Object Triggering Logic
This resource is RESYNC ONLY. Object Triggers are not included.
Action | Trigger |
POST | Reports students in Grades 07-12 from prior year calendars that have exited the district and do not have an enrollment in the current year.
PUT | When any field not part of the natural key is changed. |
Scope Year
Logic |
Object Data Elements
Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required elements for data to send to Ed-Fi.
Report End Date + 1 additional day. Report Local Student Number. Indicates whether the student's parent or legal guardian has approved placement of the student in the required bilingual or English as a Second Language (ESL) program. (See 19 TAC §89.1240.) LangInstuProgramSVC See array for field specific logic. Indicates whether the student participates in a program authorized under ESEA, Title I, Part A of the Improving America's Schools Act. If the student has an Active Eligibility Status within the current school year: If the student's Eligibility status is equal to 'FREE', report a value of '01'. Indicates whether a student is in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) currently, or for a prekindergarten student that was previously in the conservatorship of DFPS, or for a prekindergarten student that is or ever has been in foster care in another state or territory, if the student resides in this state (Texas). As defined by 42 U.S.C. Section 11434(a), the term “homeless children and youths” — (A) means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence [within the meaning of section 11302(a)(1)]. Indicates a student enrolled in a school district or open-enrollment charter school who is a dependent of an active duty or former member of the United States military, the Texas National Guard, or a reserve force of the United States military, or who is a dependent of a member of the United States military, the Texas National Guard, or a reserve force of the United States military who was killed in the line of duty. 0: Not a military-connected student 1: Student in grade KG – 12 is a dependent of an active-duty member of the United States military 2: Student in grade KG – 12 is a dependent of a current member of the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard) 3: Student in grade KG – 12 is a dependent of a current member of a reserve force in the United States military 4: Prekindergarten student is: a dependent of an active-duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by proper authority, or is the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserve component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty. Note: A student remains eligible for enrollment if the child's parent leaves the armed forces or is no longer on active duty after the child begins a prekindergarten class. 5: Student in grade KG -12 is a dependent of a former member of one of the following: the United States military the Texas National Guard (Army, Air Guard, or State Guard) a reserve force in the United States military 6: Student in grade KG -12 was a dependent of a member of a military or reserve force in the United States military who was killed in the line of duty Otherwise, do not report. See array for field details. See array for field details. Does not report.
DE# Data Element Business Requirement Logic M, C or O Location TX100 studentUId is a unique number assigned to a student by the Texas Education Agency.s Report Ed-Fi ID. M Census > People > Demographics TX200 schoolReference Report the school reference. M TX300 asOfStatusLastFriday
OctoberDescriptorReport 'A'. M Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting > As-Of-Status TX400 birthDate Report Birth Date. M Census > People > Demographics TX500 exitWithdrawType
DescriptorReport mapped Ed-Fi Code of End Status. M Student Information > General > Enrollments TX600 firstName Student First Name Report First Name. M Census > People > Demographics TX700 lastSurname Student Last Name Report Last Name. M Census > People > Demographics TX800 studentId Student's Social Security number or a state-approved alternative identification number. M Census > People > Demographics TX900 gradeLevelDescriptor Student's enrolled Grade Level. Report mapped Ed-Fi Code of enrolled Grade. O Student Information > General > Enrollments TX1000 exitWithdrawDate The first day after the last instructional day a student is in attendance in the current school year at the official attendance time. O Student Information > General > Enrollments TX1100 localStudentId Student's local identification number as assigned by the district. O Census > People > Demographics TX1200 generationCode
DescriptorGeneration suffix, if any, which the person attaches to his name (e.g., Jr., Sr., III). Report mapped Ed-Fi Code of Suffix. O Census > People > Demographics TX1300 sexDescriptor The person's gender. O Census > People > Demographics TX1400 hispanicLatinoEthnicity An indication that the individual traces his or her origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish cultures, regardless of race. The term, "Spanish origin," can be used in addition to "Hispanic or Latino." Report "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" from the student's current identity: O Census > People > Identities > Is the Individual Hispanic or Latino? TX1500 race / raceDescriptor The general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual’s recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies. The data model allows for multiple entries so that each individual can specify all appropriate races. Determine the Race/Ethnicity(s) checked on the student's current identity record. O Census > People > Identities > Race/Ethnicity TX1600 associateDegree
IndicatorDescriptorIndicates that the student earned an associate degree by August 31, immediately following graduation. Reports the mapped Ed-Fi Code of the Associate Degree Earned. O Student Information > General > Graduation tab > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Graduation Endorsements TX1700 financialAidApplication
DescriptorIndicates the manner in which the student completed the graduation requirement of either completing a financial aid application (FAFSA or TASFA) or submitting an
exemption.Report mapped Ed-Fi Code for Financial Aid Application. O Student Information > General > Graduation > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Financial Aid Application TX1800 parentalPermission
DescriptorReports mapped Ed-Fi Code of Parental Permission Code. O Student Information > Program Participation > EL > EL Services TX1900 endorsement
Completeds / endorsementCompleted
DescriptorIndicates the student has successfully completed a FHSP program to earn one of the following endorsements:
• Business and Industry
• Public Services
• Arts and Humanities
• Multi-Disciplinary StudiesIf Type = E: Endorsement and and Status = 2: Completed, report mapped Ed-Fi Code O Student Information > General > Graduation tab > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Graduation Endorsements TX2000 Indicates the service being provided to the student by the Language Instruction Program. Reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the service the student is assigned to that overlaps the configured year O Student Information> Program Participation> EL> EL Services TX2100 studentCharacteristics / studentCharacteristic
DescriptorO TX2200 titleIPartAParticipant
DescriptorO Student Information > Program Participation > Title 1 TX2300 economicDisadvantage
DescriptorAn indication of an inadequate financial condition of an individual's family, as determined by family income, number of family members/ dependents, participation in public assistance programs, and/or other characteristics considered relevant by federal, state, and local policy. O FRAM TX2400 emergentBilingualIndicator
DescriptorAn indication that the student has been identified as an emergent bilingual
(EB) student by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) or English proficient.O TX2500 fosterCareTypeDescriptor If Foster Care record is active in the Scope Year, report mapped Ed-Fi Code of Foster Care Indicator Code O Student Information > Program Participation > Foster Care TX2600 homelessStatus
DescriptorIf Foster Care record is active in the Scope Year, report mapped Ed-Fi Code of Homeless Nighttime Residence O Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless TX2700 militaryConnected
StudentDescriptorIf the student is enrolled in grade = KG, 01-12 has a relationship with a person that has a Military Connections record and has the following: O TX2800 specialEducation
StudentIf student has a locked IEP that overlaps the student's reported enrollment, report true. O Student Information > SPED > docs > IEP TX2900 middleName Reports Middle Name O TX3000 LanguageDescriptor / LanguageUseDescriptor See array for field logic. O TX3100 industryBased
CertificationSetsStudent must have a Date Completed = NOT NULL and Certification with Type = C. O TX3200 graduationSets O TX3300 address O TX3400 electronicMails O TX3500 telephones O TX3600 personalIdentification
Array Data Elements
Industry Based Certification Sets
DE# | Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C or O | Location |
TX3100 | dateCertTaken | Indicates the date upon which the industry-based certification was taken. | If Type = C: Certification, report Date Completed | M | Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Certification and Licensure |
TX3100 | postSecondaryCertification LicensureDescriptor | Indicates a state, nationally or internationally recognized industry-based certification taken by a student. | If Type = C: Certification, report mapped Ed-Fi Code for Certification
| M | Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Certification and Licensure |
TX3100 | postSecondaryCertLicensure ResultDescriptor | Indicates the result of a state, nationally, or internationally recognized industry-based certification exam taken by a student. | If Type = C: Certification, report mapped Ed-Fi Code of Status
| M | Student information > General > Graduation > Graduation Endorsement/Certification Information > Status |
TX3100 | ibcExamFeeAmount | Identifies the amount of money that was paid for a student's industry certification exam by the local education agency for which the local education agency is requesting reimbursement from TEA. | If Type = C: Certification, report IBC Exam Fee | O | Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Certification and Licensure |
TX3100 | ibcVendorDescriptor | Identifies the organization or company that offered the service. | If Type = C: Certification, report IBC Vendor | M | Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Certification and Licensure |
Graduation Sets
DE# | Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C or O | |
TX3100 | diplomaAwardDate | Indicates the month and year that the student graduated from high school. | Reports Graduation Date. | M | Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Date |
TX3100 | diplomaTypeDescriptor | Indicates the type of plan under which the student graduated. | Report the mapped Ed-Fi Code for the Graduation Type selected. | M | System Admin > Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Type |
TX3100 | achievementCategory Descriptor | If Graduation Type = NOT NULL, report 01.
| M | System Admin > Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Type | |
TX3100 | individualGraduation Committee GraduateIndicator | Indicates whether a student for whom an Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) was established has graduated based on an IGC decision. | If Ind Grad Committee = 02, report 'true'. Otherwise, report 'false'. | O | Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Detail > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Ind Grad Committee |
TX3100 | militaryEnlistment Indicator | Indicates that a student leaver enlisted in the United States Armed Forces. | If Post Grad Plans = MS: Active Military Service, report true. | O | Student Information > Graduation > Post Grad Plans |
TX3100 | distingLevel AchievementGraduate | Indicates the student has successfully completed the distinguished level of achievement under the Foundation High School Program as provided by TEC §28.025 (b-15) | If Graduation Type = 29 or 32, report true. Otherwise, report false. | O | Student Information > General > Graduation tab > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Graduation Endorsements |
TX3100 | texasFirstEarlyHS Completion Program | Indicates the student graduated early under the Texas First Early High School Completion Program and specifies whether the student graduated two or more semesters or less than two semesters or equivalent earlier than the expected graduation date of the student’s high school cohort. | Report mapped Ed-Fi Code for Early High School Completion. | O | Student Information > General > Graduation > State Reporting Graduation Fields > Texas First Early HS Completion Program |
SE# | Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C or O | Location |
DE900 | languageDescriptor | Indicates the language spoken in the student’s home and the language spoken by the student most of the time, as determined by the student’s home language survey. (see 19 TAC §89.1215) | Report Home Primary Language from the identity. Report Student Primary Language from the identity. | M | Census > People > Demographics |
uses / languageUse Descriptor | Home Primary Language = 01 Student Primary Language = 02 | O |
DE# | Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C or O | Location |
TX3300 | addressTypeDescriptor | Key for Address | All addresses will report as 'Home' | M | Households > Address Information |
TX3300 | streetNumberName | The street number and street name or post office box number of an address | Reports Address PO Box + Number + Street + Tag + Prefix + Dir. | M | Households > Address Information |
TX3300 | apartmentRoomSuite Number | The apartment, room, or suite number of an address | Reports the value entered in Apt field if populated. | O | Households > Address Information |
TX3300 | city | The name of the city in which an address is located | Reports the City for the address being reported. | M | Households > Address Information |
TX3300 | stateAbbreviation | The abbreviation for the state (within the United States) or outlying area in which an address is located | Reports the State for the address being reported. | M | Households > Address Information |
TX3300 | postalCode | The five or nine digit zip code portion of an address | Reports the Zip Code for the address being reported. | M | Households > Address Information |
Electronic Mails
DE# | Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C or O | Location |
TX3400 | electronicMailType Descriptor | The type of email listed for an individual or organization. For example: Home/Personal, Work, etc.) |
| M | |
TX3400 | doNotPublishIndicator | An indication that the electronic email address should not be published. | This is optional, does not report. | O | |
TX3400 | electronicMailAddress | The electronic mail (e-mail) address listed for an individual or organization. | Reports the email address entered for that person. | M | Census > People > Demographics > Email |
TX3400 | primaryEmailAddress Indicator | An indication that the electronic mail address should be used as the principal electronic mail address for an individual or organization. | This is optional, does not report. | O |
DE# | Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C or O | Location |
TX3500 | telephoneNumber TypeDescriptor | The type of communication number listed for an individual or organization. |
| M | Census > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Other Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone, Pager |
TX3500 | telephoneNumber | The telephone number including the area code, and extension, if applicable. |
| M | Census > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Other Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone, Pager |
Student Characteristics
01 – At Risk
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The At Risk student characteristic indicates whether a student is currently identified as “at-risk” of not meeting standards or dropping out of school using state-defined criteria (TEC §29.081, Compensatory and Accelerated Instruction) | If At Risk = selected, report 01 Enrollment must be of Service Type = P | M | Enrollment |
02 – Immigrant
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Immigrant student characteristic indicates whether the student is an identified immigrant under the definition found under Title III of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), where the term ‘immigrant children and youth’ is defined as, “individuals who are aged 3 through 21; were not born in any state; and have not been attending one or more schools in any one or more states for more than 3 full academic years. The term ‘State’ means each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. (See P.L. 107-110 Title III, Part C, §3301(6)). | If Immigrant = selected, report 02. Enrollment must be of Service Type = P | M | Enrollment |
03 – Migratory
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Migratory student characteristic indicates whether the student (ages 3-21) is a child who in the preceding 36 months made a qualifying move as a migratory agricultural worker, including migratory dairy worker, or migratory fisher, or moved with or to join a parent, spouse, or guardian who is a migratory agricultural worker or fisher. “Qualifying move” means a move due to economic necessity from 1) one residence to another; and 2) has moved from one school district to another; or 3) resides in a school district of more than 15,000 square miles, and migrates a distance of 20 miles or more to a temporary residence and have either (1) engaged in a new qualifying work soon after the move, or (2) if the worker did not engage in new qualifying work soon after the move, actively sought such employment and had a history of moves for qualifying work. | If Migrant = selected, report 03. Enrollment must be of Service Type = P | M | Enrollment |
04 – Dyslexia
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Dyslexia student characteristic indicates whether a student is identified under TEC §42.006 | If the student has a Dyslexia record with a Dyslexia Indicator = 1 (Yes) that is active in the Scope Year, report 04. | M | Program Participation > State Programs > Dyslexia |
05 – Texas Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics Initiative (T-STEM)
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Texas Science, Technology, Engineering And Mathematics Initiative (T-STEM) student characteristic indicates whether a student is enrolled in Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T-STEM) Academy as defined in TAC §102.1093 | If STEM = selected, report 05. Enrollment must be of Service Type = P | M | Enrollment |
06 – Early College High School (ECHS)
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Early College High School (ECHS) student characteristic indicates whether a student is enrolled in an Early College High School (ECHS) as defined in TAC §102.1091. | If ECHS = selected, report 06 Enrollment must be of Service Type = P | M | Enrollment |
07 – Pathways In Technology Early College High School (P-Tech)
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The (Pathways In Technology Early College High School (P-Tech) student characteristic indicates that a student in grades 9-12 is participating in the Pathways in Technology (P-Tech) Early College High School program. | If P-Tech is selected, report 07 | M | Graduation > State Reporting Graduation Fields |
08 – New Tech
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The New Tech student characteristic indicates that a student in grades 7-12 is enrolled in a New Tech Network campus as identified by the New Tech Network. | M |
09 – IEP Continuer
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | Per Texas Education Code TEC §39.053(g-2), the IEP Continuer student characteristic indicates whether a student: a) is at least 18 years of age as of September 1 of the school year as reported for the Fall semester PEIMS submission of the current year and has satisfied the credit requirements for high school graduation, b) has not completed his or her individualized education program under 19 TAC §89.1070 (b) (2) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. §1400 et seq.), and c) is enrolled and receiving individualized education program services | Report 09 if ALL of the following criteria are met: 1 - student is at least 18 years of age on 9/1 of the configured year 2 - student has a Coursework Completion Date = NOT NULL 3 - student has an active IEP in the configured year 4 - student is currently enrolled If the conditions are not met, do not report. | M |
10 – Star Of Texas
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Star Of Texas student characteristic indicates that the student is eligible for free public prekindergarten because they are the child of a person awarded the Star of Texas Award. | If Star of Texas is selected, report 10. Enrollment must be of Service Type = P | M | Enrollment |
11 – PK Eligible Prior Year
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The PK Eligible Prior Year student characteristic indicates whether a student is eligible for enrollment in a prekindergarten class because: • A four-year-old student was eligible for enrollment at the age of three in the previous school year, but are not eligible through other criteria, or • A five-year-old student was eligible for enrollment at the age of four in the previous school year, and the parent requested they be retained in prekindergarten. | If PK Eligible Previous Year is selected, report 11. Enrollment must be of Service Type = P | M | Enrollment |
12 – Section 504
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Section 504 student characteristic indicates that a student received assistance through either an aid, accommodation, or service under Section 504 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 at any time during the school year. (TEC §26.004) | If student has an active Section 504 record in the Scope Year, reports 12. | M |
13 – Intervention Strategy
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Intervention Strategy student characteristic indicates that a student enrolled at the campus participated in an intervention strategy at any time during the school year. (TEC §26.004) | If the student is enrolled in a program that has a Code = IS AND State Reported = selected, report 13. | M | Program Participation |
14 – Pregnancy Related Services
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Pregnancy Related Services student characteristic indicates whether a female student was eligible for pregnancy-related services. | If the student is enrolled in a program or flag that has a Code = PRS and State Reported = selected, report 13 | M | Program Participation Flags |
15 – Gifted And Talented
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Gifted And Talented student characteristic indicates whether the student is participating in a state-approved gifted and talented program, as defined in 19 TAC §89.1. | If the student is enrolled in a program or flag that has a Code = GT AND State Reported = selected, report 15 | M |
16 – Adult Previous Attendance
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Adult Previous Attendance student characteristic indicates whether an adult student (age 18-25) who is currently enrolled in a high school equivalency program, dropout recovery school, or other adult education program (under TEC Section 29.259), has or has not attended school in the previous nine months prior to enrolling. | If Adult Previous Attendance is selected, report 16. Enrollment must be of Service Type = P | M | Enrollment |
17 – General Education Homebound
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The General Education Homebound student characteristic indicates that a student was provided services through the General Education Homebound (GEH) program at any time during the current school year. As outlined in the SAAH, the instruction delivered through the GEH Program can be done in-person or remotely. | If the General Ed Homebound Indicator is selected, report 17. Enrollment must be of Service Type = P | M | Enrollment |
18 – Parent Request Retention
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Parent Request Retention student characteristic indicates an enrolled student was retained at the request of the parent or guardian. | If any enrollment in the Scope Year has the Parent Request Retention indicator selected, report 18. | M |
19 – Bilingual/ESL Summer School
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Bilingual/ESL Summer School student characteristic indicates whether the student participates in the Bilingual/ESL Summer School program as described in TEC §29.060 and 19 TAC §89.1250. To be eligible for enrollment in the Bilingual/ESL Summer Program, a student must be emergent bilingual (EB) and must be eligible for admission to kindergarten or first grade at the beginning of the next school year. EB shall be determined by screening students using oral proficiency instruments approved by the Commissioner of Education. | If the student has an LEP Service with Service Type = SS that is active in the Scope Year, report 19. | M | Program Participation > LEP > LEP Services > LEP Service Types |
20 – Additional Days Program Participation
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Additional Days Program Participation student characteristic indicates if an ADA eligible prekindergarten through fifth grade student participates in the additional days school year program as described in TEC §48.0051 | If the Additional Days Program is selected, report 20. Enrollment must be of Service Type = P | M | Enrollment |
21 – Virtual Student Not In Membership
Data Element Label | Business Requirement | Logic | M, C, or, O | Location |
studentCharacteristic Descriptor | The Virtual Student Not In Membership identifies students who spend at least half of their instructional time enrolled in virtual courses without the benefit of funding under the ADA. | If the student has an ADA Eligibility = 9 that is active within the Scope Year, report 21. | M | Program Participation > State Program > ADA > ADA Eligibility |