Student Curricular Material Program Associations (Indiana v3.6)

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This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a FRAM Program is created and the record overlaps the configured year.

  • FRAM Program Data is a direct pull and does not have mappings in Student Program Association.

When the student is given an End Date on a reported FRAM Program.


When part of the records Natural Key changes.

  • When the student has two of the same flags with the same start date and 1 record is deleted, the remaining records data will post.
  • When a student moves to 100% Virtual Education. (Virtual Student = 100 on Enrollment record)
  • When student's start date is after October 01.
  • When student's end date is before October 01.
DeleteWhen a FRAM Program  is deleted or when the record no longer overlaps the configured year.
  • If a Textbook Opt-Out program with a start date and the Opt-Out check box mark is created for the student during the school year.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncIf a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync needs to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.


Natural Key changes:

  • LEA Reference - District Numbers cannot change after data has been sent.  If a district number changes, we would expect an Ed-Fi error and this change would not be supported.
  • If an Ed-Fi ID changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change triggers.
  • If the Program Name or Program Type Descriptor mapping changes and a resync is completed.
  • If the FRAM record type changes (i.e. from Free to Reduced).
DeleteCascading Deletes:  N/A - no resources are dependent on this resource.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.

The record will send to the scope year for the school year the program association record is associated with.
Data only sends for the years that have valid configuration.

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.

campusObjectTypeObject Key Data Source

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus TableEd-Fi ActionFields
programsPutThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.
programparticipationPutThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student Curricular Program Associations resource. Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required for Data to send to Ed-Fi.

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Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules

M, C or O


The unique identifier of the resource.





A reference to the related EducationOrganization resource.

Reports the District State Number.

  • 10+districtID+School



A reference to the related Program resource.

Additional Logic for TextBook /Curricular Material is below.



A reference to the related Student resource.

Reports the Student Reference.



The month, day, and year on which the student first received services.

Reports the Start Date when reporting from FRAM:

  1. FRAM record must overlap current school year dates.
  2. If the FRAM record starts in the previous School year and the endDate of that record is after September 30 of the current school year, reports that record with the start date.
  3. If the record starts in the previous school year and ends before the September 30 of current school year date, a Curricular record does not need to report.



The month, day, and year on which the Student exited the Program or stopped receiving services.

Reports the End Date when reporting from FRAM.



A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.

Reports only when an exit is selected on a program.




Indicates whether the student received services during the summer session or between sessions.

This is optional, does not report.




This is optional, does not report.



An unordered collection of studentProgramAssociationServices. Indicates the services being provided to the student by the program.

This is optional, does not report.


InstructionalDaysThe days on which a student is expected to be instructed.This is optional, does not report.O
InstructionalMinutesThe number of minutes that elapse between the class period’s specified start and end times.This is optional, does not report.O
livesWithParentReferenceReports the Ed-Fi ID of the parent / guardian the student lives with.Report the Ed-Fi ID of the parent / guardian who:
  1. Is in the same household as the student.
  2. Is marked as Guardian for the student.
  3. Is marked as 'Emergency Priority = 1'

If no 'Emergency Priority' is set, select Guardian in the household with the lowest PersonID.

studentDoesNotLiveWithParentThe indicator sent for students with no unique ID in the 'LivesWithParent' reference.
  • Reports False if 'livesWithParent Reference' reports.
  • Reports True if 'livesWithParent Reference' does NOT report (there are no guardians in the same household as the student).

Program Reference

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementBusiness RulesM,C, or O
ProgramTypeIDReport the type of Program the student is in.Reports the type in the programReference.
  • There are several types from several areas of Campus, see Type list below for logic.
ProgramNameReports the name of the program the student is in.Reports the name in the programreference.
  • See logic below.
ProgramEdOrgIDReports the education organization ID the supporting the program.Reports the edOrgID that is supporting this program.
  • Must report State EdOrgID 1088000000
LivesWithParentReports the parentUniqueID of the parent that the student lives with.


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Program Types

Program TypeProgram NameEdOrgLogicData Source
Curricular Material ReimbursementCurricular Material Reimbursement

State EdOrgID


  1. Report programType as Curricular Material Reimbursement in programReference.
  2. Report programName as Curricular Material Reimbursement in programReference.
  3. Report the students district+School from their active enrollment In programReference.
Find the active FRAM Eligibility record for the student that is active on the report date of 10/01/startYear:
  • If the Eligibility is Free or Reduced, report student as having a "Curricular Material Reimbursement" program.
    Note: Look at both Eligibility records with an Eligibility type of Meal OR SES.
  • If the student is a Virtual Student 100% of the day, do not report.
    • 100% Virtual students will have a 100 in the 'Virtual Student' field on enrollment (Student Information> Enrollment> State Reporting Fields> Virtual Student)
  • If the student has an enrollment end date prior to the report date, does not report.
  • If the student has an enrollment start date after the report date, does not report.
  • If no active FRAM record is available as of 10/01/startYear, does not report.

Reason Exited Descriptor

CodeDescriptionnamespaceshort description
1Transferred to Regular Education (no longer eligible or parent revoked consent) to regular education
2Attained the goals identified in the students individual service plan (ISP) Goals identified in the student's ISP
3Made satisfactory progress toward goals identified in the ISP satisfactory progress toward goals identified in the ISP
4Did not make satisfactory progress toward goals in their ISP but remained in the program not make satisfactory progress toward goals in their ISP but remained in the program
5Transferred / returned to other school setting prior to completing the alternative education program to other school setting prior to completing the program
6Dropped out of alternative education program, not returning to any educational setting out of program, not returning to any educational setting
7Expelled from alternative education program, not returned to any educational setting from program, not returned to any educational setting
11Earned High School Diploma High School Diploma
12Received Certificate Certificate
13Reached Maximum Age of 22 Maximum Age of 22
16Moved, Known to be continuing in an Educational Program Only, Known to be continuing in an Educational Program Only
99No Longer Qualifies Longer Qualifies
End Of Year (EOY)End of Year (EOY) of Year (EOY)
17Moved, but continuing Special Education services under IDEA in Indiana, but continuing Special Education services under IDEA in Indiana