Attendance Letters


Attendance Letters
Provides information on creating and printing attendance letters.
Letter Format
Provides information on entering the body of an attendance letter.
Letter Criteria Selection
Provides information on selecting attendance letter criteria.
Create Whole or Half Day Absences Type Letter
Provides information creating and printing Whole or Half Day Absence Attendance Letters.
Create Course Marks Type Letter
Provides information on creating and printing Course Marks Attendance Letters.
Create Single Day Count Type Letters
Provides information on creating and generating Single Day Count Attendance Letters.
Create Exact Day Absences Type Letter
Provides information on creating and generating Exact Day Absence Attendance Letters.
Create Absenteeism Level Type Letter
Provides information on creating and generating Absenteeism Level Attendance Letters.
Create Period Marks Type Letter
Provides information on creating and generating a Period Marks Attendance Letter.
Generate and Print Attendance Letters
Provides information on generating and printing attendance letters.
 Absenteeism Level Attendance Letters - Video
This video demonstrates how to define a template for an absenteeism level attendance letter.
 Whole or Half Day Absences Attendance Letters - Video
The Attendance Letter Wizard walks you through the creation of an attendance query and letter format. This video explains how to create a template for whole or half day absences.
 Period Marks Attendance Letters - Video
The Attendance Letter Wizard walks the user through the creation of an attendance query and letter format. In this video we will create a period marks attendance letter template.
 Course Marks Attendance Letters - Video
The Attendance Letter Wizard walks you through the creation of an attendance query and letter format. This video explains how to create a template for Course Marks.
 Single Day Count Attendance Letters - Video
The Attendance Letter Wizard walks the user through the creation of an attendance query and a letter format. In this video we will create a single day count attendance letter template.
 Exact Day Absences Attendance Letters - Video
The Attendance Letter Wizard walks you through the creation of an attendance query and letter format. This video explains how to create a template for exact day absences.