LTI - Basic Outcomes

This article is intended for use by members of the Digital Learning Partner Program and is not designed for general Campus users.


We support score syncing via LTI Basic Outcomes v1.1.  

NOTE: This document is intended to be a clarification of our implementation of the specification document.  This is not comprehensive documentation of the LTI Basic Outcomes specifiation.


This feature is only available for those partner products we have configured centrally to sync back scores. If you want to utilize this feature please contact Infinite Campus development.

Launch Parameters

Parameter NameDescriptionValue or Example


Endpoint to which the result should be returned per the specification.


Identifier for the result object to be updated with the result of this launch.c21a285a-121c-4b09-becf-0e6987a71d0e


Per the specification, Campus can only sync numeric scores for one single grading task.  Campus cannot sync rubrics-based scores or multi-dimensional standards results.