Cross-Site Workflow

How To Enable Cross-Site Enrollment

Article: Cross-Site Configuration

  1. Select which Cross-Site Enrollment Participation option to turn on for your district from the District Information editor - Disabled, Intradistrict, Intradistrict, or Intra & Interdistrict. 
  2. Screeshot of the District Informaiton Editor with the Cross-Site Enrollment checkbox highlighted.
  3. Mark the Cross-Site Enrollment checkbox on the School Information editor FOR ALL SCHOOLS in the district that are participating in Cross-Site Enrollment.Screeshot of the District Informaiton Editor with the Cross-Site Enrollment checkbox highlighted.
  4. Set the Default State Exclude for Cross-Site Enrollments to either Yes or No in System Preferences. This setting determines whether a student's partial enrollment, which is created when they are scheduled into a course, is included in state reports. This preference is only available when Cross-Site Enrollment functionality is turned on at the District. Screenshot of the Default State Exclude for Cross-Site Enrollment System Preference
  5. Set the Enrollment Start Status and Enrollment End Status for Cross-Site Default. For some states, these tools are hidden. When that is the case, this requirement isn't necessary. 
  6. Mark the Cross-Site Enrollment checkbox on Course Master Information.Screenshot of the Course Master Informaiton editor with the Cross-Site Enrollment section highlighted.
  7. Mark the Push Cross-Site data to courses and sections option in the Push To Courses modal on the Course Master. This can be done for ALL courses using the Push All Course Masters tool. Click Push Data. Screenshot of the Push to Courses Cross-Site option

After the data has been pushed, the Courses and their Sections are also marked for Cross-Site Enrollment.

Screenshot of the Cross-Site Enrollment checkbox on a Course and Section.  

How to Map Courses for Cross-Site Enrollment

Article: Cross-Site Enrollment Setup

From the Home School View

  1. Review and modify the following information on the Courses marked for Cross-Site:
    • Teacher Display Name
    • Max Students
    • Cross-Site Max Students
    • Cross-Site Instructional Setting Screenshot of the Home view on the Cross-Site Enrollment Setup tool.
  2. Mark the Offer Section checkbox (marked by default), which displays that Section to the Serving School.Screenshot of the Offer Section button on the Setup tool.
  3. When changes have been saved, click Share Offerings to OPEN the Cross-Site Status. Screenshot of the Share Offierings action.

From the Serving School View

Map Sections from the Serving School to Offer to the Home School by marking the closest Period checkbox in which the sections meet.

Screenshot of the Serving School Side Panel

How to Schedule Students into a Cross-Site Course

Article: Walk-In Scheduler  

  1. Search for a Cross-Site Course. Screenshot of the Walk-In Scheduler Search Panel
  2. Select a Cross-Site Course and add it to the student's Schedule. This creates a Cross-Site Enrollment for the student.  Screenshot of the Partial Enrollment Creation message.

This creates a Cross-Site Enrollment for the student.  

Screenshot of the Cross-Site Enrollment and Schedule

How to Record Attendance for Cross-Site Students

Article: Attendance Information for Cross-Site Students

At the Serving School

  1. The teacher records attendance for their class, choosing P, A or T for each of their students. The Attendance Event is visible at the Home School on the student's Attendance record. 
  2. Screenshot of the teacher's Attendance roster.
  3. The Attendance Office assigns an Attendance Code to the attendance record entered by the student using the Attendance Wizard, the student's Attendance tool, or Daily Attendance tool.
  4. Screenshot of the Attendance Entry Wizard to assign an Attendance Code.

At the Home School

Attendance Office reconciles the Attendance Code from the Serving School with their own Attendance Codes.

Screenshot of the student's attendance record.

Enrollments for Cross-Site Students

Article: Enrollment Information for Cross-Site Students

As noted previously, a partial enrollment record is created when a counselor adds a Cross-Site Course to a student's schedule. There is no action that needs to be performed for these enrollments. 

Grading for Cross-Site Students

Article: Grading Considerations for Cross-Site Enrollments

The Serving School manages all areas of entering scores and posting grades for students enrolled in Cross-Site Courses. The Home School can view this information but not make changes to the information.