Special Ed Process Alert Messages

Tool Search: Process Alerts Messages

Message templates are created in the Messages tab using the WYSIWYG editor. Message templates are required to determine rules and schedule alerts to be sent to special education case managers.

A message is only sent once per student, per rule. To send multiple notifications for the same alert, separate rules must be created (e.g., a rule to notify two weeks prior to an event and a separate rule to notify one week prior to an event).

Screenshot of the Process Alerts Messages tool.Special Ed Process Alert Messages tool

Infinite Campus recommends that process alert messages contain at least the fields that auto-insert a student’s name, grade and school for identification purposes.

Create a New Process Alert Message

  1. Select the New Message icon. The Message Detail Editor will appear below.
  2. Enter the subject of the message in the Message Subject field.
  3. Enter the content of the message in the Message Preview field.
  4. Select the Insert/Edit Campus Field icon to choose the desired Campus fields.
  5. Select the Communication Language.
  6. When finished, select the Save icon.

After the message has been created, establish Rules for the message.

When selecting a Campus field, specialedMessenger.current.plan.start and specialedMessenger.current.plan.end will pull the most current locked Plan based on end date and specialedMessenger.previous.plan.start and specialedMessenger.previous.plan.end will pull the second most current locked Plan based on end date.