Section Audit Report (Grading Setup)

Tool Search: Section Audit

The Section Audit Report tracks the setup of teacher grade books and includes all courses that have grading tasks, standards, categories and grade calculation options. Note that report generation time depends on the number of teachers and courses selected.

Screenshot of the section audit report editor. Image 1: Section Audit Report

Report Logic

Logic looks to the grade book setup for the selected teacher or course and returns a list of grading tasks, standards, grade calculation options and categories associated with the course.

  • If a course does not have a section, it is not included in the report.
  • If a course has a section but does not have a teacher, it is not included in the report.
  • If a course has a section and a teacher, but the teacher has not access Campus Instruction Grade Book, it is not included in the report.

Teachers in red text are inactive.

If no options are marked in the Data to Report section, the report returns Grading Tasks and Standards and indicates whether they are marked as Post Only.

Generate the Section Audit Report

  1. Select which Teachers to include in the report. Or, keep the selection at All Teachers.
  2. Select the Courses to include in the report. Or, keep the selection at All Courses. Courses can be viewed/selected by Course Number or Course Name by changing the appropriate Sort By radio button.
  3. Select the desired Data to Report options (listed below) by marking the checkboxes. 
    • Categories
    • Assignments
    • Composite Grades
    • Grade Calc Options - Mark Include Post Only to also report grading setup related to tasks and standards marked as "Post-Only"
  4. Click the Generate Report button. The report displays in CSV format.

Screenshot of an example of the section audit report with Data to Report options marked. Image 2: Section Audit Report - Data to Report Options Marked

Screenshot of an example of the section audit report with Data to Report options not marked. Image 3: Section Audit Report - Data to Report Options Not Marked

The CSV format of the report limits the display of numbers when there are leading zeros in the Course Number and Section Number fields. Change the formatting of those columns in the spreadsheet to have them reflect the numbers properly.

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Interface
Course Number

Reports the number of the course.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Information > Number

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Course Master Information > Number

Course NameReports the name of the course.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Information > Name

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Course Master Information > Name

Section NumberReports the course section number.Scheduling > Courses > Section Information > Section Number
Teacher NameReports the name of the primary teacher assigned to the section.

Scheduling > Courses > Section Information > Teacher Name Display

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section Staff History > Primary Teacher

TermReports the name (or number) of the term in which the course section is scheduled.Scheduling > Courses > Section Schedule Placement
Grading Task/StandardLists the grading task or standard assigned to the course.Scheduling > Courses > Course Grading Tasks
Post OnlyIndicates whether the grading task or standard is marked as post only. Reports yes when the Post-only Grading Task or Post-only Standard checkbox is marked; reports No when checkbox is not marked.Scheduling > Courses >Course Grading Tasks/ Course Standards > Post-only Grading Task/Standard
CategoryReports the categories assigned to the courses.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Categories

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Categories

SequenceIndicates the sequence (sort order) assigned to the category.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Categories > Sequence

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Categories > Sequence

Category WeightIndicates the weight assigned to the category.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Categories > Weight

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Categories > Weight

Exclude from Calculation

Indicates whether the Exclude this category from calculation checkbox is marked on the category.

Reports Yes when marked; reports No when not marked.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Categories > Exclude this category from calculation

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Categories > Exclude this category from calculation

Drop Lowest Score (%)

Indicates whether the Drop Lowest Score (by percent) checkbox is marked on the category.

Reports Yes when marked; reports No when not marked.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Categories > Drop Lowest Score (by percent)

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Categories > Drop Lowest Score (by percent)

Right to Edit Categories

Indicates whether the teacher is assigned tool rights to modify categories assigned to the course.

Reports Yes when tool rights for the Grade Book Edit Categories checkbox is marked; Reports No when not marked.

User Management > User Account Administration > User Account > Tool Rights > Instruction > Edit Categories
Assignment CountReports the total number of assignments associated with the category.N/A
Assignment NameLists the names of the assignments associated with the category. Instruction > Grades > Grade Book > Assignment
CompositeIndicates whether the grading task or standard is marked as a composite grade, and reports the calculation and the grading task or standard.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Grade Calc Options > Composite

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Grade Calc Options > Composite

Right to Edit Composite Grading

Indicates whether the teacher is assigned tool rights to modify composite grading information assigned to the course.

Reports Yes when tool rights for the Grade Book Edit Composite Grades checkbox is marked; Reports No when not marked.

User Management > User Account Administration > User Account > Tool Rights > Campus Instruction > Edit Composite Grades
Grading Calc Type

Reports the type of calculation assigned to the grading task or standard.

Reports one of the following:

  • Blank field (no calculation set)
  • In Progress Grade
  • Proficiency Estimate

Scheduling > Courses > Course Grade Calc Options > Calculation Type

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Grade Calc Options > Calculation Type

Grading Scale/MethodReports the grading scale or rubric assigned to the grading task or standard.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Grade Calc Options > Grading Scale (when Fill Calculation Type = In Progress Grade)

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Grade Calc Options > Grading Scale (when Fill Calculation Type = In Progress Grade)

Weight CategoriesIndicates the Weight Categories checkbox is marked when the Calculation Type is set to In Progress Grade.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Grade Calc Options > Weight Categories (when Fill Calculation Type = In Progress Grade)

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Grade Calc Options > Weight Categories (when Fill Calculation Type = In Progress Grade)

Use Score % ValueIndicates the Use Score's % Value checkbox is marked when the Calculation Type is set to In Progress Grade.

Scheduling > Courses > Course Grade Calc Options > Use Score's % Value (when Fill Calculation Type = In Progress Grade)

Grading and Standards > Course Masters > Grade Calc Options > Use Score's % Value (when Fill Calculation Type = In Progress Grade)

Rights to Edit Grade Calc Options

Indicates whether the teacher is assigned tool rights to modify grade calc option information assigned to the course.

Reports Yes when tool rights for the Grade Book Edit Grade Calc Options checkbox is marked; Reports No when not marked.

User Management > User Account Administration > User Account > Tool Rights > Campus Instruction > Edit Grade Calc Options
District Data Updated OnIndicates the date and time the district grading setup is pulled into the section, which usually occurs the first time the teacher opens grade book for the section.N/A

Values Included on the Report

Depending on the options chosen on the report editor, the CSV report returns different values, as follows.

When generating the report without Data to Report options, the following fields are included in the layout:
  • Course Number
  • Course Name
  • Section Number
  • Teacher Name
  • Term
  • Grading Task/Standard
  • Post Only
  • District Data Updated On
When generating the report with Data to Report option of Categories, the following fields are included in the layout:
  • Course Number
  • Course Name
  • Section Number
  • Teacher Name
  • Term
  • Grading Task/Standard
  • Post Only
  • Category
  • Sequence
  • Category Weight
  • Exclude from Calculation
  • Drop Lowest Score (%)
  • Right to Edit Categories
  • District Data Updated On

When generating the report with Data to Report option of Assignments, the following fields are included in the layout:

  • Course Number
  • Course Name
  • Section Number
  • Teacher Name
  • Term
  • Grading Task/Standard
  • Post Only
  • Category
  • Assignment Count
  • Assignment Name
  • District Data Updated On

When generating the report with Data to Report option of Composite Grades, the following fields are included in the layout:

  • Course Number
  • Course Name
  • Section Number
  • Teacher Name
  • Term
  • Grading Task/Standard
  • Post Only
  • Composite
  • Right to Edit Composite Grading
  • District Data Updated On
When generating the report with Data to Report option of Grade Calc Options, the following fields are included in the layout:
  • Course Number
  • Course Name
  • Section Number
  • Teacher Name
  • Term
  • Grading Task/Standard
  • Post Only
  • Grading Calc Type
  • Grading Scale/Method
  • Weight Categories
  • Use Score % Value
  • Rights to Edit Grade Calc Options
  • District Data Updated On
When generating the report with ALL Data to Report options selected, the following fields are included in the layout:
  • Course Number
  • Course Name
  • Section Number
  • Teacher Name
  • Term
  • Grading Task/Standard
  • Post Only
  • Category
  • Sequence
  • Category Weight
  • Exclude from Calculation
  • Drop Lowest Score (%)
  • Right to Edit Categories
  • Assignment Count
  • Assignment Name
  • Composite
  • Right to Edit Composite Grading
  • Grading Calc Type
  • Grading Scale/Method
  • Weight Categories
  • Use Score % Value
  • Rights to Edit Grade Calc Options
  • District Data Updated On