports and mailing reports rely on the guardian information to generate.

Students should have at least one guardian.

Guardian Relationship Checkbox

Active Students Not in a Household

PATH: Student Information > General > Households

Households are useful in establishing guardian and sibling relationships. As with guardian information, students not in a household may be missing from reports, causing items to not generate.


 Active Students in Households by Themselves

PATH: Census > Household > Members

For general household creation, a student should not be in a household without a guardian. There are instances where a student may be an emancipated minor, a foster child or have other extenuating circumstances. However, as a standard practice, a student should be part of a household with at least one guardian assigned.

Household Members

Active Students who do not have a Mailing Address

PATH: Census > Households > Addresses

Mailing addresses are used to send information to students' homes and are therefore useful in school/parent communication. Mailing addresses should be established; doing so will ensure the parent/guardian receives all information that is mailed.

Household Mailing Address

People who have unusual characters in their names

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Last Name, First Name, Middle Name

Names normally can have letters, spaces, dashes (-), periods (.) or apostrophes (') in them. Characters other than these could have been entered in error.

Person Name


People whose names match phonetically

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Information

People whose names match phonetically (i.e., Graham, Gram, Grame).

Phonetically matching names

People who have the exact same name, gender, ssn and birthdate

PATH: Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name, First Name, Gender, Birth Date, Soc Sec Numgber

Persons whose first, middle and last names, gender, birth date and Social Security Number (SSN) exactly match those of another person(s).


Households with More than One Primary Mailing Address

PATH: Census > Households > Addresses

Campus allows households to have more than one address to account for movement between two homes or for a mailing address and a physical address (P.O. Box and non-P.O. Box addresses).

Multiple Addresses

However, only one address can be marked as the primary dwelling of the household. Primary addresses are used in reports and are the main source of contact for a student.

Households with More than Two Addresses

PATH: Census > People > Households > Addresses

Campus allows households to have more than one address to account for movement between two homes or for a mailing address and a physical address (P.O. Box and non-P.O. Box addresses).

Household with Two Addresses

Households with More than Two Guardians

PATH: Census > People > Relationships

Students can have more than two guardians to accommodate non-traditional families, but these entries should be reviewed for errors.

Guardian Relationship

People in more than One Household

PATH: Census > People > Households

A person, whether a student, staff person or guardian, can be in more than one household. This flexibility provides for easy maintenance of complex family structures. However, this should be reviewed for accuracy as mis-entry is possible.

Multiple Households

Scheduling Symptoms

The following information relates to Scheduling data.

Student's Grade Level not Found in Calendar

PATH: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels

This error occurs when newly imported student enrollment information has not yet been mapped to existing grade levels within that calendar. Student's grade levels should be changed to fit the calendar in which they are enrolled.

Grade Levels in Calendar

Grade levels can be deleted from the calendar when an enrollment exists with that deleted grade level. The enrollment record will not have a grade level assigned.

Sections with No Schedule

PATH: Scheduling > Courses > Section > Section Schedule Placement

Course sections are scheduled into already established schedule structures. This section details the course sections that do not have designated meeting times within the school day.

Section Schedule Placement

Calendar Days flagged as instructional outside of term dates

PATH: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days

Calendar Days flagged as instructional outside of term dates.

Instructional Day

Count weeks where attendance days < residential type on ISEP Management tab

PATH: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > ISEP Mgmt

Count weeks where attendance days are less than residential type (4 day residential vs. 7 day residential) on the ISEP Management tab.

ISEP Mgmt Tab

Students Enrolled with no Schedule

PATH: Student Information > General > Schedule

This section pulls students who have an active enrollment but are not scheduled into any course sections. Review the student information to ensure it is a current student. If it is a current student, add the necessary course sections.

Empty Schedule

Roster Record not in the Same Calendar as Student's Enrollment

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments

This error occurs when a student is enrolled in a calendar and scheduled into course sections, but is moved to another calendar, causing orphaned section assignments.

Calendar in Enrollments

Discrepancy Between Age and Grade Level

PATH: Census > People > Demographics; Student Information > General > Enrollments

It is a general assumption that students in a certain grade level are between a certain age (kindergarten students are 5 or 6). The existence of this error indicates students are either below the general age range or over the general age range for the grade level into which the student is enrolled.

Age is a calculated field based on the entered birth date.

Discrepancy between Age and Grade Level

Section with no Teachers

PATH: Scheduling > Courses > Sections / Staff History

When a section of a course does not have a primary teacher assigned to it, the Teacher name will display as None Assigned and the Staff History tab displays "There is no active primary teacher for this section," in red.

No Teacher Assigned

Sections with no Students

PATH: Scheduling > Course > Section > Roster

This section provides a list of course sections that do not have any students scheduled in them.

No Active Students

Transcript Symptoms

The following information relates to Transcript data.

Transcripts without Credits

PATH: Student Information > General > Transcript > Choose a Transcript Format > Default

Credits earned are displayed on student transcripts. Accurate representation of credits earned is a primary functions of the transcript.

Credits on a Transcrtipt

Transcript without GPA Values

PATH: Student Information > General > Transcripts > Choose a Transcript Format > Default

This error indicates the GPA value calculated after successful passing of a course to be posted on a student's transcript is not appearing.

Cumulative GPA

Unweighted GPA Value Higher than Weighted

PATH: Student Information > General > Transcript

Weighted grades allow more difficult courses to have a greater impact on a student's overall GPA. Therefore, weighted values should be higher than unweighted values. Otherwise, the value of earned credits is decreased.

GPA on Transcripts

Weighted GPA Value Higher than Max

PATH: Student Information > General > Transcript

The GPA value is higher than the maximum allowed GPA value. This may be correct if the school awards additional GPA points for students in accelerated courses (e.g., AP), but it should be verified.

Weighted GPA

Behavior Symptoms

The following information relates to Behavior data.

Current year events without resolutions

PATH: Behavior > Behavior Management > Events and Participants

Active current year students who are participants or offenders in a negatively aligned behavior event without a resolution.

Prior Year Events without Resolutions

Prior year events without resolutions

PATH: Behavior > Behavior Management > Events and Participants

Prior year (active year minus one year) students who are participants or offenders in a negatively aligned behavior event without a resolution.

Prior Year Events without Resolutions

Current year Behavior Resolutions with incorrect BIE behavior resolutions

PATH: Behavior > Behavior Management > Events and Participants

Logic identifies all current year Behavior events where BIE Behavior Resolution = 06, 17, 19, 20, 22, 27, 28 or 29, End Date is blank and Duration is 0.

Resolution with no Resolution End Date of Duration in School Days

Prior year Behavior Resolutions with incorrect BIE behavior resolutions

PATH: Behavior > Behavior Management > Events and Participants

Logic identifies all prior year Behavior events where BIE Behavior Resolution = 06, 17, 19, 20, 22, 27, 28 or 29, End Date is blank and Duration is 0.

Prior Year Resolution with No Resolution End Date or Duration In School Days

Special Education (SPED) Symptoms

The following information relates to Special Ed data.

 Current year SPED/enrollment inconsistencies

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Bureau of Indian Education Reporting

Current Special Ed enrollment records with inconsistent data in the Special Ed Status, Special Ed Setting or Disability fields.

Inconsistencies In Special Ed Data

Prior year events without resolutions

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Bureau of Indian Education Reporting

Prior year Special Ed enrollment records with inconsistent data in the Special Ed Status, Special Ed Setting or Disability fields.

Inconsistencies in Special Ed Data

Current year SPED exit inconsistencies

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Bureau of Indian Education Reporting

Current Special Ed enrollment records with inconsistent data in the Special Ed Exit Date, Special Ed Exit Reason or Special Ed Status fields.

Inconsistencies in Special Ed Exit Data

Prior year SPED exit inconsistencies

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Bureau of Indian Education Reporting

Prior year Special Ed enrollment records with inconsistent data in the Special Ed Exit Date, Special Ed Exit Reason or Special Ed Status fields.

Inconsistencies in Special Ed Exit Data (Prior Year)

Current year SPED enrollments that have no IEP

PATH: Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP

Current year Special Ed students who have no IEPs created between the start and end date of their enrollment.


Prior year SPED enrollments that have no IEP

PATH: Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP

Prior year Special Ed students who have no IEPs created between the start and end date of their enrollment.


Current SPED students with different values between enrollment and IEP

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Bureau of Indian Education Reporting; Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > BIE IEP

Special Ed students who have different Status, Setting or Disability values between the BIE IEP and Enrollment BIE records.

Special Ed Enrollment

Special Ed IEP

Prior SPED students with different values between enrollment and IEP

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Bureau of Indian Education Reporting; Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > BIE IEP

Prior year (Active year minus one) Special Ed students who have different Status, Setting or Disability values between the BIE IEP and Enrollment BIE records.

Special Ed Enrollment


Current year ISEP enrollments with an enrollment type 'N'

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Enrollment Type, Service Type

Current year enrollment records where Enrollment Type = ISEP and Service Type = N.

Enrollment Type and Service Type Fields

Prior year ISEP enrollments with an enrollment type 'N'

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Service Type, Special Ed Status

Prior year enrollment records where Enrollment Type = ISEP and Service Type = N.

Enrollment Type and Service Type Fields

Current year enrollments of returning students with inconsistent SPED statuses

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Returning current year student enrollments where Special Ed Status is not consistent between enrollment records within the same Instructional calendar.

Returning Student Start Status and Special Ed Status Values

Prior year enrollments of returning students with inconsistent SPED status

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Returning prior year student enrollments where Special Ed Status is not consistent between enrollment records in the same Instructional calendar.

Returning Student Start Status and Special Ed Status Values - Prior Year

Current year enrollments that have unlocked IEPs

PATH: Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP

Current year Special Ed students who have IEPs created between the start and end date of their enrollment and are unlocked.

Unlocked IEP

Prior year enrollments that have unlocked IEPs

PATH: Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP

Prior year Special Ed students who have IEPs created between the start and end date of their enrollment and are unlocked.

Unlocked IEP - Prior Year

Current year enrollment inconsistencies between age and SPED values

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Current year enrollment records for students who have Special Ed values which are incorrect for the student's age.

A record will report they fail to meet any of the following logic:

  • If the student's age (on the last Friday in October of the enrollment record start year) is less than 4, Primary Disability, Special Ed Setting, Special Ed Exit Reason and Special Ed Ext Date fields must be blank and Special Ed Status must not be 03 or 04.
  • If the student's age is between 3 and 5 and Special Ed Status = 03 or 04, then Special Ed Setting must be A01 - B05.
  • If the student is older than 5 years old and Special Ed Status = 03 or 04, then Special Setting must not be A01 - B05.
  • If the student's age is not between 3-9, then Primary Disability cannot be 52: Developmental Delay.

Special Ed Enrollment Values and Student Age

Prior year enrollment inconsistencies between age and SPED values

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Prior year enrollment records for students who have Special Ed values which are incorrect for the student's age.

A record will report if they fail to meet any of the following logic:

  • The student's age (on the last Friday in October of the enrollment record start year) is less than 4, Primary Disability, Special Ed Setting, Special Ed Exit Reason and Special Ed Ext Date fields must be blank and Special Ed Status must not be 03 or 04.
  • The student's age is between 3 and 5 and Special Ed Status = 03 or 04, then Special Ed Setting must be A01 - B05.
  • The student is older than 5 years old and Special Ed Status = 03 or 04, then Special Setting must not be A01 - B05.
  • The student's age is not between 3-9, then Primary Disability cannot be 52: Developmental Delay.

Special Ed Enrollment Values and Student Age - Prior Year

Current year enrollments with inconsistent SPED values across calendar types

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields

Logic identifies all current year enrollment records where the student has two enrollment records in the current year with one enrollment record in an Instructional calendar and another in a Non-Instructional calendar and Special Ed Field values differ between the two enrollment records. 

Special Ed Enrollment Values

Prior year enrollments with inconsistent SPED values across calendar types

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields

Logic identifies all prior year enrollment records where the student has two enrollment records in the current year with one enrollment record in an Instructional calendar and another in a Non-Instructional calendar and Special Ed Field values differ between the two enrollment records. 

Special Ed Enrollment Values - Prior Year

Current year SpEd students who have no guardians

PATH: Census > People > Relationships > Guardian

Current Special Ed students who have an active enrollment record where Special Ed = 03 or 04 as of the current date and they have no current relationship to another person marked as Guardian.

Guardian Field

Prior year SpEd students who have no guardians

PATH: Census > People > Relationships > Guardian

Prior year Special Ed students who have an enrollment record where Special Ed = 03 or 04 and they have no current relationship to another person marked as Guardian.

Guardian Field (Prior Year)

ISEP Symptoms

The following information relates to ISEP data.

Current year ISEP enrollments for students who lack a valid tribal membership

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Enrollment Type
PATH: Student Information > Program Participation > NASIS Programs > NASIS

Current students who have a BIE Enrollment Type = ISEP who lack a valid Tribe value on the NASIS tab.

BIE Enrollment Type and Tribal Information - Current Year

Prior year ISEP enrollments for students who lack a valid tribal membership

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Enrollment Type
PATH: Student Information > Program Participation > NASIS Programs > NASIS

Prior year students (active year minus one) who have a BIE Enrollment Type = ISEP who lack a valid Tribe value on the NASIS tab.

BIE Enrollment Type and Tribal Information - Prior Year

Current year grade levels where instructional hours < regulated ISEP hours  

PATH: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar >  Student Day, Type

Current year grade levels in Instructional calendars where total instructional hours is less than the regulated ISEP hours.

Logic sums the period minutes per day that are instructional and compares it to ISEP regulations (KG = 720, 01-03 = 810, 04-08 = 900, 09-12 = 970).

Instructional Minutes in an Instructional Calendar - Current Year

Prior year grade levels where instructional hours < regulated ISEP hours  

PATH: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Student Day, Type

Prior year grade levels in Instructional calendars where total instructional hours is less than the regulated ISEP hours.

Logic sums the period minutes per day that are instructional and compares it to ISEP regulations (KG = 720, 01-03 = 810, 04-08 = 900, 09-12 = 970).

Instructional Minutes in an Instructional Calendar - Prior Year

Current year students with ISEP enrollment overlaps  

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Percent Enrolled
PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Enrollment Type > ISEP

Current year ISEP-qualified students in calendars where enrollment start and end dates overlap and the sum of percent enrolled is greater than 100.

Overlapping Enrollment Records with more than 100 Percent Enrolled

Prior year students with ISEP enrollment overlaps  

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Percent Enrolled; Student Information > General > Enrollments > Enrollment Type > IESP

Prior year ISEP-qualified students in calendars where enrollment start and end dates overlap and the sum of percent enrolled is greater than 100.

Overlapping Enrollment Records with more than 100 Percent Enrolled - Prior Year

Current year students with inconsistent grade levels between I & R enrollments  

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Current year students enrolled in grade levels in Residential calendars during the count week which differ from their grade level in an Instructional enrollment during the same date range.

Differing Grade Levels Between Enrollments During Count Week

Prior year students with inconsistent grade levels between I & R enrollments  

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Prior year students enrolled in grade levels in Residential calendars during the count week which differ from their grade level in an Instructional enrollment during the same date range.

Differing Grade Levels Between Enrollments During Count Week

Current year students with only a qualified residential record  

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Current year qualified residential students who are without a qualified instructional record. 

Logic only looks for already certified records in schools with both Instructional and Residential calendars.

Student Missing Qualified Instructional Enrollment

Prior year students with only a qualified residential record  

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Prior year qualified residential students who are without a qualified instructional record. 

Logic only looks for already certified records in schools with both Instructional and Residential calendars.

Student Missing Qualified Instructional Enrollment

Current year students with > 10 consecutive non-exempt absences  

PATH: Student Information > General > Attendance

Students enrolled in an Instructional or Residential calendar in the current year with more than 10 days of consecutive non-exempt full day absences.

Student with 10 or More Consecutive Non-Exempt Absences

Prior year students with > 10 consecutive non-exempt absences  

PATH: Student Information > General > Attendance

Students enrolled in an Instructional or Residential calendar in the prior year with more than 10 days of consecutive non-exempt full day absences.

Student with 10 or More Consecutive Non-Exempt Absences

EL Symptoms

The following information is related to English Learners (EL) data.

Current year active EL students without corresponding EL assessment  

PATH: Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL, EL Assessments

Current year active students marked as active EL or who have a second year monitoring date between the calendar start and end dates and have not been assessed (Type = EL for Identification or EL for Proficiency) during the year.

Student with an Active EL Record

Image 95: Student with a Second Year Monitoring Date Between the Calendar Start and End Date

Student without an EL Assessment

Prior year active EL students without corresponding EL assessment  

PATH: Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL, EL Assessments

Prior year active students marked as active EL or who have a second year monitoring date between the calendar start and end dates and have not been assessed (Type = EL for Identification or EL for Proficiency) during the year.

Previous Year Active Student with an Active EL Record

Image 98: Previous Year Student with a Second Year Monitoring Date Between the Calendar Start and End Date

 Student without an EL Assessment