Prepare a Curriculum Cartridge for Import

This article provides more information about preparing a curriculum cartridge before importing it into Infinite Campus. 

The Import tool will be made available to a select group of beta customers in a future release. 

This article was published on April 18, 2024, and updated on May 1. 

Size Limits

Cartridges must be under 200MB to be imported. Most cartridges that exceed this limit include large video files. 

If your cartridge is over 200MB and includes large video files, Campus recommends storing the videos elsewhere, such as in a private YouTube account, and then linking to the videos from your curriculum. 

Folders, Assignments, and Resources

Folders organize curriculum and can include other folders. They are sometimes called Units in other LMSs. All other curriculum is imported as assignments and resources, which are both individual pieces of curriculum. The only difference between assignments and resources is that assignments can have grading alignments and be scored, while resources cannot.  

Good to Know What to Expect How to Prepare
  • Only the content of curriculum is imported; data such as grading (including points, categories, and grading alignments), submissions, and dates are not imported.
  • Images and descriptions in folders are not supported. This information will be saved as separate resources in the Imported Course Resources folder. 
  • In Campus, names of pieces of curriculum cannot exceed 50 characters. Names that exceed this length will be truncated. 
  • Imported folders with the same name will have a number added to the name (such as Folder 1, Folder 2, etc). 
  • Do not include emojis in the names of curriculum. 
  • If desired, revise long names and duplicate names before import. 
  • Pieces of curriculum that are not located in a folder/module may be renamed with a generic name. Campus recommends putting all curriculum inside a folder/module for best results. 

File Attachments

Good to Know What to Expect How to Prepare
  • Individual files cannot exceed 100MB. 
  • Do not include the following special characters in attachment names: | . , [ ] { } ( ) ! ; " * ? < > : / \ Tab, LF, CR. Attachments whose names include special characters will not be imported. 
  • When curriculum that includes attachments is imported, the attachments may not remain linked to the original curriculum. 
  • Campus recommends giving file attachments a logical name that will help you connect the attachment with its associated curriculum later. 
  • HTML files associated with curriculum in Canvas are not supported. Campus recommends removing these files. 


Good to Know What to Expect How to Prepare
  • The most reliable way to include images in curriculum is to link to images stored externally via a URL. Images added to a resource, assignment, quiz, quiz question, or quiz answer as a URL link will be imported and will appear in the content where they were originally added. In the HTML version of a text editor, linked images will have tags such as <img src="">. 
  • Images originally uploaded from a computer or attached to the curriculum through a resource folder in the original LMS will be treated as attachments when imported. For example, an image may be imported as an attachment to the resource or assignment instead of displaying as embedded in the content. If an image cannot be linked to the original resource or assignment, it will be imported into a separate folder called 'Imported Course Resources', which is created when the cartridge is imported.
  • Like file attachments, Campus recommends giving image attachments a logical name that will help you connect the attachment with its associated curriculum later.


Good to Know What to Expect How to Prepare
  • Only True/False and Multiple choice questions are supported.
  • All questions must have 1 correct answer marked.
  • Response options should not be left blank. 
  • Questions in a format other than T/F and Multiple Choice will be removed. If all questions in a quiz are removed, an empty quiz is imported. 
  • If a quiz is set to shuffle answers in the original program, the answer options are shuffled upon import but display in the same order for all students. 
  • Verify that quizzes in your curriculum only have T/F and multiple choice questions, all questions have a correct answer, and all answer options have text. 
  • Campus recommends removing images, media, and other files from quiz answers, with the exception of linking to an externally hosted image as described in the Images section above. 
  • Quiz questions with "pop-up" content are not supported, move any content to the question text. 
  • Quiz instructions are not currently supported. Campus recommends saving the text and copy/pasting it into the quiz after importing. 
  • Question groups/question banks are not currently supported. Campus recommends creating a regular quiz that includes all questions in the bank. 

LTI Links

Good to Know What to Expect How to Prepare
  • LTI links can be imported. 
  • Only 1 LTI vendor is supported per cartridge. 
  • For Google Drive files, the most successful way to transfer links is to open the file, click Copy Link, and paste the link into the resource. 

  • The district must set up the LTI connection to the vendor before importing the cartridge. 
  • If using multiple vendors per cartridge, separate curriculum for each LTI vendor into their own folder or course and export each as a separate cartridge.  

Unsupported Content

Content that is not supported will be removed, but the cartridge will still be imported. 

The following content is not supported: 

  • APIP attachments
  • Module Settings
  • Course Settings
  • Assignment information such as due dates, points possible, groups, categories, and grading alignments. 
  • Linking a resource or assignment to another, such as a course syllabus linking to assignments. Links are removed. The content of the syllabus may be imported as a resource without the links, and the resource may be given a generic name if it's not included in a folder.
  • Question banks for quizzes and quiz questions with "pop-up" content. 
  • Automated feedback on quiz questions
  • Scoring rubrics. 
  • Announcements. Class communications are imported as discussions. 
  • Badges. Campus recommends saving any images or text associated with badges in a different format. 

Disallowed Content

Some file types cannot be attached to curriculum in Campus. Cartridges containing attachments with disallowed file types will automatically fail to import. Remove these files to import the cartridge. See the Campus Digital Repository article for a list of unsupported file types