Enrollments (California) [.2231 - .2331]

Classic View: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Search Terms: Enrollments

The Enrollment tool displays all occurrences of a student’s enrollment in the district. Because this is an historical view, this list could be long.

By default, enrollments are first sorted by grade level and sorted by enrollment start date second. To reorder the list of enrollments, click the blue headers in the Enrollments Editor list. The list of enrollments can be sorted by Grade, Calendar, Start Date or End Date.

See the core Enrollments article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Enrollment records.

General Enrollment Information

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information

The General Enrollment Information editor describes the calendar, schedule, grade, start/end date and reason for the creation or ending of the enrollment record. Both the Start and End Status fields are unique to the state of California. California reporting also relies heavily on Service Type when populating reports. These fields are further described below.  All other fields in General Enrollment Information do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the Enrollments page. 

General Enrollment Information Editor  

Start Status and Start Date

Start Status indicates the reason for beginning the student enrollment, whether entering the school or district or continuing on from another grade. The Start Date indicates the start date of the enrollment record. When creating an enrollment for a student, students must have a Start Date and a Start Status. An enrollment cannot be saved without an entry in these fields.

Certain Start Statuses are used to identify news students. Please see below for more information.

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The following Start Status codes are used to identify new students.

03From public school, different state
06From priv non-relig sch, different state
09From priv relig sch, different state
10From a school outside of the US
11From an institution
12From a charter school


From home schooling
18First Entry into a US school, not prev in school

DescriptionDatabase LocationAd Hoc InquiriesReports
General Enrollment Information Start Options
Start StatusEnrollment.localStartStatusTypeIDStudent > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core elements > localStartStatusTypeIDCALPADS Student Information
Start DateEnrollment.startDate

Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core elements > startDate

End Status and End Date

The End Status indicates the reason a prior year student in grade 7-12 has not enrolled in the district during the current school year. All students with an end-dated enrollment must also have an End Status assigned to the end-dated enrollment. If a student has completed high school, be sure to select the proper completer End Status. Users are not allowed to save an end-dated enrollment without an assigned End Status.  However, this condition does not apply if the No Show checkbox is marked. If the No Show checkbox is marked, you can enter an End Status without an End Date.  

Please note that for the continuation of an enrollment within the same school, the End Status may be left blank, or the student can be assigned an End Status of: 440 or E490. See the list of End Statuses below for guidance in assigning these statuses.

When the End Status field is populated, an End Date must also be entered. When an End Date is entered, the End Status field must be populated.

When an enrollment has an End Status related to Graduated and an End Date, the Class Rank is not calculated for that student. See the California GPA Calculations article for more information on Class Rank.

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CodeEnd Status DescriptionDescriptionCompleter Status
100Graduated, HS DiplomaThe student withdrew from/left school after meeting all state and local high school graduation requirements and the district/school has acceptable documentation that the student received a "regular high school diploma" equivalent to the standard high school diploma awarded to the preponderance of students in the State that is fully aligned with the State's standards and does not include a general equivalency diploma, certificate of completion, certificate of attendance, or any other similar or lesser credential, such as a diploma based on meeting Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals, OR as specified in California Education Code (EC), a student in foster care, a student who is homeless, or a former juvenile court school student who transfers between schools any time after the completion of the pupil's second year of high school, completes all requirements specified in EC. The exit date must align with the date the student completed the graduation requirements and was awarded a "regular high school diploma."Yes
104Completed grad reqs, failed CAHSEEA student who was required to take the California High school Exit Exam (CAHSEE) left school after meeting all other state and local high school graduation requirements, but without passing CAHSEE. The student did not receive a standard high school diploma and there is no evidence the student is in an academic program leading toward a high school diploma or its equivalent.Yes
106Graduation, CAHSEE mods & waiverThe student met all state and local graduation requirements, passing the CAHSEE with a modified passing score and obtained a waiver under Education Code 60851(c)(1)). Education Code 60851(c)(1) waives the requirement to successfully pass the exit examination as a condition of receiving a diploma of graduation or a condition of graduation from high school students with disabilities.Yes
108Graduated, CAHSEE ExemptThe student left school after meeting all state and local high school graduation requirements by obtaining an  exemption from passing the CAHSEE.Yes
120Special Ed Certificate of CompletionA student with exceptional needs (having an Individualized Education Program [IEP]) left school after receiving a certificate or document of educational achievement or completion meeting the requirements of Education Code Section 56390.Yes
250Adult Ed High School DiplomaThe student withdrew from/left school to enroll in an Adult Education Program and the district/school has acceptable documentation that the student received an adult basic education high school diploma through an adult basic education program. The exit date must align with the date the student completed the requirements.No
320Completed GED, no HS DiplomaThe student withdrew from/left school and the district has acceptable documentation that the student received a High School Equivalency Certificate by passing one or more of the following exams: the General Educational Development (GED) exam, the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC) exam, or the High School Equivalency Test (HiSet).No
330Passed CHSPE, no HS DiplomaStudent left after passing the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE), and the district has acceptable documentation.Yes
360Complete Gr 12, req not fulfilled, not graduatedStudent completed grade 12 or exceeded the maximum age for high school attendance but did not meet the state and/or local high school graduation requirements, and there is no evidence that the student is in an academic program leading toward a high school diploma or its equivalent. This does not include students who did not graduate because of failure to pass the California High School Exit Exam.Yes
440Enrollment End (not CALPADS reported)

This status is used to note the dates of enrollment changes and for attendance tracking of grade level changes.

Enrollments with this End Status will not report in the CALPADS SENR. 

This code is used any time a student's enrollment is ended in Campus to track changes that are not reported to the state, like an Attendance Funding Category change.

Only use this End Status to identify multiple enrollments that need to be combined into one for reporting purposes.

480Promoted (matriculated to CApubSchl)

The student completed the highest grade level offered  at a school (excluding high school completion), left the school, and was expected to attend another California public school.

Note. If the student has matriculated but is not expected to return to another California public school, use the exit code most representative of the student's final status.

485Promoted (matriculated to NonCaPubSchl)

The student completed the highest grade level offered  at a school (excluding high school completion), left the school, and was expected to attend another California non-public school.

Note. If the student has matriculated but is not expected to return to another California public school, use the exit code most representative of the student's final status.

E125Special Ed, Prior CompletorStudent exited a special education transition program and was previously reported as receiving a special education certificate of completion, passing the California High School Proficiency Examination (CHSPE), or passing the General Educational Development (GED) test.Yes
E130DiedStudent died while enrolled in school or student completed the school year, was expected to return, and died during the summer break and the district/school has supporting written documentation.No
E140No known enrollment, TruantThe student, age six up until age 18, is truant as defined by Education Code Section 48260 (a), and: (1) has been referred to a local or county School Attendance Review Board (SARB) by the local educational agency (LEA) after the LEA has taken all statutory truancy intervention steps; or (2) cannot be located by the LEA after the LEA has completed a full investigation as to the whereabouts of the student. No
E150MidYear Grade Level Exit

This code tracks enrollments that move to a new grade level in the middle of the year.

This code is used when the student is not exiting the school, but one or more of the following pieces of information about the student is being updated:

  • Grade level, greater than 14 days before the end of the school year; or
  • Student School Transfer Code; 
  • District of Geographic Residence, or
  • Enrollment Status Code

If the student exited and left the school use the appropriate exit code, for example:

  • T160 - Transfer to another CA school; or
  • E155 - Year End Grade Level Exit, if a grade level exit took place during the last 14 days of the academic year because of summer break or year-end intersession.
  • E230 - Completer Exit and School Completion Status = 480 - Promoted/ Matriculated and not E155 if the student completed the grade that is being exited and that grade-level is the last grade offered at the school.
E155Year End Grade Level Exit

The student exited a grade level (excluding high school completion) during the last 14 days of the current academic year because of summer break or year-end intersession. This exit code is to be used for students thought to be returning to the school. If the student is completing the school year, but known to be transferring to another school or some other type of exit, use the appropriate exit code (for example T160 Transfer to another California school).

The grade level exit at the end of the year indicates only that the student exited the grade level at the end of the year. The student's enrollment for the next academic year may be either a grade-level promotion, grade retention, or grade demotion.

Note: If the student completed the last grade offered at the school, use Student Exit Category = E230 Completer Exit and School Completion Status = 480 Promoted/ Matriculated instead of this code.

E156GD12 Continued EdThe student exited while in Grade 12 (excluding high school completion) during the last 14 days of the current academic year because of summer break or year-end intersession. This exit code is to be used for students thought to be returning to the same school after the summer break or intersession to continue Grade 12 education. If the student is completing the school year, but known to be transferring to another school or some other type of exit, use the appropriate exit code (for example T160 Transfer to another California school), T260 Transfer to Adult Education Program, or T280 Transfer to College).

This exit represents the student's grade level when exiting at the end of the year. The student's enrollment for the next academic year should remain the same (grade 12).
E170Secondary Enrollment ExitStudent who was enrolled with a secondary Enrollment Status Code (20) in any grade, exited/withdrew from school.No
E230Completer ExitStudent left school after completing their academic program at this school, whether or not the completion resulted in high school graduation. This includes students who reach the maximum age for high school but do not have enough credits to graduate.No
E300Expelled, no known enrollmentStudent left school after being expelled, was subsequently referred to another educational service institution, but never showed up, and attempts to locate the student were unsuccessful. Do NOT use this code if the district took the appropriate steps to refer the student to the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB); use E140 (TruantNoKnownEnroll). Only use this code if the student was exited without first being referred to the SARB.No
E400Other or unknown (counts as dropout)The student is 18 years old or older and has been absent from school for reasons that cannot be determined or for reasons other than those described in the Student Exit Category codes. Do NOT use the Exit Code E400 for students who are ages 6 up until age 18.No
E410Medical withdrawalStudent withdrew from/left school due to medical reasons.No
E450PreK ExitInfant or student in pre-kindergarten who exited/withdrew from school; or the student exited school during a temporary break such as summer vacation or year-round intersession, but was expected to return to the same school after the break.No
N470No Show

The student’s enrollment was exited because the student, who has no prior enrollments in the school, was pre-enrolled but did not show up as expected to attend the school. This exit represents a nullification of the pre-enrollment and should only be used for a student’s: (1) first enrollment in CALPADS (e.g. kindergarten students or transfer students from a private school or a school outside of California; or (2) first time enrollment in a school as a result of matriculation from another school.

Use this status if the student was pre-enrolled in the school, but never attended the school and does not fit the criteria of End Status: N420. If there is another reason (that is NOT No Show), the school should use the appropriate exit/withdrawal code. If the location of the student is known, whether in district or not, it is NOT considered a No Show.

Please note that students with a populated End Status of N470: No Show and End Date do NOT report. Students with an End Status of N470: No Show and no End date, DO report. 

T160Regular, non-discip transfer to public CA School

The student withdrew from/left school and the district has acceptable documentation that the student has transferred (not referred by a school or district) to another California public school (within or outside the district), including transfers to a non-sectarian, non-public certified (NPS) school. 

Transfers that are a result of referrals made by a school or district are to be coded as T165 or T167 as appropriate.

T165Trans for specific discipline reason or judgementThe student was withdrawn from one school due to specified disciplinary reasons and the district has acceptable documentation that the student has transferred to another California public school (within or outside the district). The specified disciplinary reasons include: (1) referral by a juvenile court judge or other correctional or judicial official; or (2) expulsions pursuant to Education Code Section 48915 (a), (b), or (c) and where the student is known to be enrolled in another institution. Do NOT use this code if: (1) -a student is expelled and referred to an alternative education program for disciplinary reasons other than those specified in Education Code Section 48915 (a), (b), or (c). (use T167 [TransAltSchlPgm]); (2) - an expelled student is NOT known to be enrolled in another institution (use E300 [ExpelledNoKnownEnroll]); (3) - a truant student has not been attending and has been referred for truancy intervention (use E140 [NoKnownEnrollTruant]); (4) - a student is referred by the school or district to an alternative education program for non-disciplinary reasons. (use T167 [TransAltSchlPrgml]); or (5) - a student is transferred voluntarily, without a referral and for non-disciplinary reasons. (use T160 [TransCASchlRegular])No
T167Trans to alt schl or program (refer or voluntary)The student was referred by a school and/or school district and the district has acceptable documentation that the student enrolled to enroll in an alternative education school or voluntarily transferred to an independent study program in another California public school in the same district or in a different district for one of the following reasons: (1) a student was referred or voluntarily transferred to an independent study program for non-disciplinary reasons; or (2) The student was referred by school and/or school district to withdraw from/leave school and transfer to an alternative education school or to a non-alternative education school independent study program for any disciplinary reason except those specified in T165. Do NOT use this code for: (1) - interdistrict transfers (i.e., formal agreement pursuant to Education Code Section 46600, NCLB public school choice-program improvement, NCLB public school choice-persistently dangerous, district of choice transfers pursuant to Education Code Section 48313); or (2) - students who are referred to an alternative education school or independent study program for disciplinary reasons by a juvenile court judge or other correctional or judicial officer or who are expelled pursuant to Education Code Section 48915 (a), (b), or (c). (Use T165)No
T168Alternate Independent Student School DischargeThe student was exited by an alternative education school or an independent study program and referred back to their school and district of residence because the student failed to complete the requirements for remaining in the alternative or independent study program.No
T180Enrolled in Private CA SchoolStudent withdrew from/left school and the district has received acceptable documentation of enrollment in a private school in California. Do not use this code for transfers to a non-sectarian, non-public certified (NPS) school. Student Exit Category Code T160 (TransCASchlRegular) should be used.No
T200Enrolled in non-CA SchoolStudent withdrew from/left school and the district has received "official written documentation" that the student has transferred to another public or private U.S. school outside California.No
T240Moved to another countryStudent withdrew from/left school to move to another country and the district/school has supporting written documentation.No
T260Enroll Adult Ed ProgramStudent withdrew from/left school to enroll in an adult education program.No
T280Enrolled in collegeStudent withdrew from/left school to enroll in college.Yes
T370Enter inst. for HS diplomaStudent withdrew from/left school to enroll in another program that is not primarily academic (military, job corps, justice system, etc., and not an adult education program) and the student is participating in an educational program from which they can expect to earn a “regular high school diploma” equivalent to the standard high school diploma awarded to the preponderance of students in a State that is fully aligned with the State’s standards and does not include a general equivalency diploma, certificate of completion, certificate of attendance, or any other similar or lesser credential, such as a diploma based on meeting Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals. A student who is in a prison or in a juvenile facility awaiting a hearing or release and not yet adjudicated as delinquent may not be removed from the cohort of the sending school or district. Instead, the school or district must wait until the student has received such adjudication and determined that the student will transfer to a facility that has a school or educational program from which the student can expect to receive a “regular high school diploma.” The district is required to obtain and maintain acceptable written documentation of this transfer.No
T380Enter inst., not for HS diplomaStudent withdrew from/left school to enroll in another program that is not primarily academic (military, job corps, justice system, etc.) and the student is not participating in an educational program from which they can expect to earn a "regular high school diploma" equivalent to the standard high school diploma awarded to the preponderance of students in a State that is fully aligned with the State's standards and does not include a general equivalency diploma, certificate of completion, certificate of attendance, or any other similar or lesser credential, such as a diploma based on meeting IEP goals.No

DescriptionDatabase LocationAd Hoc InquiriesReports
General Enrollment Information End Options
End StatusEnrollment.localEndStatusTypeIDStudent > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core elements > localEndStatusTypeIDNone: Reports do pull on this field
End DateEnrollment.endDate

Student->Learner->Active Enrollment->Core elements->endDate

No Show

A no show student is defined as a student who is enrolled in the school but never attends class and does not officially withdraw from the school. These enrollment records are ended after a certain number of school days, depending on district and/or state policy.

The No Show checkbox is NOT used for state reporting. End Status is used to determine No Show students. Please refer to the End Status section to determine the appropriate End Status for a No Show student. No Show students also require an Enrollment End Date in order to be excluded from reports.
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Database Location:


Service Type

The Service Type is used to indicate the type of enrollment and the intended service the student receives. Service Types include: (P) Primary, (S) Partial, and (N) Special Ed Services.

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To ensure you are assigning the proper service types to enrollments, please see your state documentation for more information.

Service Types
PPrimaryThis type of enrollment is a student's primary enrollment. This is the school the student attends all or most of the time. System settings determine whether a student can have multiple active primary enrollments at one time.

A partial enrollment indicates a student attends a school part of the time. One example might be a middle school student who attends a high school class and has a partial enrollment at the high school.

NSpecial Ed Services

A Special Education enrollment indicates the student ONLY attends the school to receive special educations services.

The Special Ed Service Type, N: Special Ed Services, CANNOT be used in California.

Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Core elements > serviceType


When students have concurrent or supplemental enrollments, use S: Partial on the secondary enrollments to note the type of service the student is receiving. When S: Partial Service is selected, the CALPADS Enrollment Status field displays. If an Enrollment Status is not selected, a default value of 20: Secondary reports.  


State Reporting Fields

PATH: Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields

Data entries made in the State Reporting Fields section of the Enrollments tool are unique to the state of California and may directly affect the way students are reported to the state department of education.

Updates to State Reporting fields overwrite previously entered data. To preserve this historical information, create a new Enrollment record when changes are needed. Deleting an Enrollment record is NOT recommended.

State Reporting Fields Editor   

Your State Reporting Fields Editor may differ from the editor pictured above. Many of the localized fields on the Enrollment tool are not necessary for state reporting. Districts may choose to configure this tool to their preferences by displaying or hiding these fields. Pictured above, are the fields that contribute to state reporting.

Fields Not Used in State Reporting

The following localized fields are used only for district-tracking purposes and are not used for state reporting.

  • Homeless (Homeless data is now tracked here: California Homeless)
  • Truant
  • Gifted/Talented
  • Independent Study
  • Immigrant
  • Track Jumper
  • Migrant
  • CalGrant OK
  • ELC Eligible
  • ELC Assessment OK
  • Residence Category

State Exclude

If marked, this option excludes a student from reporting on California state reporting extracts. 

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > stateExclude


Be aware that some reports may not recognize State Exclude preferences. Some reports may specify to include all enrollments, even enrollments marked as State Exclude. In that case, the enrollment would report in that specific report regardless of what is selected in the State Exclude checkbox.


The following reports exclude an enrollment if the State Exclude checkbox is marked:

UC/CSU Requirements Met

When marked, indicates the student meets University of California/California State University (UC/CSU) entrance requirements. The number of twelfth grade graduates, for the year identified, completing all the courses required for UC and/or CSU entrance requirements with a grade of "C" or better are UC-/CSU-eligible graduates.

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Database Location:

CustomStudent.value for Campus Attribute Enrollment.ucCSUReqsMet

Ad Hoc inquiries:

Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Custom Enrollment > ucCSUReqsMet



CALPADS Enrollment Status

This field only displays when the Enrollment Service Type is set to S: Partial.

Indicates the reason for the partial enrollment.

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20SecondaryThe student's name appears on a register, roll, or list and the student is currently attending the educational service institution concurrently with their PRIMARY educational service institution
30Short TermThe student's name appears on a register, roll, or list, the student is currently attending the educational service institution, and receives or will receive the majority of their instruction at the institution for less than 30 calendar days. (Use allowed only by specific ESIs)
40Specialized Services (non ADA)The student's name appears on a register, roll, or list solely for the purposes of receiving some sort of specialized instruction, e.g., CAHSEE Intensive Instruction. (Use for non-ADA students only).
50Non ADAUse for non-ADA students only.

Database Location:

CustomStudent.value for Campus Attribute Enrollment.CALPADSEnrollStatus

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Custom Enrollment > interdistrictTransfer

Interdistrict Transfer

A coded value representing an Interdistrict Transfer Category. An Interdistrict Transfer Category is a category describing the type of student transfer that occurred between two districts. An interdistrict transfer/reciprocal agreement is when parents/guardians wish to register/admit/enroll their student(s) at a school other than the designated school that is in their attendance area outside of their district.

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Database Location:

CustomStudent.value for Campus Attribute Enrollment.interdistrictTransfer

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Custom Enrollment > interdistrictTransfer


The fundamental basis for this provision is the signing of an agreement between districts.

  • Interdistrict transfer/reciprocal agreement must be approved by both the student’s original district of residence and the district to which the student seeks to transfer to.
  • Both districts must approve the agreement before it becomes valid. The agreement may extend for a maximum of five consecutive years and may include terms or conditions.
  • It is within the authority of either the home district or the receiving district to revoke an interdistrict transfer/reciprocal agreement at any time for any reason the local board or district superintendent deems appropriate.
If an Interdistrict Transfer code is selected, users MUST populate the District of Geographical Residence fields.



District Apportionment and District Number

The District apportionment field indicates the district to which apportionment should be paid while the District Apportionment Number indicates the district number assigned to the district of apportionment.

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Apportionment District Number Database Location:

CustomStudent.value for Campus Attribute Enrollment.apportionmentDistrict

Apportionment District Number Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Custom Enrollment > apportionmentDistrict


Entering the first letters of the district name in the District of Apportionment displays a drop-down of districts. The selection of that district populates the District Number field. Conversely, if the value for District Number is entered, it also populates the District of Apportionment field.

Apportionment District Number Reports:

Prof/Adv for ELA

A coded value representing an individual’s English Language Arts Test Proficiency Designation (a value representing whether or not a student, after being reclassified/ redesignated fluent-English-proficient, scored proficient or advanced for three years cumulative on the English Language Arts Standards Test on the California Standards Test or the California Modified Assessment).

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Database Location:


Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Custom Enrollment > proficientELA

Student > Learner > All Enrollments > Custom Enrollment > proficientELA


The Prof/Adv for ELA field is only used in state reporting if appropriate LEP test scores are not recorded for a student. See the CALPADS Student Information extract for more information.


CALPADS Student Information

Attendance Funding Category

Identifies the attendance reporting group the student falls into in the enrollment. Different attendance reporting groups use different logic for calculating ADA and/or Hours.

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Database Location:

CustomStudent.value for Campus Attribute Enrollment.attendanceFundingCategory

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Custom Enrollment > attendanceFundingCategory


District of Geographical Residence Name and Number

The District of Geographical Residence Number indicates the district in which the student resides. Assumed to be the same as the District of enrollment unless populated with a different district name/number.

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District of Geographical Residence Number Database Location:


District of Geographical Residence Number Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > State Reporting elements > residentDistrict


Entering the first letters of the district name displays a drop-down of districts. The selection of that district populates the District of Geographical Residence Number field. Conversely, if the value for District of Geographical Residence Number is entered, it also populates the District of Geographical Residence Name field.

District of Geographical Residence Number Reports:

Receiver School

The CDS number of the school the student was expected to attend after an involuntary withdrawal due to disciplinary action.

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Database Location:

CustomStudent.value for Campus Attribute Enrollment.receiverSchool

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Custom Enrollment > receiverSchool



Dwelling Type Other

Entered description to identify the student's Residence Category when that selection is 300: Other. This field only stores historical data and is not used in state reporting.

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Database Location:

CustomStudent.value for Campus Attribute Enrollment.dwellingTypeOther

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Custom Enrollment > dwellingTypeOther

Language of Correspondence

Not used in state reporting. Indicates the language in which the student or student's parent communicates.

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Database Location:

CustomStudent.value for Campus Attribute Enrollment.correspondencLanguage

Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Active Enrollment > Custom Enrollment > correspondencLanguage