Bilingual ESL Program Reporting Period Attendance (Texas v4.0)

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Object Triggering Logic


Report attendance for each school the student has a Student School Association record for.

Reports attendance from associated Attendance Periods:

  1. Date Range of reporting period is the Attendance Start Date through Attendance End Date.
  2. Exclude any attendance/membership found between Exclude Start Date and Exclude End Date.

Student must have an ADA eligibility record that is active in the reporting range.

  • ADA eligibility = 1/2/3/4/5/6
  1. EL Program Status of EL during the reporting period or Exited after the reporting period
  2. EL Service Type of B2, B3, B4, B5, E2, or E3 during the reporting period
  3. Bilingual/ESL Funding = NOT NULL
A change of school within the Attendance Period will cause a record for each school to report.

A change in grade level within the Attendance Period will cause a record for each grade level to report.

  • The total days reported for each data element on the record is the total for that specific reporting period. If a student has multiple entries and withdrawals in the same grade in the same school on the same instructional track during a specific reporting period, only one record is required and the total days for each data element are reported.

Do not send record if attendance records are associated with an enrollment marked as No Show.

Do not send records if attendance records are associated with a Calendar when the Exclude checkbox is marked.

Do not send records if attendance records are associated with a School when the Exclude checkbox is marked.


Attendance data is changed within a reported Attendance Period.

DELETEIf enrollment that affects the attendance range is deleted.

Logic for Counting Days of Absence

There is an "Attendance Snapshot Time" designated in System Admin > Calendar > Calendar for each School.
Students who are marked absent in the period that contains the snapshot time are considered absent for the day.
Students who are marked present in the period that contains the snapshot time are considered present for the day.
Attendance marks in any other period do not count.
Students with ADA Eligibility = 2, 5, or 6 count one-half day of absence or presence for each instructional day.
If there is a number entered into Present Minutes for a period use that number to calculate the total minutes, no matter what attendance code is entered.
If there is no attendance code/a Present code/an Absent-Exempt code and no minutes entered into the Present Minutes, use the Period Start and End times to calculate the number of minutes Present, adding together the instructional minutes from any instructional period in which the student is scheduled into an attendance taking course, when the student does not have an attendance code with a Status/Excuse of Absent/Excused, Absent/Unexcused, Absent/Unknown, or teacher-entered absence.

Attendance Event Indicator Code Table

Click here to expand...

CodeNameEligible ADA ValuesData Setup
  • Reporting year enrollment containing present days
02Regular - Bilingual/ESL1/2/3/4/5/6
  • EL Program Status of EL during the reporting period or Exited after the Attendance Period
  • EL Service Type of B2, B3, B4, B5, E2, or E3 during the attendance period
03Regular - CTE1/2/3/4/5/6
  • Enrolled in a CTE course during the reporting period
04Regular - PRS1/2/3/4/5/6
  • Active PRS flag during the reporting period

Regular - SpecialEd

  • Active and locked IEP during the reporting period
06Flexible - Regular7/8
  • Need value in Flexible Attendance Program Type on the ADA tab
07Flexible - Bilingual/ESL7/8
  • Need value in Flexible Attendance Program Type on the ADA tab
  • EL Program Status of EL during the reporting period
  • EL Service Type of B2, B3, B4, B5, E2, or E3 during the reporting period
08Flexible - CTE7/8
  • Need value in Flexible Attendance Program Type on the ADA tab
  • Enrolled in a CTE course during the reporting period
09Flexible - PRS7/8
  • Need value in Flexible Attendance Program Type on the ADA tab
  • Active PRS Flag or Program during the reporting period
10Flexible - SpecialEd7/8
  • Need value in Flexible Attendance Program Type on the ADA tab
  • Active and locked IEP during the reporting period
11Regular - SpecialEd Mainstream1/2/3/6
  • Active and locked IEP during the reporting period

  • Special Ed Setting of '40'

12Flexible - SpecialEd Mainstream7/8
  • Need value in Flexible Attendance Program Type on the ADA tab
  • Active and locked IEP during the reporting period

  • Special Ed Setting of '40'

  • Student grade level of 9, 10, 11, or 12
13Regular - Residential Facility1/2/3/4/5/6
  • Active Residential Facility Program record during the reporting period
14Flexible - Residential Facility7/8
  • Need value in Flexible Attendance Program Type on the ADA tab
  • Active Residential Facility Program during the reporting period

Object Data Elements

Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required data elements for Data to send to Ed-Fi.

DE#Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementFormer Element NameLogicM, C, or, OLocation
TX100idThe unique identifier of the resource.


A unique campus calendar of school days for a particular group of students on a campus. Students with the same instructional track have the same number of days taught in a particular reporting period at a campus.


Report an identifying number for the number of Calendars in a particular school. If there is only 1 Calendar for a School, report 00.

If there is more than 1 Calendar for a school, report Track Number of 00 for the first Calendar listed and a Track of 01 for the 2nd Calendar listed in the School, and count up from there.

MSystem Admin > Calendar > Calendar > Schedule

GRADE-LEVEL-CODEReport the students Grade from the most current Enrollment.MStudent Information > General > Enrollments Tab > General Enrollment Information > Grade


Report the Sequence of the School Month (Attendance or Reporting Period).

EX: First 6 Week Reporting Period reports '1' 

MSystem Admin > Calendar > Calendar > School Months (Attendance Periods)

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the School resourceM

Reports the data that is part of the Natural Key for the Student resource


Indicates the number of days of instruction offered, as shown on the school calendar, during a particular reporting period.


Report the number of instructional days in the Report.

The number of instructional days in the Attendance Period or Reporting Period (School Month).

This represents the actual number of instructional days in the school/track calendar for a specific reporting period.

All students in a particular school/track will have the same number of days taught.

MSystem Admin > Calendar > Calendar > School Months (Attendance Periods)


Indicates the language program in which the student participates during the reporting period.


If student has an active EL record AND an active EL Services record AND Bilingual/ESL Funding contains a value, then report that value.

MStudent Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL AND EL Services


Indicates the total number of days the student was present and an eligible participant in the state-approved bilingual/ESL program during a particular reporting period.


See Business Rules above for explanation of a day of absence.

For a student with an active ESL/Bilingual program & service (*see below) during the reporting period, report the number of days in the reporting period in which:
1. the student was enrolled,
2. the ESL/BIL program was active,
3. and the student was counted as present.

The final number must be 0 or 5.
This value is reported as a number with the format XXX.X.

If the student is in grade EE, even if the student has an active ESL/Bilingual program.

10 days would report as 10.0 and 10.5 days would report as 10.5.

Also, Bilingual and ESL Attendance will report values if and only if the student has an active LEP Program Status AND an active LEP Service Type of B2, B3, B4, B5, E2, or E3 on the same service date in order for the date to be counted.

All 3 combined fields must report together (0938/1682/1683) - total of all 3 fields must equal Total Eligible Days Present for this Attendance Type.

OStudent Information > Program Participation > LEP / calculated


Indicates the total number of days the student was remote

synchronous present and an eligible participant in the state-approved bilingual/ESL program during a

particular reporting period.


For all days that qualify in the field above (E0938) do the following:

  • For every day that a student is present do the following:
    1. If student has an attendance code of RS for that day - count that day for this field
    2. If student has an attendance code of RA OR IP - ignore that day for this field
    3. If student does not have an applicable attendance code for that day - check their blended learning group assignment
    4. If assignment is marked as Virtual > Synchronous count that day for this field
    5. If none of the above are true, do not count that day for this field
    6. If day is counted for this field it will NOT count for standard attendance (field above)

If student value is 0.0, do not report element

OStudent Information > Program Participation > LEP / calculated


Indicates the total number of days the student was remote

asynchronous present and an eligible participant in the state-approved bilingual/ESL program during a

particular reporting period.


For all days that qualify in the field above (E0938) do the following:

  • For every day that a student is present do the following:
    1. If student has an attendance code of RA for that day - count that day for this field
    2. If student has an attendance code of RS OR IP - ignore that day for this field
    3. If student does not have an applicable attendance code for that day - check their blended learning group assignment
    4. If assignment is marked as Virtual > Asynchronous count that day for this field
    5. If none of the above are true, do not count that day for this field
    6. If day is counted for this field it will NOT count for standard attendance (field above)

If student value is 0.0, do not report element

OStudent Information > Program Participation > LEP / calculated