My Schedule (Planner)

This tool is available as part of the Campus Learning premium offering.

Location: Planner > My Schedule

The Schedule view of the Planner shows all of your sections, based on the school and calendar options you've selected.

Hover over a section to see additional information.

Screenshot of the Planner in schedule view, with the current day indicated. 

Schedule View

Tool rights to the Planner grant full access to this tool. 

Click on the Students: # line on a day to view a student list, which includes any scheduled absences. Print this list if desired.

Screenshot highlighting the student list that displays when the student count is clicked for a section. 

Student Attendance on a Future Day

Meetings scheduled by counselors that you are invited to also display in your schedule. Click the title of the meeting to view a printable version of the meeting basics, including Location, Date and Time, and Agenda.

Screenshot highlighting how a meeting displays on a schedule. 

A Meeting in Your Schedule

