Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations (Arizona 7.1)
Last Modified on 02/10/2025 9:04 am CST
This association indicates the education organization to which a staff member provides services; also known as school of service.
Object Triggering Logic
This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Post | When a person has a District Employment record with the District Staff check box checked and a District Assignment Code populated OR When a person has a District Assignment record and the District Staff check box is not checked - Do NOT report a record if any one of the following scenarios are true:
- There is not an Ed-FI ID for the staff person.
- The staff records are not active based on the Scope Year logic listed below.
If the record is being triggered from a District Assignment record and it is marked as Exclude.
If the record is being triggered from a District Assignment record and the School is marked as Exclude. - If data is sent prior to the Exclude check boxes are checked, the data will remain and the user will need to use the Delete Tool to remove data.
- If the Assignment Code field is not mapped in Resource Preferences.
- If school staff member has more than 1 qualifying District Assignment record, a record will generate for each eligible School/Start date.
- If a staff member has a District Employment record that is marked as District Staff and a District Assignment record, the staff member will get multiple records. One with an Ed Org Reference Number = to the District Number and one with an Ed Org Reference Number = to each school they have an eligible District Assignment record for.
Put | When any field not part of the natural key changes. |
Delete/Post | When any field part of the natural key changes. - Begin Date
- Staff Classification Descriptor
Delete/Post | If there are two District Assignment records that create the same natural Key and 1 is Deleted, the remaining record will be posted. |
Delete/Post | When the Assignment Code, Start Date or End date is modified on the District Assignment record. |
Delete | When a District Assignment record is deleted. |
Delete | When a District Employment record is deleted. |
School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic
This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.
Action | Trigger |
None | If a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send. |
Resync | If a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it will be deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table. |
Resync | If a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it will be deleted from the ODS. |
Resync | If a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes. |
Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic
This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.
Action | Trigger |
Delete/Post | Natural Key change: - If the School ID changes, all data will remain under the old number and a resync will need to be completed to populate data under the new number. The delete tool would need to be used to remove all data from the old School ID. If an Ed-Fi ID changes, this will happen with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change trigger.
Delete/Post | The logic for an Ed-FI ID change will update all resources impacted by this change. |
Delete/Post | If the Start Date or Assignment Code changes, the record will delete and repost. |
Delete/Post | Cascading Updates: The Staff Education Organization Assignment Association establishes ownership of the Staff record. If the natural key changes all dependent resources of staff will delete/post. - Staff Education Organization Employment Associations, Staff School Associations, Staff Section Associations, Staff Cohort Associations
Scope Year Logic
This table describes scope year logic of this object.
Logic |
A record will report when a person has a District Assignment or District Employment record that is aligned to a scoped year. - Report when a staff has an active District Assignment or District Employment record that overlaps with the School year Start and End Dates.
- If School Year Start Date is NULL, 7/1/xxxx will be the default start date used.
- If School Year End Date is NULL, 6/30/xxxx will be the default end date used.
- Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.
When using data in Campus that has an effective date, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to. - Current Year: Records will be compared to today's date to determine if the record is eligible to report
- Previous Years: The record's date must be on or before the schools year's end date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
- Future Years: The record's date must be on or after the schools year's start date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.
Resource Preferences
This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.
Data Element Label | Mapping Needed |
Staff Classification Descriptors | Employment Assignment Assignment Code |
Event Queue Detail
This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.
Campus Table | Ed-Fi Action | Fields |
employment | Post/Put/Delete | The primary table used for sending data for this resource. |
employmentassignment | Post/Put/Delete | The primary table used for sending data for this resource. |
Object Data Elements
This table describes data elements sent within the Staff Education Organization Assignment Association resource.
Data Element Label | Business Requirements and Business Rules
| Mandatory, Conditional or Optional | Database Field |
id | The unique identifier of the resource | M |
beginDate | Month, day and year of the start or effective date of a staff member''s employment, contract or relationship with the LEA.
- When reporting from the District Employment record, report the District Employment Start Date.
- When reporting from the District Assignment record, report the District Assignment Start Date.
| M | District Employment > Start Date
District Assignment > Start Date
Employmentassignment. StartDate |
staffClassification Descriptor | The titles of employment, official status, or rank of education staff.
- Reports the value in the Ed-Fi code field from the value selected in the Assignment Code droplist on the District Assignment.
- If field is blank or does not match a valid code, report 'Teacher' for Teacher.
| M | District Assignment > Assignment Code
Employmentassignment. assignmentCode |
credentialReference | This is optional, does not report.
| O |
education Organization Reference | A reference to the related EducationOrganization resource.
Reports the data that is part of the Natural Key for the Schools resource. - Reports the school entity id from the District Assignment record being reported.
| M | School Information > Entity ID
School.entityID |
StaffEducation Organization Employment Association Reference | A reference to the related Staff Education Organization Employment Association resource.
Reports the data that is part of the Natural Key for the Staff Education Organization Employment Association.
| O |
staffReference | A reference to the related Staff resource.
Reports the data that is part of the Natural Key for the Staff resource.
Note: The Ed-Fi ID reports from the Staff State ID field. | M |
endDate | Month, day and year of the end or termination date of a staff member''s employment, contract or relationship with the LEA.
- When reporting from the District Employment record, report the District Employment End Date.
- When reporting from the District Assignment record, report the District Assignment End Date.
| O | District Assignment > End Date
Employmentassignment. endDate |
orderOfAssignment | Describes whether the assignment is this the staff member's primary assignment, secondary assignment.
This is optional, do not report.
| O |
positionTitle | The descriptive name of an individual''s position.
- When reporting from the District Employment record, report the name from the District Assignment Code selected.
- When reporting from the District Assignment record, report the name from the Assignment Code selected.
| O | District Employment > District Assignment Code
Employment. assignmentCode
District Assignment > Assignment Code
Employmentassignment. assignmentCode |
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Staff Classification Descriptors
The District Assignment Code from the District Employment tab and the Assignment Code from the District Assignment tab is a shared Data Dictionary that is an unlocked list that is managed by the districts
To create a new or modify an existing Assignment Code go to System Administration> Custom> Attribute/Dictionary> Employment Assignment > Assignment Code
Code Value | Description | Namespace | Short Description |
Assistant Principal | Assistant Principal | uri:// | Assistant Principal |
Assistant Superintendent | Assistant Superintendent | uri:// | Assistant Superintendent |
Counselor | Counselor | uri:// | Counselor |
Instructional Aide | Instructional Aide | uri:// | Instructional Aide |
Instructional Coordinator | Instructional Coordinator | uri:// | Instructional Coordinator |
LEA Administrator | LEA Administrator | uri:// | LEA Administrator |
LEA Specialist | LEA Specialist | uri:// | LEA Specialist |
LEA System Administrator | LEA System Administrator | uri:// | LEA System Administrator |
Librarians/Media Specialists | Librarians/Media Specialists | uri:// | Librarians/Media Specialists |
Operational Support | Operational Support | uri:// | Operational Support |
Other | Other | uri:// | Other |
Principal | Principal | uri:// | Principal |
School Administrator | School Administrator | uri:// | School Administrator |
School Leader | School Leader | uri:// | School Leader |
School Specialist | School Specialist | uri:// | School Specialist |
State Administrator | State Administrator | uri:// | State Administrator |
Substitute Teacher | Substitute Teacher | uri:// | Substitute Teacher |
Superintendent | Superintendent | uri:// | Superintendent |
Support Services Staff | Support Services Staff | uri:// | Support Services Staff |
Teacher | Teacher | uri:// | Teacher |