Ed-Fi v2.0 - Core Ed-Fi Data [.2231 - .2327]

Tool Search: Ed-Fi Configuration

This article defines all of the elements of data sent per entity between Campus and the Ed-Fi system. 

    • Data in schools and calendars marked as Exclude will not send data to Ed-Fi.
    • Person-related records do not trigger a send of data to Ed-Fi if the person does not have an Ed-Fi ID value assigned.
    • Ed-Fi ignores custom field data entered in Campus.
An entity is a collection of related data which is sent in a cluster of data elements from Campus to Ed-Fi. Select the following links to view what data elements are contained and sent within that entity:

Understand Object Triggering Tables

The Object Triggering Logic Tables describe what actions within Campus result in data being triggered to sync to Ed-Fi.

Image 1: Example of an Object Triggering Logic Table

The following table lists the definition of each potential Action:

PostThis will insert new records and data within Ed-Fi.
PutThis action will update existing information within Ed-Fi.
GetThis action is used for items that are pre-loaded. For example, Courses and Programs.
DeleteThis will delete records and data within Ed-Fi.

Understand Object Data Element Tables

The Object Data Element tables describe all of the elements contained within a reporting entity. Each element is given a description of what it is and any potential logic used to calculate the element, if the element is mandatory for reporting to Ed-Fi (indicated by an M), where the data is pulled from the Campus database and where the pulled information is entered within the Campus UI.

Elements marked as M are mandatory elements which must report data to Ed-Fi in order to meet reporting requirements. Elements marked as O are optional elements which are not mandatory for the Ed-Fi requirement but can be populated and report data for additional state-specific reporting purposes. Elements listed as C are conditional elements which are not required to report but will report data if the data is present within Campus.

Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required data elements for data to send to Ed-Fi.

Image 2: Example of a Object Data Elements Table

Understand Type/Descriptor Tables

The Type/Descriptor section describes each element and their corresponding Campus to Ed-Fi value translation that is occurring.

If the element is reporting a Descriptor, the Ed-Fi Code Value is reported.

If the element is reporting a Type, the Ed-Fi Short Description is reported.

Image 3: Example of a Type/Descriptor Table

Entities and Elements

The following lists all the currently available and syncing entities and their respective elements. 

Calendar Dates

This entity represents a day in the school calendar.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.

Days report by school not calendar in Ed-Fi, so when working with multiple calendars/schedule structures it is possible a day could be reporting even if it is not in the calendar you are working in.


When a Day and/or a Day Event is created and saved or the Instruction checkbox is checked.

  • Days can be set either manually or by the Day Reset tool.
  • Day Events can be set either manually or by the Multi Day Event Wizard.
  • Send a record for each date that meets the reporting criteria.
  • When there is more than 1 calendar/schedule structure, any day that has a day event will report. If the same day in multiple calendars has events that are not the same, all events will report.
  • If the same day in different calendar/schedule structures has the same event, only 1 record will report. 
  • Do not send a record if the Calendar Exclude checkbox is checked.
PutWhen a Day Event or Duration is changed and saved.

When the Instruction checkbox is unchecked or a Day Event is deleted and saved.

  • When removing a day event there must only be one day event reported to send a delete. If there is more than one, it updates the day, not deletes.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Reports the calendar dates in the scope year to which the calendar is aligned.
Data will only send for the years that have a valid configuration.

Future Years data will be suppressed until the Active Year is changed:

  • This allows the Schedule Wizard to be used and reduces the number of records sent until the final schedule is completed.
  • A resync must be done after the Active Year is changed to send data.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Calendar Dates resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

Reports data from the SchoolID field that is part of the natural key for the Schools resourceThe following elements are reported:

  • schoolID
MSchool.entityIDSystem Administration > Resources > School > Entity ID

Month, day, and year of the date being reported.

MDay.dateSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Date

An unordered collection of calendarDateCalendarEvents. This entity represents a day in the school calendar.

  • Data is reported from the Day or Day Event for the Date being reported. 

See the Calendar Event Descriptor table in the Type/Descriptor section below.

Calendar Event Descriptor

This descriptor holds the types of scheduled or unscheduled events for the day.

Logic reports as follows:

  • Reports 'Instructional Day' if the Instructional Day box is marked on the day.
  • Otherwise, logic reports the Ed-Fi code from the data dictionary of the Day Event that is selected and saved.
  • If Instruction is not marked for the day and there is not a day event mapped to an Ed-Fi code, no record is reported.

See the Calendar Event Descriptor table in the Type/Descriptor section below.



System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Day

Reports the duration of the day event being reported.

This element is optional and does not report.


A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource. 

This does not report.



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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Calendar Event Descriptor:

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Instructional DayInstructional DayInstructional Day
Teacher only dayTeacher only dayTeacher only day
Make-up dayMake-up dayMake-up day
Weather DayWeather DayWeather Day
Student late arrival/early dismissalStudent late arrival/early dismissalStudent late arrival/early dismissal
Emergency dayEmergency dayEmergency day

Class Periods

This entity represents the designation of a regularly scheduled series of class meetings at designated times and days of the week.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a Period Schedule is created and saved.

  • A separate record will be sent for each Period Schedule/Period Name/Schedule Structure ID combination created.
  • Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude checkbox is marked.
  • Do not send a record if the School Exclude checkbox is marked.
PostWhen a Period Schedule Name or Period Name is changed and saved.
DeleteWhen a Period Schedule Name or Period Name is changed and saved.
DeleteWhen a Period Schedule or Period is deleted.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Reports the class periods in the scope year to which the calendar is aligned.
Data is only sent for the years that have a valid configuration.

Future Years data will be suppressed until the Active Year is changed:

  • This allows the Schedule Wizard to be used and reduces the number of records sent until the final schedule is completed.
  • A resync must be done after the Active Year is changed to send data.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Class Periods resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

Reports data from the SchoolID field that is part of the natural key for the Schools resource. The following elements are reported:

  • schoolID
System Administration> Resources> School> State School Number

Indicates the portion of a typical daily session in which students receive instruction in a specified subject (e.g., morning, sixth period, block period, etc).

The Period Schedule Name + Period Name + Schedule Structure ID reports (with a space between each value).

The maximum value for this field is 20 characters. The Period Schedule Name or Period Name may have to be abbreviated if the concatenation exceeds the 20 character limit. 




ScheduleStructure. structureID

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Schedule Structure


A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.

This is optional and does not report.



This entity represents any type of list of designated students for tracking, analysis, or intervention.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.

PostWhen a Program Session is added and is mapped to a Program where the Program's Name matches a Cohort Type

The Program can only be created from Program Admin> Programs> Programs tab
PutIf the Category or Description changes
Post/DeleteIf the Program Name changes
DeleteIf the Program Session is deleted

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Cohorts resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

A reference to the related EducationOrganization resource

Reports the State District Number

MSystem Administration> Resources> District Information> State District Numberdistrict.number

The name or ID for the cohort.

Reports the Program Session ID

MProgram Admin> Programs> Program> Program Sessions ID

programsession. programSessionID


The description of the cohort and its purpose.

  • Report text in the Description field
  • If NULL, do not report

OProgram Admin> Programs> Programs> Descriptionprogram.description

The type of the cohort (academic intervention, attendance intervention, discipline intervention, breakout session, etc.).

Reports the Cohort Type selected on the mapping page for the program being reported.


The scope of cohort (e.g., campus, district, classroom).

  • Report the Ed-Fi Code from the category selected
  • If a Category is not selected or the Ed-Fi Code is NULL, do not report
OProgram Admin> Programs> Programs> Categoryprogram.program Category
academicSubjectDescriptorThe subject for an academic intervention (e.g., science, mathematics)O

programsAn unordered collection of cohortPrograms. The optional program associated with this cohort (e.g., Special Education)O



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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Cohort Type

Ed-Fi Code Value
Ed-Fi Short Description
Ed-Fi Description
Academic InterventionAcademic InterventionAcademic Intervention
Attendance InterventionAttendance InterventionAttendance Intervention
Classroom PulloutClassroom PulloutClassroom Pullout
Counselor ListCounselor ListCounselor List
Discipline InterventionDiscipline InterventionDiscipline Intervention
Extracurricular ActivityExtracurricular ActivityExtracurricular Activity
Field TripField TripField Trip
In-school SuspensionIn-school SuspensionIn-school Suspension
Principal Watch ListPrincipal Watch ListPrincipal Watch List
Study HallStudy HallStudy Hall

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Cohort Scope Type

Ed-Fi Code Value
Ed-Fi Short Description
Ed-Fi Description


This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a course is created and saved. 

  • Do not send if course is marked as Inactive or State Exclude.
  • Do not send if course is in a calendar marked as exclude.
  • Do not send if course is in a school marked as exclude.
Delete/InsertIf the course number is changed, do a delete/insert of the record.

When course information not part of the natural key is changed and saved:

  • Title
  • Number of Parts
  • Academic Subject Descriptor
  • Identification Codes
  • Type Level
DeleteWhen a Course is deleted and there are no other courses with the same number in the same school and year

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Course resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

A reference to the related EducationOrganization resource.

Reports the school number associated with the course.

codeThe code that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students.
MCourse.numberScheduling > Course > Number

The descriptive name given to a course of study offered in a school or other institution or organization. 

In departmentalized classes at the elementary, secondary, and post-secondary levels (and for staff development activities), this refers to the name by which a course is identified (e.g., American History, English III).

For elementary and other non-departmentalized classes, it refers to any portion of the instruction for which a grade or report is assigned (e.g., reading, composition, spelling, and language arts).

MCourse.nameScheduling > Course > Name
numberOfPartsThe number of parts identified for a course. The number in the SCED Sequence Part M field is reported. This field reports a default value of 1 for all courses if blank.Mcourse.sced
Defaults to 1 for all courses

The intended major subject area of the course. NEDM: Secondary Course Subject Area. See the Type/Descriptor table below.

Reports the Ed-Fi code from the value selected in the SCED Subject Area dropdown.  If SCED codes are not used or Ed-Fi Value is blank, it does not report.

OCourse.SCEDScheudling > Course > Courses > SCED Subject Area

A description of the content standards and goals covered in the course. Reference may be made to state or national content standards. 

This field does not report.


The date the district adopted the course.

This field does not report. 


An indication that this course credit is required for a high school diploma.

This field does not report. 


An indicator of whether or not this course being described is included in the computation of the student’s Grade Point Average, and if so, if it is weighted differently from regular courses.

This field does not report. 


Specifies whether the course was defined by the SEA, LEA, school or national organization.

This field does not report. 


The type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.

This field does not report. 

Conversion factor that when multiplied by the number of credits is equivalent to Carnegie units.ON/AN/A

The minimum amount of credit available to a student who successfully completes the course.

This field does not report. 


The type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.

This field does not report. 


Conversion factor that when multiplied by the number of credits is equivalent to Carnegie units.

This field does not report. 


The maximum amount of credit available to a student who successfully completes the course.

This field does not report. 


The career cluster or pathway representing the career path of the Vocational/CTE concentrator.

This field does not report. 


The actual or estimated number of clock minutes required for class completion. This number is especially important for career and technical education classes and may represent (in minutes) the clock hour requirement of the class.

This field does not report. 


An unordered collection of courseCompetencyLevels. This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.

This field does not report. 


An unordered collection of courseGradeLevels. This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.

This field does not report. 


An unordered collection of courseIdentificationCodes. This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.

This field is an array.

courseIdentification SystemDescriptor

Reports 'LEA course code' when reporting the Course Number

Reports 'State course code' when reporting the State Code

assigningOrganization IdentificationCode

The organization code or name assigning the staff Identification Code.

This field does not report.


A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a space, room, site, building, individual, organization, program, or institution by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity.

Reports the Course Number when reporting 'LEA course code'

Reports the State Code when reporting 'State course code' 

MScheduling> Courses





An unordered collection of courseLearningObjectives. This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.

This field does not report. 


An unordered collection of courseLearningStandards. This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.

This field does not report. 


An unordered collection of courseLevelCharacteristics. This educational entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.

This field is an array.


Reports the Ed-Fi code from the Course Level selected.

Does not report if the Ed-Fi Code is NULL or field is blank.

MScheduling> Courses> Course Levelcourse.honorsCode
etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource. ON/AN/A


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Academic Subject Descriptor:

Ed-Fi Code Value
Ed-Fi Short Description
Ed-Fi Description
Career and Technical EducationCareer and Technical EducationCareer and Technical Education
Critical ReadingCritical ReadingCritical Reading
English Language ArtsEnglish Language ArtsEnglish Language Arts
Fine and Performing ArtsFine and Performing ArtsFine and Performing Arts
Foreign Language and LiteratureForeign Language and LiteratureForeign Language and Literature
Life and Physical SciencesLife and Physical SciencesLife and Physical Sciences
Military ScienceMilitary ScienceMilitary Science
Physical, Health, and Safety EducationPhysical, Health, and Safety EducationPhysical, Health, and Safety Education
Religious Education and TheologyReligious Education and TheologyReligious Education and Theology
Social Sciences and HistorySocial Sciences and HistorySocial Sciences and History
Social StudiesSocial StudiesSocial Studies

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Course Level Characteristic Types:

Ed-Fi Code Value
Ed-Fi Short Description
Accepted as high school equivalentAccepted as high school equivalentAccepted as high school equivalent
Advanced PlacementAdvanced PlacementAdvanced Placement
Career and Technical EducationCareer and Technical EducationCareer and Technical Education
Core SubjectCore SubjectCore Subject
Distance LearningDistance LearningDistance Learning
Dual CreditDual CreditDual Credit
English Language LearnerEnglish Language LearnerEnglish Language Learner
Gifted and TalentedGifted and TalentedGifted and Talented
Graduation CreditGraduation CreditGraduation Credit
International BaccalaureateInternational BaccalaureateInternational Baccalaureate
Students with disabilitiesStudents with disabilitiesStudents with disabilities

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Course Identification System Descriptor:

Code Value

Short Description


CSSC course code

CSSC course code

CSSC course code

Intermediate agency course code

Intermediate agency course code

Intermediate agency course code

LEA course code

LEA course code

LEA course code

NCES Pilot SNCCS course code

NCES Pilot SNCCS course code

NCES Pilot SNCCS course code




SCED course code

SCED course code

SCED course code

School course code

School course code

School course code

State course code

State course code

State course code

University course code

University course code

University course code

Course Offering

This entity represents an offering of a course by school during a session, representing the course catalog of available courses.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.

This resource will not push data for Courses marked as Inactive or State Exclude. 


When a section with Section Placements is created and saved.

  • Do not send if course is marked as Inactive or State Exclude.
  • Do not send records in the Calendar Exclude checkbox is marked.
  • Do not send if the School Exclude checkbox is marked.
  • One record reports per Course and Term Type combination.
Delete/PostWhen the Local Course number is changed.
Delete/PostIf the Term Descriptor changes either via section placement or mapping override and a course offering already exists with non-matching Term Descriptors.
Delete/PostWhen there are two Courses with the same natural key and 1 is deleted, the other record will post with the remaining records data.

When the Course Information is changed and saved.

  • Send a Put when the local course name, attendance, unit attendance or SCED Seq Number is changed.
DeleteWhen a section is deleted.
DeleteWhen a section schedule placement is removed and saved.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Reports course offerings for the scope year to which the courses calendar is aligned.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Future Years data will be suppressed until the Active Year is changed:

  • This allows the Schedule Wizard to be used and reduces the number of records sent until the final schedule is completed.
  • A resync must be done after the Active Year is changed to send data.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Course Offering resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

Reports the following elements that are part of the Natural Key for the Course resource:

  • educationOrganizationReference
  • code

Reports the following elements that are part of the Natural Key for the Schools resource:

  • number
MSchool.entityIDSystem Administration > Resources > School > Number

Reports the following elements that are part of the Natural Key for the Sessions resource:

  1. Term Descriptor will report based on section schedule placement of the sections of the course.
  2. If Term Descriptor Override is checked and there is an existing mapping for the course, Term Descriptors will report based on the mapping.



The local code assigned by the LEA or Campus that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students.

MCourse.numberScheduling > Course > Number
localCourseTitleThe descriptive name given to a course of study offered in the school, if different from the CourseTitle.OCourse.nameScheduling > Course > Name
InstructionalTimePlannedThe planned total number of clock minutes of instruction for this course offering. Generally, this should be at least as many minutes as is required for completion by the related state- or district-defined Course.ON/AN/A
curriculumUsedAn unordered collection of courseOfferingCurriculumUseds. This entity represents an offering of a course by school during a session, representing the course catalog of available courses.ON/AN/A
etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.ON/AN/A

Course Transcripts

This entity is the final record of a student's performance in their courses at the end of a semester or school year.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When transcript records are posted for a student and they have a valid Student School Association for the Scoped Year.

  • When a resync is completed, all valid transcript records for all years will send for the Student
  • The School that the Student is enrolled must be selected in the Resync Tool
  • Ed-Fi will send an error if the Course does not already exist in the ODS and a resync will need to be done on the Course
  • Do not send a record if the course is marked as inactive or state exclude

If the District Number on the Transcript record does not match the reporting district look to see if the course number exists in the School:

  • If the Course Number exists anywhere in the School for the scope year, and is not marked as inactive or exclude,  report the record with the Course Reference for that course/school
    • If more than 1 Course exits with that Course Number in different schools in the scope year, report the course reference with the School where the student is enrolled
  • If the Course Number does not exist in the School for the scope year, do not report the record
Post/DeleteWhen a transcript record is modified we always do a post/delete and never do a "Put".

When a transcript record is deleted for a student.


Transcript records delete when a student has only one Student School Association record for a specific Year and that record is deleted.


If a new Student School Association record is created, existing records will not re-post, a resync must be completed to resend the data.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Transcript records will send to each scope year where the student has a Student School Association, regardless of the Transcript School Year. 
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.
A resync must be completed at the beginning of each year so that all years transcript records will be loaded in the ODS.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Course Transcripts resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location

The unique identifier of the resource.

Natural Key fields for the Course resource:

  • Education Organization Reference
  • Code

A reference to the related School resource.

Reports the Natural Key fields for the School resource:

  • schoolID

If the School ID is not valid, this field will report blank.


A reference to the related Student Academic Record resource.

Reports the Natural Key fields for the Student Academic Record resource:

  • educationOrganizationReference
  • schoolYearTypeReference
  • studentReference
  • termDescriptor

The result from the student's attempt to take the course, for example: Pass, Fail, Incomplete, Withdrawn.

When reporting from Transcript Records use the Credits Earned vs. Credit Attempted to determine the Result Type:

  1. When the sum of credits Earned is >= the sum of credits Attempted
  2. When the sum of credits Earned is blank or = 0
  3. When the sum of credits Earned is not blank or = 0 and < than the sum of credits Attempted




Student Information > General > Transcripts > Earned

Student Information > General > Transcripts> Attempted


The type of credits or units of value attempted for the completion of a course. 


This field is optional and does not report.


Conversion factor that when multiplied by the number of credits is equivalent to Carnegie units. 


This field is optional and does not report.


The number of credits attempted for a course.

Report the sum of credits from the Attempted field on the Transcript record being reported.

Student Information > General > Transcripts > Attempted

The type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course. 


This field is optional and does not report.


Conversion factor that when multiplied by the number of credits is equivalent to Carnegie units. 


This field is optional and does not report.


The number of credits awarded or earned for the course.

Report the sum of credits from the Earned field on the Transcript record being reported.

Student Information > General > Transcripts > Earned

Student's grade level at time of course.

  1. If the grade selected on the transcript record matches a valid Ed-Fi code, report the grade.
    1. When no matching grade found with a grade level mapping, do not report this property.
ON/AStudent Information > General > Transcript > Transcript Course Editor > Grade


The method the credits were earned, for example: Classroom, Examination, Transfer. 


This field is optional and does not report.


The final letter grade earned for the course.

Logic determines if the posted score is an integer or not:

  1. If the posted value is not an Integer, then report the posted score here.
  2. If the posted value is an Integer, then report in Final Number Grade Earned field below.


Student Information > General > Transcripts > Current Score


The final numeric grade earned for the course.

Logic determines if the posted score is an integer or not:

  1. If the posted value is an Integer, then report the posted score here.
  2. If the posted value is not an Integer, then report in Final Letter Grade Earned field above.


Student Information > General > Transcripts > Current Score


Indicates that an academic course has been repeated by a student and how that repeat is to be computed in the student''s academic grade average. 


This field is optional and does not report.


Reports the name of the course completed.

Report the Course Name from the transcript record.

Student Information > General > Transcripts > Course Name

The local code assigned by the school that identifies the course offering, the code from an external educational organization, or other alternate course code. 


This field is optional and does not report.

earnedadditionalCreditsAn unordered collection of courseTranscriptAdditionalCredits. This entity is the final record of a student's performance in their courses at the end of a semester or school year. This field is only reported if the student has a grading task with an associated credit to report. ON/AN/A


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Course Attempt Result Type:

Ed-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description

Discipline Action

This event entity represents actions taken by an education organization after a disruptive event that is recorded as a discipline incident.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


Reports when a Behavior Resolution is added to an incident that is marked as Complete and is aligned to a reported Behavior Event.

  • Do not send if the student is in a calendar marked as Exclude.
  • Do not send if the student is in a School marked as  Exclude.

When data that is part of the Natural Key is changed.

  • If the resolution date is changed do a delete and post.

When the Incident's status is changed.

  • Delete when the status is changed from Completed to In Progress.
  • Post when the status is changed from In Progress to Completed.
DeleteWhen a resolution is deleted.
DeleteWhen all resolutions are removed from the incident.
DeleteWhen all Behavior Events are removed from the Incident.
DeleteWhen the student's Role changes to anything other than Offender or Participant.
DeleteWhen all non-excluded enrollments in the school and year are deleted.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


Discipline records will only send to the school year that the incident date is aligned to based on the School Year Start and End dates.

  • If School Year Start Date is NULL, 7/1/xxxx will be the default start date used
  • If School Year End Date is NULL, 6/30/xxxx will be the default end date used
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Discipline Action resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

A reference to the related School resource

This is optional and does not report.


Reports data from the SchoolID field that is part of the natural key for the Schools resource of the school where the incident occurred. The following elements are reported:

  • schoolID
MSchool.entityIDSystem Administration > Resources > School > Entity ID

Reports data from the Ed-Fi ID field that is part of the natural key for the Student resource of the school where the incident occurred. The following elements are reported:

  • studentUniqueId
MPerson.edfiIDCensus > People > Demographics > EdFi ID
identifierIdentifier assigned by the education organization to the discipline action.MBehaviorResolution.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution ID
disciplineDateThe month, day, and year of the discipline action.MBehaviorResolution.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Resolution > Resolution Start Date

The length of time in school days for the Discipline Action (e.g. removal, detention), if applicable.


The length of time in school days for the Discipline Action (e.g. removal, detention), if applicable.

  • Reports the value entered in the Duration in School Days field.
O behaviorResolution.schoolDaysDurationBehavior> Behavior Management> Resolution>Duration in School Days

Indicates the reason for the difference, if any, between the official and actual lengths of a student s disciplinary assignment.

This is optional and does not report.



An indication of whether or not this disciplinary action taken against a student was imposed as a consequence of state or local zero tolerance policies.

This is optional and does not report.


An unordered collection of disciplineActionDisciplines.

Discipline Descriptor

This descriptor defines the type of action or removal from the classroom used to discipline the student involved as a perpetrator in a discipline incident.

  1. Report the Ed-Fi Code value from the mapping for th state resolution code selected
  2. If the Ed-Fi Code is not mapped to a state code, then do not report

See the Discipline Descriptor table in the Type/Descriptor section below.



Behavior > Behavior Management > Resolution Details > Resolution Type

An unordered collection of disciplineActionDisciplineIncidents.

  • Report the reference from the Discipline Incident record the resolution is associated with

An unordered collection of disciplineActionStaffs.

O behaviorresolution. adminPersonIdBehavior Resolution> Behavior Admin Staff Name
Reports the reference for the Staff assigned to the Behavior Admin Staff Name
  1. If the person does not have an Ed-Fi ID, do not report
  2. If the person does have an Ed-Fi ID, do a get on the Staff resource to verify they exist before sending.
    1. If the Staff record is valid, send the Staff reference
    2. If the Staff record is not valid, this field will report blank

etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.ON/AN/A


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Discipline Descriptor:

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Removal from ClassroomRemoval from ClassroomRemoval from Classroom
Community ServiceCommunity ServiceCommunity Service
Expulsion with ServicesExpulsion with ServicesExpulsion with Services
Out of School SuspensionOut of School SuspensionOut of School Suspension
In School SuspensionIn School SuspensionIn School Suspension

Discipline Incident

This event entity represents an occurrence of an infraction ranging from a minor behavioral problem that disrupts the orderly functioning of a school or classroom (such as tardiness) to a criminal act that results in the involvement of a law enforcement official (such as robbery).

A single event (e.g., a fight) is one incident regardless of how many perpetrators or victims are involved. Discipline incidents are events classified as warranting discipline action.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


Reports a behavior incident when the incident's Status is marked and saved as "Complete."

  • Incident must have at least 1 behavior event associated and a Role that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Value
  • Posting can occur if a new event is added after Incident is marked as "Complete"
  • Do not send if the student is in a calendar marked as Exclude
  • Do not send if the student is in a School marked as Exclude

When a change is found to the following fields:

  • behaviors
  • seriousBodilyInjury
  • sexualAssault

When data that is part of the Natural Key is changed.

  • If the Date of Incident is changed and saved
  • If the Event Type is changed and saved

When the Incident's status is changed.

  • Delete when the status is changed from Completed to In Progress
  • Post when the status is changed from In Progress to Completed
DeleteWhen an incident is deleted.

When the associated student enrollment is deleted.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


Discipline records will only send to the school year that the incident date is aligned to based on the School Year Start and End dates.

  • If School Year Start Date is NULL, 7/1/xxxx will be the default start date used
  • If School Year End Date is NULL, 6/30/xxxx will be the default end date used
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Discipline Incident resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.M N/A N/A

Reports data from the SchoolID field that is part of the natural key for the Schools resource. The following elements are reported:

  • schoolID
MSchool.entityIDSystem Administration > Resources > School > Entity ID

A reference to the related Staff resource.

Obehaviorincident.referralPersonIDBehavior> Behavior Management> Submitted by
Reports the Natural Key from the Staff Resource when there is a person selected in the Submitted By field
  • Staff must have an Ed-Fi ID to send
  • Only send if the Staff has a Staff Ed Org Assignment Assoc in the Identity Mapping table

incidentIdentifierThe locally assigned unique identifier (within the school or school district) to identify each specific incident or occurrence. The same identifier should be used to document the entire incident even if it included multiple offenses and multiple offenders.MBehaviorIncident.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident ID
incidentDateThe month, day, and year on which the incident occurred.MBehaviorIncident.
Behavior > Behavior Management > Date of Incident

An indication of the time of day the incident took place.

This is optional and does not report.


Identifies where the incident occurred and whether or not it occurred on campus.

Logic reports the Ed-Fi code mapped to the selection in the Location field on the Incident.

Behavior Management > Location

Information on the type of individual who reported the incident.

Obehaviorincident.referralPersonIDBehavior> Behavior Managment> Submitted by
  • Report 'Staff' only when the Staff Referenced is submitted.
  • If Staff Reference is blank, do not send


Identifies the reporter of the incident by name.

  • Report the First and Last name of the person referenced in the Staff Reference field
  • If Staff Reference is blank, do not send


Indicator of whether the incident was reported to law enforcement.

This is optional and does not report.


The case number assigned to the incident by law enforcement or other organization.

This is optional and does not report.


The description for an incident.

This is optional and does not report.


The value of any quantifiable monetary loss directly resulting from the incident.

This is optional and does not report.


An unordered collection of disciplineIncidentBehaviors. This event entity represents an occurrence of an infraction ranging from a minor behavioral problem that disrupts the orderly functioning of a school or classroom (such as tardiness) to a criminal act that results in the involvement of a law enforcement official (such as robbery).


Report all behavior events that are associated with the incident.

  1. Report all behavior events that are associated with the incident
    1. Report the Ed-Fi code value from the mapping provided for state code selected on the event.
    2. If the event is not mapped to a state code, report the Ed-Fi code from the mapping for the District/School code.
  2. If a code is not mapped, do not report.



Behavior > Behavior Management > Event Type
behaviorDetailedDescriptionReport the Details entered on the Incident
  1. Ed-Fi accepts 1024 characters in this field, truncate remaining information from Campus if there are more characters
OBehaviorIncident. descriptionBehavior > Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information

An unordered collection of disciplineIncidentWeapons. This event entity represents an occurrence of an infraction ranging from a minor behavioral problem that disrupts the orderly functioning of a school or classroom (such as tardiness) to a criminal act that results in the involvement of a law enforcement official (such as robbery).

This does not report.

etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.ON/AN/A


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Behavior Descriptors:

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description

State Offense

State Offense

State Offense

School Violation

School Violation

School Violation




School Code of Conduct

School Code of Conduct

School Code of Conduct


This educational entity represents an overall score or assessment tied to a course over a period of time (i.e., the grading period). Student grades are usually a compilation of marks and other scores.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a grade is posted to a Grading Task that is marked as State Reported and has an Ed-Fi Grade Type populated

  • Standards will not report to Ed-Fi
  • Do not report if the Course is marked as Inactive or State Excluded
  • Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude checkbox is checke
  • Check to see if the student has a Student Section Association in the Ed-FI identity Mapping table before sending.
    • If the Student Section Association exists, continue with processing the record to Ed-Fi
    • If the Student Section Association does not exist, the record will go to the Error Log with a message stating:  Student (First Name Last Name, Ed-Fi ID) does not have a Student Section Association record for the course (Course Number Course Name).  This record must exist before Grades can be sent.
PutWhen a grade is updated on a Grading Task that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Grade Type.

When a grade is deleted from a Grading Task that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Grade Type

DeleteWhen the Student School Association record is deleted for the school in which the grades are associated.
Delete/InsertWhen any field that is part of the Natural Key is changed.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


Grades will post to the scope year the course's calendar is aligned to.

  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Grade resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/A N/A 

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Grading Periods resource:

  • schoolReference
  • beginDate
  • descriptor

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Student Section Association.

  • sectionReference
  • studentReference
  • beginDate

When a student has more than 1 eligible Student Section Association record (for example, a course that covered 2 periods and or multiple period schedules) the grade will report on section association with the highest period schedule sequence and or period sequence.


The type of grade (e.g., Exam, Final, Grading Period, Progress Report). Reports the Ed-Fi Code from the Ed-Fi Grade Type selected on the Grading Task or Standard being reported.

See the Grade Type table in the Type/Descriptors section below.

MN/A Grading & Standards > Grading Tasks

The performance base conversion assessed for the student.


This field is optional and will not report.

N/A N/A 

 A final or interim (grading period) indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor.

Logic will determine if the posted score is an integer or not:

  1. If the posted value is not an Integer, then report the posted score here
  2. If the posted value is an Integer, then report in the Numeric Grade Earned field below.
 O GradingScore.scoreGrading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score

A final or interim (grading period) indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor.

Logic determines if the posted score is an integer or not:

  1. If the posted value is an Integer, then report the posted score.
  2. If the posted value is not an Integer, then report in Letter Grade Earned field above.
OGradingScore.scoreGrading & Standards > Score Groups & Rubrics > Score

 A statement provided by the teacher that provides information in addition to the grade or assessment score.


This field is optional and will not report.

N/A N/A 


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Grade Type:

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Grading PeriodGrading PeriodGrading Period
Mid-Term GradeMid-Term GradeMid-Term Grade
Progress ReportProgress ReportProgress Report

Grading Periods

This entity represents the time span for which grades are reported.  Quarter, Semester, Final, etc.  The Start and End dates must have a calendar event in the Calendar Dates resource before Grading Periods can send.  User needs to perform a day reset prior to filling out Grading Periods tab.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a new Grading Period is created and saved on the Grading Periods tab.

  • Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude checkbox is checked.
  • Do not send if the School is marked as Exclude.
  • If the start date on an existing Grading Period is changed, the "old" record will remain in Ed-Fi and a new record will post with the new date.
PutWhen the Grading Period End Date is updated and saved.

Grading Periods cannot be deleted due to the dependency of the core Ed-Fi model where it is required for Sessions to report grading periods.

** The Grading Periods tab will not be populated until there is at least 1 Grading Task with an Ed-Fi Grade Type that is assigned to a course with at least 1 Term Mask selected.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


Reports the grading periods in the scope year to which the calendar is aligned.

  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.
  • Future Years data will be suppressed until the Active Year is changed:
    • This allows the Schedule Wizard to be used and reduces the number of records sent until the final schedule is completed.
    • A resync must be done after the Active Year is changed to send data.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Grading Periods resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

Reports the Natural Key for the Schools resource the grading period is aligned to.


The start date of the grading period.

Report the start date from the Grading Period being reported:

  • If there is more than 1 calendar or schedule structure, report a record for each Grading Period & Start Date Combination.
  • The date entered must be an Instructional day on the Days tab.
MN/A System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Ed-Fi Grading Periods > Grading Period Start Date

The end date of the grading period.

Report the end date from the Grading Period being reported:

  • If there is more than 1 calendar or schedule structure, report the latest end date.
  • The date entered must be an Instructional day on the Days tab.
MN/A System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Ed-Fi Grading Periods > Grading Period End Date

The name of the grading period. See the Grading Period Descriptor table in the Type/Descriptor section below.

  • Report the code value from the Grading Period Name selected.
MN/A System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Ed-Fi Grading Periods > Grading Period Name

 The total number of instructional days in the grading period.

  • Count the number of instructional days on the Days tab that occur during the start and end date for the grading period
    • If there is more than 1 calendar or schedule structure, report the distinct number of instructional days from all calendars/schedule structures
    • Instructional days will not send an update if changed after original post unless a resync is completed.
N/A System Administration > Calendar > Calendar >Days

 The sequence of the grading period.

 term.seqSystem Administration > Calendar > Terms> Seq

  • Report the Sequence from the Term the Grading Period begin reported is aligned to.

    • If the same Grading Period is aligned to different Terms, report the earliest Term Sequence

 _etag N/AON/A N/A 


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Grading Period Descriptors Type:

Ed-Fi Code Value
Ed-Fi Short Description
Ed-Fi Description
End of YearEnd of YearEnd of Year
Fifth Six WeeksFifth Six WeeksFifth Six Weeks
First Nine WeeksFirst Nine WeeksFirst Nine Weeks
First SemesterFirst SemesterFirst Semester
First Six WeeksFirst Six WeeksFirst Six Weeks
First Summer SessionFirst Summer SessionFirst Summer Session
First TrimesterFirst TrimesterFirst Trimester
Fourth Nine WeeksFourth Nine WeeksFourth Nine Weeks
Fourth Six WeeksFourth Six WeeksFourth Six Weeks
Second Nine WeeksSecond Nine WeeksSecond Nine Weeks
Second SemesterSecond SemesterSecond Semester
Second Six WeeksSecond Six WeeksSecond Six Weeks
Second Summer SessionSecond Summer SessionSecond Summer Session
Second TrimesterSecond TrimesterSecond Trimester
Sixth Six WeeksSixth Six WeeksSixth Six Weeks
Summer SemesterSummer SemesterSummer Semester
Third Nine WeeksThird Nine WeeksThird Nine Weeks
Third Six WeeksThird Six WeeksThird Six Weeks
Third Summer SessionThird Summer SessionThird Summer Session
Third TrimesterThird TrimesterThird Trimester

Graduation Plan

This entity is a plan outlining the required credits, credits by subject, credits by course, and other criteria required for graduation. A graduation plan may be one or more standard plans defined by an education organization and/or individual plans for some or all students.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a Career Tech Program or a Graduation Program is mapped to a Graduation Plan Descriptor in Graduation Plan Preferences.

  • The program must be flagged as active to report.
  • For a Career Tech Program the Cohort/Graduation Active Start Year field must be populated to report.
  • For a Graduation Program, the Ed-FI Graduation Plan and Cohort/Graduation Active Start Year fields must be populated to report
    • A separate record will report for each School Year that aligns with the Cohort/Graduation Active Start Year and Cohort/Graduation Active End Year
    • If the Cohort/Graduation Active End Year is NULL, a separate record will report starting with the Cohort/Graduation Active Start Year and ending 4+ years from the current year.
  • If two programs have the same Graduation Program Type/Descriptor and School Year, the last record to be updated will be the one reported.
  • Use the Scope Year logic below to determine if the record is eligible to report.

If the sum of the total number of required credits changes on a reported Graduation program.

DeleteGraduation Plans will not delete due to the association across multiple cohort years.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


Records will report for each year the Career Tech Program or a Graduation Program is active.

  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.
  • A resync will need to be done at the beginning of each new scope year to be populated.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Graduation Plan resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

A reference to the related Education Organization resource. Reports the District Number.


N/A N/A 
A reference to the related SchoolYearType resource. Reports the End Year in the School Year being reported based on the Cohort years the Graduation Plan covers.MN/A N/A 

This descriptor defines the set of graduation plan types.

  • Report 'Career and Technical Education' when the program is created and saved (the cte field in the program table is = 1).
  • Report the Ed-Fi Code from the value selected in the Ed-FI Graduation Plan field.

See the Graduation Plan Type table in the Type/Descriptors section below.

Program Admin > Programs > Graduation Programs > Graduation Program Detail or Career Tech Programs

 An indicator of whether the GraduationPlan is tailored for an individual.


This field is optional and does not report.


The total number of credits required for graduation under this plan.

  • Report '0' when the program is 'Career and Technical Education'.
  • When reporting from a Graduation Plan, sum the total number of required credits associated with the program being reported.
N/A Calculated value from the CreditRequirement table

The type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course. 


This field is optional and does not report.

 O N/A N/A

Conversion factor that when multiplied by the number of credits is equivalent to Carnegie units. 


This field is optional and does not report.

 O N/A N/A

An unordered collection of graduation Plan Credits By Courses. The total credits required for graduation by taking a specific course, or by taking one or more from a set of courses. 


This field is optional and does not report.

 O N/A N/A

An unordered collection of graduation Plan Credits By Subjects. The total number of credits required in a subject to graduate. Only those courses identified as a high school course requirement are eligible to meet subject credit requirements. 


This field is optional and does not report.


An unordered collection of graduation Plan Required Assessments. The total credits required for graduation by taking a specific course, or by taking one or more from a set of courses. 


This field is optional and does not report.



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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Graduation Plan Type Descriptors:

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Career and Technical EducationCareer and Technical EducationCareer and Technical Education


This entity represents the physical space where students gather for a particular class/section. The location may be an indoor or outdoor area designated for the purpose of meeting the educational needs of students.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.

PostWhen a new Room is created and saved.
PostWhen a Room is added to a section that does not already exist in Ed-Fi.
PostWhen a Room Name is changed and saved.
PutWhen the Maximum Number Of Seats is modified.
DeleteWhen a Room Name is changed and saved.

When a Room is deleted.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Rooms are not aligned to a year so all Rooms will send to each scoped year.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.
A resync must be completed on the Locations resource when a new scope year is connected in order for this data to send.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Locations resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

Reports the following elements that are part of the Natural Key for the Schools resource:

  • EntityID
MSchool.entityIDSystem Administration > Resources > School > EntityID
A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a room by a school, school system, state, or other agency or entity.M


System Administration > Resources > Resources > Rooms > Name
The maximum number of seats the class can maintain. The value in the Capacity field is reported. If blank, do not report.ORoom.capacitySystem Administration > Resources > Resources > Capacity

The number of seats that is most favorable to the class. 


This field is not collected or reported.


A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource. 


This field is optional and does not report.



This entity represents a parent or guardian of a student, such as mother, father or caretaker. 

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When the Guardian checkbox is marked AND 1 person is a student and 1 person is not a student.

  • The guardian does NOT have to be a member of the same household as the student to report.
  • Start date must be on or before today's date.
  • End date must be on or after today's date.
  • Person must have an Ed-Fi ID to send.
  • A record will not send if the student they are associated with has an enrollment marked as a no show, state exclude or enrollment is in a calendar marked as Exclude.

A record will be updated when any of the following are changed and saved:

  • When the person’s identity record is changed.
  • When one of the person’s household locations is changed.
  • When one of the person’s household memberships is changed.
  • When one of the person’s relationships that is marked Guardian is changed.
  • When the contact information has changed (phone or email).
DeleteA Parent record is a shared resource among all districts in the state and cannot be deleted. When the Student Parent Association is removed, the district will no longer have authorization to see the parent record.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


A parent record will report when they are a guardian to a student with an enrollment aligned to a scoped year.

  • The related pair start date must be null or on/before the scope year end date to report.
  • The related pair end date must be null or on/after the scope year end date to report.
  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.
  • A resync must be completed on the Parents resource when a new scope year is connected in order for this data to send.

When using data in Campus that has an effective date, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to.

  • Current Year:  Records will be compared to today's date to determine if the record is eligible to report.
  • Previous Years:  The record's date must be on or before the schools year's end date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years:  The record's date must be on or after the schools year's start date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

When using data in Campus that have start and end dates, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to.

  • Current Year:  The records start date must be on or before today's date and the records end date must be on or after today's date.
  • Previous Years:  The record's start date must be on or before the school year's end date and the record's end date must be after the school year's end date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years:  The record's start date must be on or before the schools year's start date and the record's end date must be on or after the school year's start date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Parents resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A
parentUniqueIdA parent's Ed-Fi ID is reported.MPerson.edFiIdCensus > People > Demographics > EdFi ID

A prefix used to denote the title, degree, position or seniority of the person. 


This element is not collected or reported.

firstNameThe reporting parent's first name. This is reported from the person's most recent identity record.M


Census > People > Identities > First Name

middleNameThe reporting parent's middle name. This is reported from the person's most recent identity record.C


 Census > People > Identities > Middle Name

lastSurnameThe reporting parent's last name. This is reported from the person's most recent identity record.M


 Census > People > Identities > Last Name

generationCodeSuffixAn appendage, if any, used to denote an individual's generation in his family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III). This is reported from the person's most recent identity record.C


 Census > People > Identities > Suffix


The person's maiden name, if applicable.


This element is not collected or reported.


A person's gender. 


This element is not collected or reported.


The login ID for the user; used for security access control interface.


This element is not collected or reported.


Report the person's address(s).

Reports the Primary address that is marked as "Mailing."

  1. If more than 1 Primary Address is marked as Mailing, report address with most recent Household Membership Start Date
  2. Else, report the address with most recent Address Start Date
  3. Do not report if the Address Location Detail or Household Membership is marked as "Private"

Household Addresses > Mailing

Household Membership > Start Date

Household Addresses > Start Date


The type of home address. See the Address Type table in the Type/Description section below.



The street number and street name or post office box number of an address.

  • Reports Address PO Box + Number + Street + Tag + Prefix + Dir







Households > Address Info
The apartment, room, or suite number of an address.OAddress.aptHouseholds > Address Info > Apt

The number of the building on the site, if more than one building shares the same address. 


This is optional and does not report.

cityThe name of the city in which an address is located.MAddress.cityHouseholds > Address Info > City
The abbreviation for the state (within the United States) or outlying area in which an address is located.MAddress.stateHouseholds > Address Info > State
postalCodeThe five or nine digit zip code portion of an address.MAddress.zipHouseholds > Address Info > Zip Code

The name of the county, parish, borough, or comparable unit (within a state) in which an address is located. 

Reports the County for the addressing being reported.

Oaddress.county Households> Address Info> County

5 digit code consisting of the two digit state code followed by the three digit FIPS code for the county. 


This is optional and does not report.


The geographic latitude of the physical address. 


This is optional and does not report.


The geographic longitude of the physical address. 


This is optional and does not report.


The first date the address is valid. For physical addresses, the date the person moved to that address. 


This is optional and does not report.


The last date the address is valid. For physical addresses, this would be the date the person moved from that address. 


This is optional and does not report.


An unordered collection of parentElectronicMails. This entity represents a parent or guardian of a student, such as mother, father or caretaker.

  1. Reports the email address entered for that person
    1. Do not report if Email is marked as "Private"
  2. If blank, does not report
OContact.emailCensus > People > Demographics > Email
electronicMailTypeReports the mail type. See the Electronic Mail Type table in the Type/Description section below.MN/AN/A
The numbers, letters, and symbols used to identify an electronic mail (e-mail) user within the network to which the individual or organization belongs.MContact.emailCensus > People > Demographics > Email
An indication that the electronic mail address should be used as the principal electronic mail address for an individual or organization.ON/AN/A

Reports an unordered collection of the parent's identification documents.


This element is not collected or reported..


Reports an unordered collection of the parent's international addresses.


This element is not collected or reported.


Reports an unordered collection of the parent's other known names (aliases).


This field is optional and does not report.


An unordered collection of parentTelephones. This entity represents a parent or guardian of a student, such as mother, father or caretaker.

  1. Reports the Phone numbers entered in the Personal Contact Information for that person
    • Do not report Phone Number is marked as "Private"
  2. If blank, does not report





Census > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Other Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone, Pager
Reports the number type. See the Telephone Number Type table in the Type/Description section below.MN/AN/A

The order of priority assigned to telephone numbers to define which number to attempt first, second, etc. 


This field is optional and does not report.

telephoneNumberThe 10-digit telephone number, including the area code, for the person.M





Census > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Other Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone, Pager

An indication that the telephone number is technically capable of sending and receiving Short Message Service (SMS) text messages. 


This field is optional and does not report.


A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource. 


This field is optional and does not report.


Type/Descriptor Layout

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This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Telephone Number Types.

Campus ValueEd-Fi TypeEd-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Other Phone1HomeHomeHome
Does not report, not collected in Campus2FaxFaxFax
Cell Phone3MobileMobileMobile
Does not report, not collected in Campus4UnlistedUnlistedUnlisted
Work Phone5WorkWorkWork
Does not report, not collected in Campus7Emergency 1Emergency 1Emergency 1
Does not report, not collected in Campus8Emergency 2Emergency 2Emergency 2

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Electronic Mail Types.

Campus ValueEd-Fi Type IDEd-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Primary email reports as "Home/Personal"1Home/PersonalHomeHome
Primary email reports as "Home/Personal"2OrganizationOrganizationOrganization
Primary email reports as "Home/Personal"3OtherOtherOther
Secondary email reports as "Work"4WorkWorkWork

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Address Types.

Campus ValueEd-Fi Type IDEd-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
All address report as "Home"1HomeHomeHome
8Father AddressFather AddressFather Address
9Guardian AddressGuardian AddressGuardian Address
10Mother AddressMother AddressMother Address
12SheltersShelters, Transitional housing, Awaiting Foster CareShelters, Transitional housing, Awaiting Foster Care
13DoubledDoubled - up (i.e., living with another family)Doubled - up (i.e., living with another family)
14UnshelteredUnsheltered (e.g. cars, parks, campgrounds, temp trailers including FEMA trailers, or abandoned buildings)Unsheltered (e.g. cars, parks, campgrounds, temp trailers including FEMA trailers, or abandoned buildings)


This entity represents the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students on a regular or systematic basis.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.

PostWhen a student has a EL Program Status = EL and the record overlaps an enrollment with a valid Student School Association in the current scoped year

Do not report if the student's Enrollment has any of the following indicated:
  • Calendar exclude
  • School exclude
PostWhen Flag is created and the 'Name' matches an Ed-FI Program Type and the record overlaps an enrollment with a valid Student School Association in the current scoped year

Do not create a English as a Second Language (ESL) or Special Education program from Flags, these will come from EL Programs and Locked IEPs
PostWhen a student has a locked IEP and the record overlaps an enrollment with a valid Student School Association in the current scoped year

**All students will reference the same programs once the first one is created
PostWhen a student has a Title 1 record that overlaps the configured year
DeleteDelete if all Flags are deleted with the matching Name
DeleteDelete if all qualifying IEPs are unlocked or deleted
DeleteIf all qualifying EL records are deleted

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Programs resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.
educationOrgranization Reference

A reference to the related Education Organization resource. 

This sends the State District Number associated with the school. If the State District Number is changed, a resync on the school needs to be performed. 

ODistrict.stateDistrict NumberSystem Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

Reports the type of program.

  • Report 'English as a Second Language (ESL)' if reporting from EL
  • Report 'Special Education' if reporting from a locked IEP
  • Report 'Title I Part A' if reporting from Title I tab
  • Else, Report the 'Name' from the Flag




Student Information> Program Participation> English Learners


Program Admin> Flags> Name


Special Education> IEP


Student Information> Program Participation> Title I


The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services or benefits available through the federal,state or local agencies 

  • Report 'English as a Second Language (ESL)' if reporting from EL
  • Report 'Special Education' if reporting from a locked IEP
  • Report the 'Name' from the Flag if reporting from Flags
  • Report the 'Name' from the attribute dictionary from the Title I Program Field if reporting from the Title I tab






Student Information> Program Participation> English Learners


Program Admin> Flags> Name


Special Education> IEP


Title I > Title I Program


A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a program by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity.

  1. Only reports when reporting from Flags.  Report the Program ID from the record being reported

Oprogram.programIdProgram Admin> Flags

Key for ProgramSponsor.


This field does not report. 


This field does not report. 


An unordered collection of programCharacteristics. Reflects important characteristics of the Program, such as categories or particular indications.


This field does not report. 


An unordered collection of programLearningObjectives. Learning Standard followed by this program.


This field does not report. 


An unordered collection of programLearningStandards. References the Learning Objective(s) the Program is associated with.


This field does not report. 


An unordered collection of programServices. Defines the services this program provides to students.


This field does not report. 



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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Program Type.

Ed-Fi Code value
Short Description
Adult/Continuing Education
Adult/Continuing Education
Adult/Continuing Education
Alternative EducationAlternative EducationAlternative Education
Bilingual SummerBilingual SummerBilingual Summer
Career and Technical EducationCareer and Technical EducationCareer and Technical Education
Cocurricular ProgramsCocurricular ProgramsCocurricular Programs
College PreparatoryCollege PreparatoryCollege Preparatory
Community Service ProgramCommunity Service ProgramCommunity Service Program
Community/Junior College Education ProgramCommunity/Junior College Education ProgramCommunity/Junior College Education Program
Compensatory Services for Disadvantaged StudentsCompensatory Services for Disadvantaged StudentsCompensatory Services for Disadvantaged Students
Counseling ServicesCounseling ServicesCounseling Services
District-Funded GEDDistrict-Funded GEDDistrict-Funded GED
Early Head StartEarly Head StartEarly Head Start
Early Intervention Services Part CEarly Intervention Services Part CEarly Intervention Services Part C
English as a Second Language (ESL)English as a Second Language (ESL)English as a Second Language (ESL)
Even StartEven StartEven Start
Expelled EducationExpelled EducationExpelled Education
Extended Day/Child Care ServicesExtended Day/Child Care ServicesExtended Day/Child Care Services
Fee For ServiceFee For ServiceFee For Service
Foreign ExchangeForeign ExchangeForeign Exchange
Gifted and TalentedGifted and TalentedGifted and Talented
Head StartHead StartHead Start
Health Services ProgramHealth Services ProgramHealth Services Program
High School Equivalency Program (HSEP)High School Equivalency Program (HSEP)High School Equivalency Program (HSEP)
Home VisitingHome VisitingHome Visiting
Immigrant EducationImmigrant EducationImmigrant Education
Independent StudyIndependent StudyIndependent Study
Indian EducationIndian EducationIndian Education
International BaccalaureateInternational BaccalaureateInternational Baccalaureate
Kindergarten - Extended DayKindergarten - Extended DayKindergarten - Extended Day
Kindergarten - Full DayKindergarten - Full DayKindergarten - Full Day
Kindergarten - Half DayKindergarten - Half DayKindergarten - Half Day
Library/Media Services ProgramLibrary/Media Services ProgramLibrary/Media Services Program
Magnet/Special Program EmphasisMagnet/Special Program EmphasisMagnet/Special Program Emphasis
Migrant EducationMigrant EducationMigrant Education
Neglected and Delinquent ProgramNeglected and Delinquent ProgramNeglected and Delinquent Program
Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP)Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP)Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP)
Prekindergarten - Extended DayPrekindergarten - Extended DayPrekindergarten - Extended Day
Prekindergarten - Full DayPrekindergarten - Full DayPrekindergarten - Full Day
Prekindergarten - Half DayPrekindergarten - Half DayPrekindergarten - Half Day
Preschool Special EducationPreschool Special EducationPreschool Special Education
Public PreschoolPublic PreschoolPublic Preschool
Regular EducationRegular EducationRegular Education
Remedial EducationRemedial EducationRemedial Education
Section 504 PlacementSection 504 PlacementSection 504 Placement
Service LearningService LearningService Learning
Special EducationSpecial EducationSpecial Education
Student Retention/Dropout PreventionStudent Retention/Dropout PreventionStudent Retention/Dropout Prevention
Substance Abuse Education/PreventionSubstance Abuse Education/PreventionSubstance Abuse Education/Prevention
Teacher Professional Development/MentoringTeacher Professional Development/MentoringTeacher Professional Development/Mentoring
Technical PreparatoryTechnical PreparatoryTechnical Preparatory
Title I Part ATitle I Part ATitle I Part A
Title I Part D Subpart 1Title I Part D Subpart 1Title I Part D Subpart 1
Title I Part D Subpart 2Title I Part D Subpart 2Title I Part D Subpart 2
Vocational EducationVocational EducationVocational Education


This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a new school is created and saved OR the State School Number changes. 

  • Do not send if the Exclude checkbox is marked.
  • If the Exclude checkbox is selected after the school is sent, the school remains.
  • Most resources have a school reference, if the state school number changes after data has been sent, all data for the previous number will remain and a resync will need to be performed for data to be sent to the new school.

When any of the fields not part of the Natural Key change:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone
  • Grade Levels
DeleteA delete is not sent.

Scope Year Logic

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Data does not send for any of the resources if they reference a school that is marked as Exclude on the School editor.

Schools are not aligned to a year so all schools send to each scoped year.
Data only sends for the years that have a valid configuration.
A resync must be completed on the resource when a new scope year is connected in order for this data to send.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Schools resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.

A reference to the related Local Education Agency resource. 

This sends the State District Number associated with the school. If the State District Number is changed, a resync on the school needs to be performed. 

schoolIdIndicates the State School NumberMSchoolnumberSystem Administration > Resources > School > State School Number

The identifier assigned to an education agency byt the State Education Agency. This is also known as State LEP ID. NEDML Identification Code, LEA Identifier. 

Reports the State School Number.

MSchool.stateNumberSystem Administration > Resources > School > State School Number

The full, legally accepted anme of the institution. NEDM: Name of Institution. 

Reports the school name. 

MSchool.nameSystem Administration > Resources > School > Name

This field does not report. 


This field does not report. 


This field does not report. 


Report the type of school from the mapped value in school type if populated on the reporting school

Oschool.typeSystem Administration> Resources> School> School Type

This field does not report. 


This field does not report. 


This field does not report. 


This field does not report. 


This field does not report. 


An unordered collection of educationOrganizationAddresses. This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups. 

Reports the Physical Address for the school. If blank, does not report. 

This element is an array that reports the following data:


addressTypeAll addresses will report as 'Physical'. This will report the Ed-Fi mapped value in the Address Type table in the section below.MN/AN/A

The street number and street name or post office box number of an address. 

Reports the Address PO Box + Number + Street + Tag + Prefix + Dir


System Administration> Resources> School Information
apartmentRoom SuiteNumber

The apartment, room, or suite number of an address.


This field does not report. 


The number of the building on the site, if more than one building shares the same address.


This field does not report. 

cityThe name of the city in which an address is located.Mschool.physicalcitySystem Administration> Resources> School Information
stateAbbreviationTypeThe abbreviation for the state (within the US) or outlying area in which an address is located.Mschool.physicalstateSystem Administration> Resources> School Information
postalCodeThe five or nine digit zip code portion of an address.Mschool.physicalzipSystem Administration> Resources> School Information

The name of the county, parish, borough, or comparable unit (within a state) in which an address is located.


This field does not report. 


5-digit code consisting of the two digit state code followed by the three digit FIPS code for the county.


This field does not report. 



The geographic latitude of the physical address.


This field does not report. 


The geographic longitude of the physical address


This field does not report. 


The first date the address is valid. For physical addresses, the date the person moved to that address


This field does not report. 


The last date the address is valid. For physical addresses, this would be the date the person moved from that address.


This field does not report. 


An unordered collection of educationOrganizationCategories. This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.

This element is an array that reports the following data:


The classification of the education agency within the geographic boundaries of a state according to the level of administrative and operational control granted by the state.

Always reports 'School.'


An unordered collection of educationOrganizationIdentificationCodes. This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups

  1. Report the Ed-Fi School Number
  2. If the Ed-Fi School Number is blank, report the State School Number




System Administration> Resources> School

An unordered collection of educationOrganizationInstitutionTelephones. This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.

Reports the Phone Number for the school. If blank, does not report.

This element is an array that reports the following data:

institutionTelephone NumberTypeType of phone number. Always reports 'Main.'


The telephone number including the area code, and extension, if applicable.

Reports the phone number entered. If blank, does not report.

School.phoneNumberSystem Administration > Resources > School Information

An unordered collection of educationOrganizationInternationalAddresses. This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.


This field does not report. 

schoolCategoriesAn unordered collection of schoolCategories. This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.Oschools.gradeTypeSystem Administration> Resources> Schools> Grade Type
  • Reports the Ed-Fi Code from the Grade Type droplist


An unordered collection of schoolGradeLevels. This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.

Reports the Ed-Fi Code Value from all state grade levels. 

This element is an array that reports the following data:


The grade levels served at the school.

Reports the Ed-Fi code from the State Grade Level Code for all grades in all Calendars/Schedule Structures associated with the reporting School and Year. Calendar End Year must equal the scoped end year.

  • If State Grade Code is NULL, do not report grade.
  • If Grade Level is marked as State Exclude, do not report grade.
  • If the exclude checkbox is marked after the grade is sent, it deletes.
  • If the exclude checkbox is unmarked, the grade posts if it does not exist.
  • Do not report grade levels in a calendar marked as Exclude.
  • If exclude is checked after grades have sent, a resync must be done for grades to be updated.

See the Type/Descriptors below.

Ocalendar.gradeLevelSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Institution Telephone Number Type.

Ed-Fi Code ValueShort DescriptionDescription
Health ClinicHealth ClinicHealth Clinic
Food ServiceFood ServiceFood Service

This table describes the Education Organization Category Type.

Ed-Fi Code ValueShort DescriptionDescription
Education Service CenterEducation Service CenterEducation Service Center
Local Education AgencyLocal Education AgencyLocal Education Agency
State Education AgencyState Education AgencyState Education Agency
Education Organization NetworkEducation Organization NetworkEducation Organization Network
Code ValueShort DescriptionDescription
All LevelsAll LevelsAll Levels
Adult SchoolAdult SchoolAdult School
Elementary/Secondary SchoolElementary/Secondary SchoolElementary/Secondary School
Elementary SchoolElementary SchoolElementary School
High SchoolHigh SchoolHigh School
Infant/toddler SchoolInfant/toddler SchoolInfant/toddler School
Intermediate SchoolIntermediate SchoolIntermediate School
Junior High SchoolJunior High SchoolJunior High School
Middle SchoolMiddle SchoolMiddle School
Preschool/early childhoodPreschool/early childhoodPreschool/early childhood
Primary SchoolPrimary SchoolPrimary School
Other SecondaryOther SecondaryOther Secondary
Other CombinationOther CombinationOther Combination

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Grade Levels Descriptor:

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Early EducationEarly EducationEarly Education
First gradeFirst gradeFirst grade
Second gradeSecond gradeSecond grade
Third gradeThird GradeThird Grade
Fourth gradeFourth GradeFourth Grade
Fifth gradeFifth GradeFifth Grade
Sixth gradeSixth GradeSixth Grade
Seventh gradeSeventh GradeSeventh Grade
Eighth gradeEighth GradeEighth Grade
Ninth gradeNinth GradeNinth Grade
Tenth gradeTenth GradeTenth Grade
Eleventh gradeEleventh GradeEleventh Grade
Twelfth gradeTwelfth GradeTwelfth Grade
Grade 13Grade 13Grade 13
Adult EducationAdult EducationAdult Education


This educational entity represents a setting in which organized instruction of course content is provided to one or more students for a given period of time. A course may be offered to more than one class/section. Instruction, provided by one or more teachers or other staff members, may be delivered in person or via a different medium.

This entity reports per section per term type combination. 

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a section is created and saved.

  • Room and Section Placement are required in order for the section to send.
  • One record reports for each section, term type, class period combination.
  • If the Calendar Exclude checkbox is marked, data is not sent.
  • If the Course is marked as State Exclude, data is not sent.
  • If the School Exclude checkbox is marked, data is not sent.
PostWhen a section schedule placement is changed and saved.
PostWhen the Local Course Number or Term type Override is changed.

When any fields listed below are changed:

  • When the local course name, attendance, unit attendance or SCED Seq Number is changed and saved on the Course editor.
  • When the Room or Instructional Setting is changed and saved on a section.
  • When the Credit field is changed and saved on a Grading Task assigned to the course.
DeleteWhen a section is deleted.
DeleteWhen Section Placement is changed or removed and saved on a section.
DeleteWhen the Local Course Number or Term type Override is changed.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Reports Sections in the scope year the course's calendar is aligned to.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Future Years data will be suppressed until the Active Year is changed:

  • This allows the Schedule Wizard to be used and reduces the number of records sent until the final schedule is completed.
  • A resync must be done after the Active Year is changed to send data.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Section resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
 id The unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

Reports the following elements that are part of the Natural Key for the Class Periods:

  • id
  • name     


courseOffering Reference 

Reports the following elements that are part of the Natural Key for the Course Offering:

  •  schoolReference 
  •  sessionReference  
  •  localCourseCode    

Reports the following elements that are part of the Natural Key for the Locations resource:

  • schoolReference 
  • classroomIdentificationCode   

Reports the following elements that are part of the Natural Key for the Schools resource:

  •  State School Number
uniqueSectionCodeA unique identifier for the section, that is defined for a campus by the classroom, the subjects taught, and the instructors that are assigned. This element reports the section ID of the section being reported.MN/AN/A

When a section is part of a sequence of parts for a course, the number if the sequence. If the course has only onle part, the value of this section attribute should be 1.

  • Report the code selected in Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Editor > SCED Sequence Part M
  • If field = Null, report 1.
educational EnvironmentType

The setting in which a child receives education and related services. For example, Center-based instruction Home-based instruction, Hospital class, Mainstream Residential care, treatment facility.

  • Report the Ed-Fi Code value from the Instructional Setting selected on the course section being reported
Osection.instructionalSettingCourse > Section > Instructional Setting
mediumOf InstructionType

The media through which teachers provide instruction to students and students and teachers communicate about instructional matters



populationServed Type

The population for which the course was designed.

This element is optional and does not report.

availableCredit Type

The type of credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course.

This element is optional and does not report.


Conversion factor that when multiplied by the number of credits is equivalent to Carnegie units.

This element is optional and does not report.

This element is optional and does not report.ON/AN/A

Credits or units of value awarded for the completion of a course. Logic calculates this as follows:

  • Sum the total number of credits from the Grading Tasks on the course
  • Divide by the number of terms the course section occurs
Scheduling > Courses > Course > Grading Tasks > Credit

This descriptor defines characteristics of a section, such as whether attendance is taken and the section is graded. 

  • Reports 'Attendance Tracked' when Attendance and/or Positive Attendance checkbox is checked on a course.
  • Reports 'Graded Credit Available' when a grading task is added and saved to a course.

Scheduling > Course > Attendance/Positive Attendance

Scheduling > Course > Grading Tasks

sectionCharacteristic Descriptor

Defines the characteristics of a section, such as whether attendance is taken and the section is graded.

See the Type/Description Layout for more information.


An unordered collection of sectionPrograms. This educational entity represents a setting in which organized instruction of course content is provided to one or more students for a given period of time.

This element is optional and does not report.

A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.

This element is optional and does not report.


Type/Descriptor Layout

 Click here to expand...

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Section Characteristic Descriptors.

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Attendance TrackedAttendance TrackedAttendance Tracked
Graded Credit AvailableGraded CreditGraded Credit Available

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Educational Environment Types.

Ed-Fi Code Value Ed-Fi Short Description Ed-Fi Description 
Hospital classHospital classHospital class
In-school suspensionIn-school suspensionIn-school suspension
Mainstream (Special Education)Mainstream (Special Education)Mainstream (Special Education)
Off-school centerOff-school centerOff-school center
Pull-out classPull-out classPull-out class
Resource roomResource roomResource room
Single sex classroomSingle sex classroomSingle sex classroom
Self-contained (Special Education)Self-contained (Special Education)Self-contained (Special Education)

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Section Characteristic Descriptors.

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Attendance TrackedAttendance TrackedAttendance Tracked
Graded Credit AvailableGraded CreditGraded Credit Available

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Educational Environment Types.

Ed-Fi Code Value Ed-Fi Short Description Ed-Fi Description 
Hospital classHospital classHospital class
In-school suspensionIn-school suspensionIn-school suspension
Mainstream (Special Education)Mainstream (Special Education)Mainstream (Special Education)
Off-school centerOff-school centerOff-school center
Pull-out classPull-out classPull-out class
Resource roomResource roomResource room
Single sex classroomSingle sex classroomSingle sex classroom
Self-contained (Special Education)Self-contained (Special Education)Self-contained (Special Education)


This entity represents the prescribed span of time when an education institution is open, instruction is provided and students are under the direction and guidance of teachers and/or education institution administration. A session may be interrupted by one or more vacations

In order to report properly, the Ed-Fi Term Type field needs to be populated on the Calendar Term Detail editor. This ties the Course Section to the Term. If the Course Section needs to use a different term type, the Ed-Fi Term Type Override field needs to be populated on the Course Section Editor. 

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.

Data will not report for calendars, schools, and courses marked as Exclude.


When a new Term is created and saved that is Mapped to a Term Type and a resync of Sessions is completed.

  • If the same Term Type is selected on multiple Terms, group the Terms together so only 1 record will report per Term Type.
  • If there are multiple Calendars or Schedule structures in a School with the same Term Types, only 1 record can report to Ed-Fi.  Report the earliest Term Start Date and latest Term End Date.
  • Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude check box is checked.
  • Do not send if  the School is marked as Exclude.

When a Term Descriptor Override is selected on a Course or Section and saved and the course is mapped to a Term Descriptor Override and a resync of Sessions is completed.

  • The Session will report the start and end dates based on the mapping of the course section
  • If the same Term Type is selected in the Terms tab and the Term Type Override, a record will not send from the override field
  • Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude check box is checked or Course is marked as Inactive or Exclude.

Start and End dates are not part of the natural Key so only 1 record per Term Type can be sent to Ed-Fi.  Logic has been implemented to determine the priority of what start and end dates to use for a Term Type.

PutWhen the Grading Period, Term Name, start or end dates are changed and saved.

Terms are never deleted; they are only used as a reference. They remain if a Term Schedule is deleted or Term Types are changed. 


Start and End dates are not part of the natural Key so only 1 record per Term Type can be sent to Ed-Fi.  Logic has been implemented to determine the priority of what start and end dates to use for a Term Type.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.

. Reports Sessions for the scope year to which the calendar is aligned.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Future Years data will be suppressed until the Active Year is changed:

  • This allows the Schedule Wizard to be used and reduces the number of records sent until the final schedule is completed.
  • A resync must be done after the Active Year is changed to send data.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Sessions resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

Reports the following elements that are part of the Natural Key for the School resource

schoolYearTypeReferenceA reference to the related SchoolYearType resource. This element reports the End year from the calendar term reported. MN/AN/A
nameThe identifier for the calendar for the academic session. MTerm.edfiTypeNameSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Term Type Name

This descriptor defines the term of a session during the school year (e.g., Fall Semester). See the Term Descriptor mapping in the Type/Descriptor section below.

  1. When reporting from Term Descriptors mapping, report the Ed-Fi Code for the value selected
    1. When Ed-Fi Term Type = Null, or when no Ed-Fi code exists, do not report.
  2. When reporting from the Term Descriptor Overrides on Course or Section, report the Ed-Fi code value selected




System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Term Type


Scheduling > Courses/Sections


The term start date. This element reports the start date of the term being reported. 

  1. When reporting from a Term Schedule, report the start date of the term being reported 
    1. If more than 1 term has the same Term Type selected, report the earliest start date
  2. When reporting from a Term Type Override on a section:
    1. Report the start date from the earliest term selected in the section schedule placement for all courses/sections with the same Term Type.
MTerm.startDateSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > Start Date

The term end date. This element reports the end date of the term being reported.

  1. When reporting from a Term Schedule, report the end date of the term being reported 
    1. If more than 1 term has the same Term Type selected, use the latest end date
  2. When reporting from a Term Type Override on a section:
    1. Report the end date from the latest term selected in the section schedule placement for all courses/sections with the same Term Type
Term.endDateSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms > End Date

This element reports the total number of instructional days from the Days tab from the calendar and schedule structure the term is associated with. 

  1. When reporting from Term Schedule, count the total number of instructional days from the Days tab from the calendar and schedule structure the term is associated with
    1. A day reset must be completed before the days will calculate.  Use the resync after day reset is completed to have instructional days calculated and sent.
    2. If more than 1 term schedule has the same Term Type, count the distinct number of instructional days from all terms for that Term Type
  2. When reporting from Term Type Override, find all section placements that Term Type is associated and count the distinct number of instructional days for each section placement's term

A day reset must be completed before the days will calculate.  Use the resync function of Ed-Fi Tools to have instructional days calculated and sent.

academicWeeksAn unordered collection of sessionAcademicWeeks.ON/AN/A
gradingPeriodsAn unordered collection of sessionGradingPeriods.ON/AN/A

Report a record for each Grading Period reported in the Grading Periods Resource that occurs in the session being reported.

When reporting from Term Type Override, reference all grading periods that are associated with any course or section with the same Term Type Override

  • The course is associated with the grading task of the grading period
  • The section is placed in the term of the grading period

If there is not a Grading Period association with the Session, the array will be NULL and the Session record will error

etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.ON/AN/A


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Term Descriptor:

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Fall SemesterFall SemesterFall Semester
Spring SemesterSpring SemesterSpring Semester
Summer SemesterSummer SemesterSummer Semester
First TrimesterFirst TrimesterFirst Trimester
Second TrimesterSecond TrimesterSecond Trimester
Third TrimesterThird TrimesterThird Trimester
Full YearFull YearFull Year
First QuarterFirst QuarterFirst Quarter
Second QuarterSecond QuarterSecond Quarter
Third QuarterThird QuarterThird Quarter
Fourth QuarterFourth QuarterFourth Quarter

Staff Cohort Associations

This association indicates the Staff associated with a cohort of students.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object

PostWhen a Staff is assigned as "Instructor" to a Program Session that is reported as a Cohort in the Scoped Year

The Cohort can only be created from Program Admin> Programs> Programs tab

The Staff member must have an Ed-Fi ID to report
PutThe end date is updated on the Program Sessions tab
Delete/PostIf any part of the Natural Key changes
DeleteIf the Program Session is deleted
DeleteStaff is removed from the "Instructor" field

 Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Staff Cohort Associations resource.

Data Element Label
Campus Database Field

Campus GUI Location

The unique identifier of the resourceM

cohortReferenceReports the Natural Key of the Cohort resourceM


Reports the Natural Key of the Staff resource



The month, day, and year on which the Student was first identified as part of the Cohort.

  • Reports the Start Date the staff is assigned to the Program Session
OprogramSession.startdatePrograms Admin> Programs> Program Sessions> Start Date

The month, day, and year on which the Student was removed as part of the Cohort.

  • Reports the End Date the staff is ended from the Program Session
O programSession.enddatePrograms Admin> Programs> Program Sessions> End Date


etag O

Staff Education Organization Assignment Association

This association indicates the education organization to which a staff member provides services; also known as school of service.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a person has a District Employment record with the District Staff check box checked and a District Assignment Code populated.


When a person has a District Assignment record and the District Staff check box is not checked.

Do NOT report a record if any one of the following scenarios are true:  

  1. There is not an Ed-FI ID for the staff person.
  2. The staff records are not active based on the Scope Year logic listed below.
  3. If the record is being triggered from a District Assignment record and it is marked as Exclude.
  4. If the record is being triggered from a District Assignment record and the School is marked as Exclude.
  5. If data is sent prior to the Exclude checkboxes are checked, the data will remain and the user will need to use the Delete Tool to remove data.
  6. If the Assignment Code field is not mapped in Resource Preferences

If school staff member has more than 1 qualifying District Assignment record, a record will generate for each eligible School/Start date


N/A, a delete and insert occurs when any field is edited and saved. 

Delete/PostWhen the person’s employment assignment record is changed

When the person’s employment record is changed


When the Assignment Code, Start Date or End date is modified on the District Assignment record

DeleteWhen a District Assignment record is deleted.
DeleteWhen a District Employment record is deleted
DeleteWhen a District Employment record > District Staff is unchecked AND no district assignment exists for the staff.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


A record will report when a person has a District Assignment record that is aligned to a scoped year.

  • Report when a staff has an active District Assignment record that overlaps with the School year Start and End Dates.
    • If School Year Start Date is NULL, 7/1/xxxx will be the default start date used.
    • If School Year End Date is NULL, 6/30/xxxx will be the default end date used.
  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

When using data in Campus that has an effective date, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to.

  • Current Year:  Records will be compared to today's date to determine if the record is eligible to report.
  • Previous Years:  The record's date must be on or before the schools year's end date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years:  The record's date must be on or after the schools year's start date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

 Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Staff Education Organization Agreement Association resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

Reports the data that is part of the Natural Key for the Staff Education Organization Employment Association resource:

  • educationOrganizationReference
  • staffReference
  • employmentStatusDescriptor
  • hireDate

A reference to the related EducationOrganization resource. 

  1. First look to District Employment > District Staff.  If the checkbox is checked, report staff with the District Number.
  2. If the District Staff checkbox is not checked, report the State School Number

Reports the data that is part of the Natural Key for the Staff resource:

  • staffUniqueId

The titles of employment, official status, or rank of education staff.

Report the Ed-Fi code mapped to the value selected:

  1. If reporting from District Employment, report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the District Assignment Code selected.
  2. If reporting from District Assignment, report the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the Assignment Code selected.
  3. Look to see if a default value is saved in the Attribute Dictionary when reporting.

Census> People> District Employment> District Assignment Code

Census> People> District Assignment> Assignment Code


The month, day and year of the start or effective date of a staff member's employment, contract or relationship with the LEA. This element reports the Start Date from the District Assignment being reported.

  • When reporting from the District Employment record, report the District Employment Start Date
  • When reporting from the District Assignment record, report the District Assignment Start Date
Census > People > District Assignment > Start Date

The descriptive name of an individual's position. 

  1. When reporting from the District Employment record, report the name from the District Assignment Code selected
  2. When reporting from the District Assignment record, report the name from the Assignment Code selected.



Census> People> District Employment> District Assignment Code

Census> People> District Assignment> Assignment Code


The month, day and year of the end or termination date of a staff member's employment, contract or relationship with the LEA.

  1. When reporting from the District Employment record, report the District Employment End Date
    1. If NULL, do not report
  2. When reporting from the District Assignment record, report the District Assignment End Date
    1. If NULL, do not report
Census > People > District Assignment > End Date

Describes whether the assignment is the staff member's primary assignment, secondary assignment. 


This element is optional and does not report.

etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.ON/AN/A


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Staff Classification Descriptors:

Staff Classification Descriptors

The District Assignment Code from the District Employment tab and the Assignment Code from the District Assignment tab is a shared Data Dictionary that is an unlocked list that is managed by the districts

To create a new or modify an existing Assignment Code go to System Administration> Custom> Attribute/Dictionary> Definition> Assignment Code

Ed-Fi CodeEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Assistant PrincipalAssistant PrincipalAssistant Principal
Assistant SuperintendentAssistant SuperintendentAssistant Superintendent
Instructional AideInstructional AideInstructional Aide
Instructional CoordinatorInstructional CoordinatorInstructional Coordinator
LEA AdministratorLEA AdministratorLEA Administrator
LEA SpecialistLEA SpecialistLEA Specialist
LEA System AdministratorLEA System AdministratorLEA System Administrator
Librarians/Media SpecialistsLibrarians/Media SpecialistsLibrarians/Media Specialists
Operational SupportOperational SupportOperational Support
School AdministratorSchool AdministratorSchool Administrator
School LeaderSchool LeaderSchool Leader
School SpecialistSchool SpecialistSchool Specialist
State AdministratorState AdministratorState Administrator
Substitute TeacherSubstitute TeacherSubstitute Teacher
Support Services StaffSupport Services StaffSupport Services Staff


This entity represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a person has a District Employment record and the District Employment > Ed-Fi Org Title's Standard Code = 000 


When a person has a District Assignment record and District Employment > Ed-Fi Org Title is blank or the Standard Code does not = 000 

Do NOT report a record when the following scenario is true: 

  • There is no Ed-FI ID for the staff person. 
  • The staff records are not active based on the Scope Year logic listed below
  • If the record is being triggered from a District Assignment record and it is marked as Exclude
  • If the record is being triggered from a District Assignment record and the School is marked as Exclude
  • If data is sent prior to the Exclude checkboxes are checked, the data will remain and the user will need to use the Delete Tool to remove data.

When any data is edited for the person in the Data Elements fields below.

  • When the person’s identity record is changed (identificationCodes, repRaceOrders).
  • When the person’s employment assignment record is changed.
  • When the person’s employment record is changed.
  • When one of the person’s section staff history records is changed.
  • When one of the person’s employment credentials is changed.
DeleteStaff records are a shared resource among all districts, this record will not delete.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


A record will report when a person has a District Assignment record that is aligned to a scoped year.

Report when a staff has an active District Assignment record that overlaps with the School year Start and End Dates.

  • If School Year Start Date is NULL, 7/1/xxxx will be the default start date used.
  • If School Year End Date is NULL, 6/30/xxxx will be the default end date used.

Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

When using data in Campus that has an effective date, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to.

  • Current Year:  Records will be compared to today's date to determine if the record is eligible to report.
  • Previous Years:  The record's date must be on or before the schools year's end date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years:  The record's date must be on or after the schools year's start date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

When using data in Campus that has start and end dates, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to.

  • Current Year: The records start date must be on or before today's date and the records end date must be on or after today's date.
  • Previous Years: The record's start date must be on or before the school year's end date and the record's end date must be after the school year's end date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years: The record's start date must be on or before the schools year's start date and the record's end date must be on or after the school year's start date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is use.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Staff resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A
staffUniqueIdA unique alpha-numeric code assigned to a staff. The staff member's Ed-Fi ID is reported.MCensus.edFiIdCensus > People > Demographics > EdFi ID

A prefix used to denote the title, degree, position or seniority of the person. 


This element is currently not reported or collected.

firstNameThe staff member's legal first name. The first name from the person's current identity record is reported.MIdentity.firstNameCensus > People > Identities > First Name
middleNameThe staff member's legal middle name. The middle name from the person's current identity record is reported.CIdentity.
Census > People > Identities > Middle Name
lastSurnameThe staff member's legal last name. The last name from the person's current identity record is reported.MIdentity.lastNameCensus > People > Identities > Last Name
generationCodeSuffixAn appendage, if any, used to denote an individual's generation in his family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III). The suffix form the person's current identity record is reported.CIdentity.suffixCensus > People > Identities > Suffix

The person''s maiden name, if applicable.


This element is currently not reported or collected.

sexTypeThe person's gender.MIdentity.genderCensus > People > Identities > Gender
birthDateThe month, day, and year on which an individual was born. The Birth Date from the person's current identity record is reported.MIdentity.birthDateCensus > People > Identities > Birth Date

An indication that the individual traces his or her origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish cultures, regardless of race. 

Report from "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" from the person's current identity:

  1. If droplist is = Yes, report "true"
  2. If droplist is = No or NULL, report "false"
Census > People > Identities > Date Entered US

Previous definition of Ethnicity combining Hispanic/latino and race 1 - American Indian or Alaskan Native 2 - Asian or Pacific Islander 3 - Black, not of Hispanic origin 4 - Hispanic 5 - White, not of Hispanic origin. 


This element is optional and is not reported.

Historical data in Campus database

The highest level of completed for a staff member. The Education value from the person's Credentials tab is reported. 

  1. Report the Ed-Fi Code value from from the person's Credentials tab when the Credential Type is = ED:  Education.
  2. If there is not a valid credential, report the Ed-Fi Code Value from Education droplist on the person's District Employment record. 
  3. If there is no Education record or the Ed-Fi code value is NULL, do not report.

Scope Year logic is used to determine the Scope Year to post or update.

See the Level of Education Descriptors table in the section below for the Ed-Fi value that is reported.


Census > People > Credentials

Census > People > District Employment


The total number of years that an individual has previously held a similar professional position in one or more education institutions. 


This element is currently not reported or collected.


The total number of years that an individual has previously held a teaching position in one or more education institutions. 


This element is currently not reported or collected.


An indication of whether a teacher is classified as highly qualified for his/her assignment according to state definition. This attribute indicates the teacher is highly qualified for ALL sections being taught.

This element reports True when the person has a Credential Type = HQ: Highly Qualified.

  • Start date must be on or before today's date
  • End date must be NULL, or on or after today's date 

This element reports False when the person is a teacher on any active course section and does not have an HQ: Highly Qualified Credential.

If person is not a teacher, do not report a record.

Scope Year logic is used to determine the Scope Year to post or update.

ON/ACensus > People > Credentials

The login ID for the user; used for security access control interface.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


 A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


 Report the person's address(es). 


This element is optional and is not reported.


 An unordered collection of staffCredentials. This entity represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion.


This element is optional and is not reported.


An unordered collection of staffElectronicMails. This entity represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion. 

See the Electronic Mail table in the section below for the Ed-Fi value that is reported. This element is an array which also reports the following data:

OContact.emailCensus > People > Demographics > Email
electronicMailTypeThis element reports the Electric Mail mapping listed in the table and section below.MN/AN/A
electronicMailAddressThe numbers, letters, and symbols used to identify an electronic mail (e-mail) user within the network to which the individual or organization belongs.MContact.emailCensus > People > Demographics > Email
An indication that the electronic mail address should be used as the principal electronic mail address for an individual or organization.ON/AN/A

An unordered collection of staffIdentificationCodes. This entity represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion.


Staff Identification System TypeReports District when reporting the local stff number; reports State when reporting the license number.M



Census>People>Demographics> Local Staff ID

Census>People> District Employment> License

Credentials> License Number
Assigning Organization Identification Code

The organization code or name assigning the Staff Identification Code.

This does not report.

Identification Code

A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a staff member by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity. Reporting Logic is as follows:

  1. Report the local Staff Number if populated
  2. Report the  License Number from the District Employment Record
    1. Start Date must be on or before today's date
    2. End Date must be on or after today's date 
  3. If License Number from District Employment is NULL, Report the License Number from the Credentials tab when the type = Licensure/Certification 
    1. Start Date must be on or before today's date 
    2. End Date must be on or after today's date
    3. If staff has more than 1 eligible record, report the most recent start date. 
      1. If start date is the same, report highest id.


Census > People > Demographics > State Staff ID/Local Staff ID, Staff State ID

An unordered collection of staffIdentificationDocuments. This entity represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


An unordered collection of staffInternationalAddresses. This entity represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


An unordered collection of staffLanguages. This entity represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


 An unordered collection of staffOtherNames. This entity represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


An unordered collection of staffRaces. This entity represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion. 

This element looks at the Race Ethnicity checkboxe(s) marked on the person's Identity record. See the Race Type table in the section below for the Ed-Fi value that is reported.

This element is also an array which reports the following data:





Census > People > Identities > Race/Ethnicity

The general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual's recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies.

This element reports the short description mapped based on the Race Type table in the section below.




 Census > People > Identities > Race/Ethnicity

An unordered collection of staffTelephones. This entity represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion.

This element reports the phone numbers entered in the person's Personal Contact Information editor. See the Telephone Number table in the section below for the Ed-Fi value that is reported.

This element is an array which reports the following additional data:






Census > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Other Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone, Pager

telephoneNumberTypeThis element reports the short description mapped in the Telephone Number Type table listed in the section below.MN/AN/A
orderOfPriorityThe order of priority assigned to telephone numbers to define which number to attempt first, second, etc.ON/AN/A
An indication that the telephone number is technically capable of sending and receiving Short Message Service (SMS) text messages.ON/AN/A
telephoneNumberThe 10-digit telephone number, including the area code, for the person. This element reports the phone numbers entered in the person's Personal Contact Information editor.M





Census > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Other Phone, Work Phone, Cell Phone, Pager

An unordered collection of staffVisas. This entity represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion.


This element is currently not reported or collected.

repRaceOrdersAn unordered collection of staffREPRaceOrders. This element is an array which reports the following additional data:ON/AN/A
raceOrderChoice DescriptorAlways reports a value of 1.MN/AN/A

The general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual's recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies.

Report the short description from the Race Type page linked under the Type/Descriptor section below based on the mapping provided.




Census> People> Identities> Race/Ethnicity


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Level of Education Descriptors:

Ed-Fi Code ValueShort DescriptionDescription
High School DiplomaHigh School DiplomaHigh School Diploma
Associate's Degree (two years or more)Associate's Degree (two years or more)Associate's Degree (two years or more)
Some College No DegreeSome College No DegreeSome College No Degree
Did Not Graduate High SchoolDid Not Graduate High SchoolDid Not Graduate High School

Staff School Association

This association indicates the school(s) to which a teacher provides instructional services.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a District Assignment record is created or changed and saved for a staff member.

Do NOT report a record if any one of the following scenarios are true:

  • There is not an Ed-FI ID for the staff person.
  • The District Assignment records are not active based on the Scope Year logic listed below.
  • If the record is being triggered from a District Assignment record and it is marked as Exclude.

  • If the record is being triggered from a District Assignment record and the School is marked as Exclude.

  • If data is sent prior to the Exclude checkboxes are checked, the data will remain and the user will need to use the Delete Tool to remove data.
Delete/InsertWhen the person’s employment assignment record is changed
Delete/InsertWhen the person’s employment assignment record is changed.
DeleteWhen a District Assignment record is deleted.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


A record will report when a person has a District Assignment or District Employment record that is aligned to a scoped year.

  • Report when a staff has an active District Assignment or District Employment record that overlaps with the School year Start and End Dates
    • If School Year Start Date is NULL, 7/1/xxxx will be the default start date used
    • If School Year End Date is NULL, 6/30/xxxx will be the default end date used
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Staff School Association resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resourceMN/A N/A 

Reports data from the SchoolID field that is part of the natural key for the Schools resource. The following elements are reported:

  • schoolID

Reports data from the SchoolID field that is part of the natural key for the Staff resource. The following elements are reported:

  • staffUniqueId

The name of the program for which the individual is assigned; for example: Regular education Title I-Academic Title I-Non-Academic Special Education Bilingual/English as a Second Language .A value of 03 reports.

Reports a default value of "Regular Education".

N/A N/A 
schoolYearThe reporting school year.ON/A N/A 
academicSubjectsAn unordered collection of staffSchoolAssociationAcademicSubjects. This association indicates the school(s) to which a teacher provides instructional services.

  • Report the Ed-Fi Code from the Department field

employmentassignment. primaryTeachingAreaCensus> People> District Assignments> Primary Teaching Area
gradeLevels An unordered collection of staffSchoolAssociationGradeLevels. This association indicates the school(s) to which a teacher provides instructional services.


  • Report the Ed-Fi Code from the Grade selected

 employmentassignment.grade Census> People> District Assignments> Grade Level
_etag A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resourceN/A N/A 


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Academic Subject Descriptors:

Code ValueShort DescriptionDescription
Career and Technical EducationCareer and Technical EducationCareer and Technical Education
Critical ReadingCritical ReadingCritical Reading
English Language ArtsEnglish Language ArtsEnglish Language Arts
Fine and Performing ArtsFine and Performing ArtsFine and Performing Arts
Foreign Language and LiteratureForeign Language and LiteratureForeign Language and Literature
Life and Physical SciencesLife and Physical SciencesLife and Physical Sciences
Military ScienceMilitary ScienceMilitary Science
Physical, Health, and Safety EducationPhysical, Health, and Safety EducationPhysical, Health, and Safety Education
Religious Education and TheologyReligious Education and TheologyReligious Education and Theology
Social Sciences and HistorySocial Sciences and HistorySocial Sciences and History
Social StudiesSocial StudiesSocial Studies

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Grade Level Descriptors:

Code ValueShort DescriptionDescription
Adult EducationAdult EducationAdult Education
Early EducationEarly EducationEarly Education
Eighth gradeEighth gradeEighth grade
Eleventh gradeEleventh gradeEleventh grade
Fifth gradeFifth gradeFifth grade
First gradeFirst gradeFirst grade
Fourth gradeFourth gradeFourth grade
Grade 13Grade 13Grade 13
Ninth gradeNinth gradeNinth grade
Second gradeSecond gradeSecond grade
Seventh gradeSeventh gradeSeventh grade
Sixth gradeSixth gradeSixth grade
Tenth gradeTenth gradeTenth grade
Third gradeThird gradeThird grade
Twelfth gradeTwelfth gradeTwelfth grade

Staff Section Association

This association indicates the course sections to which a staff person is assigned.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a staff person is added to a course section on Staff History.

  • Must have a Staff Type of P: Primary Teacher in the Section Staff History table or have a Staff Type of T: Teacher in the Section Staff History table with a Role.
  • Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude checkbox is checked.
  • Do not send a record if the Course is marked Inactive or Exclude.
  • Must have a role with an Ed-Fi code populated to report.
  • Do not report a record if the Staff does not have an Ed-Fi ID.
  • Do not report if the course is in a school marked as exclude.
PostWhen a Role with an Ed-Fi code is added to an existing teacher on the Staff History Record.

When Start or End dates are modified on the Staff History.

If the start or end dates are modified on the District Assignment record, an  update will not occur. 

A resync must be completed to have all the records updated.


When a staff member is deleted from Staff History.

DeleteWhen a Role is removed from a Teacher on Staff History.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


Reports for Sections in the scope year the course's calendar is aligned to.

Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Future Years data will be suppressed until the Active Year is changed. This allows the Schedule Wizard to be used and reduces the number of records sent until the final schedule is completed.

A resync must be done after the Active Year is changed to send data.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Staff Section Association resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

A reference to the related Section resource.


  • Class Period
  • Course Offering
  • Location
  • School
  • Unique Section Code
  • Sequence of Course

A reference to the related Staff resource.

Reports the Staff Unique ID.

classroomPosition Descriptor

A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.

  • Reports the value from the Ed-Fi Code field from the Role that is selected
  • See attribute dictionary for valid code values
  • Report default value if selected
MsectionStaffhistory.roleScheduling > Courses > Section > Staff History > Role

Month, day and year of a teacher''s assignment to the section. If blank, defaults to the first day of the first grading period for the section. 

Report the Staff History Start date if populated.

If not populated, look at the District Assignment record for the teacher for that School and report Assignment Start Date if it is on or after the lowest Term Start Date and on or before the highest Term End Date for that section.

If the District Assignment Start Date is Prior to the lowest Term Start Date, report the lowest Term Start Date for that section.





Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Staff History> Start Date

Census > People > District Assignment > Start Date

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms


Month, day and year of the last day of a teacher's assignment to the section. NEDM: Ending Date. 

Reports the Staff History End Date if populated.

If not populated, look at the District Assignment record for the teacher for that School and report Assignment End Date if it is on or after the lowest Term Start Date and on or before the highest Term End Date for that section.

Otherwise, reports the Term End Date for that section.




Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section > Staff History > End Date

Census > Peopl e> District Assignment > End Date


An indication of whether a teacher is classified as highly qualified for his/her assignment according to state definition. This attribute indicates the teacher is highly qualified for this section being taught.

This is optional and does not report.

teacherStudent DataLinkExclusion

Indicates that the student-section combination is excluded from calculation of value-added or growth attribution calculations used for a particular teacher evaluation.

This is optional and does not report.


The percentage of time the teacher is responsible for the student.

This is optional and does not report.


A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource. 

This is optional and does not report.



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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Classroom Position Descriptor:

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Teacher of RecordTeacher of RecordTeacher of Record
Assistant TeacherAssistant TeacherAssistant Teacher
Support TeacherSupport TeacherSupport Teacher
Substitute TeacherSubstitute TeacherSubstitute Teacher

Student Academic Record

This educational entity represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


Report a StudentAcademicRecord instance for each school year in which the student has a transcript record and they have a Student School Association record for the scoped year.

  • When the "Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override" field on the Transcript is null on a manually added course, record will provide an error with the following message, "Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override field must not be null."
  • A post action is done to update the Cumulative Earned Credits field when the Earned Credit field is updated or a new transcript record is added added/deleted with a Earned Credit Value that is not null and is greater than 0

When a student is given a Diploma Date and Diploma Type:

  • Only post for the records in the Scope Year the Diploma Date is associated.
  • If the student already has SAR records from posted Transcript records, update existing records with the Diploma information
    • If all of the student's transcript records are deleted, a new SAR will post from the Diploma Record
  • If the student does not have any SAR records from posted Transcript records, create 1 record with the Term Descriptor that is aligned to the Term that the Diploma Date occurs in
    • If the Diploma date and/or Diploma Type fields are made NULL, the SAR record will delete
DeleteIf records are posted from course transcript records and no Diploma information exits, all Student Academic Records will only delete when a student has only 1 Student School Association record for a specific Year and all Student School Association records are deleted

When the State Exclude or No Show checkboxes are checked on the student's enrollment.


If these boxes are unchecked, the data will not post. A resync must be completed in order to resend the data.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


Records will send to each scope year in which the Course Transcript record is posted.

Records will only post to the SAR records for the year the diploma date occurs in but SAR records will post to all scoped years.

  • The Diploma Date must be on or after the school year's start date and on or before the school year's end date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default start date of 7/1/xxxx and end date of 6/30/xxxx are used.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Student Academic Record resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

A reference to the related EducationOrganization resource.

Reports the District Number


A reference to the related SchoolYearType resource.

  • Reports the end year for the transcript record being reported.
  • Reports the end year the Diploma Date is aligned to

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Student resource

  • studentUniqueId

The term for the session during the school year. See the Term Descriptor table in the Type/Descriptor section below.

  1. Report the Ed-Fi code for the value selected in "Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override" field on the transcript.
    1. If this field is NULL and the record is not posted from a section to determine the associated Term, the record will report an error.
  2. When "Ed-Fi Transcript Term Override" field = Null, report the Term Descriptor based on the Course Term Type Override, else Section Term Type Override.  
    1. When both the Course Term and the Section Term Override fields = Null, report the Term Descriptor for the term aligned to the Grading Score for the posted Grade.
  3. When the SAR is posted only from the Graduation Record because there are no Course .Transcripts records for the student, report the Ed-Fi Term Descriptor that the Diploma Date falls in.
    1. If the Diploma Date is outside of any of the Term Dates for that School Year, report the Ed-Fi Term Descriptor from the Term with the latest End Date.
    2. If the Diploma Date is aligned to more than 1 Term Descriptor, report the value from the highest TermId.

Key for Credit.

This is optional and does not report.


Conversion factor that when multiplied by the number of credits is equivalent to Carnegie units.

This is optional and does not report.


The cumulative number of credits an individual earns by completing courses or examinations during his or her enrollment in the current school as well as those credits transferred from schools in which the individual had been previously enrolled.

  1. Sum the total number of credits the student has earned based on the total number of Credits Earned the student has in the Transcript Credit table.
    1. Report '0' if the student does not have any Credits Earned
  2. This value will be the same for all Student Academic Records that are being updated, regardless of Term Type or Year.
  3. If the student does not have any Course Transcript records and is only reporting from Graduation, this field will be NULL
OCalculated value from the earned credit field in the transcriptcredit tableStudent Information > General > Transcripts

Key for Credit

This is optional and does not report.


Conversion factor that when multiplied by the number of credits is equivalent to Carnegie units.

This is optional and does not report.


The cumulative number of credits an individual earns by completing courses or examinations during his or her enrollment in the current school as well as those credits transferred from schools in which the individual had been previously enrolled.

  1. Logic reports the Sm total number of credits the student has attempted based on the total number of Credits Attempted the student has in the Transcript Credit table.
  2. Report '0' if the student does not have any Attempted Credits Earned
    1. This value will be the same for all Student Academic Records that are being updated, regardless of Term Type or Year.
  3. If the student does not have any Course Transcript records and is only reporting from Graduation, this field will be NULL

The cumulative number of grade points an individual earns by successfully completing courses or examinations during his or her enrollment in the current school as well as those transferred from schools in which the individual had been previously enrolled.

This is optional and does not report.


A measure of average performance in all courses taken by an individual during his or her school career as determined for record-keeping purposes. This is obtained by dividing the total grade points received by the total number of credits attempted. This usually includes grade points received and credits attempted in his or her current school as well as those transferred from schools in which the individual was previously enrolled.

This is optional and does not report.


The scale of equivalents, if applicable, for grades awarded as indicators of performance in schoolwork. For example, numerical equivalents for letter grades used in determining a student's Grade Point Average (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1 in a four-point system) or letter equivalents for percentage grades (90-100%=A, 80-90%=B, etc.).

This is optional and does not report.


The month and year the student is projected to graduate.

This is optional and does not report.


Key for Credit

This is optional and does not report.


Conversion factor that when multiplied by the number of credits is equivalent to Carnegie units.

This is optional and does not report.


The number of an credits an individual earned in this session.

This is optional and does not report.


Key for Credit.

This is optional and does not report.


Conversion factor that when multiplied by the number of credits is equivalent to Carnegie units

This is optional and does not report.


The number of an credits an individual attempted to earn in this session

This is optional and does not report.


The number of grade points an individual earned for this session

This is optional and does not report.


The grade point average for an individual computed as the grade points earned during the session divided by the number of credits attempted

This is optional and does not report.


This educational entity represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student

This is optional and does not report.


An unordered collection of studentAcademicRecordAcademicHonors. This educational entity represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student

This is optional and does not report.


An unordered collection of studentAcademicRecordDiplomas. This educational entity represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student.

  • Reports when a student is given a Diploma Date and Diploma Type on their Graduation Record
  • Only report in the Scope Year the Diploma Dates falls
  • This value will be the same for all Student Academic Records that are being updated, regardless of Term Type
Diploma Type

The type of diploma/credential that is awarded to a student in recognition of his/her completion of the curricular requirements.

  • Report the Ed-Fi Code for the Diploma Type selected
MStudent Information> General> Graduation



Diploma DateThe month, day, and year on which the student met graduation requirements and was awarded a diploma. Reports the Diploma DateMN/AN/A

This descriptor defines the category of achievement attributed to the learner.

  • Report 'Regular diploma' when Diploma Type is = 01: Regular Diploma
  • Report 'Other' when Diploma Type is = 02: Other Credential
MStudent Information > General > Graduation > Diploma TypeGraduation.

An unordered collection of studentAcademicRecordRecognitions. This educational entity represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student

This is optional and does not report.


An unordered collection of studentAcademicRecordReportCards. This educational entity represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student

This is optional and does not report.


A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource. 

This is optional and does not report.



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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Diploma Type:

Ed-Fi Code Value
Ed-Fi Short Description
Ed-Fi Description
Regular diplomaRegular diplomaRegular diploma
Regents diplomaRegents diplomaRegents diploma
Post graduate certificate (grade 13)Post graduate certificate (grade 13)Post graduate certificate (grade 13)
Other diplomaOther diplomaOther diploma
Occupational LicenseOccupational LicenseOccupational License
Modified diplomaModified diplomaModified diploma
International BaccalaureateInternational BaccalaureateInternational Baccalaureate
Industry-recognized CertificationIndustry-recognized CertificationIndustry-recognized Certification
High school equivalency credential, other than GEDHigh school equivalency credential, other than GEDHigh school equivalency credential, other than GED
General Educational Development (GED) credentialGeneral Educational Development (GED) credentialGeneral Educational Development (GED) credential
Endorsed/advanced diplomaEndorsed/advanced diplomaEndorsed/advanced diploma
Certificate of completionCertificate of completionCertificate of completion
Certificate of attendanceCertificate of attendanceCertificate of attendance
Career and Technical Education certificateCareer and Technical Education certificateCareer and Technical Education certificate
Apprenticeship CertificateApprenticeship CertificateApprenticeship Certificate
Alternative credentialAlternative credentialAlternative credential

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Achievement Category Descriptors

Code Value
Short Description
Certificate EarnedCertificate EarnedCertificate Earned
Competency RetainedCompetency RetainedCompetency Retained
Level CompletedLevel CompletedLevel Completed
License EarnedLicense EarnedLicense Earned
Non-Academic HonorNon-Academic HonorNon-Academic Honor
Competency MasteredCompetency MasteredCompetency Mastered
Diploma EarnedDiploma EarnedDiploma Earned
Course CompletedCourse CompletedCourse Completed
License Endorsement EarnedLicense Endorsement EarnedLicense Endorsement Earned

Student Cohort Associations

This entity represents any type of list of designated students for tracking, analysis, or intervention.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.

PostWhen a Student is assigned to a Program that is reported as a Cohort and the record overlaps an enrollment with a valid Student School Association in the current scoped year

The Cohort can only be created from Program Admin> Programs> Programs tab
PutThe end date is updated on the Student's Programs tab
Delete/PostIf any part of the Natural Key changes
Delete/Post  When the student has two of the same flags with the same start date and 1 record is deleted, the remaining records data will post
DeleteIf the Program Participation record is Deleted

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Student Cohort Association resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.M N/AN/A
cohortReferenceReports the Natural Key of the Cohort resourceMN/AN/A
studentreferenceReports the Natural Key of the Student resourceMN/AN/A

The month, day, and year on which the Student was first identified as part of the Cohort.

  • Reports the Start Date the student is assigned to the Cohort
Oprogramparticipation.startdateStudent Information> Program Participation> Programs> Start Date

The month, day, and year on which the Student was removed as part of the Cohort.

  • Reports the End Date the student is ended from the Cohort
Oprogramparticipation.enddateStudent Information> Program Participation> Programs> End Date

An unordered collection of studentCohortAssociationSections. The cohort representing the subdivision of students within one or more sections. For example, a group of students may be given additional instruction and tracked as a cohort


This field is optional and does not report.


Student Discipline Incident Association

This event entity represents an occurrence of an infraction ranging from a minor behavioral problem that disrupts the orderly functioning of a school or classroom (such as tardiness) to a criminal act that results in the involvement of a law enforcement official (such as robbery).

A single event (e.g., a fight) is one incident regardless of how many perpetrators or victims are involved. Discipline incidents are events classified as warranting discipline action.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


Reports a behavior incident when the incident's Status is marked and saved as "Complete"

  • Incident must have at least 1 behavior event associated and a Role that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Value
  • Posting can occur if a new event is added after Incident is marked as "Complete"
  • Do not send if the student's enrollment is marked as No Show or State Exclude
  • Do not send if the student is in a calendar marked as Exclude
  • Do not send if the student's enrollment is in a school marked as Exclude

When data that is part of the Natural Key is changed

  • If the Date of Incident is changed and saved
  • If the Event Type is changed and saved

When the Incident's status is changed

  • Delete when the status is changed from Completed to In Progress
  • Post when the status is changed from In Progress to Completed
DeeteWhen an incident is deleted

When all non-excluded enrollments in the school and year are deleted

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


Discipline records will only send to the school year that the incident date is aligned to based on the School Year Start and End dates.

  • If School Year Start Date is NULL, 7/1/xxxx will be the default start date used
  • If School Year End Date is NULL, 6/30/xxxx will be the default end date used

Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Student Discipline Incident Association resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.M N/AN/A
discipline Incident Reference

Reports data from the fields that are part of the natural key for the Discpline Incident resource. The following elements are reported:

  • schoolReference
  • incidentIdentifier

Reports data from the fields that are part of the natural key for the Student resource. The following elements are reported:

  • studentUniqueId
Student Participation Code Type

The role or type of participation of a student in a discipline incident.

Report the Ed-Fi Code value from the Role that is selected for the Student being reported

  • If the student has more that one role with different Ed-Fi Code values, the last one to sync wins
MBehaviorEvent.roleBehavior > Behavior Management > Participant Details > Role

An unordered collection of disciplineIncidentBehaviors. This event entity represents an occurrence of an infraction ranging from a minor behavioral problem that disrupts the orderly functioning of a school or classroom (such as tardiness) to a criminal act that results in the involvement of a law enforcement official (such as robbery). A single event (e.g., a fight) is one incident regardless of how many perpetrators or victims are involved. Discipline incidents are events classified as warranting discipline action.


This field is optional and does not report.


A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.



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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Student Participation Code Types:

Campus RoleEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description




Student Education Organization Association

This association indicates any relationship between a student and an education organization other than however the state views enrollment. Enrollment relationship semantics are covered by Student School Association.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When an enrollment is saved with Resident District field populated and/or Serving District field = NULL.

  • A separate record posts for each unique District Number that is posted in the Resident and Serving District fields.
  • Default values are used if populated on the attributes.
  • Do not send a student record for an enrollment that is marked as State Exclude or No Show.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a school marked as Exclude.

When an enrollment Serving or Resident District is changed on an existing enrollment.

  • If both Resident and Serving districts have the same District Number and one is changed to a different District Number, the original record should remain and a new record is posted.
  • If both Resident and Serving districts have the same District Number and both are changed to a different District Numbers, the original record(s) will delete and new record(s) are posted.

When an enrollment start date is changed on an existing enrollment.

  • When a student has more than 1 Resident District record, only post for the Resident District Record tied to the enrollment record
  • If a student has more than 1 Resident District record, the end date will need to be populated with an end date
PutWhen the start date for an enrollment is changed.
DeleteWhen an enrollment resident district is changed to NULL on an existing enrollment and a serving district with the same key (District Number) does not exist.
DeleteWhen an enrollment serving district is changed to NULL on an existing enrollment and a resident district with the same key (District Number) does not exist.
DeleteWhen the enrollment is deleted.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


The record will send to the scope year for the school year the enrollment is associated with.

Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Student Education Organization Association resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

A reference to the related EducationOrganization resource. 

  • Reports the Resident District if NOT NULL. 
  • Reports the Serving District if NOT NULL.



Enrollment. servingDistrict

Student Information General > Enrollments > Resident District

Student Information General > Enrollments > Resident District


Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Student resource:

  • studentUniqueId

A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.

  • If the Resident and Serving District are the same as the reporting district, report 'Funding'
  • If reporting a record from the Resident District field, report 'Accountability'
  • If reporting a record from the Serving District field, report 'Funding'


A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.ON/AN/A


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Responsibility Descriptor:

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Individualized Education ProgramIndividualized Education ProgramIndividualized Education Program

Student Parent Association

This association relates students to their parents, guardians or caretakers.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When the Guardian checkbox is marked on the Relationships tab.

  • The guardian does NOT have to be a member of the same household as the student to report.
  • Ed-Fi does not have relationship start or end dates, if a relationship is started anytime within a school year, the record will be added for that year. 

    • End Date must be blank or after school year end date defined in the School Years editor

    • Start Date must be on or before school year end date defined in the School Years editor

  • Report the person from the related pair that does not have an enrollment for the Parent Reference and the person that has an enrollment as the student reference.
    • If the student is a guardian of themselves (emancipated) then report the student as both the Parent and the Student.
    • If both people have a current enrollment, report the person with the higher age. 

    • If age cannot be determined, do not report a record

  • A record does not send if the student they are associated with has an enrollment marked as a no show, is marked as state exclude, or is in a calendar marked as Exclude.
PutWhen the relationship type is changed.

When the Guardian checkbox is unchecked, relationship is end dated or deleted.

  • Ed-Fi does not have relationship start or end dates, if a relationship is ended within a school year, the record will be deleted for that year. 
  • End Date must be blank or after school year end date defined in the School Years editor

Records delete when a student has only 1 Student School Association record for a specific School and Year that record is deleted for. 


If a new Student School Association record is created, existing records will not re-post, a resync must be completed to resend the data


When the State Exclude or No Show checkboxes are marked. 


if the boxes are unchecked the data will not re-post, a resync must be completed to resend the data

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


A record will report when they are a guardian to a student with an enrollment aligned to a scoped year.

  • The related pair start date must be null or on/before the scope year end date to report.
  • The related pair end date must be null or on/after the scope year end date to report

Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

A resync must be completed on the resource when a new scope year is configured in order for this data to send.

When using data in Campus that have start and end dates, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to:

  • Current Year:  The records start date must be on or before today's date and the records end date must be on or after today's date.
  • Previous Years:  The record's start date must be on or before the school year's end date and the record's end date must be after the school year's end date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used (start date would have to be on or prior to the scope year).
  • Future Years:  The record's start date must be on or before the schools year's start date and the record's end date must be on or after the school year's start date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Student Parent Association resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resourceMN/AN/A

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Parents resource:

  • parentUniqueId

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Student resource:

  • studentUniqueId

The nature of an individual's relationship to a student; for example: Father/Mother, Step Father/Step Mother, Foster Father/Foster Mother, Guardian

  • Reports the Ed-Fi Code from the Ed-Fi Relation Type field that is mapped on the Relationship Type editor for the Relationship selected in the droplist on the Relationships tab
  • If there is no mapped value and the Name in the Relationship droplist  matches the Short Description of a Relation Type it sends that value.
  • If no match is found or Ed-Fi Relation Type is NULL, send 'Unknown'

See the Relationship Type table in the section below for the Ed-Fi value that is reported.

ORelatedPair.nameCensus > People > Relationships > Relationship

Indicator of whether the person is a primary parental contact for the student.

This element reports True if the Guardian checkbox is marked on the Relationships tab. If the student has more than one guardian, the guardian with the earliest start date is reported. If start dates are the same or null for two guardians, the guardian with the lowest personID is reported.

ON/ACensus > People > Relationships > Guardian

Indicator of whether the student lives with the associated parent. This element reports True if the student is in the same household of the parent being reported. Otherwise, reports False.

  • Both Student and Parent Household start date must be null or on/before the scope year end date to report.
  • Both Student and Parent Household end date must be null or on/after the scope year end date to report.
ON/ACensus > People > Households
Indicator of whether the person is a designated emergency contact for the student. This element will report true if there is a number entered in the Emergency Priority field for the parent being reported.ON/ACensus > People > Relationships > Emergency Priority

The numeric order of the preferred sequence or priority of contact. 


This data is not collected in Campus is not reported.


Restrictions for student and/or teacher contact with the individual.


This data is not collected in Campus is not reported.

etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource. N/AN/A


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Relationship Type:

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Father, stepFather, stepFather, step
Foster parentFoster parentFoster parent
Great auntGreat auntGreat aunt
Great uncleGreat uncleGreat uncle
Great GrandparentGreat GrandparentGreat Grandparent
Mother, stepMother, stepMother, step

Student Program Association

This association represents the Program(s) that a student participates in or is served by. A student may have multiple records; one for each program they participate in.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.




R1PostWhen a student has a EL Program Status = EL and the record overlaps an enrollment with a valid Student School Association in the current scoped year
R2PostWhen a Flag is created and the 'Name' matches an Ed-FI Program Type and the record overlaps an enrollment with a valid Student School Association in the current scoped year
Do not create a record when the Flag Name is = Title I Part A or Special Education
R3PutWhen either the student is given an EL Exit Date or an End Date on a reported Flag
R4Delete/PostWhen part of the records Natural Key changes
When the student has two of the same flags with the same start date and 1 record is deleted, the remaining records data will post
R5DeleteWhen a student's EL record is deleted or when the record no longer overlaps any reported enrollment in the Scoped Year
R6DeleteWhen a Flag is deleted or when the record no longer overlaps any reported enrollment in the Scoped Year

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


Records will send to the scope year for the school year they are associated with based on the student's enrollment

Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Student Program Association resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Interface
idThe unique identifier of the resource.M N/AN/A
A reference to the related EducationOrganization resource.
Reports the state school number that is aligned to the student's enrollment.
Reports enrollments in Primary, Partial, Special Ed order.
MSchool.numberSystem Administration > Resources > School > State School Number
A reference to the related Program resource. Reports EL Program Reference.
A reference to the related Student resource.
Reports the studentUniqueId from the Student Resource.

The month, day, and year on which the Student first received services.

  • Report the Identified Date when reporting from EL
  • Report the Start Date when reporting from Flags



programparticipation. startdate

Student Information> English Learners> Identified Date


Student Information> General> Flags> Start Date


The month, day, and year on which the Student exited the Program or stopped receiving services.

  • Report the Exit Date when reporting from EL
  • Else, report the End Date when reporting from Flags



programparticipation. enddate

Student Information> English Learners> Exit Date


Student Information> General> Flags> End Date


A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table


This field is optional and does not report. 

servedOutsideOf regularSession

Indicates whether the student received services during the summer session or between sessions.


This field is optional and does not report.


This field is optional and does not report.


An unordered collection of studentProgramAssociationServices. Indicates the services being provided to the student by the program. This field is an array. See below for more information.


This field is optional and does not report.


Student School Association

This association represents the school in which a student is enrolled.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a new enrollment is saved for a student or the No Show or State Exclude checkbox is unchecked.

  • Do not post a record when the No Show or State Exclude checkbox is marked before the initial save.
  • When a student has two enrollments in the same school for the same start date report from the enrollment service type in the following order:

    1. P: Primary Enrollment
    2. S: Partial/Ancillary
    3. N: Special Ed Services
  • When an enrollment with a higher priority is deleted, the enrollment with lower priority will post a new record.
  • Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude checkbox is markd in the calendar the student is enrolled.
  • Do not sent records if the School Exclude checkbox is marked in the calendar the student is enrolled.

When the start date for an enrollment is changed.

  • When an enrollment with a lower priority is changed, data will not send.

When an enrollment is updated for a student.

  • enrollmentPercent
  • districtResidencyStatusAsOfDate
  • districtResidencyStatusDescriptor
PutWhen a change is made to the Graduation > NCLB Cohort End Year field.
PutWhen a student is assigned to a Graduation or CTE Program or the start and/or end dates are modified.

When an enrollment is deleted or the No Show or the State Exclude checkboxes are marked.

  • When a student has two enrollments in the same school for the same start date, records with lower priority will not trigger a delete.
DeleteWhen the start date of an enrollment is changed

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.

The record will send to the scope year for the school year the enrollment is associated with.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Student School Association resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

A reference to the related GraduationPlan resource.

  1. Report the associated Graduation Plan when a student is assigned to a Graduation Program or Career Tech Program that is eligible to report to Ed-Fi
    1. The Program must overlap the enrollments that are aligned to the Student School Association record being reported.
    2. Program Start Date must be on or before today's date to report.
    3. Program End Date must be null or after today's date to report.
      1. If an end date is added in the current scoped year, delete the reference.
  2. Report the Graduation Plan School year that is aligned to the student's NCLB Cohort End Year.
    1. If the student does not have an NCLB Cohort End Year, do not report a record.
  3. If the student has both a CTE and Graduation Plan, report the Graduation Plan.
  4. If the student has more than one Graduation Plan, report the plan with the most recent start date.
ON/AStudent Information > Academic Planning > Programs

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the School resource:

  • schoolReference
  • studentReference
  • entryDate

The year the student is expected to graduate.

Report only for students with an enrollment in grade 9-12:

  1. Populate the year selected in Student Info > General > Graduation > NCLB Cohort End Year.
  2. When NCLB Cohort End Year = Null, do not report.
CGraduation.gradYearStudent Information > General > Graduation

The school year the student is being reported in. 

  • The end year of the calendar year is reported.

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Student resource:

  • studentUniqueId
entryDateThe month, day, and year on which an individual enters and begins to receive instructional services in a campus. MEnrollment.startDateStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date

The grade level or primary instructional level at which a student enters and receives services in a school or an educational institution during a given academic session.

  • Report the Ed-Fi Code if populated in the State Grade Level Code attribute
  • If Ed-Fi Code is NULL, report the state grade level code
  • If a match cannot be found, an error will appear in the Error Log
MEnrollment.gradeStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Grade

A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.


This is optional and does not report.


A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table. 

Reports the Ed-Fi Code Value from the Start Status selected. If blank, does not report.

See the Entry Type Descriptor table in the section below for reported Ed-Fi code values.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Status

An indicator of whether the student is enrolling to repeat a grade level, either by failure or an agreement to hold the student back.

Look at the student's last enrollment record prior to the enrollment that is reporting and report the following:

  • Report 'True' of End Action is = R: Retain
  • Report 'False' if the End Action = P: Promote, D: Detain or NULL
    • The prior enrollments start date must be before the reporting enrollment's start date.
Oenrollment. endActionStudent Information> General> Enrollments> End Action

An indication of whether students transferred in or out of the school did so during the school year under the provisions for public school choice in accordance with Title I, Part A, Section 1116.

  1. Reports 'True' when the School Choice field is set to Yes
  2. Reports 'False' when the School Choice field is set to No
O enrollment. stateFundingCodeStudent Information> General> Enrollments> School Choice
exitWithdrawDateThe month, day, and year of the first day after the date of an individual's last attendance at a campus (if known), the day on which an individual graduated, or the date on which it becomes known officially that an individual left school. NEDM: Exit/Withdraw Date. OEnrollment.endDateStudent Information > General > Enrollments > End Date

A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table. 

Reports the Ed-Fi Code Value from the End Status selected.

See the Exit Withdrawal Reason Descriptor table in the section below for more information on the Ed-Fi code reported.



Student Information > General > Enrollments > End Status

A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.

  • Report 'Resident of admin unit and school area' if the Resident and Serving District fields are either NULL or = to the reporting district
    • This can be any combination of NULL or populated (ex. Serving District can be NULL and Resident District = to reporting District)
  • Report 'Resident of administrative unit, but of other school attendance area' when the Serving District is not = to Reporting District




Student Information> General> Enrollments
primarySchoolIndicates if a given enrollment record should be considered the primary record for a student. If omitted, the default is true. This element reports a value of True if Service Type = P: Primary; otherwise, reports False.
OEnrollment.typeStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Service Type

An individual who is a paid employee or works in his or her own business, profession, or farm and at the same time is enrolled in secondary, postsecondary, or adult education.


This is optional and does not report.


An unordered collection of studentSchoolAssociationEducationPlans. This association represents the school in which a student is enrolled.


This is optional and does not report.

etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.ON/AN/A


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Entry Type Descriptor:

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Next year schoolNext year schoolNext year school
New to education systemNew to education systemNew to education system

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Exit Withdrawal Type Descriptor:

Code Value
Short Description
Died or is permanently incapacitatedDied or is permanently incapacitatedDied or is permanently incapacitated
Invalid enrollmentInvalid enrollmentInvalid enrollment
End of school yearEnd of school yearEnd of school year
Enrolled in a high school diploma programEnrolled in a high school diploma programEnrolled in a high school diploma program
Involuntarily RemovedInvoluntarily RemovedInvoluntarily Removed
No showNo showNo show
Reached maximum ageReached maximum ageReached maximum age

Student School Attendance Event

This event entity represents the recording of whether a student is in attendance on a daily basis at their school.

Object Triggering Logic

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When a new attendance event is verified for a student and is marked Excused Absent, Unexcused Absent or Tardy

  • Report attendance for each school in which the student has a Student School Association record.
  • Attendance date must fall on or between enrollment start and end dates.
  • Unknown attendance events will not send an event to Ed-Fi. The original post will not appear until an excuseID is entered in the attendance table.
  • Do not send records if the student's enrollment is marked as a No Show or State Exclude.
  • Do not send records if attendance records are associated with a Calendar when the Exclude checkbox is checked.
  • A record will send for each distinct Date and Attendance Event Category Descriptor.
  • Do not send records if attendance records are associated with a School when the Exclude checkbox is checked.

N/A - only deletes and posts are sent for this Resource.

  • If an attendance status is changed, the first event must be deleted from Ed-Fi and a new record sent.  The Attendance Event Category Descriptor is a primary key and does now allow updates in Ed-Fi.
DeleteDelete attendance record if all attendance is removed for the day and determined present minutes or present periods is 50% or more. MSDS Attendance Model for the day will need to be referenced.
DeleteWhen an enrollment is deleted or the No Show or State Exclude checkboxes are checked.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Attendance will send to the scope year for the school year the attendance dates are associated with based on the student's enrollment.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Student School Attendance Event resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resourceMN/AN/A

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Schools resource:


Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Sessions resource:

  • id
  • schoolReference
  • schoolYearTypeReference
  • termType
  • name

Only report the Term Type from the Terms tab that is associated with the date and term schedule the attendance is being reported for.


Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Student resource:

  • studentUniqueId
eventDateDate for this attendance event. MN/AN/A

Report the Ed-Fi Code from the Attendance Event Category Descriptor page below based when the student has an attendance record with the following attendance status and excuse:

  • Reports when a student has a verified attendance mark
    • Report 'Excused Absence' when Absent Minutes is > 0 and Unexcused is > 0
    • Report 'Unexcused Absence' when Absent Minutes is > 0 and Unexcused is = 0
    • Report 'Tardy' when value in Tardy is = 1 and Absence Minutes = 0




The reported reason for a student's absence. 

  • Report the first 40 characters from the Comments entered in the Attendance being reported for that day
    • If more than 40 characters exist, add .... to indicate additional text not shown
    • If there is more than 1 comment entered for that day, report the comment from the last period that contains a comment.
O attendance.commentsN/A

The educational environment. 


This element is optional and does not report.

etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resourceON/AN/A


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Attendance Event Category Type:

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Unexcused AbsenceUnexcused AbsenceUnexcused Absence
Excused AbsenceExcused AbsenceExcused Absence

Student Section Association

This association indicates the course sections to which a student is assigned.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a student is scheduled into a course section.

  • A record reports for each Section record that is reported based on the Sections logic.
  • If roster start date is after the term end date, do not report a record for the prior term.
  • Only send records if the student has a enrollment in the schedule structure where the student is scheduled and is not marked as No Show or State Exclude.
  • Do not send records if the Calendar Exclude checkbox is marked.
  • Do not send records if the School Exclude checkbox is marked.
  • Do  not send records if the Course is marked as Inactive or Exclude.
PostSend a new record if a student's roster start date is changed.

When section information is updated for a student or section.

  • Update when the course or section's homeroom field is changed.
DeleteWhen a student is deleted from a course section.

Delete any future records if the student is given a roster end date for the course.

Roster End Date must be before the Term Start date of future records.

DeleteDelete the record if a student's roster start date is changed.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Reports records in the scope year the course/section's calendar is aligned to.
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Future Years data will be suppressed until the Active Year is changed:

  • This allows the Schedule Wizard to be used and reduces the number of records sent until the final schedule is completed.
  • A resync must be done after the Active Year is changed to send data.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Student Section Association resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Section resource:

  • id
  • classPeriodReference
  • courseOfferingReference
  • locationReference
  • schoolReference
  • sessionReference

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Student resource:

  • studentUniqueId

Month, day and year of the student's entry or assignment to the section. If blank, default is the start date of the first grading period. Logic reports based on the following:

  • Report the roster start date for the term record in which the start date occurs
    • For any records in the future terms for that course, use the term start date
  • If Start Date is NULL, report the term start date based on the section schedule placement for the record for that term/section combination



Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date


System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms


Month, day, and year of the withdrawal or exit of the student from the section. Logic reports based on the following:

  • Report the roster end date for the student 
    • If a roster end date is entered, delete any records for future terms for that section
  • If NULL,date based on the section schedule placement for the record for that term/section combination



Student Information > General > Schedule > Roster End Date


System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Terms


Indicator that the class is the student's designated homeroom used for daily attendance reporting. 

  • This element reports a value of True if the Homeroom checkbox is marked on the section or the course the section is assigned to.



Scheduling > Course > Homeroom


Scheduling > Course > Section > Homeroom


An indication as to whether a student has previously taken a given course.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


Indicates that the student-section combination is excluded from calculation of value-added or growth attribution calculations used for a particular teacher evaluation.


This element is currently not reported or collected.

etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource. ON/AN/A

Student Section Attendance Event

This event entity represents the recording of whether a student is in attendance for a class.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a new attendance event is verified for a student in a course section.

  • The student must have a Student Section Association record to report.
  • Unknown attendance events will not send an event to ed-fi.  The original post will not trigger until an excuseID is entered in the attendance table.
  • Do not send records if the student's enrollment is marked as a No Show or State Exclude.
  • Do not send records if attendance records are associated with a Calendar when the Exclude checkbox is checked.
  • A record will send for each distinct Date, Section and Attendance Event Category Descriptor.
  • Do not send records if the course does not have a State Course Code.

N/A - only deletes and posts are sent for this Resource.

  • If an attendance status is changed, the first event must be deleted from ed-fi and a new record sent.  The Attendance Event Category Descriptor is a primary key and does now allow updates in Ed-Fi
DeleteDelete attendance record if all attendance is removed for the day
DeleteWhen an enrollment is deleted or the No Show or State Exclude checkboxes are checked
DeleteIf the student is removed from the course section

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


Attendance will send to the scope year for the school year the attendance dates are associated with based on the student's enrollment.

  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Student Section Attendance Event resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location

The unique identifier of the resource


Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Section resource.

studentReferenceReports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the Student resource.MN/A N/A 
eventDateDate for this attendance event.MN/A N/A 

Key for AttendanceEventCategoryType.

Reports when a student has a verified attendance mark for a course section 

  • Report 'Excused Absence' when status = A and Excuse = E
  • Report 'Unexcused Absence' when status = A and Excuse = U
  • Report 'Tardy' when status = T and Excuse is = E or U

The reported reason for a student's absence 

  • Report the first 40 characters from the Comments entered in the Attendance record being reported
    • If more than 40 characters exist, add .... to indicate additional text not shown
  • If there are comments in more than 1 record for the section (multiple periods), report the comment from the last period that updated the attendance record

Key for EducationalEnvironment 


This element is optional and does not report.


A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource 


This element is optional and does not report.



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This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Attendance Event Category Type:

Code ValueShort DescriptionDescription
Excused AbsenceExcused AbsenceExcused Absence
Unexcused AbsenceUnexcused AbsenceUnexcused Absence


Provide a summary of what the report/function will cover and the logistics around the data collection or reporting. 

The Student Resource is a shared record among all districts. If two districts have the same student in the same year, the last district to trigger data to Ed-Fi is the data stored in Ed-Fi. 

For example, if one district put in a first name of "Robert" and the second district put in a first name of "Rob", the last district to update the student record is what will appear in Ed-Fi and on both District's reports. This is true for all field logic in the Student Resource.

Object Triggering Logic

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This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When an enrollment is created and saved for a person.

  • Do not send a student record for an enrollment that is marked as State Exclude or No Show.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a school marked as State Exclude.

When any student data is edited for the person in the Data Elements fields below.

  • When the person’s identity record is changed (elements: languages, yearOfEntry, raceAsOfDate, identificationCodes).
  • When one of the person’s household locations is changed (element: addressAsOfDate).
  • When one of the person’s household memberships is changed.
  • When the person’s FRAM Eligibility is changed (elements: schoolFoodServicesEligibilityDate, economicDisadvantaged).
  • When a student's IEP is locked or unlocked and/or a student's disability is changed.
  • When a student's contact information is changed: email, phone number
  • When a student's EL information is changed (elements: limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor).
DeleteStudent records are never deleted because Student records are a shared resource among all districts.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes scope year logic of this object.


A record will report when an enrollment is created and saved that is aligned to a scoped year.

  • The enrollment must overlap with the scope year to report
Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

When using data in Campus that has an effective date, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to.

  • Current Year:  Records will be compared to today's date to determine if the record is eligible to report.
  • Previous Years:  The record's date must be on or before the schools year's end date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years:  The record's date must be on or after the schools year's start date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

When using data in Campus that have start and end dates, the following logic will be applied to determine the scope year(s) to report the data to.

  • Current Year:  The records start date must be on or before today's date and the records end date must be on or after today's date.
  • Previous Years:  The record's start date must be on or before the school year's end date and the record's end date must be after the school year's end date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years:  The record's start date must be on or before the schools year's start date and the record's end date must be on or after the school year's start date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

Object Data Elements

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This table describes data elements sent within the Student resource.

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A
studentUniqueIdA unique alpha-numeric code assigned to a student. This element reports the Ed-Fi ID of the student.MPerson.edFiIdCensus >People >Demographics > EdFi ID

A prefix used to denote the title, degree, position or seniority of the person.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


The reporting student's first name. This is reported from the person's most recent identity record.

If Legal First and Last name fields are blank, the First Name reports.




Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name

Census > People > Identities > First Name


The reporting student's middle name. This is reported from the person's most recent identity record.

If Legal First Name and Legal Last Name are populated and Middle Name is blank, a blank value reports.

If all legal name fields are blank, value reports from the Middle Name field.




Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name

Census > People > Identities > Middle Name


The reporting student's last name. This is reported from the person's most recent identity record.

Reports first from the Legal Last Name field. If Legal First and Last name fields are blank, value reports from the  Last Name field.




Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name

Census > People > Identities > Last Name

generation CodeSuffix

An appendage, if any, used to denote an individual's generation in his family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III). This is reported from the person's most recent identity record.

Reports first from the Legal Suffix field.

If Legal First Name and Legal Last Name are populated and Legal Suffix is blank, a blank value reports.

If Legal First and Last name fields are blank, value reports from the Suffix field, if populated.




Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Suffix

Census > People > Identities > Suffix


The person's maiden name, if applicable.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


The person's gender. This is reported from the person's most recent identity record.

Reports the Legal Gender from the student's current identity record. If Legal Gender is not populated, the value reports from the student's Gender from the current Identity record.

Reports the following based on the value selected in the Gender or Legal Gender field:

  • Female
  • Male
  • Not Selected (Gender not populated)



Census > People > Identity > Protected Identity Fields > Gender

 Census > People > Identity > Gender

birthDateThe month, day, and year on which an individual was born. The Birth Date from the student's currently Identity record is reported.MIdentity.birthDateCensus > People > Identities > Birth Date

The set of elements that capture relevant data regarding a person's birth, including birth date and place of birth.

  • Report the Birth City if populated on the Demographics tab
Oidentity.birthcityCensus> People> Demographics> Birth City

The abbreviation for the name of the state (within the United States) or extra-state jurisdiction in which an individual was born.

Logic determines the Birth State from the student's current identity record.

  • If blank, look for default value to report
  • Report the Code selected
    • If the Code does not equal an Ed-Fi Code or the Birth State field is blank with no default value, a null value is reported.
CIdentity.birthStateCensus > People > Identities > Birth State

The name of the country in which an individual was born. 

  • Determine the Birth Country code from the student's current identity record.
    • If blank, look for default value
  • Report when the IC code = Ed-Fi Code
    • If the IC Code does not equal an Ed-Fi Code or field is blank with no default value, do not report
CIdentity.birthCountryCensus > People > Identities > Birth Country
dateEnteredUSFor students born outside of the US, the date the student entered the US. This element reports the value entered in the Date Entered US field.CIdentity.
Census > People > Identities > Date Entered US


Indicator of whether the student was born with other siblings (i.e., twins, triplets, etc.)


This element is currently not reported or collected.


File name for the ProfileThumbnail photograph.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


An indication that the individual traces his or her origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central and South America, and other Spanish cultures, regardless of race. This element reports based on the value in the Is the individual Hispanic/Latino? field on the student's identity record.

Report "Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?" from the student's current identity:

  1. If droplist is = Yes, report "true"
  2. If droplist is = No, report "false"
Census > People > Identities > Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?

No longer reports data.



An indication of inadequate financial condition of an individual''s family, as determined by family income, number of family members/dependents, participation in public assistance programs, and/or other characteristics considered relevant by federal, state, and local policy. NEDM Economic Disadvantaged Status.

  • Determine the student's Meal eligibility status based on:
    • Eligibility Type must = Meal
  • Report 'true' if eligibility is = Free or Reduced
  • Report 'false' if eligibility is = Paid, Non-reimbursable or NULL
OPosEligibility.eligibilityFRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility


This descriptor defines indications of a student's level of eligibility for breakfast, lunch, snack, supper and milk programs.

  • Determine the student's SES or Meal eligibility status based on:
    • Eligibility Type must = SES or Meal
    • Report the Ed-Fi code value from the schoolFoodServicesEligibilitytype

FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility


 An optional globally unique namespace that identifies this descriptor set. If supplied, the author is strongly encouraged to use the Universal Resource Identifier (http, ftp, file, etc.) for the source of the descriptor definition. Best practice is for this source to be the descriptor file itself, so that it can be machine-readable and be fetched in real-time, if necessary. Actual usage of this element for matching descriptors will be system-specific.

  • Report 'Limited' when student has a LEP Program Status = 'LEP' and today's date is on or after the Identified Date
    • If Identified date is in the future, report 'NotLimited'
  • Report the following when the  student has an LEP Program Status = Exited LEP and the LEP Exit Date falls in the monitoring period:
    • If the date is =< 1 year from today's date, then report "Limited Monitored 1"
    • If the date is =< 2 years from today's date AND > 1 year from today's date, then report "Limited Monitored 2"
    • Use the logic in S2 of Scope Year Logic to determine prior or future years logic
  • Else, report 'NotLimited'
ON/AStudent Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL)

Indicates a state health or weather related event that displaces a group of students, and may require additional funding, educational, or social services.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


The login ID for the user; used for security access control interface.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. A student is a person who has been enrolled in a school or other educational institution.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


Reports the student's address(es). Logic reports the most current Primary address that is marked as "Mailing".

  • If more than 1 Primary Address marked as Mailing, report address with most recent Household Membership Start Date
  • Else, report the address with most recent Address Start Date
  • If the Address Location Detail or Household Membership is marked as "Private" the address will not report

This element is an array that reports the following data:





Household Addresses > Mailing

Household Membership > Start Date

Household Addresses > Start Date


All addresses will report as 'Home'. This will report the Ed-Fi mapped value in the Address Type table in the section below.


The street number and street name or post office box number of an address. 

Reports the Address PO Box + Number + Street + Tag + Prefix + Dir








Households > Address Info 
apartmentRoomSuiteNumberThe apartment, room, or suite number of an address. Address.aptHouseholds > Address Info > Apt

The number of the building on the site, if more than one building shares the same address.


This field is optional and does not report.

cityThe name of the city in which an address is located. Address.cityHouseholds > Address Info > City
stateAbbreviationTypeThe abbreviation for the state (within the United States) or outlying area in which an address is located.MAddress.stateHouseholds > Address Info > State
postalCodeThe five or nine digit zip code portion of an address.MSAddress.zipHouseholds > Address Info > Zip

The name of the county, parish, borough, or comparable unit (within a state) in which an address is located.


This field is optional and does not report.


5 digit code consisting of the two digit state code followed by the three digit FIPS code for the county.


This field is optional and does not report.


The geographic latitude of the physical address.


This field is optional and does not report.


The geographic longitude of the physical address.


This field is optional and does not report.


The first date the address is valid. For physical addresses, the date the person moved to that address.


This field is optional and does not report.


The last date the address is valid. For physical addresses, this would be the date the person moved from that address.


This field is optional and does not report.



An unordered collection of studentCharacteristics. This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. A student is a person who has been enrolled in a school or other educational institution.


programparticipation. name

Student Information> General> Flags

This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program.

  • Report when a student has a Flag that overlaps the enrollment and the Flag Name matches the Short Description of the Student Characteristic Descriptors

The organization code or name assigning the assessment identification code.


This element is optional and does not report.


A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity.


This element is optional and does not report.


The person, organization, or department that designated the characteristic.


This element is optional and does not report.


An unordered collection of studentCohortYears. This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program.


This element is optional and does not report.



An unordered collection of studentDisabilities. This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. A student is a person who has been enrolled in a school or other educational institution.

  1. Reports the Ed-Fi Code from the disabilities entered for the student on a locked IEP
  2. If blank, does not report






Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields

This descriptor defines a student's impairment.

  1. Report the Ed-Fi code from the Disabilities for the student being reported
    1. The student must have a locked IEP which overlaps
      1. In the current year:
        1. the student's enrollment end date
        2. Or if NULL, today's date
      2. In previous scope years:
        1. the student's enrollment end date
        2. Or if NULL, the last instructional date of the year for previous scope years
    2. The IEP must overlap with the student's enrollment record
    3. If the student has a Special Education Exit Date that is on or before today's date;
      1. If the SPED Exit date is on or after the enrollment end date, continue to report disabilities.
      2. If the Enrollment has not ended OR the SPED Exit date is before the enrollment end date, do not report a disability
  2. If the student has more than 1 disability, report each disability up to 5 disabilities






Special Ed> Documents> Plan> IEP> Primary Disability, Secondary Disability, Tertiary Disability, Fourth Disability, Fifth Disability

A description of the disability diagnosis.


This element is optional and does not report.


The order by severity of student's disabilities: 1- Primary, 2 - Secondary, 3 - Tertiary, etc.

  • Report the order of disability based on the disability being reported from above
    • If Primary Disability, report '1'
    • if Secondary Disability, report '2'
    • if Tertiary Disability, report '3'
    • if Fourth Disability, report '4'
    • if Fifth Disability, report '5'
disabilityDetermination SourceType

Key for Disability Determination Source Type


This element is optional and does not report.



An unordered collection of studentElectronicMails. This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. 

  1. Reports the email address entered for that person
    1. Do not report if Email is marked as "Private"
  2. If blank, does not report


An unordered collection of studentIdentificationCodes. 

This element reports the Local Student Number, if populated.

This element is an array that reports the following data:



Census > People > Demographics > Local Student Number


Reports the short description from the Student Identification Code mapping listed in the table and section below.

  1. Reports ‘State’ if Student State ID = NOT NULL.
  2. Reports ‘District’ if Local Student Number = NOT NULL.
Assigning Organization Identification Code 

The organization code or name assigning the assessment identification code.

  1. Reports the District Number where the student is enrolled
  2. Report 'State' when reporting the Student State ID
  3. .
Identification Code

A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to a student by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity.

  1. Report the Student State ID if populated.
  2. Report the Local Student Number if populated
Census > People > Demographics > Local Student Number

An unordered collection of studentIdentificationDocuments. This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. A student is a person who has been enrolled in a school or other educational institution.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


An unordered collection of studentIndicators. This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. A student is a person who has been enrolled in a school or other educational institution.


This element is currently not reported or collected.


An unordered collection of studentInternationalAddresses. This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. A student is a person who has been enrolled in a school or other educational institution.


This element is currently not reported or collected.



An unordered collection of studentLanguages. This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program.

Report the Code from the Home Primary Language saved on the student's current identity record.

  1. If blank, do not report this field
  2. If the code does not match an Ed-Fi code, do not report a record
  3. Report default value if saved on the Attribute and the code matches an Ed-Fi code

This element is an array that reports the following data:

Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language

An unordered collection of studentLanguageUses. Language(s) the individual uses to communicate. This reports the Ed-Fi mapped value in the Language Type table in the section below.

  • Report the Code from the Home Primary Language saved on the student's current identity record.
    • If blank, do not report this field
    • If the code does not match an Ed-Fi code, do not report a record
    • Report default value if saved on the Attribute and the code matches an Ed-Fi code
Census > People > Identities > Home Primary Language

An unordered collection of studentLanguageUses. Language(s) the individual uses to communicate. 

  • If Home Primary Language = NOT NULL, report ‘Home language’

An unordered collection of studentOtherNames. This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. A student is a person who has been enrolled in a school or other educational institution.

This element reports the student's name from a previous Identity record. 

This element is an array that reports the following data:

ON/ACensus > People > Identities
otherNameTypeThis reports the Other Name Type Ed-Fi value mapped in the Other Name Type table in the section below.MN/AN/A

A prefix used to denote the title, degree, position or seniority of the person. 


This element is not collected or reported.

firstNameA name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony, or through legal change. MIdentity.firstNameCensus > People > Identities > First Name
middleNameA secondary name given to an individual at birth, baptism, or during another naming ceremony.CIdentity.middleNameCensus > People > Identities > Middle Name
lastSurnameThe name borne in common by members of a family.MIdentity.lastNameCensus > People > Identities > Last Name
generationCodeSuffixAn appendage, if any, used to denote an individual's generation in his family (e.g., Jr., Sr., III).CIdentity.suffixCensus > People > Identities > Suffix Name

An unordered collection of studentProgramParticipations. This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. A student is a person who has been enrolled in a school or other educational institution.


This element is not collected or reported.


An unordered collection of studentRaces. This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. A student is a person who has been enrolled in a school or other educational institution.

Logic reports based on the following:

  • Determine the Race/Ethnicity(s) that are checked on the student's current identity record.
    • Use the Identity Race Ethnicity table to determine all of the checkboxes checked for the students current identity id.
  • Do not report if the person does not have a Race/Ethnicity checked.

This element is an array that reports the following data:





Census > People > Identities > Race/Ethnicity

The general racial category which most clearly reflects the individual's recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies.

This reports the Ed-Fi value mapped in the Race Type table in the section below.





Census > People > Identities > Race/Ethnicity

An unordered collection of studentTelephones. This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program.

  1. Reports the Phone numbers entered in the Personal Contact Information for that person
    1. do not report Phone Number is marked as "Private"
  2. If blank, does not report
  3. See Business Rule S3 in Scope Year logic to determine the eligibility of records
  4. See Array section for data logic for each field

An unordered collection of studentVisas. This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program.


This element is currently not reported or collected.

etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.ON/AN/A


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The highlighted column indicates the reported value.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for School Food Services Eligibility Type:

Ed-Fi Code
Short Descrption
Reduced priceReduced priceReduced price
Full PriceFull PriceFull Price

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Student Characteristic Descriptors:

Ed-Fi Code ValueEd-Fi Short DescriptionEd-Fi Description
Displaced HomemakerDisplaced HomemakerDisplaced Homemaker
Foster CareFoster CareFoster Care




Neglected or DelinquentNeglected or DelinquentNeglected or Delinquent
Parent in MilitaryParent in MilitaryParent in Military
Section 504 HandicappedSection 504 HandicappedSection 504 Handicapped
Single ParentSingle ParentSingle Parent
Unaccompanied YouthUnaccompanied YouthUnaccompanied Youth

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Disability Descriptors:

Code Value

Short Description
Autism Spectrum DisordersAutism Spectrum DisordersAutism Spectrum Disorders
Hearing Impairment, including DeafnessHearing Impairment, including DeafnessHearing Impairment, including Deafness
Infant/Toddler with a DisabilityInfant/Toddler with a DisabilityInfant/Toddler with a Disability
Intellectual DisabilityIntellectual DisabilityIntellectual Disability
Medical conditionMedical conditionMedical condition
Mental impairmentMental impairmentMental impairment
Motor impairmentMotor impairmentMotor impairment
Multiple DisabilitiesMultiple DisabilitiesMultiple disabilities
Orthopedic ImpairmentOrthopedic ImpairmentOrthopedic Impairment
Other Health ImpairmentOther Health ImpairmentOther Health Impairment
Physical DisabilityPhysical DisabilityPhysical Disability
Preschooler with a DisabilityPreschooler with a DisabilityPreschooler with a Disability
Sensory impairmentSensory impairmentSensory impairment
Serious Emotional DisabilitySerious Emotional DisabilitySerious Emotional Disability
Specific Learning DisabilitySpecific Learning DisabilitySpecific Learning Disability
Speech or Language ImpairmentSpeech or Language ImpairmentSpeech or Language Impairment
Traumatic Brain InjuryTraumatic Brain InjuryTraumatic Brain Injury
Visual Impairment, including BlindnessVisual Impairment, including BlindnessVisual Impairment, including Blindness

Student Special Education Program Association

This association represents the Special Education program(s) that a student participates in or receives services from. The association is an extension of the StudentProgramAssociation particular for Special Education programs.

Object Triggering Data

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When an IEP is created and locked and overlaps a student's enrollment with a valid Student School Association in the current scoped year

  • A record is not sent for an enrollment that is marked as State Exclude or No Show.
  • A record is not set if the enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude.
  • A record is not sent if the enrollment is in a school marked as State Exclude.


When a new enrollment record is createdfor a student who has an active IEP

  • The enrollment start date must be after the IEP start date.
  • The IEP end date must be null or after the enrollment start date.

When any part of the natural key is changed.

When a SPED entry date is changed.

DeleteWhen an IEP is deleted.
DeleteWhen all overlapping enrollments are deleted for a student.
DeleteWhen an IEP is unlocked.

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes the scope year logic of this object.


A record will report for each year where an active IEP record exists.

  • The IEP Start or End Date must occur within the Scope Year.
  • .When a new, locked IEP is created, the record will post to the school years that the overlapping enrollments are in
  • If the school year start date and end date are null, value of 07/01/XXXX (start date) and 06/30/XXXX (end date) report.

Object Data Elements

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Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required data elements for Data to send to Ed-Fi

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

A reference to the related EducationOrganization resource.

Reports the state school number. If the student has multiple enrollments, values report in the following order: 

  • Primary
  • Partial
  • Special Ed
MSchool.stateSchool NumberSystem Administration > Resources > School Information > State School Number

A reference to the related Program resource. Reports the Special Education Program reference.

studentReferenceA reference to the related Student resource.Reports the data that is part of the natural key for the student resource.MN/AN/A

The month, day, and year on which the Student first received services.

  • Report the IEP start date from locked IEP being reported


Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Plan > Education Plan Editor > Start Date


The month, day, and year on which the Student exited the special education program or stopped receiving services.


This field is optional and does not report.


A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.


This field is optional and does not report.


Indicates whether the student received services during the summer session or between sessions.


This field is optional and does not report.


This descriptor defines the major instructional setting (more than 50 percent of a student's special education program).

  • Reports the Ed-Fi code for the value selected in Special Ed setting
OPlanState. specialEdsetting

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Setting

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Special Ed Setting


Indicator of the eligibility of the student to receive special education services according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).


This field is optional and does not report.


The number of hours per week for special education instruction and therapy.


This field is optional and does not report.


Indicate the total number of hours of instructional time per week for the school that the student attends.


This field is optional and does not report.


Indicates whether the Student receiving special education and related services has been designated as multiply disabled by the admission, review, and dismissal committee as aligned with federal requirements.


This field is optional and does not report.


Indicates whether the Student receiving special education and related services is: 

  • in the age range of birth to 22 years, and 
  • has a serious, ongoing illness or a chronic condition that has lasted or is anticipated to last at least 12 or more months or has required at least one month of hospitalization, and that requires daily, ongoing medical treatments and monitoring by appropriately trained personnel which may include parents or other family members, and 
  • requires the routine use of medical device or of assistive technology to compensate for the loss of usefulness of a body function needed to participate in activities of daily living, and 
  • lives with ongoing threat to his or her continued well-being. Aligns with federal requirements.

This field is optional and does not report. 


The date of the last special education evaluation.


This field is optional and does not report. 


The date of the last IEP review.


This field is optional and does not report. 


Reports the start date of the IEP


This field is optional and does not report. 


Reports the end date of the IEP


This field is optional and does not report. 


An unordered collection of studentProgramAssociationServices. Indicates the services being provided to the student by the program. This field is an array.


This field is optional and does not report. 


An unordered collection of studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociationServiceProviders. The staff providing Special Education services to the student. This field is an array.


This field is optional and does not report. 



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The highlighted column indicates the reported valued.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Disability Descriptors

Ed-Fi Code Value
Ed-Fi Short Description
Ed-Fi Description
Correctional FacilityCorrectional FacilityCorrectional Facility
Inside reg class between 40% and 79% of the dayInside reg class between 40% and 79% of the dayInside reg class between 40% and 79% of the day
Inside regular class 80% or more of the dayInside regular class 80% or more of the dayInside regular class 80% or more of the day
Inside regular class less than 40% of the dayInside regular class less than 40% of the dayInside regular class less than 40% of the day
Parentally-placed in Private SchoolsParentally-placed in Private SchoolsParentally-placed in Private Schools
Residential FacilityResidential FacilityResidential Facility
Separate SchoolSeparate SchoolSeparate School

Student Title I Part A Program Association

This association represents the Title I Part A program(s) that a student participates in or from which the student receives services.

Object Triggering Data

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PostWhen a student is given a Flag with the name 'Title I Part A' and the record overlaps an enrollment with a valid Student School Association in the current scoped year

Do not send a student record for an enrollment that is marked as State Exclude or No Show.

Do not send a record if enrollment is in a calendar marked as Exclude.

Do not send a record if enrollment is in a School marked as Exclude.


When any part of the natural key is changed.

When Start Date is changed.

PutWhen End Date is changed.
DeleteWhen a Flag is deleted or when the record no longer overlaps any reported enrollment in the Scoped Year

Scope Year Logic

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This table describes the scope year logic of this object.


The record will send to the scope year for the school year the enrollment is associated with

Object Data Elements

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Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required data elements for Data to send to Ed-Fi

Data ElementDescriptionCampus Database FieldCampus GUI Location
idThe unique identifier of the resource.MN/AN/A

A reference to the related EducationOrganization resource.

  • Report the District Number the enrollment is associated with

A reference to the related Program resource.


A reference to the related Student resource.

Reports the data that is part of the natural key for the student resource.


The month, day, and year on which the Student first received services.

  • Report the Start Date from the Flag.

Student Information > General >Flags > Start Date


The month, day, and year on which the Student exited the program or stopped receiving services.

  • Report the End Date from the Flag
dent Information > General >Flags > End Date

A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.


This field is optional and does not report.


Indicates whether the student received services during the summer session or between sessions.


This field is optional and does not report.


An indication of the type of Title I program, if any, in which the student is participating and served: Public Targeted Assistance Program Public Schoolwide Program Private school student participating Local Neglected Program NEDM: Title I Participant

  • Report the Ed-Fi Code from the value selected in the Title 1 droplist on School Editor that the reporting enrollment is associated with.
    • Use the most recent School record that has an Effective Date on or before today's date.  Do not use the record if Effective date is in the future.
  • If the Title 1 field on School is blank or does not have an Ed-Fi Code, report "Local Neglected Program"

System Administration> Resources> School> Title 1

An unordered collection of studentProgramAssociationServices. Indicates the services being provided to the student by the program. This field is an array.


This field is optional and does not report.



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The highlighted column indicates the reported valued.

This table describes the Ed-Fi Value mapped and reported for Title 1 Part A Participant Type

Code ValueShort DescriptionDescription
Public Targeted Assistance ProgramPublic Targeted Assistance ProgramPublic Targeted Assistance Program
Public Schoolwide ProgramPublic Schoolwide ProgramPublic Schoolwide Program
Private school students participatingPrivate school students participatingPrivate school students participating
Local Neglected ProgramLocal Neglected ProgramLocal Neglected Program
Was not servedWas not servedWas not served

Additional Logic and Considerations

The following describes additional logic and considerations to be aware of when working with Ed-Fi.



Only attendance that is “verified” will send to Ed-Fi. Unknown records marked by a teacher will not send. Negative attendance will send when it is given an excuse code.

No Show/Excludes

If the State Exclude or No Show buttons are marked or unmarked on an enrollment the record, they will be deleted/added from Ed-Fi.

Required Fields

The Room number on the Section editor will become required once Ed-Fi is enabled. This data is required for the section data to send to Ed-Fi. Do a check on all course sections prior to doing a resync on the Schedule Data to verify all sections have a Room number.