School Discipline and Attendance - Firearm (GFSA) Discipline (Colorado) (..2231 - .2415)

As of the Campus.2419 Release Pack, the Firearm Discipline Report, part of the School Discipline and Attendance Report has been replaced with the Discipline Interchange Action File

Tool Search: School Discipline and Attendance

The Firearm (GFSA) Discipline file reports students involved in behavior events who have a Behavior Event State Code of 05: Dangerous Weapon. A record reports for each type of firearm - 01: Handgun, 02: Rifle/Shotgun, 03: Other Firearms, 04: Multiple Firearms - and has a resolution (where appropriate) of 00, 04, 05, 07, 08-11.

Screenshot of the Firearm GFSA Discipline Extract available at Reporting, CO Data Pipeline, School Discipline and AttendanceFirearm (GFSA) Discipline Extract

Read - Access and generate School Discipline and Attendance - Firearm (GFSA) Discipline.
Write - N/A
Add - N/A
Delete - N/A

For more information about Tool Rights and how they function, see the Tool Rights article. 

Report Logic

A record reports for all students enrolled in the selected calendar who meet the following:

  • Enrollment Service Type is Primary (P), Partial (S) or Special Ed Services (N).
  • Grade level of enrollment is 002, 004, 006, 007, 010, 020, 030, 040, 050, 060, 070, 080, 090, 100, 110, 120.
  • The student has a Behavior Event with a State Code of 05: Dangerous Weapon.
  • A record reports for each type of firearm (01: Handgun, 02: Rifle/Shotgun, 03: Other Firearms).
  • The student has a Behavior Resolution to the Behavior Event of 00, 04, 05, 07, 08-11.

A record and appropriate count reports for each individual student who has an applicable behavior incident and behavior resolution where at least one day falls within the reporting period. Students may have more than one record (possibility of 6 total records per student).

When more than one student is tied to an incident, each student reports. See the previous information for rules on reporting multiple event per student.

State Exclude logic is enforced. Students are not reported, even when they meet the above requirements when:

  • The Enrollment is marked as State Exclude or No Show.
  • The Grade level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • The selected Calendar is marked as State Exclude.

Report Editor

Data ElementDescription
Extract Type

Selection indicates what file generates. For this report, select Firearm (GFSA).

TypeIndicates whether a Summary report generates or a Detail report generates.
Start DateIndicates the start date on which to report behavior events. At least one day of the Behavior Incident must fall within or on the start and end date.

Dates are entered in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
End DateIndicates the end date on which to report behavior events. At least one day of the Behavior Incident must fall within or on the start and end date.

Dates are entered in mmddyy format or use the calendar icon to select a date.
Ad hoc FilterWhen chosen, only those students included in the selected ad hoc filter are reported in the extract, when they meet the requirements of the extract.
FormatDetermines the layout of the report. Choose either CSV or HTML.
Calendar SelectionSelect at least one calendar from which to report student discipline information.
Report GenerationUse the Generate Extract button to display the results of the extract immediately. When there is a larger data set being reported, use the Submit to Batch option to choose when the extract generates (after or before school hours, etc.). See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the Firearm (GFSA) Discipline Extract Type.
  2. Select either the Summary Report Type or the Detail Report Type.
  3. Enter a Start Date and End Date.
  4. If desired, select an Ad hoc Filter.
  5. Select the desired Format, either CSV or HTML, from the dropdown list.
  6. Select at least one Calendar from which to report discipline records. Calendars can be chosen by active year, by school name or by year.
  7. Click the Generate Extract button or the Submit to Batch button. The report displays in the selected format.

Screenshot of the CSV Format of the Firearm GFSA Extract. Firearm (GFSA) Discipline Report - CSV Format

Screenshot of the HTML Format of the Firearm GFSA Extract. Firearm (GFSA) Discipline Report - HTML Format

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
District CodeReports the number assigned to a school district by the state department of education.

Numeric, 4 digits
District Information > District Information > State District Number

School CodeReports the number assigned to the school building by the state department of education. This value reports from the student's enrollment that was active on the date of the incident. When the student has more than one enrollment that was active on the date of incident, the value reports from the Primary enrollment.

When a student has a Special Education Attendance Code of 31: Administrative Unit OR 32: State-Operated Program, the four-digit code reports from the Serving District field.

For all other students:

  • The Service Agency/Facility code reports, when populated.
  • When the Service Agency/Facility Code field is not populated, the School of Accountability reports, when populated.
  • When the School of Accountability field is not populated, the School Number reports.
  • When all of these fields are not populated, a value of 0000 reports.
Numeric, 4 digits

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving District


Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Service Agency/Facility Code


Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School of Accountability


School Information > School Editor > State School Number


Grade LevelReports the student's grade level for the action report.

Numeric, 3 digits
Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade

Firearm Weapons

Reports the weapon associated with the event. 

  • Reports 01 when the Event Code is 05: Dangerous Weapons and the GSFA is 01: Handgun.
  • Reports 02 when the Event Code is 05: Dangerous Weapons and the GSFA is 02: Rifle/Shotgun.
  • Reports 03 when the Event Code is 05: Dangerous Weapons and the GSFA is 03: Other Firearms.
  • Reports 04 when the Event Code is 05: Dangerous Weapons and the GSFA is 01: Handgun, 02: Rifle/Shotgun, or 03: Other Firearms (multiple firearms).

Numeric, 2 digits

Behavior Event > GFSA Weapon

IDEA/Special Education

Reports a value when the student is considered a Special Education student.

A value of 1 reports when:

  • The Behavior Incident Date falls within the Special Education Start and Exit Dates.
  • The student has an active locked IEP at the time of the incident. 

Otherwise, reports a value of zero (0). 

Numeric, 1 digit

Special Education > Documents > IEP

Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Start Date, Special Ed Exit Date



Behavior Management > Date of Incident

Behavior Management > Resolution Start Date


Brought or Possessed at School

Reports the number of students who brought or possessed a firearm while at school (Behavior Event has an Incident Type = 05: Dangerous Weapons). 

Otherwise, a value of zero (0) reports. 

Numeric, 2 digits

Behavior Management > Resolution

Students Expelled

Reports the number of students who were expelled for bringing or possessing firearms to school.

Report a value of 1 when:

  • Incident Type is 05: Dangerous Weapons AND
  • Resolution Code is one of the following:
    • 04: Expulsion
    • 05: Expulsion and Referred to Alternate Program
    • 08: Expulsion and Referred to Alternate Program by Hearing Officer
    • 11: Unilateral Removal by School Personnel

Otherwise, reports a value of zero (0).

Numeric, 2 digits

Behavior Management > Event Type > 05: Dangerous Weapons

Behavior Management > Resolution

Students Expelled Less Than One Year

Reports the number of students who were expelled for less than the mandatory one calendar year term.

Length of time is determined by the timestamp start date on the Behavior Resolution record and the end date. When the length of expulsion is less than 364 days, the student is counted.

Reports a value of 1 when:

  • Incident Type is 05: Dangerous Weapons AND
  • Resolution Code is one of the following:
    • 04: Expulsion
    • 05: Expulsion and Referred to Alternate Program
    • 08: Expulsion and Referred to Alternate Program by Hearing Officer
    • 11: Unilateral Removal by School Personnel

Otherwise, reports a value of zero (0).

Numeric, 2 digits

Behavior Management > Event Type > 05: Dangerous Weapons

Behavior Management > Resolution > 04, 05, 08, 11

Students Referred and Expelled Less Than One Year

Reports the number of students expelled for less than the mandatory one calendar year that resulted in a referral to an alternative school or program.

Length of time is determined by the timestamp start date on the Behavior Resolution record and the end date. When the length of expulsion is less than 364 days, the student is counted.

Reports a value of 1 when:

  • Incident Type is 05: Dangerous Weapons AND
  • Resolution Code is 05: Expulsion and Referred to Alternate Program AND
  • Student was expelled less than one year.

Otherwise, reports a value of zero (0).

Numeric, 2 digits

Behavior Management > Event Type > 05: Dangerous Weapons

Behavior Management > Resolution

Students Expelled at Least One Year

Reports the number of students expelled for at least the mandatory one calendar year.

Length of time is determined by the timestamp start date on the Behavior Resolution record and the end date. When the length of expulsion is less than 364 days, the student is counted.

Reports a value of 1 when:

  • Incident Type is 05: Dangerous Weapons AND
  • Resolution Code is 05: Expulsion and Referred to Alternate Program AND
  • Student was expelled for one year or more.

Otherwise, reports a value of zero (0).

Numeric, 2 digits

Behavior Management > Event Type > 05: Dangerous Weapons

Behavior Management > Resolution > 05

Students Referred and Expelled At Least One Year

Reports the number of students expelled for the mandatory one calendar year that resulted in a referral to an alternative school or program.

Length of time is determined by the timestamp start date on the Behavior Resolution record and the end Date. When the length of expulsion is equal to or more than 364 days, the student is counted.

Reports a value of 1 when:

  • Incident Type is 05: Dangerous Weapons AND
  • Resolution Code is 05: Expulsion and Referred to Alternate Program AND
  • Student was expelled for one year or more.

Otherwise, reports a value of zero (0).

Numeric, 2 digits

Behavior Management > Event Type > 05: Dangerous Weapons

Behavior Management > Resolution > 05

Students Not Disciplined

Reports the number of students who were not disciplined for firearms brought or possessed at school.

Reports a value of 1 when:

  • Incident Type is 05: Dangerous Weapons
  • Resolution Code is 00: Not Applicable or 10: No Action Taken

Otherwise, reports a value of zero (0).

Numeric, 2 digits

Behavior Management > Event Type > 05: Dangerous Weapons

Behavior Management > Resolution > 00, 10

Students Disciplined Other

Reports the number of students where the resolution to the behavior incident resulted in a disciplinary action other than expulsion (i.e., suspension, classroom removal, etc.) for firearms brought or possessed at school.

Reports a value of 1 when:

  • Incident Type is 05: Dangerous Weapons AND
  • Resolution Code is 01, 02, 03, 06 or 07. 

Otherwise, reports a value of zero (0).

Numeric, 2 digits

Behavior Management > Event Type > 05: Dangerous Weapons

Behavior Management > Resolution > 07

Students Removed Other

Reports the number of students that resulted in another type of removal from school not listed above (i.e., death, incarcerated, etc.) for firearms brought or possessed at school.

Reports a value of 1 when:

  • Incident Type is 05: Dangerous Weapons AND
  • Resolution Code is 09: Removal Other, Death, Incarcerated, etc.

Otherwise, reports a value of zero (0). 

Numeric, 2 digits

Behavior Management > Event Type > 05: Dangerous Weapons

Behavior Management > Resolution

LASIDReports the student's local student number.

Numeric 10 digits
Demographics > Student Number
