BIE State Tools


BIE Assessment Report
The Assessment Report article provides information on how to use the Assessment Report available to the BIE.
BIE Attendance Syncing
This article details the process of resynchronizing attendance data from district-level sites to the state using the Resync State Data tool.
BIE Course Data
This article provides the description and details of the BIE Course Data fields.
BIE Documents
This article describes the BIE Documents tool.
BIE Enrollment Summary
This article provides information on generating the BIE Enrollment Summary Report.
BIE Federal Reporting
This article describes how the BIE Federal Reporting tool is used and provides descriptions for each of the fields it contains.
BIE PSO Interview
Understanding how to use the BIE PSO Interview tool.
Calendar (BIE)
Provides information on Calendar fields localized to BIE.
Census (BIE)
The Census tool tracks every person entry in Infinite Campus - parents, staff, students, emergency contacts, doctors, etc. Demographic data is used throughout Campus, utilizing historic details of each person. Some fields in the Census tool are un...
Graduation (BIE)
This article describes BIE specific graduation fields.
ISEP Student Count Waiver Request
This article provides information on generating the ISEP Student Count Waiver Request for the BIE.
ISEP Update and Publish to Districts
This article provides information on the ISEP Update and Publish to Districts tool available in the BIE State Edition.
Viewing Aggregated Attendance Information Using Ad Hoc Reporting
This article provides information helpful to NASIS State Edition users needing to view aggregate attendance data.