Michigan Ed-Fi Data v3.1 - Schools

Tool Search: Ed-Fi

This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups. This field only accepts numeric values for the School ID so some states may implement a different State School Number for Ed-Fi. See state specific logic for more information.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a new School is created and saved OR the Ed-Fi School Number or State School Number Changes.

  • Do not send if the Exclude checkbox is checked.
  • Do not send if the Schools resource is toggled 'OFF' in the Schools Resource Preferences.

When any of the fields not part of the Natural Key changes:

  • Name of Institution

  • Addresses

  • Institution Telephones
  • Grade Levels
  • School Type
  • Grade Type
DeleteSchools can only be deleted using the Delete Tool only if all dependent data for a school has been removed from the ODS.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

ActionBusiness Rule
NoneNo data will send for a school after it is marked as excluded.
NoneIf the School is marked as exclude after the School or any dependent data is sent, the data will remain in the ODS.  The user must use the Delete tool to delete any dependent data that as sent for that school.
NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS and no new data will send.
ResyncIf an Ed-Fi Code mapping is changed to a new code or made NULL, a resync must be performed for the data to be updated in the ODS.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Delete Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Delete logic of this object.

ActionBusiness Rule
PostNatural Key change:  Ed-Fi School ID or State School Number.

If the School Number/Ed-Fi School Number changes, a delete/post will occur with the cascading deletes from the School ID/Ed-Fi ID Change triggers.
DeleteIf the School ID changes all dependent resources will be deleted and reposted:

Calendars, Class Periods, Courses, Course Offerings, Discipline Incidents, Grading Periods, Locations, Sessions, Staff Education Organization Assignment Associations, Staff Education Organization Employment Associations, Staff School Associations, Student School Associations, Student School Attendance Events
DeleteResources with SchoolID Reference from a Dependent Resource:

Calendar Dates, Staff Section Associations, Student Section Associations, Student Section Attendance Events, Grades, Student Discipline Incident Associations, Discipline Actions, Course Transcripts

Scope Year Logic

Data does not send for any of the resources if they reference a school that is marked as Exclude on the School editor.

Schools are not aligned to a year so all schools send to each scoped year with a valid configuration.
A resync must be completed on the resource when a new scope year is connected in order for this data to send.

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.

campusObjectTypeObject Key Data Source

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus TableEd-Fi ActionFields
schoolPost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.
gradePutWill update the Grade Levels field if a grade level is added/removed to the school and a mapping exists for that grade level.

Error Log

This table describes the Error logic of this object.

ErrorPossible Causes/How to Fix
403 Forbidden:

{"message": "Access to the resource could not be authorized for the requested action 'http://ed-fi.org/odsapi/actions/create'."}

This is usually caused by a security set up error in the ODS.  Contact the Ed-Fi Alliance for assistant on correct security setup in the ODS.

Ed-Fi. 400:

[message:Validation of 'School' failed.  EducationOrganizationAddresses requires at least one object in the collection. ].

The physical address fields must be populated on the School editor as address is a mandatory field to send the Schools resource.

Ed-Fi. 400:

[message:Validation of 'School' failed.  SchoolGradeLevels requires at least one object in the collection. ].

At least 1 grade level must be created under System Administration> Calendar> Calendar> Grade Levels.
The School ID being sent is non-numeric. Enter a numeric Ed-Fi School Number or State School Number on the Schools editor to correct this issue.Ed-Fi does not accept alpha-values in the School ID field.  If the State School Number has any alpha characters, use the Ed-Fi School ID field to create a numeric school number to send.

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Schools resource.

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementBusiness RulesM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field


The unique identifier of the resource.


addresses The set of elements that describes the physical location of the education entity, including the street address, city, state, ZIP code, and ZIP code + 4.
  1. Reports the Physical Address entered for the School.
  2. See Array section for field logic.

The classification of the education agency within the geographic boundaries of a state according to the level of administrative and operational control granted by the state.
  1. See Array section for field logic.

gradeLevelsThe grade levels served at the school.
  1. See Array section for field logic.

schoolIdThe identifier assigned to a school.
  1. Report the Ed-Fi School ID.
  2. If the Ed-Fi School ID is blank, report the State School Number.
MSystem Administration> Resources> School





Key for School Year.

  1. This is optional, does not report.

A reference to the related Local Education Agency resource.
  1. Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the resource.


The type of education institution as classified by its funding source, for example public or private.

  1. This is optional, does not report.


The type of agency that approved the establishment or continuation of a charter school.

  1. This is optional, does not report.

charterStatusDescriptorA school or agency providing free public elementary or secondary education to eligible students under a specific charter granted by the state legislature or other appropriate authority and designated by such authority to be a charter school.
  1. This is optional, does not report.

identificationCodesA unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to an education organization by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity.
  1. See Array section for field logic.

institutionTelephonesThe 10-digit telephone number, including the area code, for the education entity.
  1. See Array section for field logic.

internationalAddressesThe set of elements that describes the international physical location of the education entity.
  1. This is optional, does not report.


Indicates the type of Internet access that is available.

  1. This is optional, does not report.

A school that has been designed: 1) to attract students of different racial/ethnic backgrounds for the purpose of reducing, preventing, or eliminating racial isolation; and/or 2)to provide an academic or social focus on a particular theme (e.g., science/math, performing arts, gifted/talented, or foreign language). 
  1.  This is optional, does not report.

nameOfInstitutionThe full, legally accepted name of the institution.
  1. Report the School Name.
MSystem Administration> Resources> School school.name
The current operational status of the education organization (e.g., active, inactive).
  1.  This is optional, does not report.

schoolCategoriesThe one or more categories of school. For example: High School, Middle School, and/or Elementary School.
  1. See Array section below.


The type of education institution as classified by its primary focus.

  1. Report the type of school from the mapped value in school type if populated on the reporting school.
OSystem Administration> Resources> School> School Type school.type

A short name for the institution.

  1. Report the School Name
OSystem Administration> Resources> Schoolschool.name
Denotes the Title I Part A designation for the school.
  1.  This is optional, does not report.

webSiteThe public web site address (URL) for the educational organization.
  1. This is optional, does not report.



Array Data Elements

Click here to expand...

Education Organization Address

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules

M, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field


Key for Address.

  1. All addresses will report as 'Physical'.



stateAbbreviationDescriptorThe abbreviation for the state (within the United States) or outlying area in which an address is located.
  1. Reports the State for the address being reported.
MSystem Administration> Resources> School Informationschool.physicalstate
apartmentRoomSuiteNumberThe apartment, room, or suite number of an address.
  1.  This is optional, does not report.

buildingSiteNumberThe number of the building on the site, if more than one building shares the same address.
  1.  This is optional, does not report.

cityThe name of the city in which an address is located.
  1. Reports the Physical City for the address being reported.
MSystem Administration> Resources> School Information school.physicalcity
countyFIPSCode5 digit code consisting of the two digit state code followed by the three digit FIPS code for the county.
  1.  This is optional, does not report.

doNotPublishIndicatorAn indication that the address should not be published.
  1.  This is optional, does not report.

latitudeThe geographic latitude of the physical address.
  1.  This is optional, does not report.

longitudeThe geographic longitude of the physical address.
  1.  This is optional, does not report.

nameOfCountyThe name of the county, parish, borough, or comparable unit (within a state) in which an address is located.
  1.  This is optional, does not report.

postalCodeThe five or nine digit zip code portion of an address.
  1. Reports the Zip Code for the address being reported.
MSystem Administration> Resources> School Informationschool.physicalzip


The street number and street name or post office box number of an address.

  1. Reports the Physical Address.


System Administration> Resources> School Information


periodsThe time periods for which the address is valid. For physical addresses, the periods in which the person lived at that address.
  1.  This is optional, does not report

Education Organization Category

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules


Data Source GUI Path

Database Field


The classification of the education agency within the geographic boundaries of a state according to the level of administrative and operational control granted by the state.

  1. Always report 'School'

School Grade Level

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules


Data Source GUI Path

Database Field

gradeLevelDescriptor The grade levels served at the school.
  1. Report all unique Grade Levels for the school that are mapped to an Ed-Fi Grade Level.
    1. Report all distinct grades from all eligible calendars/schedule structures in the school.
    2. Do not report if the Grade Level is in a Calendar marked as Exclude.
  2. If a grade level is not mapped, do not report.
MSystem Administration> Calendar> Calendar> Grade Levelsgradelevel.name

Education Organization Identification Code

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules


Data Source GUI Path

Database Field


This descriptor defines the originating record system and code that is used for record-keeping purposes by education organizations.

  1. Always Report 'SEA'.

identificationCodeA unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a space, room, site, building, individual, organization, program, or institution by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity.
  1. Report the Ed-Fi School Number.

System Administration> Resources> School




Education Organization Institution Telephone

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules


Data Source GUI Path

Database Field

Type of Phone Number.
  1. Always report 'Main'.

telephoneNumber The telephone number including the area code, and extension, if applicable.Report the Phone Number entered.
  1. If blank, do not report.
MSystem Administration> Resources> School Informationschool.phone

School Categories

Data Element Label

Business Requirement

Business Rules


Data Source GUI Path

Database Field


The category of school. For example: High School, Middle School, Elementary School.

  1. Reports if the Grade Type is mapped to a School Category Descriptor in Schools preferences.
  2. If the Grade Type is blank or not mapped, do not report.


System Administration> Resources> Schools> Grade Typeschools.gradeType