Requesting a Campus Version Update

Technical Support Contacts at Campus Cloud Choice hosted districts can request Campus version updates using the Manage Updates tool via the Update Requests button within the Support Portal.

Please note that the Time Zone set for your CampusID will impact the time selected for this update. The default setting is Central Time. Click your name at the top of the Community toolbar and select Location to verify and/or change your time zone.

To make a Campus version update request:

  1. Click on the Request an Update button
    Screenshot of the Update Requests tool with the Request an Update button highlighted.
  2. Those with a staging environment may choose if the update should apply to their Production/Sandbox or Staging sites. Those without a staging environment should ensure that Production/Sandbox is selected. Production and Sandbox environments are listed together because they must be on the same version.
    Screenshot of the Update Requests tool with the ‘Choose a Site’ options highlighted. Options include Production/Sandbox and Staging.
  3. Choose a Preferred Date. Please note that updates are scheduled on a first come/first serve basis. Campus Hosting reserves the right to change the date. Requests can be made 24 hours in advance.

  4. Select the Time of the update. Please note that this will be based on the Time Zone set in your CampusID profile. To view or change this field, click your name in the Community toolbar, and select Location.

  5. Choose the Version to update to.
    Screenshot of the Update Requests tool with the Version dropdown open. Campus version 2124.8 is selected.
  6. If desired, those with a Sandbox site may choose to also refresh their Sandbox at this time by selecting Yes under Database Refresh.
  7. Click Submit.

Once the request is submitted, it will display in the Update Requests list view. Campus Hosting will send an email notification at the beginning and end of the update, or in the event of an error. The Status will update to show the current state of the request.  

Screenshot of the Update Requests tool displaying a list of all update requests with requested date, site, version, and status listed for each line item.