Behavior (Insights)


Detentions by Event Type (Insights)
Detentions by Event Type displays detention time assigned to students with an Early Warning Behavior GRAD score between 50 and 100 sorted by the event which led to a detention resolution.
Detentions by Student (Insights)
Detentions by Student displays detention time assigned to students with an Early Warning Behavior GRAD score between 50 and 100, allowing you to view the total time assigned, time served and remaining unserved detention time.
Events by Grade (Insights)
Events by Grade displays a count of behavior events associated with students (with an Early Warning Behavior GRAD score between 50 and 100) per student grade level.
Events by Resolution (Insights)
Events by Resolution displays a count of behavior events by resolution type for students with an Early Warning Behavior GRAD score between 50 and 100.
Events by Role (Insights)
Events by Role displays a count of behavior events by role for students with an Early Warning Behavior GRAD score between 50 and 100.
Events by Staff (Insights)
Events by Staff displays a count of behavior events involving students with an Early Warning Behavior GRAD score between 50-100 per reporting staff member.
Suspensions by Event Type (Insights)
Suspensions by Event Type displays a count of suspension days assigned students with an Early Warning Behavior GRAD score between 50-100 per behavior event type.
Suspensions by Student (Insights)
Suspensions by Student displays the sum of suspension days assigned each student with an Early Warning Behavior GRAD score between 50-100.