Michigan Ed-Fi Data v3.1 - SnackPack

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

This entity sends the the UIC (State ID/Ed-Fi ID) and displays any data MDE provides back of the student. The results are returned in the Ed-Fi Data Comparison tool.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.

1. Navigate to Student Information > General > Ed-Fi Data.

2. Select the appropriate configuration.

3. Select the SnackPack resource.

4. Click the Compare or Get Ed-Fi JSON button.


Sends the UIC (State ID/Ed-Fi ID) and displays any data MDE provides back of the student and returns results in Ed-Fi Data Comparison tool.

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements within the SnackPack resource.

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementBusiness RulesM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field


The unique identifier of the student.

Reports the Ed-Fi ID / State ID.

MCensus > People >

person.edfiid / person.stateid

StudentRecordAsOfDateIndicates the date in which the student record was last modified.Reports the date.M

PreviousSchoolInCEPIndicates if the student's previous school was Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).Report 'true' if the student was enrolled in a school identified as CEP.MSystem Administration > Resources > School
TotalDaysAttendedThe total number of days the student has been in attendance.Reports the total number of instructional days the student has attended.M

EntryTypeIndicates the Start Status of the student.
  1. Reports the Start Status.
  2. If blank, does not report.

MStudent Information> General> Enrollments> Start Statusenrollment.startstatus
ExitWithrawTypeIndicates the end Status of the student.
  1. Reports End Status selected.
  2. If blank, does not report.

MStudent Information> General> Enrollments> End Statusenrollment.endstatus
EconomicDisadvantagedIndicates if the student is considered Economic Disadvantaged.

Reports 'true' if the student has a FRAM Eligibility record that overlaps the configured year.

MFRAM > Eligibility
EngLangInstructionalProgramIndicates the service being provided to the student by the Language Instruction Program.Reports the service the student is assigned to that overlaps the configured year.MStudent Information> Program Participation> EL> EL Serviceslepservice
EnglishLearnerEligibleIndicates if the student is considered English Learner eligible.

Report 'True' if the student has an EL Services record that overlaps the configured year.

MStudent Information> Program Participation> EL> EL Serviceslepservice
FosterCareIndicates if the student is in Foster Care.

Report 'true' if the student has a Foster Care record that overlaps the configured year.

MStudent Information> Program Participation> Foster Care



gradeLevelDescriptorIndicates the Grade Level in which the student is enrolled.

Reports the grade level.

MStudent Information > Enrollmentsgradelevel.name
HomelessIndicates if the student is considered Homeless.Report 'true' if the student has a Homeless record that overlaps the configured year.MStudent Information> Program Participation> Homeless



MigrantIndicates if the student is considered Migrant.Report 'true' if the student has a Migrant record that overlaps the configured year.MStudent Information > Enrollments
PreviousLocalEducationAgencyReports the previous education agency in which the student was enrolled.Report the District Number.
  • If NULL, report the State District Number.
MSystem Administration> Resources> District Information




ProgramParticipationStatusThe status of the student within the program.Reports the Program Participation Status.MStudent Information> Program Participation>

The date of the notice/offer of a 

Free Appropriate Public Education 

(FAPE) associated with the 

student's most recent individualized education program (IEP).

If reporting from an IEP/NPSP:
  1. Report Offer of a FAPE. 

MStudent Information > SPED > Documents > IEP/NPSP > Offer of a FAPE
StudentSpecialEdPrimaryDisabilityThe primary disability for the student.Report the Primary Disability.

Student Information > SPED > Documents > IEP/NPSP > Enrollment Status


Indicates the services being 

provided to the student by the 


Report the Special Education Program service.


Student Information > SPED > Documents > IEP/NPSP > Special Ed Program


TotalDaysPossibleAttendanceThe total days the student could possibly be in attendance.Count the total number of instructional days from the Days tab from the calendar and schedule structure the term is associated with.MSystem Administration > Calendar > Days