Michigan Ed-Fi Data v3.1 - Graduation Plans

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This entity is a plan outlining the required credits, credits by subject, credits by course, and other criteria required for graduation. A graduation plan may be one or more standard plans defined by an education organization and/or individual plans for some or all students.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a Career Tech Program or a Graduation Program is mapped to a Graduation Plan Descriptor in Graduation Plan Preferences.

  • The program must be flagged as active to report.
  • For a Career Tech Program the Cohort/Graduation Active Start Year field must be populated to report.
  • For a Graduation Program, the Ed-FI Graduation Plan and Cohort/Graduation Active Start Year fields must be populated to report.
  • A separate record will report for each School Year that aligns with the Cohort/Graduation Active Start Year and Cohort/Graduation Active End Year.
    • Example:  If the Cohort/Graduation Active Start Year is 2014 and the Cohort/Graduation Active End Year is 2016, a record will report for each of the following years: 2014, 2015, 2016.
  • If the Cohort/Graduation Active End Year is NULL, a separate record will report starting with the Cohort/Graduation Active Start Year and ending 4+ years from the current year.

    • Example:  If the Cohort/Graduation Active Start Year is 2014 and the current year is 2016, a record will report for each of the following years:  2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.
  • If two programs have the same Graduation Program Type/Descriptor and School Year, the last record to be updated will be the one reported.
  • Use the Scope Year logic below to determine if the record is eligible to report.

If the sum of the total number of required credits changes on a reported Graduation program.

DeleteGraduation Plans will not delete due to the association across multiple cohort years.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

NoneIf a resource is toggled to 'OFF' after data has sent, all sent data will remain in the ODS but no new data will send.
ResyncIf a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync will need to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.


Natural Key changes: If the mapping is changed for the Graduation Plan Type Descriptors and a resync is completed the new program will post and the existing program will remain.

DeleteGraduation Plans will not delete due to the association across multiple cohort years

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.


The record will send to any year in which the Graduation Plan overlaps.

  • Data will only send for years that have valid configuration.

Identity Mapping Object Key

Campus Object TypeObject Key Data Source
Programprogram ID - Cohort End Year

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus TableEd-Fi ActionFields
programsPost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Graduation Plans resource.

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementBusiness RulesM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field
The unique identifier of the resource.


This descriptor defines the set of graduation plan types.

Report the Ed-Fi Code to which the CTE Program is mapped.


Program Admin> Programs> Graduation Programs> Graduation Program Detail or Career Tech Programs

program.edfi PlanType
A reference to the related Education Organization resource.

Reports the District Number.


 A reference to the related School Year Type resource.

Reports the End Year for each year a record is reporting based on the Cohort years the Graduation Plan covers.

An unordered collection of graduation Plan Credits By Courses. The total credits required for graduation by taking a specific course, or by taking one or more from a set of courses.

This field is optional and does not report.


An unordered collection of graduation Plan Credits By Subjects. The total number of credits required in a subject to graduate. Only those courses identified as a high school course requirement are eligible to meet subject credit requirements.

This field is optional and does not report.


An indicator of whether the GraduationPlan is tailored for an individual.

This field is optional and does not report.


An unordered collection of graduation Plan Required Assessments. The total credits required for graduation by taking a specific course, or by taking one or more from a set of courses.

This field is optional and does not report.


Conversion factor that when multiplied by the number of credits is equivalent to Carnegie units.

This field is optional and does not report.


The total number of credits required for graduation under this plan.
  1. Report '0' when the program is 'Career and Technical Education'.
  2. When reporting from a Graduation Plan, sum the total number of required credits associated with the program being reported.
MCalculated value from the CreditRequirement table.

The type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.

This field is optional and does not report.