IDEA December 1 Count Extract (Kentucky) [.2231 - .2331]

PATH: KY State Reporting > IDEA December 1 Count Extract 

Search Term: IDEA Dec 1 Count Extract

The IDEA December 1 Child Count Extract is a report of students who have disabilities as defined under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, as amended in 2004 (IDEA-B 2004). This report is a total count of all students receiving special education and related services and provides count, LRE, race and other data to meet specific data requirements as contained in Section 618 of the IDEA-B 2004. 

Kentucky State Edition users can run this report against schools in multiple districts.

Image 1: IDEA Dec 1 Count Extract Editor

The December 1 Child Count is submitted to the Kentucky Department of Education, which in turn submits the state aggregated data as well as local district and school level data to the United States Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs as required under IDEA-B 2004.

In addition, this count is used by the Kentucky Department of Education to determine the amount of the Exceptional Child Add-on to the Supporting Education Excellence in Kentucky (SEEK) funding formula for local districts.

This report is due to KDE on December 15th. Data should be submitted using the Secure File Transfer (DoSE Upload) Web Application.

Selection Criteria

Report logic only considers Special Ed plans and does not consider PLP plans. Special Education settings and preferences are no longer controlled through the Enrollments tab. Special Ed settings and preferences should be made through the IEP Enrollment editor on the IEP.

Click here to expand...

The following must be true in order for a student to report in the IDEA December 1 Count Extract:

  1. The student has an active enrollment as of the Effective Date of the reporting year.
    • The student’s enrollment cannot be in a Calendar or Grade Level that is excluded from state report.
      • Logic will include students whose Enrollments are marked as “Exclude”
    • If the Effective Date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, enrollment records are compared to the date of the previous Friday instead.
    • Include students with an ‘N’, ‘P’ or ‘S’ enrollment type within any included calendar. If students have multiple enrollments in included calendars report from the following hierarchy:
      1. Special Ed (N) enrollment
      2. Primary (P) enrollment
      3. Secondary (S) enrollment
  2. The student's active enrollment as of the Effective Date does not have the No Show checkbox marked.
  3. The student has an active IEP with a date range which overlaps the Effective Date entered on the extract editor.
  4. The Valid IEP must have an enrollment status of Active, Active Referred or Inactive selected in the IEP enrollment editor.
    • When the IEP has an enrollment status of Inactive, the enrollment end date must be after the Effective Date of the reporting year.
  5. The Valid IEP must be locked.
  6. The Valid IEP must have a Special Ed Setting (LRE) selected on the enrollment editor.
  7. The start date for the Valid IEP must be on or before the Effective Date of the reporting year.
  8. The start date for the IEP must be after the Effective Date of the previous year.
  9. The start date for the Valid IEP must be earlier than the calendar end date.
  10. The end date for the current IEP must be on or after the Effective Date of the reporting year.
  11. The student must have a valid Evaluation Document.
    • This document must meet the following date criteria:
      • The evaluation document that is used by the report and warning must have a Date of Eligibility Determination that is not more than 3 years minus 1 day prior to the Effective Date of the reporting year.
    • The Date of Eligibility Determination of the evaluation document must not be later than the Effective Date of the reporting year.
    • If two evaluation documents exist which both meet the date criteria, this is a training issue. The report will pull the evaluation document with the most recent Date of Eligibility Determination.
    • The KYESR is not used as a valid Evaluation document. Only CSR (Conference Summary Review) documents (of any type) or KY Evaluation documents will be considered valid Evaluation documents.
    • The evaluation document must be locked in the Documents editor.
  12. The valid evaluation document must be locked.
  13. The valid evaluation document must have a Date of Eligibility Determination that is not more than 3 years minus 1 day prior to the Effective Date of the reporting year.
  14. The Date of Eligibility Determination must be on or before the Effective Date of the reporting year.
  15. The student must have a Reevaluation Due Date on or after the Effective Date of the reporting year.
    • The student's Reevaluation Date will always be 3 years minus one day from the Date of Eligibility Determination of the most recent valid evaluation document (CSR) unless:
      • The student has a primary disability of 15: Developmentally Delayed and the student's Date of Eligibility Determination on the valid evaluation document of the reporting year is after their 6th birthday. If this is the case, the student's Reevaluation Date is the student's 9th birthday minus 1 day.
  16. If the student has a disability of 15: Developmentally Delayed and is greater than 8 years old on December 1st of the reporting year, the student is not included in the report.
  17. If the IEP is marked 'Inactive', the student will still report if:
    • The student has an IEP End Date that is after the Effective Date of the reporting year.
    • The student meets all other criteria mentioned above.
  18. Exclude students younger than 3 or older than 21 as of the Effective Date.

Additional Reporting Logic

  • Students will pull once per district in the final list. If a student has multiple valid enrollment records in the same district on the count date, the Primary enrollment is pulled.
  • If multiple secondary enrollments exist in the same district, but no primary enrollment exists, then the following occurs:
    • The enrollment with the latest start date is identified.
    • If start dates match, the open-ended enrollment is selected over an ended enrollment.
    • If no open-ended enrollments exists, the enrollment with the latest end date is selected. 
    • If all of the above criteria does not identify a single enrollment record, the enrollment with the most recent creation date is selected.

Generating the December 1 Count Report

  1. Enter the Effective Date. Only data as of this date is reported. 

    This field defaults to Dec 1st of the school year selected in the Year field in the Campus toolbar. If Dec 1st falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the reported effective date is the Friday directly before 12/01.

  2. Select the Extract Type. 
    • Student Count - This extract type will generate the December 1 extract without running data validations. Users who generate the Student Count report in Batch Mode will need to run the Validation Report separately. 
    • Validation Report - This extract type will generate and present a series of data validations prior to generating the December 1 extract.
  3. Select the Format of the report. The State Format (CSV) should be selected if the report is being sent to the Department of Education. Use the HTML format to review data prior to submission to the state.
  4. Select which Grade(s) will report data OR
  5. Select an Ad Hoc Filter
  6. Select the Calendars to be included in the extract. Calendars can be viewed by active year, by school or by year. The calendar selection will be defaulted to the school selected in the Campus toolbar.
  7. Select one of the following options: 

    Generate ExtractGenerate and view the report immediately.
    Submit to BatchGenerates the report within the batch queue. Users can view and access the report (as well as historically batch queued December 1 reports) in the Batch Queue List editor at the bottom of the extract editor.

Image 2: IDEA December 1 Count Extract

Student Count Data Elements

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Interface

Report Date

The date the report was run against. This will be the Effective Date entered on the extract editor.




District Number

Displays district number.

Numeric, 3 digits



System Administration > Resources > District > Number

School Number

Displays school number.

Numeric, 3 digits



System Administration > Resources > School > Number


Student's state identification number.

Numeric, 15 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Student Number

Last Name

Student's legal last name.

Alphanumeric, 40 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Last Name

First Name

Student's legal first name.

Alphanumeric, 35 characters


Census > People > Demographics > First Name

Date of Birth

Student's birth date.

Alphanumeric, 10 digits



Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date


Primary disability assigned to the student.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters


Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education > Primary Disability


Student's identified gender.

Alphabetic, 2 characters

M or F


Census > People > Demographics > Gender


Student's race/ethnicity.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethinicity

English Proficiency

Student's designation of being proficient in the English language. 

A student will report an English Proficiency value of EL if they meet the following criteria:

  • The student has an EL record with a Program Status = EL (Student Information > Program Participation > EL > EL > Program Status)
  • The student must have at least one EL Service with a date range which overlaps the Effective Date entered on the extract editor (Student Information > Program Participation > EL > EL Services).
  • The student must have at least one Instructional EL Accommodation within a date range which overlaps the Effective Date entered on the extract editor.
  • Students who have a Program Status = EL but do not meet all of the criteria mentioned above will report a value of NEL.
  • A value of NEL is reported If the student has an EL Program Status = “Not EL”, "Pending", "Exited EL ", or “NULL”.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters


Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL


Assigned special education setting.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters


Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Setting


Age of student, calculated from the birthdate of the student to the Effective Date entered on the extract editor.

Numeric, 2 characters

Not dynamically stored

Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date (Age)


Students with a special education status of A or AR.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters


Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Status

IEP Start Date

Start date of the IEP.

Date field, 10 characters



Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Start Date

IEP End Date

End date of IEP.

Date field, 10 characters



Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > End Date

Reevaluation Date

The student's Special Ed Reevaulation Date.

The student must have a Reevaluation Due Date on or after the Effective Date of the active reporting year.

  • The student's Reevaluation Due Date will always be 3 years minus 1 day from the Date of Eligibility Determination of the evaluation document unless the student has a Primary Disability = Developmental Delayed and the student's Date of Eligibility Determination on the document of the reporting year is after the student's 6th birthday. Then the student's Reevaluation Date is the student's 9th birthday minus 1 day.
    • After the first Evaluation, subsequent evaluations must be marked as Reevaluation Plan in the ARC Header in order to be used in the calculation.

Date field, 10 characters


Not dynamically stored

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > Evaluation 

State Grade

Student's grade level.

Numeric, 2 digits



Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade

Alternate Assessment

Indicates if the student is eligible.

A value of Y is reported if the student has a valid IEP which indicates they are eligible to take an Alternate Assessment in the Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines Editor. Otherwise, a value of N is reported.

For students with a legacy IEP, the following two criteria must me met:

  • The Student has been determined eligible for participation in the Alternate Assessment Program checkbox must be marked in the Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines Editor.
  • The Dimension A or Dimension B checkbox must be marked in the Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines Editor.

For students whose IEP is the 2018 print format and later, the following criteria must be met:

  • The Yes. All participation Criteria #1-#4 are answered Yes, the student is eligible to participate in the KY Alternate Assessment checkbox is marked in the Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines Editor.


Y or N




Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IEP Editor > Alternate Assessment Participation Guidelines Editor

Understanding the Validation Report

An Error Report will generate before the final extract is generated. This error report will display warning and error groups. Students appearing in these five groups will display in the extract fields. The error report will only generate when run against the active school year.

Error 1

Error 1: The following records have a Reevaluation Due Date on or before the Effective Date, they will not be included in the report.

This warning excludes students who have a disability status of 15 (Developmentally Delayed) if those students have turned 9 on or before December 1 of the reporting year. 

This warning displays students whose Reevaluation  Due Date is prior to the Effective Date of the active reporting year. For example, if the Effective Date of the report is 12/1/08, students whose reevaluation due date is 11/30/08 or less and still have a Special Education status of A or AR will appear in this group. 

Logic looks at the most recent locked CSR when calculating the Reevaluation Date.

Fields displayed: districtNumber, schoolNumber, SSID, lastName, firstName, reevaluationDate

Image 3: Error 1 Example

Error 2

Error 2: The following students are not between the ages of 3 and 21 as of the Effective Date, they will not be included on the report.

This error reports students who have a disability of Developmentally Delayed and are 9 years old or older as of December 1st of the reporting year. These students are not included on the report.

This error exists because Kentucky policy does not allow the inclusion of students under the age of 3 or over the age of 21 for this report.

Fields displayed: districtNumber, schoolNumber, SSID, lastName, firstName,birthDate

Error 3

Error 3: The following records have an IEP End Date before the Effective Date of the current year, they will not be included on the report.

The error reports active sped students whose IEP End date is before the Effective Date of the reporting year.

For example, if the Effective Date on the report is 12/1/08, students whose IEP end date is 11/30/08 or less and still have a special education status of A or AR will appear in this group.

Image 4: Error 3 Example

Error 4

Error 4: The following records have an IEP End Date and Reevaluation Due Date within the prior year; they will not be included in the report.

This error reports students who have an IEP End Date prior to the Effective Date of the reporting year and failed to meet reevaluation date criteria. These students are not included on the report.

  • This error reports active sped students whose IEP End Date and Reevaluation Due Date is prior to the Effective Date of the reporting year.
  • IEPs where the IEP End Date is on or After the Effective Date -1 year and the IEP Start Date is After the Effective Date - 2 years.
  • If the student has a disability of 15 (developmentally delayed) and is greater than 8 years old on the Effective Date of the reporting year, the student will not pull on the error.

Image 5: Error 4 Example

Error 5

Error 5: The following students have a disability of Developmentally Delayed (15) and have turned 9 on or before December 1st of the reporting year. These students will not be included on the report. 

This warning displays students who have turned 9 years old on or before December 1 of the reporting year and who have a Primary Disability of Developmentally Delayed (15). 

Student must turn 9 on or before the 12/01 Effective Date OR the 12/01 AFTER the Effective Date when Effective Date ≠ 12/01. The error will trigger for students who are still 8 as of the report Effective Date if they turn 9 on or before 12/01 of the reporting year. 

Image 6: Error 5 Example

Error 6

Error 6: The following records are missing required information. These students are missing either a Placement Setting or a Primary Disability assignment and will not be included in the report.

This warning displays student records missing a Placement Setting or Primary Disability assignment. These students will only be included in the report if the Include Students with Critical Errors checkbox is marked on the extract editor.

Image 7: Error 6 Example

Warning 7

Warning 7: The following records have an LRE (Special Ed Setting) category that is not age appropriate as of December 1st, but will still be included in the report.

This warning displays preschool students, age 5 or less, whose placement code begins with 6 (e.g., 6A, 6B) and students who are 6 or older whose placement code begins with 3 (e.g., 3A, 3B).

  • The student must turn 5 years old on or before the 12/01 Effective Date OR 12/01 after the Effective Date if the Effective Date does not equal 12/01. 
  • Logic only includes students whose Special Ed Setting code in their IEP begins with a 3 and who turn 6 on the 12/01 Effective Date OR 12/01 after the Effective Date if the Effective Date does not equal 12/01.
  • Logic only includes students enrolled in state grade levels 97, 98, or 99 whose Special Ed Setting code in their IEP begins with a 6 and who DO NOT turn 6 until after the 12/01 Effective Date OR 12/01 after the Effective Date if the Effective Date does not equal 12/01.

Image 8: Warning 7 Example

Warning 8

Warning 8: The following students have overlapping primary enrollments as of the effective date, but will still be included in the report. 

This warning displays students, included in the report, who have overlapping primary enrollments as of the report effective date.

  • The warning reports students who have overlapping Primary enrollments as of the Effective Date.
    • The warning will only be able to determine if there are overlapping primary enrollments within the calendars selected in the Extract Editor.
    • Effective Date determined by the Extract Editor will report in the Error