Student Grade History File (H) Extract (Washington)

PATH: WA State Reporting > Student Grade History File (H)

The Student Grade History File (H) extract reports records for every course grade appearing on a student's transcript.

Student Grade History File H Extract Editor 

Report Logic

  • Each student actively enrolled between the calendar Start Date and the As of Date entered will report a record for each Course/Section posted or manually entered on the student's Transcript.
    • If the same course is posted to the student's transcript more than one time, more than one record will report. 
  • Records report for transcript records created via Post to Transcript, records created manually and linked to a course, and records created manually that are not linked to a course.
    • Campus recommends Posting grades to Transcript so expected data reports and to ensure data integrity.

Generating the Extract

  1. Enter an As of Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  2. Select an Ad Hoc Filter.
  3. Select the Format in which the report will be generated. Use CSV when submitting data to the state; otherwise use HTML to review data.
  4. Select the Calendars to be included on the report. 
  5. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process will allow larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. The generated extract is available in the Process Inbox For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article. 

Only the header row will report if there are no records reported in the extract.


Student Grade History File (H) Extract - CSV

Student Grade History File (H) Extract - HTML

Report Layout



Format, Type and Length

Campus Database

Campus Location

School Year

Identifies the four digit year in which the current school year ends (e.g. 2011-2012 reports 2012).

Date Field,
4 characters



Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > School Year

Serving County District Code

Identifies the unique county-district code for the district submitting the data. Reports a unique 5-digit number that combines the 2-digit 
county code and the 3-digit district code

Numeric, 5 digits


Student Information > General > Transcript > Edit > District Number

District Student ID

Identifies the student identifier assigned by the district to the student.

Numeric, 50 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number


Identifies the unique student number used to identify each Washington public school student.

Numeric, 10 characters


Census> People> Demographics> Person Identifiers> Student State ID

Location ID

Reports as null




Staff ID

Reports as null




Course ID

Identifies the course by number.

Posted and Manual Transcript Entry Logic

  • Reports the Course Number in the transcript record.

Numeric, 20 digits


Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor> Course Number

Course Title

The name of the course.

Post to Transcript Logic

  • Reports the first 50 characters from the description of the Course if the AP/IB Code is selected.
  • If the AP/IB Code is null, the Course Name from the transcript is reported.

Manual Entry Logic

  • Logic reports the first 50 characters of the Transcript > Course Name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters 



Student Information > General Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > AP / IB Code

Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Course Name

Grade Level Code

Identifies the student's grade level at the time the high school course was taken.

Post to Transcript Logic (and manual entry where key values link back to a course/section for this student)

  • Logic reports the mapped State Grade Level of the student at the time the course was taken (based on the grade thats posted to the transcript record).

Manual Entry Logic (where key values do not link baco to a student course/section for this student)

  • Logic reports the Grade entered on the transcript. Users must enter the State Grade Level Code in order to not error upon state submission.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

TranscriptCourse.gradeStudent Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Grade

Letter Grade

Indicates the letter grade received by the student.

Posted and Manual Transcript Entry Logic

  • Logic reports the grade letter score from Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Score the transcript of record.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters


Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Current Score

Credits Attempted

Identifies the credits attempted by the student for the course that was taken.

Posted and Manual Transcript Entry Logic

  • Reports the total of all credits attempted from all credit groupings present on the transcript of record.
  • The valid range of values is 00.00 to 99.99.

Numeric, 5 characters



Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Credit > Attempted

Credits Earned

Indicates the credits earned by the student for each final grading period in the current school year for courses earning high school credit.

Posted and Manual Transcript Entry Logic

  • Reports the total of all credits earned from all credit groupings present on the transcript of record.

Numeric, 5 characters



Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Credit > Earned

Course Designation Code

Identifies the course designation code per the Washington state high school transcript.

Post to Transcript Logic

  • Reports the Course Designation Code. If multiple codes are selected, the codes are strung together.

    • For example, if I: International Baccalaureate, H: Honors, and T: Tech Prep are selected, a value of IHT is reported.

Manual Entry Logic

  • Reports as null for all records.

See the Course Designation Codes for options.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters


Student Information > General Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Course Designation Code

Content Area Code

Identifies the primary content area of the course being reported.

Post to Transcript Logic

  • Values are reported based on Reports the Content Area Code tied to the course on the from the transcript of record.

Manual Entry Logic

  • Reports as null for all records.

See Content Area Codes for options.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters


Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Content Area Code

State Course Code

Identifies the course code used by the state to represent the unique course being reported.

Posted and Manual Transcript Entry Logic

  • The State Code is reported from the transcript of record.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters


Student Information > General > Transcript > Edit > State Code

AP IB Course Code

The Advanced Placement course code or International Baccalaureate course code associated with the course being reported.

Post to Transcript Logic

  • Values are reported based on Reports the AP/IB Code tied to the course on the from the transcript of record.

Manual Entry Logic

  • Reports as null for all records.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters



Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > AP / IB Course Code

CIP Code

Identifies the classification of the Instructional Program Code Number assigned by the OSPI to the approved Career and Technical Education (CTE) course.

Posted and Manual Transcript Entry Logic

  • Reports the CIP code from the transcript of record.

Alphanumeric, 6 characters


Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > CIP Code

Term End Date

Identifies the month/year of the final grading period for the course or courses completed by the student in the current school year.

Post to Transcript Logic

  • Logic reports the month/year of the end term based on calendar set up and Transcript > End Term

Manual Entry Logic

  • Reports the Term End Date as reported on the transcript from the transcript of record.

Date Field, 6 characters



Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Term End Date


Identifies the term in which the student takes the course in the school being reported.

See the Term Code Field Logic for information regarding logic.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Start Term and End Term

Is Vocational Completer

Indicates whether the student has acquired 360 hours of instruction in a single CTE program area.

Posted and Manual Transcript Entry Logic

A value of Y is reported if:

  • Transcript > Course Designation Code > T (Tech Prep) AND
  • The student has at least 1 core CTE Program that is active during the reporting date range AND
    • The CTE Program has Student Status = Vocational Completer

If conditions above are not met, a value of N is reported.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N


Student Information > Academic Planning > Programs > Program Type = Career Tech Program 

Has Industry Certification

Indicates whether the student received a state or nationally recognized industry certification or successfully passed a certification exam as part of a state or nationally recognized industry certification program during the reporting period entered on the extract editor.

Posted and Manual Transcript Entry Logic

A value of Y is reported if:

  • Transcript > Course Designation Code > T (Tech Prep) AND
  • The student has at least 1 core CTE Program that is active during the reporting date range AND
  • The CTE Program has at least 1 Career Tech Program - Certification present with Pass = Checked.

If conditions above are not met, a value of N is reported.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N


Student Information > Academic Planning > Programs > Program Type = Career Tech Program

Is Direct Transcription Available 

Indicates whether direct transcription is available to the student for the vocational course in which the student enrolled as indicated by the CIP code number.

Currently Reports as null.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N


Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Editor > Vocational Direct Transcription

Is Tech Prep Completer

Indicates whether the student completed a sequence of courses in accordance with the definition of Tech Prep Completer.

Posted and Manual Transcript Entry Logic

A value Y is reported if:

  • Transcript > Course Designation Code > T (Tech Prep) AND
  • The student has at least 1 core CTE Program that is active during the reporting date range AND
  • The CTE Program has Student Status = Tech Prep Completer

If conditions above are not met, a value of N is reported.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N


Student Information > Academic Planning > Programs > Program Type = Career Tech Program

CTE Assessment

Indicates whether the student has taken or passed a state or nationally recognized assessment in an approved CTE course.

  • Reports CTE Assessment from the transcript of record
  • If blank, the following logic applies:

Post to Transcript Logic

  • 0 reports if the student's Assessment tab has no CTE state code assessment attached.
  • 1 reports if the student's score is below passing and a CTE state code assessment is attached to his/her Assessment tab.
  • 2 reports if the student's score is passing and a CTE state code assessment is attached to the student's Assessment tab.

To report correctly, the assessment's State Code should be set to CTE and the assessment flagged as State Reported in Assessments > Test Setup

Manual Entry Logic

  • Reports as null for all records.

Numeric, 1 digit


Student Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > CTE Assessment

Certification Number

The State Certification number assigned to the reporting staff member's certificate.

  • Reports Teacher Certification Over-ride

Post to Transcript Logic

  • Reported value is based on the course of record's last scheduled term end date.
  • Logic identifies the active (primary or top teacher) at the time based on section staff history and then reports the teacher's License Number that is active on the course of record's last scheduled term end date.
  • If the teacher is not tied to a course via section staff history on the course of record's last scheduled Term End Date or they have no Employment Credential = LC or it is not active for the teacher as of the course of record's last scheduled term end date, a blank value is reported.

Manual Entry Logic

  • All records report as null.
Alphanumeric, 7 characters


EmploymentCredential. licenseNumber

Student Information > General > Transcript > Teacher Certification Over-ride

Census > People > Credentials > Type: LC > Employment Credentials > License Number

School Code

The identification number of the school.

  • Logic reports the code entered in the School No field on the transcript.
Numeric, 4 digitsTranscriptCourse.schoolNumberStudent Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > School No.
ALE Funded

Indicates whether the student is receiving ALE funded instruction for the course being reported.

  • Reports as N for all records.
Alphanumeric, 1 characterHard coded valueHard coded value

Reports as null


Reports as null


The end year of the school year on the transcript.

  • Reports the end year of the school year reported on the transcript.

Date field. 4 characters


 Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > School Year

Term Code Field Logic

The reported value is derived from all class records, including those scheduled during non-instructional periods.

If a calendar set-up does not meet any other term definition below, OTHER is reported.

If a Summer Calendar is used (Summer School is marked) and the student's grade is Posted to Transcript, the following logic applies:

  • If the course is in either the first session of a two session summer program or the only session of a single session summer program, SUM1 is reported.
  • If the course is in the second session of a two-session summer program, SUM2 is reported.

If a Regular Calendar is used (Summer School is NOT marked) and the student's grade is Posted to Transcript, logic derives Term Code based on Section Schedule Placement.

If the transcript of record is manually entered (NOT Posted), logic reports based on values entered in Term Start and Term End on the transcript of record:

  • Term Start = 1 and Term End =1, report ALLYR

  • Term Start = 1 and Term End =2, report SEM1

  • Term Start = 2 and Term End =2, report SEM2

  • Term Start = 1 and Term End =4, report Q1

  • Term Start = 2 and Term End =4, report Q2

  • Term Start = 3 and Term End =4, report Q3

  • Term Start = 4 and Term End =4, report Q4

  • Term Start = 1 and Term End =3, report TRI1

  • Term Start = 2 and Term End =3, report TRI2

  • Term Start = 3 and Term End =3, report TRI3

  • Term Start = 1 and Term End =6, report SIXWKT1

  • Term Start = 2 and Term End =6, report SIXWKT2

  • Term Start = 3 and Term End =6, report SIXWKT3

  • Term Start = 4 and Term End =6, report SIXWKT4

  • Term Start = 5 and Term End =6, report SIXWKT5

  • Term Start = 6 and Term End =6, report SIXWKT6

Course Designation Codes




International Baccalaureate


College in the High School


Tech Prep




Advanced Placement


Running Start






Campbridge Program


Local Competency Test


National Competency Test




Science Lab

Content Area Codes




Elementary Curriculum


English Language Arts








Foreign Languages




Civics and Government






Visual Arts








Religious Education and Theology


Physical, Health and Safety Education


Military Science


Computer and Information Sciences


Communications and Audio/Visual Technology


Business and Marketing




Health Care Sciences


Public, Protective and Government Science


Hospitality and Tourism


Architecture and Construction


Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources


Human Services


Transportation, Distribution and Logistics


Engineering and Technology




Non-Instructional Time