Summer 2023 Release Packs

Campus is a living solution that is continually improved to provide the best student information system value. Below are the most recent Release Packs you may have missed over the summer.

Release Pack Campus.2323 - June 2023

Click here to expand...

Release notes provide the applicable personnel the ability to review enhancements, modifications, and regulated changes prior to accepting an updated. It is advised that users review the release notes carefully and alert appropriate district staff to changes in Campus. 

The Release Information article lists the approximate release date of all Campus releases. 

See the Rx Pack - Campus.2323 article for a list of Rx releases to the Campus.2323 release pack.

Questions or concerns regarding an update should be directed to Campus Support.


> Campus.2323




See the Supported Platforms article for more information about supported technologies. 

Update Manifest

See the Campus Release Pack Enhancements article for a list of just enhancement release notes. 

Core Cases

ComponentCase NumberDescription
Academic ProgramsSIS-169263Academic Planning: Course Plan Bug Fix
Activity RegistrationSIS-165540[Enhancement] Activity Registration Form Enhancement
Activity RegistrationSIS-168958Activity Registration Fix
Campus InstructionSIS-153520Scoring Rubrics in DOCX Format
Campus InstructionSIS-167823Assignments in Reports
Campus InstructionSIS-167891Roster Report - Health Conditions
Campus InstructionSIS-168581Missing Assignments in Advisory
Campus InstructionSIS-168904Sibling Enrollments
Campus InstructionSIS-169417Blank Spreadsheet Report - Dropped and Incoming Students
Campus LearningSIS-160385[Enhancement] Signing In to Google Drive
Campus LearningSIS-169058LTI 1.3 - Launching Outside the US
Campus Student & ParentSIS-169381Campus Student & Campus Parent Updates
Data Integrity ToolsSIS-159647Validation Rules Enhancement
Data Integrity ToolsSIS-166726[Enhancement] Data Validation Functionality Updated to Support Complex Select Statements and Store Procedures
Data UtilitiesSIS-159036[Enhancement] Updated SFTP Delivery Mode Added to Extract Tooling
Data UtilitiesSIS-166778[Enhancement] Data Extract Utility Updated to Provide User-Friendly Error Messages
DIS/SIFSIS-167762SIF StudentSectionMarks Warning Message
Ed-FiSIS-157042Ed-Fi Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations Resource
Ed-FiSIS-168637Ed-Fi Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations Object Key Update
FormsSIS-169486Custom Forms
FRAMSIS-143933[Enhancement] FRAM Online Application Enhancements
FRAMSIS-163769[Enhancement] FRAM Preferences Interface Enhancement
Grading SetupSIS-168470Composite Grading Changes in the Grading Changes Not Pushed Report
Grading SetupSIS-169006Course Master Push Timestamps
Grading SetupSIS-169072Grading Setup Reports Update
Grading SetupSIS-169558Pushing Course Data - Calendar
InfrastructureSIS-166683SAML Authentication Tools Updated to Use Correct Configuration Field
LocatorSIS-165711Student Locator Updates in the New Look of Campus
MedicaidSIS-167295[Enhancement] Medicaid Enhancements and New Health Referring Provider Tool
MessengerSIS-155051[Enhancement] Sent Message Log Updated to Include Security-Related Messages
MessengerSIS-167791[Enhancement] In-Progress Message Enhancement for Messenger 2.0
MessengerSIS-169305Sent Message Log Status Error
MessengerSIS-169405Messenger 2.0 Calendar Fixes
NavigationSIS-154266[Enhancement] New Look of Infinite Campus - View in Google Maps Link Added to Address Title Bar
NavigationSIS-157583New Look of Infinite Campus - Disabled Tool Causing Favorites Star to Error
NavigationSIS-157864[Enhancement] New Look of Infinite Campus – Search Box State to Remain When Switching Search Types
NavigationSIS-158190New Look of Infinite Campus – Custom Reports Unable to Load if All Schools is Selected
NavigationSIS-167363[Enhancement] New Look of Infinite Campus – Inactive Status Now Displayed for Course Master Search Results
NavigationSIS-168805[Enhancement] New Look of Infinite Campus – Search Result Page Controls Moved to Top of Results
NavigationSIS-169148New Look of Infinite Campus – Hover Text Not Appearing for Flags
NavigationSIS-169213New Look of Infinite Campus – Student Numbers Missing in Advanced Student Search Results
NavigationSIS-169355New Look of Infinite Campus – Find Students Results in Student Gap Scheduler Failing to Redirect User to Walk-In Scheduler
OneRosterSIS-149029Digital Learning Applications Configuration Messages
OneRosterSIS-167568OneRoster 1.2 - Invalid Scores
OneRosterSIS-167646OneRoster REST Documentation Client Update
OneRosterSIS-168620OneRoster 1.2 - LineItem Logic
OneRosterSIS-168964OneRoster 1.2 - resultValueMin
OneRosterSIS-169437OneRoster 1.1 & OAuth2 - School Scoping and Guardians
Point of SaleSIS-121418[Enhancement] POS Application Manager Enhancement
Point of SaleSIS-123541[Enhancement] Point of Sale 2.0 Display Comments
Point of SaleSIS-160037POS 2.0 Terminal Configuration Fix
Point of SaleSIS-168591Removing Cafeteria Serve Tools
Point of SaleSIS-169577Point of Sale 2.0 Maintenance
Point of SaleSIS-169672[Enhancement] POS Changes for 1.0 Deprecation
Point of SaleSIS-169692[Enhancement] POS 1.0 Applications Inactive
Response to InterventionSIS-169247Response to Intervention Batch Setup Fix
SchedulingSIS-137985Walk-In Scheduler - Skinnied Courses without Skinny Rule
SchedulingSIS-166719[Enhancement] Staff Planner and Course Planner Updates
SchedulingSIS-166980[Enhancement] Course/Section Setup Staff Tracking Update
SchedulingSIS-167131[Enhancement] Scheduling Board and Scheduling Trials Updates
SchedulingSIS-169065Scheduling Board - Drag and Drop in Same Period
SchedulingSIS-169110Walk-In Scheduler - Loading Courses
SchedulingSIS-169149Scheduling Board - Teacher Display Name on Sections
SchedulingSIS-169615Student Gap Scheduler Performance Optimization
School StoreSIS-169064School Store Fix
SecuritySIS-169257Skipping User Account Confirmation Page Redirecting Users to Incorrect Homepage
SurveysSIS-168508Invalid PersonIDs Causing Surveys to Fail

State-Specific Cases

StateCase NumberDescription
ArizonaSIS-16767721st CCLC Checkbox Added to School History
ArizonaSIS-168427EdFi Student School Attendance Resource Calculation Logic
ArizonaSIS-169119State Program Code Updates
ArizonaSIS-169306Estimated Enrollment Extract Updates
BIESIS-145019[Enhancement] Advanced Search Using NASIS ID
BIESIS-158546ERC Configuration for ISEP Residential Reports
BIESIS-158547ERC Configuration for ISEP Instructional Reports
BIESIS-158548ERC Configuration for ISEP Certification Status Report
CaliforniaSIS-123707SINF Extract Updates
CaliforniaSIS-135943CALPADS Staff Assignment Extract Reporting Excluded District Assignments
CaliforniaSIS-160612Enrollments Interdistrict Transfer Description
CaliforniaSIS-166362SSID Import Updates
CaliforniaSIS-168219CALPADS Student Course Section Reporting Students AFTER Census Day
CaliforniaSIS-169500Primary Nighttime Residence Options
ColoradoSIS-168656Student Layout Extract 2023-24 Format
ColoradoSIS-168713Graduation Guidelines Updates
IllinoisSIS-168658ISBE Student Attendance Extract
IndianaSIS-157730[Enhancement] Graduation Data Validation Group
IndianaSIS-168803Ed-Fi-Actual Duration Field Added
IndianaSIS-169400Ed-Fi-Student Education Organization Assessment Accommodations Resource Update
IowaSIS-169079Graduation Seal Language List Updates
KansasSIS-169189EOYA Assessment Scores Reporting In Wrong Year
KentuckySIS-166898Custom Gifted Form Batch Print
KentuckySIS-168625Course Tab Updates
KentuckySIS-168641[Enhancement] Career Readiness Records Transfer
KentuckySIS-169044EL Extract
KentuckySIS-169454Special Ed Ad Hoc Fixes
KentuckySIS-169616Gifted & Talented
MassachusettsSIS-169074SIF DisciplineIncident Failing When Run Via SIF Publish Tool
MichiganSIS-168718MSDS Third Grade Retention Updates
MichiganSIS-168749MSDS Eary Roster Updates
MissouriSIS-160414MOSIS Student Core Performance Enhancement
MissouriSIS-168159New Educator Collection Added
MissouriSIS-168880MOSIS Student Core Extract Update
MissouriSIS-168963Course Program Code Added
MissouriSIS-169146MOSIS Student Core Logic Update
MissouriSIS-169235Transfer to District Code Added
MissouriSIS-169337Enrollment Codes Added
MontanaSIS-168395New District Assignment Field Added
MontanaSIS-168408State Edition New District Assignment Field Added
MontanaSIS-166870Credentials Field Added
NebraskaSIS-166631Ed-Fi Student School Attendance Events Update
NebraskaSIS-166833Ed-Fi Student Language Instruction Program Associations Update
NebraskaSIS-168569Ed-Fi Staff Section Association Update
NebraskaSIS-168876Ed-Fi Staff Education Organization Assignment Association Resync Fix
NevadaSIS-168850[Enhancement] Special Ed Documents New Look Rewrite
New MexicoSIS-168429Ed-Fi Staff and Staff Education Organization Associations Updates
New MexicoSIS-168464Ed-Fi CEIS State Program
New MexicoSIS-168686Ed-Fi Student School Attendance Events and Student Section Attendance Events Trigger Updates
New MexicoSIS-168866Ed-Fi BEP and Community Service Programs Reporting
New YorkSIS-168659SIRS Student Daily Attendance Update
OhioSIS-167241Exiting Student Follow Up (FW) Updates
OhioSIS-168244Follow Up Data (FW) State Program Updates
OklahomaSIS-168444Elements Added to StudentAcademicRecord
PennsylvaniaSIS-163669IEP Updates
PennsylvaniaSIS-167972PIMS Staff Student Subtest Template Updates
PennsylvaniaSIS-168204Graduation Updates
PennsylvaniaSIS-168511PIMS Student Template and Student Snapshot Template Update
Rhode IslandSIS-168023Grade Earned Report Term Code
South DakotaSIS-167433IEP Sort Fix
South DakotaSIS-168443School Calendar Instructional Hours Update
South DakotaSIS-168672Resident District, Serving District Updates
TexasSIS-168970Ed-Fi-New Resources Implemented
TexasSIS-169495Ed-Fi-Student and Staff ID Reporting Updates
UtahSIS-166245SIF SectionInfo TimetablePeriod Update
UtahSIS-168751Special Education Exit Reason Code Update
VermontSIS-167968Need New Organization ID Added
VirginiaSIS-165975Student Record Collection Updates
VirginiaSIS-168215Assessment State Code Update
VirginiaSIS-168218New PK Funding Code Added
VirginiaSIS-169303Student Records Collection Update
WisconsinSIS-167299Ed-Fi Sections Triggers Update
WyomingSIS-167498SIF StudentSchoolEnrollment Update for StudentIDEA
WyomingSIS-168605SIF StudentSectionEnrollment Update for EntryDate

Technical Information

See the Technical Information - Release Pack Campus.2323 article for a list of schema changes in this release.

Academic Programs

Academic Planning: Course Plan Bug Fix (SIS-169263)

A bug was causing Course Plans to display a credit range and not the credits earned for the course. This has been fixed.

Path: Student Information > Academic Planning > Course Plan

Activity Registration

Activity Registration Form Enhancement (SIS-165540) [Enhancement] 

Custom Forms used in Activity Registration can now be populated with Ad hoc data. Using the new Quick Form Fill feature, districts can populate data into form fields even when the Ad hoc returns multiple values.

Path: Activity Registration > Activity Monitor

Activity Registration Fix (SIS-168958)

An error could occur where parents were able to register for an activity without completing all required forms. This has been corrected.

Path: Parent Portal

Campus Instruction

Scoring Rubrics in DOCX Format (SIS-153520)

Previously, an error occurred when viewing a Scoring Rubric in DOCX format in Microsoft Word. This has been corrected

Path: Instruction > Reports > Scoring Rubric

Assignments in Reports (SIS-167823)

Various small fixes have been made to the process of selecting assignments in the following reports: Grade Book Export, Missing Assignments, Section Summary, and Student Summary.

Path: Instruction > Reports

Roster Report - Health Conditions (SIS-167891)

Previously, Health Conditions did not display in PDF versions of the Roster report. This has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Roster > Report Options

Missing Assignments in Advisory (SIS-168581)

As a result of a recent release, teachers using the Advisory tool could only view Missing Assignments for sections that they teach.

Path: Instruction > Advisory

Sibling Enrollments (SIS-168904)

Following a recent release, sibling enrollments no longer displayed in the Households section of a student's Summary tab in classic view. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Summary

Blank Spreadsheet Report - Dropped and Incoming Students (SIS-169417)

Previously, the Blank Spreadsheet report did not include dropped and incoming students, even when inactive students were included in the report. This has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Reports > Spreadsheet

Campus Learning

Signing In to Google Drive (SIS-160385) [Enhancement] 

The workflow for using Google Drive files in assignments has been updated to no longer require users to sign in as often to continue to use Google Drive.

Path: for example: Instruction > Grade Book > Assignment > Submissions > Google Drive

LTI 1.3 - Launching Outside the US (SIS-169058)

Previously, an error occurred when attempting to launch a tool using LTI 1.3 outside of the US due to variation in international date formats. This has been corrected.

Path: No specific path

Campus Student & Campus Parent

Campus Student & Campus Parent Updates (SIS-169381)

The following updates have been made to Campus Student and Campus Parent:

  • Improved notification performance.
  • The Schedule report no longer displays twice if the calendar has a Start Date in the future.
  • Addressed an issue where Android users could not view Scoring Rubrics in PDF format.

Path: Campus Student, Campus Parent


Census (SIS-167050)

Birthdates in New Look have been corrected to include four digits for year instead of two.

Path: Search > All People

Census (SIS-168197)

Pronoun information that displays on the Campus Parent and Student Portal has been updated to match settings in the Attribute/Dictionary.

Path: System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary

Data Integrity Tools

Validation Rules Enhancement (SIS-159647)

Over 1,000 characters can now be added in the Description field of a Validation Rule.

Path: Data Integrity > Data Validation > Validation Rules

Data Validation Functionality Updated to Support Complex Select Statements and Store Procedures (SIS-166726) [Enhancement] 

Data Validation functionality has been updated to support the use of complex select statements and stored procedures in validation rules and ensures these rules can be used throughout the validation and certification process without issue.

Path: Data Integrity Tools

Data Utilities

Updated SFTP Delivery Mode Added to Extract Tooling (SIS-159036) [Enhancement] 

An updated SFTP Delivery Mode has been added to the following tools:

This update ensures modern key exchange algorithms are supported which is especially useful for customers using servers which only support these newer algorithms.

The old SFTP Delivery Mode still exists in the tool but has been renamed to SFTP Legacy (being deprecated). Existing configurations using this old delivery mode will continue to work but users should transition over to the new SFTP Delivery Mode option as soon as possible as the old mode will be deprecated in the future.

Path: System Administration > Data Utilities > Data Extract Utility; FRAM > Eligibility Import Wizard > Scheduled Imports; VT State Reporting > SLDS Submission Scheduling; System Administration > Data Utilities > Data Import

Data Extract Utility Updated to Provide User-Friendly Error Messages (SIS-166778) [Enhancement] 

Error messages in the Data Extract Utility have been updated to be more informative and user-friendly.

Path: System Administration > Data Utilities > Data Extract Utility


SIF StudentSectionMarks Warning Message (SIS-167762)

A warning message that was being logged when the StudentSectionMarks object was sent has been removed.

Path: Path: System Administration > Data Interchange > Agents


Ed-Fi Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations Resource (SIS-157042)

The Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations resource has been enabled for Core Ed-Fi reporting.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Ed-Fi Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations Object Key Update (SIS-168637)

The object key for the Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations resource was changed from incidentID-personID to incidentID-eventID-personID. All code that uses the object key was updated to use the correct key.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Custom Forms (SIS-169486)

An issue with selection of checkboxes in a custom form has been corrected.

Path: System Administration > Custom Forms


FRAM Online Application Enhancements (SIS-143933) [Enhancement] 

The Meal Benefits application in the Parent Portal now has an updated user interface and bugs fixed. A new e-signature feature has replaced the previous PIN. Review the FRAM Online Application Checklist for the 23-24 School Year for tasks that must be completed to fully utilized the improved features.

Path: Parent Portal > Meal Benefits

FRAM Preferences Interface Enhancement (SIS-163769) [Enhancement] 

The Preferences tools of FRAM have received a new user interface. These Preference tools can now all be found under FRAM Preferences. The following tabs will now be available:

  • Year Preferences tab - This is the renamed Permission Preferences tab. All fields that are tied to a specific school year will now be available in this tab. This includes the Default Expiration Date as well as the Permissions.
  • Application Preferences tab - This includes the general Application Preferences that relate to default values for letter configuration and settings for Meal Benefits and Educational Benefits application processing.
  • Verification Preferences tab - This includes Verification Preferences used to set default letter configurations for the verification process.

Path: FRAM > Setup > FRAM Preferences

Grading Setup

Composite Grading Changes in the Grading Changes Not Pushed Report (SIS-168470)

Previously, if a parent task was removed from composite grading setup, this change did not display in the Grading Changes Not Pushed report. This has been corrected.

Path: Grading & Standards > Reports > Grading Setup > Grading Changes Not Pushed

Course Master Push Timestamps (SIS-169006)

A script has been run to add CompositePushTimeStamp and gradeCalcPushTimeStamp values to Course Master records that are missing these values due to an earlier issue that has been fixed.

Path: No specific path

Grading Setup Reports Update (SIS-169072)

Previously, if a Course Master had a quotation mark in the number field, the Course Master List would not load in Grading Setup report editors. This has been corrected.

Path: Grading & Standards > Reports > Grading Setup

Pushing Course Data - Calendar (SIS-169558)

Previously, when pushing course data from the Course Master to the Course, the push did not respect the calendar limitation selected. This has been corrected.

Path: Grading & Standards > Course Master Info > Push to Courses


SAML Authentication Tools Updated to Use Correct Configuration Field (SIS-166683)

Numerous SAML-related tools were causing some user accounts to have a broken authentication state due to them utilizing an incorrect configuration ID field. To correct this issue, the following tools were updated to reference the correct field:

Path: N/A


Student Locator Updates in the New Look of Campus (SIS-165711)

The Student Locator did not auto-populate when creating an enrollment for a student with an existing census record in the New Look of Campus. This issue has been corrected. The student data displays as expected allowing for the generation of a local student number and creation of a new enrollment record.

Path: Student Information > Student Locator


Medicaid Enhancements and New Health Referring Provider Tool (SIS-167295) [Enhancement] 

Several updates have been made to the Medicaid toolset. The Relationship and Insurance Start Date fields on the Medicaid Insurance tool have been updated to attributes. Several new fields have been added to the Service Providers tool; NPI Enum Date, Primary Taxonomy, Medicaid Provider #, Service Provider License Type, and License Revocation Date. These fields are also available in Ad hoc.

A new tool, Referring Provider, has been added to track the provider who referred the student. A new Referring Provider section has been added to the Health Conditions tool as well. These fields are also available in Ad hoc.

Path: Student Information > Medicaid > Insurance, System Administration > Medicaid > Service Providers, Student Information > Health > General > Conditions, System Administration > Health > Referring Providers


Sent Message Log Updated to Include Security-Related Messages (SIS-155051) [Enhancement] 

The Sent Message Log and Admin Mailgun Message Log tools were updated to include message status information about Password Reset, Username reminder, and Email Confirmation messages.

Path: Messenger > Sent Message Log; System Administration > Messenger > Mailgun Message Log

In-Progress Message Enhancement for Messenger 2.0 (SIS-167791) [Enhancement] 

An In-Progress tab has been added to the Upcoming Messages in the Messenger 2.0 tool to view In-Progress messages when the process of sending the messages has started, with the ability to Cancel those messages as well. See the In-Progress Messages Release Notification for more information.

Path: Communication > Messenger > Messenger 2.0

Sent Message Log Status Error (SIS-169305)

Users were experiencing an error where In-Progress messages were being canceled in the Sent Message Log, but their status would remain listed as In-Progress. This has been corrected.

Path: Communication > Sent Message Log

Messenger 2.0 Calendar Fixes (SIS-169405)

Inconsistencies were occurring when selecting Custom Dates when using Schedule Recurring while creating General or Priority messages. These have been corrected.

Path: Communication > Messenger > Messenger 2.0


New Look of Infinite Campus Now Available in State Edition [Enhancement] 

The new look of Infinite Campus is now available in State Editions of Infinite Campus! All functionalities present in Classic Campus State Editions is present in New Look State Edition. Try it out!

Note: At this time, the New Look of Infinite Campus is not available for the South Dakota State Edition of Infinite Campus.

Path: Try the New Look of Infinite Campus

New Look of Infinite Campus - View in Google Maps Link Added to Address Title Bar (SIS-154266) [Enhancement] 

A new View in Google Maps hyperlink has been added to the Address title bar. When selected, a new window is opened and the address is displayed within Google Maps.

Path: Try the New Look of Infinite Campus

New Look of Infinite Campus - Disabled Tool Causing Favorites Star to Error (SIS-157583)

Users were receiving an error when removing the Favorites Star from a tool which has been disabled.

Path: Try the New Look of Infinite Campus

New Look of Infinite Campus – Search Box State to Remain When Switching Search Types (SIS-157864) [Enhancement] 

Search tooling within the New Look of Infinite Campus has been updated to preserve the search term entered in the search field when switching between search types.

Path: New Look of Infinite Campus > Search Tab

New Look of Infinite Campus – Custom Reports Unable to Load if All Schools is Selected (SIS-158190)

Custom reports were failing to load properly in the New Look of Infinite Campus if All Schools was selected as a parameter. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A

New Look of Infinite Campus – Inactive Status Now Displayed for Course Master Search Results (SIS-167363) [Enhancement] 

Course Master search results now display a text of (Inactive) next to the name of inactive Course Master records.

Path: Try the New Look of Infinite Campus

New Look of Infinite Campus – Search Result Page Controls Moved to Top of Results (SIS-168805) [Enhancement] 

Page controls (used for moving to additional pages of search results) has been moved to the top of the search results window.

Path: N/A

New Look of Infinite Campus – Hover Text Not Appearing for Flags (SIS-169148)

Hover text was failing to appear for Flags. This issue was corrected.

Path: Try the New Look of Infinite Campus

New Look of Infinite Campus – Student Numbers Missing in Advanced Student Search Results (SIS-169213)

Student Numbers were failing to appear for search results generated via the Advanced Student Search. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A

New Look of Infinite Campus – Find Students Results in Student Gap Scheduler Failing to Redirect User to Walk-In Scheduler (SIS-169355)

Search results from the Find Students function within the Student Gap Scheduler was failing to redirect users to the Walk-in Scheduler. This issue was corrected.  

Path: Try the New Look of Infinite Campus


Digital Learning Applications Configuration Messages (SIS-149029)

Message Center messages viewed in the New Nav that are received for refreshing OneRoster connections or when credentials have expired now have links to the Digital Learning Applications Configuration tool.

Path: Message Center

OneRoster 1.2 - Invalid Scores (SIS-167568)

LineItem bulk post logic has been updated so that a 422 error returns if the post is only partially successful, with the message including the number of items successfully returned and the sourcedId of the failed item.

Path: No specific path

OneRoster REST Documentation Client Update (SIS-167646)

Previously, instructions in the REST Documentation Client for getClassesForUser, getClassesForTeacher, and getClassesForStudent instructed users to use the person GUID for the sourcedId. Instruction text has been updated to refer to the correct data element: personID.

Path: No specific path

OneRoster 1.2 - LineItem Logic (SIS-168620)

Logic for creating and updating LineItems in OneRoster 1.2 has been updated to validate that the school and class being returned correspond when applying school scoping.

Path: No specific path

OneRoster 1.2 - resultValueMin (SIS-168964)

The resultValueMin element has been marked as optional in keeping with the OneRoster 1.2 specification. If this value is populated for a LineItem, returns as 0 in Campus because Campus grading setup does not support this value.

Path: No specific path

OneRoster 1.1 & OAuth2 - School Scoping and Guardians (SIS-169437)

Previously, if a OneRoster 1.1 connection using OAuth 2 employed school scoping, all guardians were excluded from returning. This has been corrected.

Path: No specific path

Point of Sale

POS Application Manager Enhancement (SIS121418) [Enhancement] 

An Active checkbox was added to the Application Detail record; if a terminal is configured with an inactive application the user will see a warning message on the Terminal Configuration and Cashier screens. A Display Inactive Applications/Services has also been added to the Transaction Summary Report. Inactive applications will display with an Inactive label and appear at the bottom of the lists in POS Account Journal, Quick Serve, Service Copy Layout, and Class Serve Preferences.

Path: Food Service > Administration > Application Manager

Point of Sale 2.0 Display Comments (SIS-123541) [Enhancement] 

Changed the existing Comments field label to Notes, added a new Comments field to enter comments specific to a patron that the Food Service Cashier can see on the terminal when serving that patron, and added Notes and POS Display Comments to Ad hoc reporting.

Path: Food Service > Information > Account Details

POS 2.0 Terminal Configuration Fix (SIS-160037)

If a user edited a terminal configuration and selected a new application and then only saved it once, the cashier would have issues selecting a student from the search page. This has been corrected.

Path: N/A

Removing Cafeteria Serve Tools (SIS-168591)

As of 7/1/23, Cafeteria Serve and Cafeteria Serve Preferences tools will no longer appear in the tool tree and all related tool rights for individuals and user groups will be removed.

Path: POS > Administration

Point of Sale 2.0 Maintenance (SIS-169577)

The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale 2.0 tool:

  • Fixed an issue where Homeroom data did not display in POS 2.0 terminal the first time a district installs a terminal.
  • Served checkmark was displaying for deposit only. This has been corrected.
  • An Active checkbox was added to the Application Detail record; if a terminal is configured with an inactive application the user will see a warning message on the Terminal Configuration and Cashier screens.
  • Added POS Display Comments in the POS Account>Account Details>Patron Preference that will automatically display on the Point of Sale 2.0 terminal when that patron is loaded.

Path: N/A

POS Changes for 1.0 Deprecation (SIS-169672) [Enhancement] 

All non-enhanced (non-POS 2.0) applications will be labeled/tagged/marked with "1.0" in the POS>Administration>Application Manager>Application Tree. Also, the Enhanced Layout checkbox has been removed from the POS>Administration>Application Manager>Application Detail.

Path: POS > Administration > Application Manager

POS 1.0 Applications Inactive (SIS-169692) [Enhancement] 

All non-enhanced (non-POS 2.0) applications will be made inactive as of 7/1/2023.

Path: N/A

Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention Batch Setup Fix (SIS-169247)

An issue where certain fields were not retained after using the RTI Batch Setup has been resolved.

Path: Student Information > Response to Intervention > RTI Batch Setup


Walk-In Scheduler - Skinnied Courses without Skinny Rule (SIS-137985)

The Walk-In Scheduler was incorrectly skinnying courses without a skinny rule being associated with the courses. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Schedule > Walk-In Scheduler

Staff Planner and Course Planner Updates (SIS-166719) [Enhancement] 

Additional updates are now available for Staff Planner and Course Planner.

  • Teams (Scheduling Groups) can now be assigned to teachers on the Staff Planner side panel. This requires Scheduling Teams to be created in the selected school/calendar. When no teams exist for a calendar, this field and the Scheduling Teams field on the Section Side Panel in the Scheduling Board does not display. The Team is visible in Course Planner within the Teachers & Room section. The Teacher's Team is pushed to the Section when the Section does not already have a Team assigned. 
  • A Filter Show/Hide option has been added to the Staff Planner and Course Planner. The Filter by Name, Filter by Department and Filter by Ad hoc (new) are available within  that show/hide option. The Filter by Ad hoc field has been added to both Staff Planner and Course Planner. Any previously saved Census/Staff filter can be selected to narrow the list of teachers for easier Staff Planner and Course Planner updates. 
  • When viewing the last staff person in the list, the default Save option is now Save & Close. 
  • When a trial is locked, either through the Schedule Wizard or the Scheduling Board), the Course Planner and Staff Planner display a message indicating constraints cannot be modified due to the locked trial, which means editing cannot happen until the active trial is closed to prevent data loss. 
  • The CSV Export in the Course Planner has been updated to reflect the order in which fields display in the Course Planner. 
  • Accessibility issues found when using a screen reader have been addressed. 
  • The counts of Requests Last Year and Current Requests are now the same values in Course Planner as they are in Scheduling Board. 
  • The default value for Max Periods, Max Courses and Max Consecutive Periods in the Schedule Board Build Settings has been modified to be the actual count of Instructional Periods in a day. 
  • In Course Planner, the Section Template field is now Section Template Group. 
  • The Rules card for Course Planner now includes the Course Number as well as the Course Name.
  • A script to modify Course Planner tool rights was also included. Users assigned tool rights to the new Course Planner as of the release of Campus.2315 and prior to the release of Campus.2323 were not modified when they were also assigned rights to Schedule Wizard. Users who were not assigned any tool rights to Course Planner but did have tool rights to Schedule Wizard are now assigned full tool rights (RW) to Course Planner.

Path: Scheduling > Scheduling Board > Staff Planner, Course Planner

Course/Section Setup Staff Tracking Update (SIS-166980) [Enhancement] 

Users may now track the amount of instruction time for all staff types in a section. Time may be tracked in minutes or a percentage of time through the Staff History tab.

Note for New York and Pennsylvania users: The State Reporting Header on the Staff History tab has been removed. The Percent field is now part of the core product for Staff History. State Reporting logic has not changed and is not affected by this change.

Path: Scheduling > Courses > Sections > Staff History

Scheduling Board and Scheduling Trials Updates (SIS-167131) [Enhancement] 

Additional updates are now available for Scheduling Board and Scheduling Board Trials:

  • A new Print option is available that displays the Scheduling Board in PDF or XLSX format.
  • The Scheduling Board can now be viewed in Full Screen.
  • A View option has been added to the Courses Side Panel and the Sections Side Panel for Section Roster and Request Conflicts.
  • A Completed Scheduled Statistic has been added to the Statistics Information area.
  • Section Balance Configuration options are now available.
  • Terms, Schedules and Periods information is now available in the Courses Side Panel.
  • The Load Settings Side Panel save options now shows Save & Cancel instead of Save & Close.
  • When a course has placement restrictions, manually placing a section in that restricted period now shows an icon indicating it cannot be placed there.
  • On the Settings Side Panel, Courses can be searched in the dropdown list by Course Number OR Course Name.
  • On the Section Side Panel, fields for Assign Team and Assign Lunch only display when Scheduling Teams and Lunches are available in the selected calendar.

Path: Scheduling > Scheduling Board

Scheduling Board - Drag and Drop in Same Period (SIS-169065)

In the Scheduling Board, Drag and Drop of a section into a period that already has a section was previously not allowed. This has been corrected.

Path: Scheduling > Scheduling Board

Walk-In Scheduler - Loading Courses (SIS-169110)

Loading courses in the wWalk-In Scheduler required RWAD rights to the student's Schedule, Modify calendar rights, and R rights to the Scheduling Board. This has been corrected to require only the RWAD rights to the student's Schedule and Modify Calendar rights.

Path: Student Information > General > Schedule > Walk-In Scheduler

Scheduling Board - Teacher Display Name on Sections (SIS-169149)

When the Teacher Display Name of a section was different from the default value, loading courses in the Scheduling Board reset the Teacher Display Name to the default value. This has been corrected.

Path: Scheduling > Scheduling Board > Trial Selection (Active Trial) > Load > Run Full Load

Student Gap Scheduler Performance Optimization (SIS-169615)

Performance has been optimized for the Student Gap Scheduler.

Path: Scheduling > Student Gap Scheduler

School Store

School Store Fix (SIS-169064)

Staff members were receiving an error when trying to purchase via Employee Self Service> My School Store if a School Store product is set up with Product or Product Item Purchase Limits. This has been corrected.

Path: School Store > Product Inventory > General Product


Skipping User Account Confirmation Page Redirecting Users to Incorrect Homepage (SIS-169257)

Users with a homepage set to Instruction were incorrectly being redirected to the SIS homepage when skipping the User Account Confirmation screen. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A


Invalid PersonIDs Causing Surveys to Fail (SIS-168508)

Users were unable to successfully send out surveys to respondents if the list of respondents contained any invalid PersonIDs. To mitigate this issue, surveys can now be sent out regardless if the respondents list contains invalid PersonIDs however, all respondents with invalid PersonIDs will not receive the survey as Infinite Campus cannot identify the recipient (the associated Person record).

Path: Surveys > Survey Designer

State-Specific Notes


Arizona - 21st CCLC Checkbox Added to School History (SIS-167677)

A 21st CCLC checkbox has been added to the School History editor. When marked, discipline events for a 21st Century School can be reported through Ed-Fi.

Note that the changes to Ed-Fi discipline resources will be included in a future release.

Path: System Administration > Resources > School > School History

Arizona - EdFi Student School Attendance Resource Calculation Logic (SIS-168427)

When a new attendance event is added for a day that is already reported, the existing attendance event is updated with the new event duration calculation for the Student School Attendance Events Resource.

A resync on Student School Attendance Event is needed as part of this update.

Path: Ed-Fi

Arizona - State Program Code Updates (SIS-169119)

Options for the State Program Code field on Flags, Programs and Academic Programs have been updated.

Path: Student Information > Flags, Programs, Academic Planning > Programs

Arizona - Estimated Enrollment Extract Updates (SIS-169306)

The Estimated Enrollment Extract has been modified as follows:

  • A School ID column has been added as the first row of the extract. This reports the School Entity ID.
  • The ELL field now reports values of Yes or No. Previously, Y or N were reported.
  • Students whose enrollment records are for a Summer School DO NOT report.
  • Enrollment Start Statuses of E: NON-SAIS District Use Only and ZZZ: Same School Calendar Transfer DO NOT report.

Path: AZ State Reporting > Estimated Enrollment Extract


BIE-Advanced Search Using NASIS ID (SIS-145019) [Enhancement] 

BIE District and State Edition users can now use the advanced search functionality to locate a student using their NASIS ID in the New Look of Campus.

Path: Student > Advanced Search (Classic View), Student Search Side Panel > Advanced Search (New Look)

BIE-ERC Configuration for ISEP Residential Reports (SIS-158546)

The ISEP Residential Verification and ISEP Residential Certification reports have been updated to reflect the Education Resource Center (ERC) configuration. This includes removing references to the Education Line Office (ELO) and adding ERC and BIE Region names / codes where applicable.

Path: BIE Reports > BIE ISEP Residential Verification Report, BIE ISEP Residential Certification Report

BIE-ERC Configuration for ISEP Instructional Reports (SIS-158547)

The ISEP Instructional Verification and ISEP Instructional Certification reports have been updated to reflect the Education Resource Center (ERC) configuration. This includes removing references to the Education Line Office (ELO) and adding ERC and BIE Region names / codes where applicable.

Path: BIE Reports > BIE ISEP Instructional Verification Report, BIE ISEP Instructional Certification Report

BIE-ERC Configuration for ISEP Certification Status Report (SIS-158548)

The ISEP Certification Status Report has been updated to reflect the Education Resource Center (ERC) configuration. The report can be run by BIE Region, Educational Resource Center (ERC), calendar, calendar type, certification status, or a combination of these options.

Path: BIE Reports > BIE ISEP Certification Status Report


California - SINF Extract Updates (SIS-123707)

The cCALPADS Student Information Extract has been updated to address the following:

  • Field 36, Initial US School Enrollment Date, reports for State Grade Levels KN-12. When the student's grade level is PS or TK, the field reports blank even when a date is entered in the Date Entered US School field exists.
  • Field 37, Enrolled in US School Less Than Three Cumulative Years, reports a value of Y when the Student State Grade Level is PS or TK.

Path: CA State Reporting > CALPADS Student Information

California - CALPADS Staff Assignment Extract Reporting Excluded District Assignments (SIS-135943)

The CALPADS Staff Assignment was reporting District Assignment records that were marked as 'Exclude'. This has been corrected.

Path: California State Reporting > CALPADS Staff Assignment

California - Enrollments Interdistrict Transfer Description (SIS-160612)

The description for the Interdistrict Transfer field on the Enrollment record is now Code 1: Formal Interdistrict Transfer Agreement.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields

California - SSID Import Updates (SIS-166362)

The CALPADS SSID Import has been updated to address the following:

  • The first Line of data was not being included. The import started with Line 2.
  • The header of CSID First StateID Import is now SSID Forced StateID Import

Path: CA State Reporting > CALPADS SSID

California - CALPADS Student Course Section Reporting Students AFTER Census Day (SIS-168219)

The CALPADS Student Course Section has been updated to report students enrolled in courses as of the Census Day. Logic has been updated to account for students in scheduling tracks that are not in session as of the selected Reporting Date, the first term date that falls after the selected Reporting Date is considered the Census Day for students enrolled in those scheduling tracks.

Path: California > CALPADS Student Course Section

California - Primary Nighttime Residence Options (SIS-169500)

In the Campus.2319 Release, accepted values for the Primary Nighttime Residence field on theHomeless record were incorrectly inactivated. This has been corrected.

The following codes are once again available for selection:

  • 100: Temporary Shelters
  • 110: Hotels/motels
  • 120: Temporarily Doubled Up
  • 130: Temporarily Unsheltered

These codes are no longer active:

  • 140: Parent or Legal Guardian and/or Homeless
  • 210: Foster Family Home or Kinship Placement
  • 220: Licensed Children's Institution
  • 230: Residential School/ Dormitory
  • 240: Health Institution
  • 250: Incarceration Institution
  • 260: Development Center
  • 270: State Hospital

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless


Colorado - Student Layout Extract 2023-24 Format (SIS-168656)

The 2023-2024 Format for the Student Layout Extract is now available. Differences between this format at the 2022-2023 Format are:

  • The Postsecondary Program Enrollment field has been removed.
  • Primary Disability Code 12: Infant/Toddler with a Disability code has been removed.
  • Free Lunch Eligibility logic has been updated.

Path: CO State Reporting > Data Pipeline > Student Interchange > Student Layout

Colorado - Graduation Guidelines Updates (SIS-168713)

The Student Interchange Graduation Guidelines Extract now includes a Zero-Fill School Code field on the editor. When marked, the School Code field in the extract layout reports a value of 0000 (four zeros) and overrides any code already reported in that field.

Path: Colorado State Reporting > Data Pipeline > Student Interchange > Graduation Guidelines


Illinois - ISBE Student Attendance Extract (SIS-168658)

A calculation error affecting the Attendance Days and In Person Instruction columns in the ISBE Student Attendance Extract has been resolved.

Path: IL State Reporting > ISBE Extracts > Student Attendance


Indiana-Graduation Data Validation Group (SIS-157730) [Enhancement] 

A new Graduation validation group has been added to the Data Validation tool. The related validation rules assist users with locating and resolving student data issues.

Note: District Edition customers have restricted access to System-owned Validation Rules delivered by Infinite Campus.

Path: Data Integrity Tools > Data Validation > Validation Groups, Data Validation Report

Indiana-Ed-Fi-Actual Duration Field Added (SIS-168803)

A new 'Actual Duration' field has been added to the Behavior Resolution screen to document the actual discipline length in school days a student served. The new field supports accurate reporting of discipline data for Indiana Ed-Fi v3.6.

Path: Behavior > Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Add Resolution

Indiana-Ed-Fi-Student Education Organization Assessment Accommodations Resource Update (SIS-169400)

The Student Education Organization Assessment Accommodations resource has been updated to prevent records from sending and to delete records from the ODS when:

  • The current date is before the Start Date provided on the test accommodation record.
  • The current date is after the End Date provided on the test accommodation record.

A resync of the Student Education Organization Assessment Accommodations resource is required as part of this update.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Iowa - Graduation Seal Language List Updates (SIS-169079)

The Graduation Seal language list has been updated.

Path: Student Information > General > Graduation


Kansas - EOYA Assessment Scores Reporting In Wrong Year (SIS-169189)

The EOYA Extract was reporting assessment scores from enrollments in previous school years. This has been corrected.

Path: KS State Reporting > KIDS Collection > EOYA Extract


Kentucky – Custom Gifted Form Batch Print (SIS-166898)

An issue preventing the Custom Gifted Form Batch Print report from being generated in the New Look has been resolved.

Path: Student Information > Reports > Custom Gifted Form Batch Print

Kentucky – Course Tab Updates (SIS-168625)

A new code (20 Blended Learning) has been added for Teaching Method for Kentucky.

Path: Course/Section > Course

Kentucky - Career Readiness Records Transfer (SIS-168641) [Enhancement] 

Career Readiness Records can now be included when transferring student records from one school to another. Now that DIS/Sync to State has been implemented, State users can see a read only version of records if the data has been synced.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Career Readiness

Path: System Administration > Data Utilities > Student Records

Kentucky – EL Extract (SIS-169044)

Critical Error text has been corrected for the English Learners (EL) Extract (Kentucky).

Path: KY State Reporting > English Learners Extract

Kentucky Special Ed Ad Hoc Fixes (SIS-169454)

With the release of Campus.2319 (May 2023), the Kentucky Special Ed Documents were completely rewritten with the new look of Campus. This is a follow up enhancement to address several discrepancies with these documents and their associated Ad Hoc fields.

Path: Ad Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer > Query Wizard > Student > Learner Planning > KY IEP, KY Evaluation, KY Consent, KY CSR, KY Referral

Kentucky – Gifted & Talented (SIS-169616)

The GSSP Portal Settings Report has been moved in Classic Look into the Reports folder in System Administration > Portal. 

Path: System Administration > Portal > Reports > GSSP Portal Settings Report


Massachusetts - SIF DisciplineIncident Failing When Run Via SIF Publish Tool (SIS-169074)

The logic for the DisciplineIncident object has been updated to correct issues users were having when processing data using the SIF Publish Tool.

Path: System Administration > Data Utilities > MA SIF Publish Tool


Michigan – MSDS Third Grade Retention Updates (SIS-168718)

The XML header and schema validation for the Third Grade Retention extract have been updated for the 23-24 school year.

Path: Michigan State Reporting > MSDS Extracts

Michigan – MSDS Eary Roster Updates (SIS-168749)

The XML header and schema validation for the Early Roster extract have been updated for the 23-24 school year.

Path: Michigan State Reporting > MSDS Extracts


Minnesota – Ed-Fi (SIS-167313)

MN Ed-Fi Student School Association logic for attendance and membership calculations have been updated to match MARSS logic. Previously these calculations resulted in overreporting the values when the grade level instructional days override was used in the calendar.

A resync of Calendar and Student School Association is required.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Minnesota – Ed-Fi (SIS-168257)

The MN Ed-Fi Sections Characteristics logic for MCCC has been updated to report ‘MA’ if a grading task that is mapped to an Ed-Fi Grade Descriptor ‘FG: Final Grade” is added to a qualifying state reported course.

A resync of the Grades Information, Courses, Course Offerings and Sections is required.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Minnesota – MARSS (SIS-168813)

The MN MARSS B MN Care Opt Out Indicator now reports Y if any FRAM record in the reporting year is marked as Opt Out SCHIP.

Path: MN State Reporting > MARSS Extracts

Minnesota – Ed-Fi (SIS-169685)

Student School Associations records created based on a mismatching transportation records now have the Exit Withdraw Descriptor '99: Enrollment Status has changed necessitating the closing of one status record and opening of new one' to match the reporting logic for MARSS B.

A resync of all student information resources is required.

Path: Minnesota > Ed-Fi 


Missouri MOSIS Student Core Performance Enhancement (SIS-160414)

The MOSIS Student Core extract now generates faster when running the report for a large number of schools.

Path: MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > Student Core

Missouri New Educator Collection Added (SIS-168159)

Two new reports templates, Educator Core and Educator School, have been added for Missouri. These files pull limited data stored in Campus. Merge data from your HR System prior to state submission. See the Educator Collection article for additional information.

Path: MO State Reporting > Educator Collection

Missouri MOSIS Student Core Extract Update (SIS-168880)

Logic for reporting the CTE Certificate (field 333) element on the MOSIS Student Core Extract has been updated.

Path: MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > Student Core

Missouri Course Program Code Added (SIS-168963)

A new course program code, 37: At-Risk, has been added to the Attribute Dictionary for Missouri. See the Scheduling Components article for additional information.

Path: Scheduling > Courses > Course, System Administration > Custom > Attribute Dictionary > Course > Program

Missouri MOSIS Student Core Logic Update (SIS-169146, SIS-169100)

Logic for reporting the On Track to Graduate and Credits Earned elements on the MOSIS Student Core extract has been updated.

Path: MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > Student Core

Missouri Transfer to District Code Added (SIS-169235)

A new code, 115928: La Salle Charter School, has been added to the values available in the Transfer To District dropdown on the Missouri Enrollments tool.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments

Missouri Enrollment Codes Added (SIS-169337)

Several State Start and End Status codes have been added to the Missouri Enrollments tool.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments


Montana Credentials Field Added (SIS-166870)

A new field, Certification Status, has been added to the Credentials tool for Montana. This field displays when the Credential Type is Education and the Subject Type is SPED: Special Education Content and is required when it displays.

Path: Census > People > Credentials

Montana New District Assignment Field Added (SIS-168395)

A new field, MT Titles, has been added to the Montana District Assignments tool. This is a multi-select dropdown and the values available are located in a locked Attribute Dictionary. The value syncs to the state for MT State Edition and this field is available in Ad hoc (Person.Staff.Assignment.contractType).

Path: Census > People > District Assignments

Montana State Edition New District Assignment Field Added (SIS-168408)

A new field, Supervisor, has been added to the District Assignment tool for Montana State Edition.

Path: Census > People > District Assignments


Nebraska Ed-Fi Student School Attendance Events Update (SIS-166631)

The object triggering logic for the Student School Attendance Events resource has been updated.

This update requires a resync of the Student School Attendance Events resource.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Nebraska Ed-Fi Student Language Instruction Program Associations Update (SIS-166833)

The Student Language Instruction Program Associations resource has been updated to report only one EL service record per service descriptor code.

This update requires a resync of the Student Language Instruction Program Associations resource.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Nebraska Ed-Fi Staff Section Association Update (SIS-168569)

Logic for reporting the classroomPositionDescriptor (DE500) element on the Staff Section Association has been updated.

This update requires a resync of the Staff Section Association resource.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Nebraska Ed-Fi Staff Education Organization Assignment Association Resync Fix (SIS-168876)

The "unable to resolve SexDescriptor" error that occurred when performing a resync on the Staff Education Organization Assignment Association resource has been fixed.

This update requires a resync of the Staff Education Organization Assignment Association resource.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Nevada Special Ed Documents New Look Rewrite (SIS-168850) [Enhancement] 

The Nevada IEP, Data Plan, Service Plan, and Evaluation documents have been completely rewritten with the New Look of Campus. The new print formats for these documents are NV IEP 2023, NV IEP Data Plan 2023, Service Plan 2023, and NV Determination of Eligibility 2023. All other print formats have been archived, but data is retained from these archived print formats for historical purposes.

The IEP eSignature functionality has been updated with the new look as well. Validation has been implemented that the three eSignature editors, Procedural Safeguards, IEP Implementation, and Medicaid Consent, must be in the status Complete Pending eSignature and all other editors must be in a Complete or Not Needed status in order to send the plan to the parent/guardian. See the Individual Education Plan eSignature Process for additional information on the complete eSignature process.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

New Mexico

New Mexico - Ed-Fi Staff and Staff Education Organization Employment Associations Updates (SIS-168429)

The Staff and Staff Education Organization Employment Associations resources have been updated to correctly report fields that depend on a district assignment when the District Staff checkbox is marked.

A resync on the Staff and Staff Education Organization Employment Associations resources needs to be completed with this update.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

New Mexico - Ed-Fi CEIS State Program (SIS-168464)

The CEIS tool has been enabled in the State Programs module to allow districts to enter Coordinated Early Intervening Service records for students.

The Student Program Associations resource has been updated to report CEIS program information.

A resync on the Student Program Associations resource needs to be completed with this update.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi, Student Information > General > Program Participation > State Programs > CEIS

New Mexico - Ed-Fi Student School Attendance Events and Student Section Attendance Events Trigger Updates (SIS-168686)

The delete triggers in the Student School Attendance Events and Student Section Attendance Events resources have been updated to report attendance records correctly.

A resync on the Student School Attendance Events and Student Section Attendance Events resources needs to be completed with this update.

Article(s): New Mexico Ed-Fi Data v3.5 - Student School Attendance Events, New Mexico Ed-Fi Data v3.5 - Student Section Attendance Events

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

New Mexico - Ed-Fi BEP and Community Service Programs Reporting (SIS-168866)

The Student Program Associations resource has been updated to report BEP (Bilingual Education Program) and Community Service program information.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

New York

New York SIRS Student Daily Attendance Update (SIS-168659)

Students with a Local Start Status of 8300 no longer report on the SIRS Student Daily Attendance extract.

Path: NY State Reporting > SIRS Extracts > Student Daily Attendance


Ohio Exiting Student Follow Up (FW) Updates (SIS-167241)

Report population logic for the Exiting Student Follow Up (FW) extract has been updated to report from among all FW records on, or within, the date range set for the extract. Report population has also been updated to report field values from earlier Follow Up Data records if the most recent record has null fields.

Logic for the following fields has been updated:

  • Graduate LEA IRN
  • Disability LEA IRN

Path: OH State Reporting > OH Extracts > Exiting Student Follow Up (FW)

Ohio Follow Up Data (FW) State Program Updates (SIS-168244)

The following attributes have been added to the Follow Up Data (FW) tab:

  • Graduate IRN Override
  • CTE IRN Override
  • SWD IRN Override

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Follow Up Data (FW)


Elements Added to StudentAcademicRecord (SIS-168444)

The following elements were added to the StudentAcademicRecord:

  • CurrentCourseActivity/Courses/Course/SchoolCourseInfoData/InstructionalLevel/Code
  • CurrentCourseActivity/Courses/Course/SchoolCourseInfoData/InstructionalLevel/OtherCodeList/OtherCode
  • CourseHistory/Term/Courses/Course/SchoolCourseInfoData/InstructionalLevel/Code
  • CourseHistory/Term/Courses/Course/SchoolCourseInfoData/InstructionalLevel/OtherCodeList/OtherCode

Path: OK SIF


Pennsylvania IEP Updates (SIS-163669)

Several updates have been made to the Pennsylvania Individual Education Plan. A new IEP print format, PA IEP 2023, is now available. The Communication Plan has been completely rewritten and has additional functionality to match state requirements.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Pennsylvania PIMS Staff Student Subtest Template Updates (SIS-167972)

A new checkbox, All Students, has been added to the extract editor for the PIMS Staff Student Subtest Template. Report logic has been adjusted for this new checkbox.

Path: PA State Reporting > PIMS Extracts > Staff Student Subtest Template

Pennsylvania Graduation Updates (SIS-168204)

The values available for the Industry Credentials and Provider have been updated on the Pennsylvania Graduation tool.

Path: Student Information > General > Graduation

Pennsylvania PIMS Student Template and Student Snapshot Template Update (SIS-168511)

Logic for reporting the student's District Code of Enrollment (field 217) on the PIMS Student Template and PIMS Student Snapshot Template has been updated.

Path: PA State Reporting > PIMS Extracts > Student Template/Student Snapshot Template

Rhode Island

Rhode Island - Grade Earned Report Term Code (SIS-168023)

The Grade Earned Report was incorrectly reporting the same Term Code for a course section, instead of different Term Codes for that section. This has been corrected.

When the Grading Task Name contains a value of Summer, a value of Sum reports. When the Grading Task Name contains a value of Final, a value of Final reports. This is in addition to the TermID count.

Path: RI State Reporting > Grade Earned Report

South Dakota

South Dakota IEP Sort Fix (SIS-167433)

An issue where the parent/guardians where displaying out of order on the Individual Education Plan has been resolved.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

South Dakota - School Calendar Instructional Hours Update (SIS-168443)

The School Calendar Instructional Hours Extract header now reads Required Hours instead of Required Minutes.

Path: SD State Reporting > SD School Calendar Instructional Hours Report

South Dakota - Resident District, Serving District Updates (SIS-168672)

The Resident District and Service (Attending) District fields on the Enrollmentrecord have been modified to address the consolidation of Oldham-Ramona and Rutland school districts into one school district, known as Oldham-Ramona-Rutland 39-6.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District, Serving District


Texas-Ed-Fi-New Resources Implemented (SIS-168970)

The following Ed-Fi resources have been implemented for Texas. They include state-specific fields and reporting logic where appropriate:

Additional resources with required localizations will be implemented in future releases.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Texas-Ed-Fi-Student and Staff ID Reporting Updates (SIS-169495)

The 'StudentID' data element has been updated to report the Previous State ID to allow the Ed-Fi API to successfully sync data for the Students, Student School Association, and Student Education Organization Association resources. The student's Social Security Number reports if the Previous State ID field is blank.

An Ed-Fi ID conversion script has also been created for student and staff-related resources as outlined below. Data is not overwritten if a value already exists for the Ed-Fi ID.

Ed-Fi ID is the Staff State ID when:

  • Values exist for both the Staff State ID and the Student State ID.
  • A value exists for the Staff State ID, but the Student State ID is blank.

Ed-Fi ID is the Student State ID when:

  • A value exists for the Student State ID, but the Staff State ID is blank.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Utah - SIF SectionInfo TimetablePeriod Update (SIS-166245)

The TimetablePeriod element in the SectionInfo object has been updated so that the SIF_Request (batch) output matches the SIF_Event (trigger) logic.

Path: System Administration > Data Interchange > Agents

Utah - Special Education Exit Reason Code Update (SIS-168751)

The ‘M: Membership Exit’ code has been added to the list of values for the Special Ed Exit Reason field on Enrollments.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Exit Reason


Vermont - Need New Organization ID Added (SIS-167968)

The Name for school OrganizationID Code=U097 has been changed to read as BARRE UUSD#97 (for Barre City, Barre Town, and Spaulding HS) in the Custom Attribute Dictionary.

Path: System Admin > Resources > School


Virginia Student Record Collection Updates (SIS-165975)

The report logic for reporting CTE information (fields 39, 40, 41, 62, and 105) on the Student Record Collection has been updated.

Path: VA State Reporting > Student Record Collection

Virginia Assessment State Code Update (SIS-168215)

A issue with Virginia Assessment State Codes of 5264 Gr 5 Science and 5315 Gr 5 Reading CAT (online) has been fixed.

Path: System Administration > Assessments > Test Setup > State Code, System Administration > Custom > Attribute Dictionary > Test > State Code

Virginia New PK Funding Code Added (SIS-168218)

A new PK Funding Code, 14: Special Education Funding for VPI Placement, has been added for Virginia. See the Virginia Enrollments article for additional information.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments, System Administration > Custom > Attribute Dictionary > Enrollments > PK Funding Code

Virginia Student Records Collection Update (SIS-169303)

Logic for reporting Student Record Collection records for student's with GED program changes has been updated.

Path: VA State Reporting > Student Record Collection


Wisconsin - Ed-Fi Sections Triggers Update (SIS-167299)

The triggers for the Sections resource have been updated to only send data when students are rostered in a course or section.

A resync on the Sections resource needs to be completed with this update.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Wyoming – SIF StudentSchoolEnrollment Update for StudentIDEA (SIS-167498)

The StudentIDEA element in the StudentSchoolEnrollment object has been updated to report from the enrollment generating the event instead of reporting from the most recent enrollment.

Path: System Administration > Data Interchange > Agents

Wyoming - SIF StudentSectionEnrollment Update for EntryDate (SIS-168605)

The EntryDate element in the StudentSectionEnrollment object has been updated to accurately report when the student is demoted in grade level during section enrollment.

Path: System Administration > Data Interchange > Agents

Release Pack Campus.2327 - July 2023

Click here to expand...

Release notes provide the applicable personnel the ability to review enhancements, modifications, and regulated changes prior to accepting an updated. It is advised that users review the release notes carefully and alert appropriate district staff to changes in Campus. 

The Release Information article lists the approximate release date of all Campus releases. 

See the Rx Pack - Campus.2327 article for a list of Rx releases to the Campus.2327 release pack.

Questions or concerns regarding an update should be directed to Campus Support.


> Campus.2327




See the Supported Platforms article for more information about supported technologies. 

Update Manifest

See the Campus Release Pack Enhancements article for a list of just enhancement release notes. 

Core Cases

ComponentCase NumberDescription
Activity RegistrationSIS-169880Activity Registration Viewing Tool Fix
Ad hoc ReportingSIS-170090[Enhancement] New Attendance, Classroom Performance, and Stability Insights Reports Now Available
AssessmentSIS-169702[Enhancement] Assessment Center Updates
AssessmentSIS-169962[Enhancement] Test Detail Instructions
BehaviorSIS-148330Behavior Management Duration Calculation Fix
Campus InstructionSIS-115429Grade Book Grid Lines
Campus InstructionSIS-138246Calculating Exempted Assignments
Campus InstructionSIS-151032[Enhancement] Drop Lowest Score Logic Update
Campus InstructionSIS-151252[Enhancement] Proficiency Estimate Calculation - Most Recent
Campus InstructionSIS-157017Drop Lowest Score Logic
Campus InstructionSIS-159507Dropped Students in Submission Scoring Screen
Campus InstructionSIS-167440Active Students in the Teaching Center Assignment List
Campus InstructionSIS-167552Rollup Grade Calculations
Campus InstructionSIS-168043Score Dates in Campus Student
Campus InstructionSIS-168877Grid Lines in the Grade Book
Campus InstructionSIS-170755Adding Multiple Sections to an Assignment
Campus LearningSIS-122659Submission Database Improvements
Campus LearningSIS-166150Student Group Side Panels in Score Analysis & Quizzes
Campus LearningSIS-168500[Enhancement] Resubmitting Assignments
Campus LearningSIS-170209Adding LTI Items to Assignments
CensusSIS-170183Household Mailing Fix
Contact LogSIS-169756Contact Log Performance Optimization
Ed-FiSIS-169723Ed-Fi Student Discipline Incident Non Offender Associations Resource
FeesSIS-102861Fee Audit Report PDF Fix
FeesSIS-119610Fee Audit Report Fix
FeesSIS-125139Fee Billing Batch Fix
FeesSIS-159968Exempted Fee Assignments Fix
FeesSIS-160836Fee Assignment Fix
FeesSIS-46840Fee Audit Report Fee Assignment
FRAMSIS-167575FRAM Approval/Denial Letter Fix
FRAMSIS-169879E-Signature Fix
FRAMSIS-170177FRAM Preferences Fix
Grading SetupSIS-158123Import Standards - Description Character Limit
Grading SetupSIS-169643Standards Bank Side Panels
MessengerSIS-169042[Enhancement] Messenger 2.0 Enhancements
NavigationSIS-145677New Look of Infinite Campus – Refreshing Page Sometimes Freezing Program
NavigationSIS-153627New Look of Infinite Campus – Currently Selected User Not Indicated as Selected in User Search
NavigationSIS-158178[Enhancement] New Look of Infinite Campus – Household Search Incorrectly Leaving Off Address Prefix
NavigationSIS-159950New Look of Infinite Campus – Search Feedback Button Broken
NavigationSIS-169587New Look of Infinite Campus – Scroll Bars Appearing when Search Results are Zoomed to 110%
New Look of Infinite Campus – Bug Causing Missing Context Overlay Search Button in Course-related Tools
OneRosterSIS-168570Campus-Created Assignments with Multiple Alignments
OneRosterSIS-168792[Enhancement] Secondary Email for OneRoster 1.2 Connections
OneRosterSIS-169893[Enhancement] Support for OneRoster Connections Using OAuth 1.0
Online PaymentsSIS-139535Improved Date Logic for Online Payments
Point of SaleSIS-159554[Enhancement] POS Search Screen Queue Enhancement
Point of SaleSIS-169955[Enhancement] Point of Sale 2.0 Maintenance
Point of SaleSIS-170188Application Manager Fix
SchedulingSIS-167139[Enhancement] Course Planner Batch Edit Courses and Constraints
SchedulingSIS-169479Walk-In Scheduler - Teams Loading Incorrectly
SchedulingSIS-169544Schedule Conflict Report
SchedulingSIS-169589Scheduling Board - Trial Deletion Issue
SchedulingSIS-169591Walk-In Scheduler - Dual Credit
SchedulingSIS-169741Scheduling Center Loading Error with More than 2100 Courses
SchedulingSIS-170073Scheduling Board - Build Settings for Teachers/Rooms
SchedulingSIS-170129Walk-In Scheduler - Start, End Dates Incorrect

State-Specific Cases

StateCase NumberDescription
ArizonaSIS-167112Behavior Updates for Ed-Fi
ArizonaSIS-167113New Tribal Enrollment Field
ArizonaSIS-167896Special Ed Updates
ArizonaSIS-16912021st CCLC Updates
ArizonaSIS-169121Section 504 Updates
ArizonaSIS-169145Ed-Fi Discipline Incident Resource - Incident Identifier Format
ArizonaSIS-169533Student Immunization Report (ASIR) Legal Name Option
ArizonaSIS-169642Student School Attendance Events Resource
ArizonaSIS-170092Ed-Fi Logic for ZZZ Enrollment Start/End Status
CaliforniaSIS-99225Perkins CDE 101 Extract- Multiple Enrollments
CaliforniaSIS-160569ELC Direct Upload
ColoradoSIS-168655Student School Association Updates
ColoradoSIS-168956Graduation Guidelines Updates
IllinoisSIS-169318ISBE Student Attendance TempDB Error
IllinoisSIS-169339ISBE Import Multiple Identities Error
IndianaSIS-169586Ed-Fi-Reason for Service Term/Transition Codes Added
IndianaSIS-169732Ed-Fi-Student Special Education Program Associations Resource Update
IndianaSIS-169853Ed-Fi-Reevaluation Types Impacting SSEPA Resource Reporting
KansasSIS-159767ENRL, MILT Extracts Generation Time
KansasSIS-170005EOYA History/Government Assessments
KentuckySIS-168368KECS LEAD Extract
KentuckySIS-169104Safe Schools
MarylandSIS-166341September 30th Attendance Report and SAE Calculation Tool Updates
MinnesotaSIS-166517Ed-Fi Updates
MinnesotaSIS-168946Ed-Fi Updates
MissouriSIS-169906Enrollment End Statuses Added
MissouriSIS-170178MOSIS Student Core On Track to Graduation Logic Update
NebraskaSIS-169128P-EBT Extract Update
NebraskaSIS-169357Ed-Fi Student School Attendance Events Resource Calculation Fix
NebraskaSIS-169464Ed-Fi Student Education Organization Association Language Update
NebraskaSIS-169501Ed-Fi Student Program Association and Sections Rule 18 Logic Updates
NebraskaSIS-169530Special Ed Field Added
NevadaSIS-168616Early Learning Sync to State Edition
New MexicoSIS-167723Ed-Fi Student Special Education Program Associations and Student Special Education Association Events Resources
OhioSIS-169701School and District information Updates
OregonSIS-169790Special Ed Data Plan Features Added
PennsylvaniaSIS-169071PIMS Incident Offender Template Logic Update
South DakotaSIS-168624Section 504 Records
TennesseeSIS-169538Optimize 080 Extract Performance
TexasSIS-167639Ed-Fi-New Teaching and Learning Resources Implemented
TexasSIS-168483NEW Special Education Plan Date Fields
TexasSIS-168821NEW District Information and Graduation Fields
TexasSIS-169588Student Program Interchange Update
TexasSIS-169680IBC Vendor Code Updates
TexasSIS-169706Student Interchange Dyslexia Risk Indicator Update
UtahSIS-168673SIF DisciplineIncidents Updates
VirginiaSIS-166885Immunization Update
VirginiaSIS-169497District Employment Exit Reason Code Added
VirginiaSIS-169665Master Schedule Collection
WisconsinSIS-169661Duration in School Days Field Update
WisconsinSIS-169796Ed-Fi GradingScore Query Update

Technical Information

See the Technical Information - Release Pack Campus.2327 article for a list of schema changes in this release.

Activity Registration

Activity Registration Viewing Tool Fix (SIS-169880)

Non-blank optional forms with no ambiguous data would return a server error in the viewing tool and optional forms with ambiguous data to never load. This has been corrected.

Path: Portal > Activity Registration

Ad hoc Reporting

New Attendance, Classroom Performance, and Stability Insights Reports Now Available (SIS-170090) [Enhancement] 

The following new Insights reports are now available:

  • Attendance
    • Absenteeism Percent
      • This report provides an aggregate view of student absenteeism, broken out into percentage groups.
    • Reason by Period
      • This report displays a count of student absences per absence reason per attendance period.
    • Reason by Weekday
      • This report displays a count of student absences per absence reason per day of the week.
    • Status by Period
      • This report displays a count of absent and tardy attendance events (by students with an Attendance GRAD Score between 50-100) broken out by attendance period.
    • Status by Weekday
      • This report displays a count of absent and tardy attendance events (by students with an Attendance GRAD Score between 50-100) broken out by day of the week.
  • Classroom Performance
    • Flagged Assignments
      • This report returns assignments that are past due without a score or assignments that have been flagged as Cheated, Dropped, Exempt, Incomplete, or Missing.
    • Percent Tier by Course
      • This report interprets student performance based on percentage received in a particular course as opposed to the actual grade mark, sorted by Course Name.
    • Percent Tier by Student
      • This report interprets student performance based on percentage received in a particular course as opposed to the actual grade mark, organized by Student Name.
    • Percent Tier by Teacher
      • This report interprets student performance based on percentage received in a particular course as opposed to the actual grade mark, organized by Teacher Name.
  • Stability
    • Enrolled by Status
      • This report provides a count of active RTI plans where Stability is a risk factor, organized by RTI plan name.
    • Active RTI Plans
      • This report provides a count of active RTI plans where Stability is a risk factor, organized by RTI plan name.
    • RTI Participation
      • This report identifies all RTI programs students (with an Early Warning GRAD Score between 50-100) have or are still participating in.

Path: Insights


Assessment Center Updates (SIS-169702) [Enhancement] 

Updates have been made to the functionality of the Assessment Center including:

  • When selecting 'Add Existing', the child assessment is not associated with the parent assessment until it is saved.
  • The Academic Achievement Standards drop list is not available for selection if standards have not been established.

Path: Assessment > Assessment Center

Test Detail Instructions (SIS-169962) [Enhancement] 

The Test Detail section of the Assessment Center has been updated to include instructions for the user.

Path: Assessment > Assessment Center


Behavior Management Duration Calculation Fix (SIS-148330)

An issue where the Duration in School Days calculation on the Behavior Management tool was not calculating days correctly has been fixed.

Path: System Administration > Preferences > System Preferences, Behavior > Behavior Management

Campus Instruction

Districts in session should be aware of the following cases that relate to grade calculations; there is potential for In-Progress grades to be slightly affected depending on setup. Posted grades will not be affected. 

  • SIS-151032
  • SIS-151252
  • SIS-167552

Grade Book Grid Lines (SIS-115429)

Previously, the grid lines in the Grade Book displayed out of alignment the further a teacher scrolled through assignments. This has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Grade Book

Calculating Exempted Assignments (SIS-138246)

Previously, assignments with scores that exceeded the maximum score allowed were causing an error when calculating In-Progress grades, even if the assignment was marked as exempt. This has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Grade Book

Drop Lowest Score Logic Update (SIS-151032) [Enhancement] 

The Drop Lowest Score calculation has been updated so that if two scores are tied for the lowest percentage, the score with the highest Points Possible is flagged as dropped. Previously, the score with the earliest Due Date was dropped.

Path: Instruction > Grade Book > Categories > Drop Lowest Score

Proficiency Estimate Calculation - Most Recent (SIS-151252) [Enhancement] 

Previously, when using a calculation of Most Recent for proficiency estimates, if the two most recent assignments were due on the same day, a score of N/A was displayed. Logic has been updated to determine the most recent assignment based on both the date and time it is due.

Path: Instruction > Grade Book

Drop Lowest Score Logic (SIS-157017)

Previously, if a teacher had Drop Lowest Score marked for a Category and then manually excluded the assignment with the lowest score from calculation, the excluded assignment was still flagged as Dropped, even though the calculation had already flagged a new lowest score as dropped. Logic has been updated to remove the dropped flag from the excluded assignment.

Path: Instruction > Grade Book > Settings > Categories > Drop Lowest Score

Dropped Students in Submission Scoring Screen (SIS-159507)

Previously, students who had dropped a course were still visible in the submission scoring screen. This has been corrected.

Article(s): Scoring Submissions

Path: Instruction > Grade Book > expand assignment > Evaluate Work

Active Students in the Teaching Center Assignment List (SIS-167440)

Previously, the Show Active Students Only account setting did not apply when viewing a list of missing assignments via the Teaching Center. This has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Teaching Center > assignment icon > Missing

Rollup Grade Calculations (SIS-167552)

The precision of the Rollup calculation has been improved to be consistent with the logic for composite grading and other grade calculations.

Path: Instruction > Grade Book

Score Dates in Campus Student (SIS-168043)

Previously, if a teacher had set a release date for scores, scored an assignment, and then later updated the assignment to release scores on save, the date the assignment was scored displayed differently between the score notification (date score was released) and the Grade Book Updates tool (date score was entered). This has been corrected so that the date the score was released is shown in both locations.

Path: Campus Student > Grade Book Updates, Notifications

Grid Lines in the Grade Book (SIS-168877)

Previously, grid lines in the Grade Book were sometimes misaligned if the user had increased the resolution to over 100% while using Google Chrome. This has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Grade Book

Adding Multiple Sections to an Assignment (SIS-170755)

Previously, opening the Add Sections side panel caused interruptions to the assignmentsave process. This has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Grade Book > Add > Add Sections

Campus Learning

Submission Database Improvements (SIS-122659)

Updates have been made to how submissions are stored to improve performance.

Path: No specific path

Student Group Side Panels in Score Analysis & Quizzes (SIS-166150)

Previously, when a user accessing the Grade Book as a guest opened the Student Group side panel for Score Analysis or Quiz responses and attempted to close the side panel, an error occurred. This has been corrected.

Path: Scheduling > Courses > Section > Grade Book > Settings > Score Analysis

Resubmitting Assignments (SIS-168500) [Enhancement] 

Two improvements have been made to the submissions workflow. Both enhancements make it simpler to allow students to resubmit an assignment as needed.

  • Reattempts: When a teacher enables submissions for an assignment, they allow students to make multiple attempts on the assignment. If desired, limit the number of reattempts allowed.
  • Reassign: When viewing a submission in the scoring screen, teachers can click Reassign to allow just that student to resubmit the assignment.

Teachers must have the Enhanced Curriculum tool right to enable submissions in assignments.

Path: Instruction > Grade Book > Assignment > Task > Student Submission > Allow multiple attempts; Instruction > Grade Book > Score > Reassign

Adding LTI Items to Assignments (SIS-170209)

As a result of recent changes, teachers were unable to align learning tools to assignments via an LTI connection. This has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Grade Book > Add


Household Mailing Fix (SIS-170183)

Users were encountering an error where they were unable to check or uncheck the Mailing checkbox on Addresses from within a Household. This has been corrected.

Path: Census > Households > Address

Contact Log

Contact Log Performance Optimization (SIS-169756)

Performance has been optimized for Contact Logs.

Path: Student Information > Custom Module Setup


Ed-Fi Student Discipline Incident Non Offender Associations Resource (SIS-169723)

The Student Discipline Incident Non Offender Associations resource has been enabled for Core Ed-Fi reporting.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Fee Audit Report PDF Fix (SIS-102861)

The Fee Type and Fee Name columns were overlapping within the Fee Audit Report PDF if there were too many characters in the Fee Type column. This has been corrected.

Path: Fees > Reports > Fee Audit Report

Fee Audit Report Fix (SIS-119610)

If a calendar was selected in the report options of the Fee Audit Report that a student did not have an enrollment for, the student’s payments would not show for other calendars selected. This has been corrected.

Path: Fees > Reports > Fee Audit Report

Fee Billing Batch Fix (SIS-125139)

When typing an ampersand (&) into the Notes field of the Fee Billing Batch Report and submitting the report to batch, the text in the Notes field will cut off beginning with the &. This has been corrected.

Path: Fees > Reports > Fee Billing Batch

Exempted Fee Assignments Fix (SIS-159968)

When a Fee Audit Report with Exempted Fee Assignments is exported to CSV file, the comments show #NAME? instead of the actual comments. This has been corrected.

Path: Fees > Reports > Fee Audit

Fee Assignment Fix (SIS-160836)

If the Calendar was changed while using New Fee Assignment, the Fees list was not refreshed to reflect only the fees available to the school associated with the selected Calendar. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Fees

Fee Audit Report Fee Assignment (SIS-46840)

The Fee Audit Report was not pulling fees for students unless they were actively enrolled in the selected calendar. This has been corrected.

Path: Fees > Reports > Fee Audit Report


FRAM Approval/Denial Letter Fix (SIS-167575)

If a household did not have an active address and a user chose to print the Approval/Denial letter from the FRAM Application processing, the letter was not generating. This has been corrected.

Path: Parent Portal > More > Meal Benefits

E-Signature Fix (SIS-169879)

An error was occurring where the E-Signature tool would not load if no preference was saved for the E-Signature and Password reset was not turned on. This has been corrected.

Path: System Administration > User Security > E-Signature

FRAM Preferences Fix (SIS-170177)

An error was occurring where Application Preferences and Verification Preferences could only save if if there was existing data. This has been corrected.

Path: FRAM > FRAM Preferences

Grading Setup

Import Standards - Description Character Limit (SIS-158123)

When importing standards, the character limit for the Description field has been increased to 2000 characters.

Path: Grading & Standards > Standards Bank > Import Standards

Standards Bank Side Panels (SIS-169643)

Previously, if a user was moving standards to another parent, they could still interact with the screen behind the Move side panel. This has been corrected.

Path: Grading & Standards > Standards Bank


Messenger 2.0 Enhancements (SIS-169042) [Enhancement] 

We have removed the Contacts Message Limit field (One Message Total vs. Message for Each Student) on Step 1 of the Messenger 2.0 Workflow.

If a Student Field and/or Student Sub-Report is added into any Message Body on Step 2, the campaign will treat the message delivery as though 'Message For Each Student' was selected. If no Student Fields/Sub-Reports are present, the campaign will send as One Message Total.

The 'Allow Multiple Messages in a Single Call' setting will be hidden from Communication > Messenger Settings > Voice Settings > Global Voice Settings. The setting will be set to 'Yes' for each district. This will reduce unnecessary calls and texts within campaigns and provide a consistent experience

Test Messages (Email, Voice, and Text) priority will be increased to the highest priority setting to reduce delays if an active campaign is going on. Increased priority of test messages will immediately insert the test message into the queue.

Path: Communication > Messenger > Messenger 2.0


New Look of Infinite Campus – Refreshing Page Sometimes Freezing Program (SIS-145677)

A bug was occasionally causing Infinite Campus to freeze when users refreshed the screen they were on. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A

New Look of Infinite Campus – Currently Selected User Not Indicated as Selected in User Search (SIS-153627)

When already viewing a user account and then performing a User account search, search results were failing to indicate the user you are currently viewing as selected (if the user appears in said search results). This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A

New Look of Infinite Campus – Household Search Incorrectly Leaving Off Address Prefix (SIS-158178) [Enhancement] 

The Household search was incorrectly removing the prefix from household address search results. This issue was corrected.

Path: Search Tab > Household

New Look of Infinite Campus – Search Feedback Button Broken (SIS-159950)

The Feedback button found when using the New Look of Infinite Campus search bar was preventing users from completing a feedback submission. To correct this issue, this button was removed and any feedback about the New Look of Infinite Campus should be submitted via the Feedback button in the User Menu

Path: N/A

New Look of Infinite Campus – Scroll Bars Appearing when Search Results are Zoomed to 110% (SIS-169587)

Scroll bars were incorrectly appearing for search results for users who zoomed their web browser to 110%. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A

New Look of Infinite Campus – Bug Causing Missing Context Overlay Search Button in Course-related Tools (SIS-171443)

A bug was causing the context overlay search button to not appear for Course-related tooling. This issue was corrected.

Path: N/A


Campus-Created Assignments with Multiple Alignments (SIS-168570)

Previously, when Campus-created assignments with multiple alignments were returned via the OneRoster API, multiple records returned with matching data. Logic has been updated to correctly return multiple records with different alignment data.

Path: No specific path

Secondary Email for OneRoster 1.2 Connections (SIS-168792) [Enhancement] 

The option that is available for 1.1 OneRoster connections to return users' Secondary Email address instead of their Primary one has been added for 1.2 connections as well.

Path: System Administration > Learning Interoperability

Support for OneRoster Connections Using OAuth 1.0 (SIS-169893) [Enhancement] 

The popup and instructions that display for users with OneRoster connections using OAuth 1.0 has been updated to include the new date at which those connections will not be supported: December 18, 2023.

Path: System Administration > Learning Interoperability > OneRoster connections

Online Payments

Improved Date Logic for Online Payments (SIS-139535)

Updated logic to allow payments to be made in between Calendar Start/End dates for Food Service, Optional Fees, and Recurring Payments.

Path: N/A

Point of Sale

POS Search Screen Queue Enhancement (SIS-159554) [Enhancement] 

If a cashier was in the Search screen on the terminal and another patron entered their PIN number, once the cashier selected a patron on the search, the student that entered their PIN disappears. With this enhancement, patrons are put in a queue rather than removing them when another patron is selected.

Path: POS Terminal

Point of Sale Maintenance (SIS-169955) [Enhancement] 

The following updates have been made to the Point of Sale tool:

  • Added feature to add patrons back in queue when new patron selected through search side panel.
  • Added option to hide filters in the search side panel to display more patrons on screen.

Path: N/A

Application Manager Fix (SIS-170188)

The Application Manager was displaying "Service" instead of the school with the 2323 update. This has been corrected.

Path: Point of Sale > Administration > Application Manager


Course Planner Batch Edit Courses and Constraints (SIS-167139) [Enhancement] 

As part of the ongoing enhancements to scheduling tools and the dependency on JAVA, the Course Planner now includes the ability to add rules and constraints to multiple courses at one time.

There are two Batch Edit options available:

  • Batch Edit Courses updates the general course fields that are visible on the main view of the Course Planner - Sections to Build, Max Seats, Terms, etc., that are used to when planning the schedule for the next year.
  • Batch Edit Constraints adds, replaces and removes assigned teachers, assigned rooms and assigned placement restrictions for the filtered courses.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Course Planner

Walk-In Scheduler - Teams Loading Incorrectly (SIS-169479)

Students assigned to a team were not scheduled into course sections assigned to that same team when using the Walk-In Scheduler to schedule students. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Schedule > Walk-In Scheduler

Schedule Conflict Report (SIS-169544)

The Schedule Conflicts Report now generates with the correct conflict information when run from a trial that was copied from a previous trial, loaded and then made active.

Path: Scheduling > Reports > Schedule Conflict

Scheduling Board - Trial Deletion Issue (SIS-169589)

When attempting to delete an inactive, not locked trial in the Scheduling Board, an error message displayed indicating the selected trial could not be deleted because it was in use by another user. This has been corrected.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Scheduling > Scheduling Board > Trial Selection

Walk-In Scheduler - Dual Credit (SIS-169591)

An error message displayed when attempting to remove the Dual Credit checkbox on the Walk-In Scheduler. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Schedule > Walk-In Scheduler

Scheduling Center Loading Error with More than 2100 Courses (SIS-169741)

When a calendar had more than 2100 courses, the Scheduling Center and the Course Planner option in the Scheduling Center returned an error. This has been corrected.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Scheduling > Scheduling Center

Scheduling Board - Build Settings for Teachers/Rooms (SIS-170073)

The Scheduling Board Build Settings for Drag & Drop: Engage Builder to Automatically Assign Teachers/Rooms was not assigning teachers when marked to do so. This has been corrected.

Path: Scheduling > Scheduling Board > Build > Settings

Walk-In Scheduler - Start, End Dates Incorrect (SIS-170129)

The start and end dates of a course section on theWalk-In Scheduler were not displaying as the correct dates. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Schedule > Walk-In Scheduler

State-Specific Notes


Arizona - Behavior Updates for Ed-Fi (SIS-167112)

The following changes were made to Behavior related tools for upcoming Ed-Fi reporting changes:

  • State Event Codes were updated for Behavior Event Types.
  • State Resolution Codes were updated for Behavior Resolution Types.
  • On the Resolution editor, two new fields were added to indicate whether the student received services during removal.
    • When the Services During Removal Declined checkbox is marked, the student's parents/guardians chose NOT to have services provided for the student.
    • When the Services Provided During Removal is marked, the student did continue to receive services during the removal.

Path: Behavior > Admin, Resolution Type Setup, Event Type Setup, Behavior > Behavior Management > Events and Participants > Add Resolution

Arizona - New Tribal Enrollment Field (SIS-167113)

A new Tribal Enrollmentfield has been added to the Race/Ethnicity fields on the Identities, Demographics and Add Person tools. The Tribal Enrollment field lists the tribes in which the student is enrolled. This is similar to the Tribal Affiliation field and includes the same values for selection; however, a person can affiliated with many tribes but only enrolled in one tribe.

The Tribal Enrollment field is needed for Ed-Fi Reporting.

Path: Census > Identities > Race/Ethnicity > Tribal Enrollment

Arizona Special Ed Updates (SIS-167896)

The Arizona Individual Education Plan and Evaluation have been update to meet compliancy for the 23-24 school year. Updates to the IEP include:

  • a new print format, AZ IEP 2023, is now available.
  • the following formats have been archived: AZ IEP 2016 Format(historical), AZ IEP 2015 Format(historical), AZ IEP 2013 Format(historical), AZ IEP 2012 Format(historical), AZ IEP 2011 Format(historical), AZ IEP 2010 Format(historical), AZ IEP Format(historical), and Campus Default IEP Format. See the Arizona Archived Special Ed Documents article for additional information.
  • a validation error on the Education Plan editor has been fixed.
  • on the Enrollment editor, the ED Emotional Disability and EDP Emotional (separate facility, private school) disabilities have been removed from the dropdown and a new value, ED/EDP Emotional Disability, has been added. The following Enrollment editor fields have been moved to the Placement and LRE editor: Special Ed Setting, SPED Concurrency Type, Primary SPED Services School. The Ancillary Disability 1 and Secondary SPED Services School fields have been removed.
  • several Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) fields and a new field, Describe the extent to which the student will participate in their day with non-disabled peers, have been moved to the newly created Placement and LRE editor.
  • the Team Meeting editor has been updated to clean up formatting as well as incorporate new validation. Five specific Roles are now required to Save the editor, Parent/Guardian, General Education Teacher, Special Education Teacher, PEA Representative, and Test Result Interpreter.
  • the PLAAFP editor has also been updated to include a Specify Other field which displays and is required when Other (Please Specify) is selected as the PLAAFP Section.
  • the Special Education Services editor has also bee updated. This includes a new Specify Other field, a new Service Type field, Service Position and Setting fields are now required, and a new field for # of Sessions has been added. Several formatting updates have also been implemented. The Related Services, Supplementary Aids and Services, and Supports for School Personnel Services editors also have these same updates.
  • the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) editor has been removed in favor of the Placement and LRE editor.
  • the Prior Written Notice editor has been updated, including renaming the Date PWN Sent/Given to Parents to Date PWN Given to Parents, two new fields, Email and Phone, as well as verbiage updates.
  • these updates are also reflected in the printed document.

Updates to the Evaluation include:

  • a new print format, AZ Eval 2023, is now available.
  • the following print formats have been archived: AZ ESR 2019 Format(historical), AZ ESR 2010 Format(historical), Campus (AZ) ESR Format (historical), Campus Part B Notice of Evaluation, and Campus Part C Notice of Evaluation. See the Arizona Archived Special Ed Documents article for additional information.
  • a new editor, Outcomes, has been added and several fields from the Evaluation Information (Assessment Category and Assessment Outcomes Summary) editor have been moved to this new editor.
  • the Prior Written Notice editor has been updated, including renaming the Date PWN Sent/Given to Parents to Date PWN Given to Parents, two new fields, Email and Phone, as well as verbiage updates.
  • these updates are also reflected in the printed document.

Updates to the Team Members tool include:

  • a new field, IDEA Parent, has been added to the Team Members tool for Arizona. This field is for reporting purposes only.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents, Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members

Arizona - 21st CCLC Updates (SIS-169120)

A student survey/evaluation is now included for each student participating in CCLC programming. The student is evaluated on Class Participation, Classroom Behavior and Peer Relationships.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > 21st CCLC

Arizona - Section 504 Updates (SIS-169121)

The Section 504editor has been modified to include the following:

  • Exit Reason
  • IDEA Contact
  • Primary and other Disabilities (up to seven)
  • Primary and Secondary 504 Services School

All of these fields are available in the Filter Designer for ad hoc reporting.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Section 504

Arizona - Ed-Fi Discipline Incident Resource - Incident Identifier Format (SIS-169145)

The format of the Incident Identifier in the Discipline Incident Resource has been modified to report as <District Entity ID>-<Incident ID>.

A resync is needed as part of this update for ALL Discipline resources.

Path: Ed-Fi

Arizona - Student Immunization Report (ASIR) Legal Name Option (SIS-169533)

The ASIR has been updated to include options to print the student's Preferred Name or Legal Name,

Path: Health > Reporting > Student Immunization Report

Arizona - Student School Attendance Events Resource (SIS-169642)

The Student School Attendance Events Resource has been modified to NOT include Course Sections that are marked as State Exclude.

A resync is needed on this resource.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Arizona - Ed-Fi Logic for ZZZ Enrollment Start/End Status (SIS-170092)

Trigger logic for the ZZZ Enrollment Start and End Statuses has been modified to correctly report enrollment information for the Student Special Education Program Associations.

A resync is needed for the resources mentioned above.

Path: Ed-Fi


California - Perkins CDE 101 Extract- Multiple Enrollments (SIS-99225)

The Perkins CDE 101 Extract was not including students who were enrolled in multiple calendars during the reporting year. This has been corrected.

Path: Perkins CDE 101

California - ELC Direct Upload (SIS-160569)

Report logic for the ELC Direct Upload has been modified to report only those 11th grade students who have the ELC Eligible checkbox marked on their enrollment record.

Informational text on the Report Editor has been updated.

Path: CA State Reporting > ELC Direct Upload to UC


Colorado - Student School Association Updates (SIS-168655)

Modifications have been made to the 2023-24 Student School Association Extract:

  • Several fields in the Report Layout have been renamed for clarity, but are still in the same position.
  • A new Post Secondary Program Enrollment field has been added to the end of the extract. Information reports from the Post Secondary Program field on the State Reporting Enrollment editor, which has also been modified for new codes and to remove inactive codes.
  • New Special Ed Exit Reasons have been added to the Special Ed Enrollment Editor.
  • The list of available State Funding Codes has been updated to remove inactive codes.

Path: CO State Reporting > Data Pipeline > Student Interchange > Student School Association; Student Information > General > Enrollments

Colorado - Graduation Guidelines Updates (SIS-168956)

Local Measures have been removed from the Graduation Guidelines Extract and from the Student Graduation tool.

Path: CO State Reporting > Data Pipeline > Student Interchange > Graduation Guidelines; Student Information > General > Graduation


Illinois - ISBE Student Attendance TempDB Error (SIS-169318)

Logic has been rewritten to prevent TempDB Errors when generating the Student Attendance State Extract

Path: IL State Reporting > ISBE Extracts > Student Attendance

Illinois - ISBE Import Multiple Identities Error (SIS-169339)

Errors were occurring during ISBE import when a student had multiple identity records with the same spelling. This has been corrected.

Path: Census > People > Identities


Indiana-Ed-Fi-Reason for Service Term/Transition Codes Added (SIS-169586)

The 'Reason for Service Term/Transition' codes under the SEPlan section of the Attribute Dictionary have been updated:


  • EY: End of Year
  • 99: No longer qualifies

The numbers for existing codes have been changed to match state codes as part of this update.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Education Plan > Reason for Service Term/Transition

Indiana-Ed-Fi-Student Special Education Program Associations Resource Update (SIS-169732)

The logic for the 'educationOrganizationReference' data element within the Student Special Education Program Associations Resource has been updated:

  • 'educationOrganizationId' reports as 10 + (District Number of reporting organization) + (Code value of selected Access School) when the 'Access School' field under the enrollment status of the IEP is not blank. This change allows users to specify the 'educationOrganizationId' when reporting the special education record.
  • 'educationOrganizationReference' uses the current logic when the 'Access School' field is blank.

A resync is required as part of this update for all students with IEPs that specify an access school.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Indiana-Ed-Fi-Reevaluation Types Impacting SSEPA Resource Reporting (SIS-169853)

Reevaluation type Special Education evaluations negatively impacted reporting of the Student Special Education Program Associations (SSEPA) resource. Logic has been updated to address this:

  • Only 'Initial' evaluation types are considered and included in the reporting population. This includes the reporting of locked evaluations. The logic only considers those designated as Initial.

A resync of the Student Special Education Program Associations resource is required as part of this update.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Kansas - ENRL, MILT Extracts Generation Time (SIS-159767)

The ENRL and MILT Extracts have been optimized for performance and to reduce the length of generation time when reporting for more than one calendar in the district.

Path: KS State Reporting > Collection Extract > ENRL, MILT

Kansas - EOYA History/Government Assessments (SIS-170005)

The History/Government assessments now report correctly on the EOYA Extract. Previously, a year needed to be selected on the parent assessment prior to scores being submitted.

Path: KS State Reporting > KIDS Collection > EOYA


Kentucky – KECS LEAD Extract (SIS-168368)

A new report, Kentucky Educator Credentialing System (KECS) Local Educator Assignment Data (LEAD) Extract, has been added. The data collected allows users to detect data issues prior to sending their data to the state.

Path: KY State Reporting > KECS LEAD Extract

Kentucky – Safe Schools (SIS-169104)

Two new regulated behavior events (V19: Hazing 1st Degree, V20 Hazing 2nd Degree) that trigger a safe schools record in the Safe Schools Report starting with the 23-24 school year have been added.

Path: System Administration>Custom>Attribute/Dictionary>Behavior > State Event Code Mapping


Maryland-September 30th Attendance Report and SAE Calculation Tool Updates (SIS-166341)

Reporting logic has been updated for several of the data elements of the September 30th Attendance and Enrollment Report and the State Aid Eligibility (SAE) Calculation Tool. A new 'First Day of School Date' field has been added to the September 30th Attendance and Enrollment extract editor as part of this release.

Path: MD State Reporting > September 30th Attendance and Enrollment, SAE Calculation Tool


Minnesota – Ed-Fi (SIS-168946)

An issue resulting in enrollments marked as Homebound to erroneously report attendance values via the MN Ed-Fi SSA has been resolved.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Minnesota – Ed-Fi (SIS-166517)

MN State Aid Category 11 has been updated in the Attribute Dictionary to match the Minnesota Department of Education code description.

Path: System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary


Missouri Enrollment End Statuses Added (SIS-169906)

Two new State End Status Codes, T010: MOCAP host unenrollment (disengagement) and T011: MOCAP host district (full-time) to MOCAP course, have been added for Missouri. See the Missouri Enrollments tool article for additional information.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments, System Administration > Custom > Attribute Dictionary > Enrollment > State End Status (locked)

Missouri MOSIS Student Core On Track to Graduation Logic Update (SIS-170178)

Logic for reporting whether or not a student is On Track to Graduate on the MOSIS Student Core extract has been updated to look at total credits earned, planned, and in progress. Previously, student's where reporting as N incorrectly when they had planned courses in the next school year. This has been fixed.

Path: MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > Student Core, Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > On Track


Nebraska P-EBT Extract Update (SIS-169128)

The report population for the Nebraska P-EBT Extract was previously missing qualified students. Report logic has been updated to correct this.

Path: NE State Reporting > P-EBT Extract

Nebraska Ed-Fi Student School Attendance Events Resource Calculation Fix (SIS-169357)

The Event Duration calculation on the Student School Attendance Events resource has been updated to also check roster dates for skinnied courses.

This update requires a resync of the Student School Attendance Events resource.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Nebraska Ed-Fi Student Education Organization Association Language Update (SIS-169464)

The Student Education Organization Association resource has been updated so the languageUseDescriptor sends Dominant Language instead of Home Language.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Nebraska Ed-Fi Student Program Association and Sections Rule 18 Logic Updates (SIS-169501)

Object triggering logic on the Student Program Association and Sections resources has been updated to fix an issue when reporting Rule-18 Interim-Program School students.

This update requires a resync of the Student Program Association resource.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Nebraska Special Ed Field Added (SIS-169530)

A new field, Part C Transition Delay Reason, has been added to the Enrollment editor on both the Individual Education Plan and Individual Family Service Plan. This has been applied to the existing NE IEP 2022 and NE IFSP 2022 print formats.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents.


Nevada-Early Learning Sync to State Edition (SIS-168616)

Early Learning records created at the district level did not fully sync to the Nevada State Edition. This issue has been corrected. Complete records now sync to the state edition as expected.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning, System Administration > Data Utilities > Resync State Data

New Mexico

New Mexico - Ed-Fi Student Special Education Program Associations and Student Special Education Association Events Resources (SIS-167723)

The Student Special Education Program Associations and Student Special Education Associations Events resources have been made available for Ed-Fi reporting in New Mexico.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Ohio School and District information Updates (SIS-169701)

  • The College Credit Plus Group fields were moved from the Building General Information tab to the District General Information tab.
  • Preschool SPED Agreements fields were add to the District General Information tab.
  • PBIS data entry was updated to capture Status and Months separately and conversion was done for existing data

Path: System Administration > Resources > District Information > District - General Information (DN)

System Administration > Resources > School > Building - General Information (DN)


Oregon Special Ed Data Plan Features Added (SIS-169790)

Oregon users can now copy or amend an existing Data Plan. See the Amend Special Ed Documents or the Plan Copy Wizard articles for additional information.

With this update, the serviceName field has also been added in Ad hoc.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Amend, Copy


Pennsylvania PIMS Incident Offender Template Logic Update (SIS-169071)

The PIMS Incident Offender Template has been updated to report students with one or more weapons involved in the incident.

Path: PA State Reporting > PIMS Extracts > Incident Offender Template

South Dakota

South Dakota - Section 504 Records (SIS-168624)

A new Section 504 tool is now available for South Dakota District Edition and State Edition. The Section 504 tool allows the recording of student's Section 504 program participation start and end dates. Staff can print a Summary Report of the Section 504 information.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Section 504


Tennessee - Optimize 080 Extract Performance (SIS-169538)

The EIS 080 Student Final Grade Extract performance has been optimized to resolve tempdb size issues.

Path: TN State Reporting > EIS batch Transmission File


Texas-Ed-Fi-New Teaching and Learning Resources Implemented (SIS-167639)

The following Ed-Fi resources have been implemented for Texas:

Additional resources and required localizations will be implemented in future releases.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Texas-NEW Special Education Plan Date Fields (SIS-168483)

New date fields have been added to the Texas Special Education Data Plan:

  • Consent to Eval Receive Date
    • Date when the Local Education Agency (LEA) received written consent for the full individual and initial evaluation (FIIE) from the student's parent.
  • Original ECI Services Date
    • Date when an infant or toddler, from birth through age 2, became eligible to participate in the early childhood intervention program.

The layout of the Education Plan screen has been re-formatted to better accommodate these additional fields.

Path: Student Information > Special Education > General > Documents > TX State Reporting SPED > Education Plan

Texas-NEW District Information and Graduation Fields (SIS-168821)

Two new drop list fields have been added for Texas users:

Path: System Administration > Resources > District Information, Student Information > General > Graduation > State Reporting Graduation Fields

Texas-Student Program Interchange Update (SIS-169588)

The Student Special Ed Program Association Extension under the Student Program Interchange pulled 9 numbers when reporting the 'StateOrganizationID'. Logic has been updated to correct this. 'StateOrganizationID' now only reports the assigned State District Number (6 digits).

Path: TX State Reporting > TSDS Extract > Student Program Interchange

Texas-IBC Vendor Code Updates (SIS-169680)

The IBC Vendor Codes have been updated in the Attribute Dictionary. These options are now available in the IBC Vendor drop list under the Graduation Endorsement/Certification Information section of the Graduation record.

  • Reactivated
    • 120: AdvanceOnline
    • 260: ClickSafety
    • 300: Independent Electrical Contractors Texas
    • 500: PURE Safety
    • 530: Summit Training Source
    • 630: University of South Florida Health
  • Added
    • 1330: EPA
    • 1340: CodeHS
    • 1350: Construction Career Collaborative
    • 1360: Dassault Systems
    • 1370: Ducks Unlimited
    • 1380: National Retail Federation Foundation
    • 1390: AgriLife Learn

Path: Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Endorsement/Certification Information

Texas-Student Interchange Dyslexia Risk Indicator Update (SIS-169706)

The 'Dyslexia Risk Indicator' data element did not report in the Student Interchange when students had an active record saved. This issue has been resolved:

  • 'Dyslexia Risk Indicator' field updated to correctly use current reporting logic.
  • 'Dyslexia Screening Exception Reason' logic updated to only report if Dyslexia Risk = 03.

Path: TX State Reporting > TSDS Extract > Student Interchange


Utah - SIF DisciplineIncidents Updates (SIS-168673)

The DisciplineIncidents object has been updated to accurately report the PhysicalArrestFlag, SearchAndSeizureFlag, CriminalCitationFlag, NonCriminalCitationFlag, and Retaliation extended elements.

Path: System Administration > Data Interchange > Agents


Virginia Immunization Update (SIS-166885)

The Meningococcal MCV4 immunization requirements have been updated for Virginia. See the Virginia Immunization Rules article for additional information.

Path: System Administration > Health > Vaccines

Virginia District Employment Exit Reason Code Added (SIS-169497)

A new exit reason code, 18: Housing (Distance, Cost, Location, Other), has been added to the values available in the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Reason for Leaving fields on the Virginia District Employment tool. These values are located in a locked Attribute Dictionary.

Path: Census > People > District Employment; System Administration > Custom > Attribute Dictionary > District Employment > Exit Reason (Locked)

Virginia Master Schedule Collection (SIS-169665)

Students served a VDOE licensed Private School for Students with Disabilities no longer report on the F record of the Virginia Master Schedule Report. The only exceptions are the following schools which still report these students:

  • New Community (0701)
  • St. Mary’s (1241)
  • The Auburn School (1251)

Path: VA State Reporting > Master Schedule


Wisconsin - Duration in School Days Field Update (SIS-169661)

The length of the Duration in School Days field in the Add Resolution editor of a Behavior Incident has been increased to allow four digits before the decimal and two digits after the decimal.

Path: Behavior > Behavior Management

Wisconsin - Ed-Fi GradingScore Query Update (SIS-169796)

The Ed-Fi GradingScore Query has been updated to improve SQL performance.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Release Pack Campus.2331 - July 2023

Click here to expand...

Release notes provide the applicable personnel the ability to review enhancements, modifications, and regulated changes prior to accepting an updated. It is advised that users review the release notes carefully and alert appropriate district staff to changes in Campus. 

The Release Information article lists the approximate release date of all Campus releases. 

See the Rx Pack - Campus.2331 article for a list of Rx releases to the Campus.2331 release pack.

Questions or concerns regarding an update should be directed to Campus Support.


> Campus.2331




See the Supported Platforms article for more information about supported technologies. 

Update Manifest

See the Campus Release Pack Enhancements article for a list of just enhancement release notes. 

Core Cases

ComponentCase NumberDescription
Activity RegistrationSIS-170777Activity Registration Maintenance
Ad hoc ReportingSIS-159426[Enhancement] New Look of Infinite Campus - Ad Hoc Query Wizard Updated to Recognize Context Change
Ad hoc ReportingSIS-168372[Enhancement] Ad hoc Behavior Response Times Update
AssessmentSIS-170140[Enhancement] Test Type Updates
AssessmentSIS-170807Result Statuses Updates
AssessmentSIS-170842Incorrect Icons When Copying Assessments in State Editions
AssessmentSIS-171101User Group Updates
AssessmentSIS-171292Publishing Test Scores Update
CalendarSIS-166920[Enhancement] Calendar Roll Forward - Calendar ID Display
Campus InstructionSIS-144718Instruction Tool Rights in the New Look
Campus InstructionSIS-160573Section Summary Report Update
Campus InstructionSIS-166666Advisory Accessibility
Campus InstructionSIS-167217[Enhancement] Missing Assignment Report Updates
Campus InstructionSIS-171027[Enhancement] Classroom Now Defaults to Enabled
Campus InstructionSIS-171058Curriculum Copier Source Section
Campus LearningSIS-171026[Enhancement] Discussions Integrated with Curriculum
Campus Student/ParentSIS-169765Addressed Issue for Older iOS and Safari Versions
Contact LogSIS-168095Contact Log
CustomSIS-168738Custom Tabs with External URLs Failing to Open in Workspace
CustomSIS-171254[Enhancement] SSRS Reporting
Data UtilitiesSIS-170792Data Extract Utility - New SFTP Mode Giving Path/Permissions Error
Data UtilitiesSIS-171242[Enhancement] Parameter Added to Data Extract Utility to Allow for Removal of Social Security Number Values
Data UtilitiesSIS-171370[Enhancement] Data Health Check Deprecation Banner
DatabaseSIS-166815[Enhancement] NOLOCK Query Hints Removed from Codebase
DIS/SIFSIS-168510SIF StudentSectionMarks Update
Ed-FiSIS-169246Ed-Fi Mapping Table Update
Ed-FiSIS-169885Ed-Fi Staff Discipline Incident Associations Resource
Ed-FiSIS-170251Ed-Fi BeginDate Update for Grades
FeesSIS-165044Fees Amount Field Fix
FeesSIS-166882Fee Audit Balance Fix
FeesSIS-169580Surplus Balance Fix
FormsSIS-170920Custom Forms > Form Batch Setup > Request eSignature Button Not Displaying
FRAMSIS-170762FRAM Preferences Modified By Fix
HealthSIS-118145Medications Performance Enhancement
HealthSIS-130102Medications Logic Added
HealthSIS-167890Health Office Visits Performance Update
Learner PlanningSIS-166994Special Ed Document Delete Rights Update
Learner PlanningSIS-169827Special Ed Records Transfer Plans Fix
Learner PlanningSIS-171031[Enhancement] Special Ed Evaluation Verbiage Update
Learner PlanningSIS-171136Special Ed Documents Display Update
Learner PlanningSIS-171285Special Ed Documents Timeout and Editor Release Fix
MessengerSIS-167814[Enhancement] Messenger 2.0 Preview/Test Message
NavigationSIS-155618[Enhancement] New Look of Infinite Campus – Household ID Added to Advanced Household Search and Household Title Bar
NavigationSIS-160197New Look of Infinite Campus – Household Search Not Showing PO Box in Address
NavigationSIS-160507[Enhancement] New Look of Infinite Campus - Campus Version and Server Name Information Added to User Menu
NavigationSIS-167603[Enhancement] New Look of Infinite Campus – Start Date Added to Future Address Search Results
NavigationSIS-169211[Enhancement] New Look of Infinite Campus – Tool Search Results Limit Increased to 500
NavigationSIS-169966[Enhancement] New Look of Infinite Campus – Form Focus Updated to Start at Top Banner
NavigationSIS-170091[Enhancement] New Look of Infinite Campus – Navigation Breadcrumbs Updated to Better Function with Screen Readers
OneRosterSIS-168687Learning Interoperability - School Scoping List
OneRosterSIS-168994Learning Interoperability Error Handling
OneRosterSIS-169126[Enhancement] OneRoster - Error Message for Empty Put Request
OneRosterSIS-169344[Enhancement] OneRoster - Enrollments Endpoint Update in 1.1
OneRoster - Assignment Date Logic
OneRosterSIS-170016Vendor Icons in Learning Interoperability
Online PaymentsSIS-171169Updated Logic for Online Payments
PerformanceSIS-165839SectionID Performance Improvements
Point of SaleSIS-144414Transaction Balance Update
Point of SaleSIS-156939POS Transaction Summary Report Fix
Point of SaleSIS-169480POS Run Balance Fix
ProgramSIS-168664[Enhancement] Career Readiness Documents Upload
ProgramSIS-168665[Enhancement] Career Readiness Program Updater Wizard
SchedulingSIS-150497Responsive Section Builder and Inactive Students
SchedulingSIS-167151[Enhancement] Staff Planner Batch Edit Staff and Constraints
SchedulingSIS-168843[Enhancement] Scheduling Board Updates
SchedulingSIS-170851Scheduling Board - Assign Teacher, Staff History
SchedulingSIS-170976Walk-In Scheduler - Modified By Display
SchedulingSIS-171003Scheduling Units Incorrect Value
School StoreSIS-157939[Enhancement] School Store Button Update
SecuritySIS-154346[Enhancement] Two-Factor Authentication Security Code Updated to Be More Visible in Email Message
SecuritySIS-159886Tool Rights Changes Made in New Look of Infinite Campus Not Appearing in Audit Log

State-Specific Cases

StateCase NumberDescription
Ed-Fi Updates for 2023-24 School Year
ArizonaSIS-169618Latin Seal of Biliteracy
ArizonaSIS-170707ZZZ Enrollment Sort Logic
Special Ed Documents Rewrite
ERC Configuration for ISEP Allotment Report
NEW State Seal of Civic Engagement
CaliforniaSIS-155205New Language Codes
Highest Education Level
CaliforniaSIS-168906Immunizations TK Grade Level Update
CaliforniaSIS-169817CALPADS Student Discipline Incident Result Authority
CALPADS Student Discipline
New Language Codes REVERTED
ColoradoSIS-167672IEP Print in Plan Update
Immunizations Updates
[Enhancement] Ed-Fi-Auto Mapping for Version 3.6
[Enhancement] Ed-Fi-Error Log Message Added for Student School Associations
Ed-Fi-Version 3.6.1 Resources Implemented
SIF StudentAttendanceSummary_DaysInMembership Calculation
NRE - Quartz "RecordsTransferSchedulingTrialPurgeJob" Needs To Be Optimized
Career Readiness
KentuckySIS-170053Safe Schools
State Reporting
KentuckySIS-170746Special Ed Updates
KentuckySIS-170981Career Readiness - Hide Core Minutes Field
MarylandSIS-157439HSDC Extract and Assessment Status Calculation Tool Updates
MichiganSIS-168683Ed-Fi: Student Update
IEP and ISP Updates
MissouriSIS-168917MOSIS Student Graduation Follow-Up Report Update
Federal/State Program Updater Fix
MOSIS Student Core Credits Earned Logic Update
Course Virtual Provider List Updated
MOSIS Student Graduate Follow Up Update
Special Ed Documents Updates
IEP Print Order Fix
MontanaSIS-171017SCED Code Update
[Enhancement] Ed-Fi Attendance Events Object Triggering Logic Update
NebraskaSIS-167643Special Ed PSP Print Fix
NebraskaSIS-169481Ed-Fi version 3.6.1 Updates
NebraskaSIS-170946Ed-Fi Cohorts Update
Ed-Fi Programs Object Triggering Logic Update
NevadaSIS-157406Work Experience Tab (Career Readiness)
CTE Certifications Added
Special Ed IEP Fixes
New MexicoSIS-167081Ed-Fi Parents and Student Parent Associations Resources
New Mexico
Ed-Fi Student Language Instruction Program Associations Resource
New York
SIRS Programs Fact Update
New YorkSIS-170833SSEC Extract Fix
Organization General Information (DN) Extract Updates
OhioSIS-168485Student SPED Record (GE) Update
OhioSIS-169067Student Course Grade (FR) Logic Update
SIF Dictionary Updates
EL Reporting Updates
[Enhancement] Special Ed IEP Font Inconsistency Fix
PIMS Staff Assignment Template Checkbox Added and Logic Update
PIMS Terminated Staff Checkboxes Added
IEP Services Fix
PennsylvaniaSIS-170088PIMS Incident Offender Parent Involvement Fix
TennesseeSIS-169413Update Advanced Academics Dropdown on Course
Ed-Fi-Student Identification and Demographics Domain Resources Implemented
TREx Extract Reporting Multiple Prior Days Elements
TexasSIS-169700Student Attendance Interchange Updates
VirginiaSIS-168359Virginia Student Record Collection Update
Behavior Code List Updates
WyomingSIS-168910New State Seal Codes

Technical Information

See the Technical Information - Release Pack Campus.2331 article for a list of schema changes in this release.

Activity Registration

Activity Registration Maintenance (SIS-170777)

The following updates have been made to the Activity Registration tool:

  • The date picker associated with “Include Future Enrollment” wasn't working in certain scenarios. This has been corrected.
  • Adjusted field placement on Preapproval Configuration screen.
  • Fixed visual error occurring in Form Detail menu.
  • Enhanced the filters in Activity Registration Roll Forward.
  • Changed Prior Year Only checkbox into a switch toggle in Activity Monitor and Activity Dashboard.

Path: Activity Registration

Ad hoc Reporting

New Look of Infinite Campus - Ad Hoc Query Wizard Updated to Recognize Context Change (SIS-159426) [Enhancement] 

When using the Query Wizard in the New Look of Infinite Campus (whether to create a new filter or modify an existing filter), if at any point the calendar or year is changed in the Campus Toolbar, users were being forced to reopen the filter before running it. This issue was corrected and users can now change the year or calendar and rerun a filter without the need to reopen it.

Also, a Return to List button was added to Filter Designer to allow users at any point to return to the list of available ad hoc filters without the need to refresh or exit the tool.

Path: Ad Hoc Reporting > Filter Designer

Ad hoc Behavior Response Times Update (SIS-168372) [Enhancement] 

Two Ad hoc fields, behaviorDetail.responseStartTime and behaviorDetail.responseEndTime, have been updated to display in standard time instead of military time when reporting.

Path: Ad hoc Reporting > Data Export > Behavior


Test Type Updates (SIS-170140) [Enhancement] 

A corresponding State Code or National Code is required for the user to proceed when Test Type is set to State Test or National Test. If the fields are blank when the Save and Next option is selected, the error message "Form contains invalid fields" displays and the State Test or National Test drop list is highlighted with the message 'State Code is required' or 'National Code is required'.

Path: Assessment > Assessment Center > Test Type

Result Statuses Updates (SIS-170807)

In previous versions, multiple rows were removed when attempting to delete a single row from the Result Statuses section of the Test Detail in the Assessment Center. This issue has been corrected and users can now delete an individual row.

Path: Assessment > Assessment Center > Test Detail > Result Statuses

Incorrect Icons When Copying Assessments in State Editions (SIS-170842)

Folder icons did not display correctly when copying an assessment in a State Edition. This issue has been resolved. The blue and white folder icons display correctly to reflect assessment hierarchy.

Path: Assessment > Assessment Center

User Group Updates (SIS-171101)

User group section fields:

  • Did not save.
  • Were not prepopulating from the parent assessment when creating new child assessments.
  • Did not clear when ‘Mark as Restricted’ was selected.

These issues have been corrected.

The Number of Items field value under Test Information has also been updated as part of this case to correctly populate with the value from the parent assessment when creating new child assessments.

Path: Assessment > Assessment Center > Test Detail > Display Settings, Test Information

Publishing Test Scores Update (SIS-171292)

Test scores within the active zone year were not published from the State Edition to the District Edition. This issue has been corrected. Test structures and test scores are published as expected when using the Publish Test tool in the Assessment Center.

Path: Assessment > Assessment Center > Publish


Calendar Roll Forward - Calendar ID Display (SIS-166920) [Enhancement] 

The Calendar Information editor now shows the Calendar ID value and a Parent Calendar ID value. Both of these are read-only fields

  • The Calendar ID is for informational purposes only.
  • The Parent Calendar ID displays the identification number of the calendar from which the calendar was rolled forward. This only displays when the enrollment was created using the Calendar Wizard to roll calendars forward.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Calendar Setup > Calendar Information

Campus Instruction

Instruction Tool Rights in the New Look (SIS-144718)

The following updates have been made to Instruction tool rights when using the new look of Campus:

  • These tool rights in Instruction > Settings have been updated to allow RWAD rights, rather than just on/off: Google Drive Configuration, Google Drive Preferences, Roster Verification Event Log, and Roster Verification Event Wizard
  • The Data Access Rights section at the bottom of the tool rights page has been renamed ""Additional Access Rights"" and the Instruction rights have been reorganized. A new Instruction Tools group has been added, which includes the Enhanced Curriculum rights, the Grading Tools right, and an Engagement Check-In tool right that was added in the new look.
  • Addressed an issue with rights in the new look that previously caused some rights to not be assigned corrected in User Groups.

Path: System Administration > User Security > Users > Tool Rights

Section Summary Report Update (SIS-160573)

Previously, if a user attempted to generate the Section Summary Report for multiple sections and at least one of those sections did not have any grading tasks aligned, the report generated as blank. This has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Reports > Section Summary

Advisory Accessibility (SIS-166666)

The Advisory tool has been updated so that users can now navigate in the Missing Assignments side panel using the tab key.

Path: Instruction > Advisory

Missing Assignment Report Updates (SIS-167217) [Enhancement] 

The following updates have been made to the Missing Assignments report:

  • Clarified the introduction text on the report editor.
  • Updated the report to consider a student's roster Start Date - assignments due prior to the Start Date are not included in the report.
  • Updated logic so that if an assignment's End Date is passed, the student does not have a score, and the assignment has not been flagged as Turned In, the assignment is included in the report even if it has not been flagged as Missing.
  • Added an option to generate the report with page breaks between students to the report editor.
  • Updated the header on the generated report.

Path: Instruction > Reports > Missing Assignments

Classroom Now Defaults to Enabled (SIS-171027) [Enhancement] 

The Classroom tool has been updated to be enabled by default. Individual teachers can disable Classroom using the toggle on the Teaching Center. The Classroom Settings tool that controlled Classroom access at the district level has been removed. With this change, the Classroom view is now enabled for all Campus Parent and Campus Student users.

Path: Instruction > Classroom

Curriculum Copier Source Section (SIS-171058)

Previously, users were unable to select a Source section in the Curriculum Copier other than the default section. This has been corrected.

Path: Instruction > Grade Book > Settings > Curriculum Copier

Campus Learning

Discussions Integrated with Curriculum (SIS-171026) [Enhancement] 

Discussions are now fully integrated with curriculum and the stand-alone Discussions tool has been removed for teachers and students. To create a discussion, first create an assignment (if scored) or a resource (if not scored) and then add a discussion. Students then respond to the discussion in Campus Student via the assignment/resource. The Discussions tool in System Administration is still available for administrators to view all discussions in a calendar.

Path: Instruction > Grade Book > Add > Discussion

Campus Student/Parent

Addressed Issue for Older iOS and Safari Versions (SIS-169765)

Campus Student and Parent have been updated so that they can be opened on devices using older iOS versions and older versions of Safari.

Path: Campus Student, Campus Parent          

Contact Log

Contact Log (SIS-168095)

An issue where default selections were not appearing in the dropdown lists for Contact Log Menu and Category within Custom Module Setup has been resolved.

Path: Student Information > Custom Module Setup


Custom Tabs with External URLs Failing to Open in Workspace (SIS-168738)

Some web browsers were preventing custom tabs with external URLs from opening within the workspace. Updates were made to fix this issue and prevent it from occurring.

Path: N/A

SSRS Reporting (SIS-171254) [Enhancement] 

The new dynamic SSRS Reporting tools allow districts the ability to set up a connection to an SSRS server from Infinite Campus that can run custom reports. The SSRS Dynamic Reports are ONLY intended for staff-run reports. Portal reports are not included at this time. For more information, please review SSRS Report Configuration, SSRS Server Configuration, and SSRS Dynamic Report Options Guide.

Path: System Administration > Custom               

Data Utilities

Data Extract Utility - New SFTP Mode Giving Path/Permissions Error (SIS-170792)

A bug was causing some servers to report a path or permissions error when attempting to connect via the new SFTP mode in the Data Extract Utility. This issue was corrected.

Path: System Administration > Data Utilities > Data Extract Utility

Parameter Added to Data Extract Utility to Allow for Removal of Social Security Number Values (SIS-171242) [Enhancement] 

A parameter (@includeSSN bit = 1) was added to the 3 default Data Extract Utility extracts to allow for the removal of Social Security Numbers from being reported.

Path: System Administration > Data Utilities > Data Extract Utility

Data Health Check Deprecation Banner (SIS-171370) [Enhancement] 

A banner notifying users of the Data Health Check deprecation happening in Campus.2339 has been added to select pages.

Path: System Administration > Data Utilities > Data Health Check


NOLOCK Query Hints Removed from Codebase (SIS-166815) [Enhancement] 

In an effort to improve system performance and mitigate the risk of query result inconsistencies, all NOLOCK query hints have been removed from the Infinite Campus codebase.

Please see the NOLOCK FAQ article for more information.

Path: N/A


SIF StudentSectionMarks Update (SIS-168510)

The StudentSectionMarks object has been updated to correctly report Grade comments over 1200 characters.

Path: System Administration > Data Interchange > Agents


Ed-Fi Mapping Table Update (SIS-169246)

The Ed-Fi Mapping Table has been updated to improve SQL performance.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Ed-Fi Staff Discipline Incident Associations Resource (SIS-169885)

The Staff Discipline Incident Associations resource has been enabled for Core Ed-Fi reporting.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Ed-Fi BeginDate Update for Grades (SIS-170251)

The beginDate element in Grades resource has been updated to fix an ODS issue.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Fees Amount Field Fix (SIS-156044)

An error was occurring where users were unable to use the Tab key to navigate the page. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Fees

Surplus Balance Fix (SIS-169580)

An error was occurring where a user's surplus balance would show the incorrect amount after a fee was paid using the surplus. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Fees

Fee Audit Balance Fix (SIS-166882)

The Fee Audit Report would show an incorrect balance due to a student having no enrollment in the calendar the fee was assigned to. This has been corrected.

Path: Fees > Reports > Fee Audit Report


FRAM Preferences Modified By Fix (SIS-170762)

An error was occurring where the modified-by record would list the incorrect individual who last modified the tab. This has been corrected.

Path: FRAM > FRAM Preferences > Application Preferences


Custom Forms > Form Batch Setup > Request eSignature Button Not Displaying (SIS-170920)

The "Request eSignatures" button was not displaying on Form Batch Setup. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information> Form Batch Setup


Medications Performance Enhancement (SIS-118145)

The Medications tool has been optimized to load faster.

Path: Student Information > Health > General > Medications

Medications Logic Added (SIS-130102)

Logic has been implemented preventing users from adding medications for a student in a calendar they aren't enrolled in. A warning displays on the Medications tool and the New button is not accessible in these instances.

Path: Student Information > Health > General > Medications

Health Office Visits Performance Update (SIS-167890)

The Health Office Visits tool has been optimized to load faster when a student has many records.

Path: Student Information > Health > General > Health Office Visits

Learner Planning

Special Ed Document Delete Rights Update (SIS-166994)

An issue where users were unable to delete records within a list editor with Delete tool rights has been fixed.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Special Ed Records Transfer Plans Fix (SIS-169827)

An issue where users were unable to complete amended Special Ed plans when they were imported from Records Transfer has been fixed.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Special Ed Evaluation Verbiage Update (SIS-171031) [Enhancement] 

Verbiage when referring to Special Ed Evaluations within their editors have been updated to use a capital "E" for Evaluation. This verbiage updates applies to evaluations rewritten in the New Look of Campus.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Special Ed Documents Display Update (SIS-171136)

An issue where stapled Special Ed Documents were remaining highlighted after selecting a different document has been fixed.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Special Ed Documents Timeout and Editor Release Fix (SIS-171285)

An issue where the configured timeout set in Campus was not being honored by Special Ed Document editors has been resolved. Also to fix a separate issue with editors being locked for editing when they shouldn't be, a fix has been added so that when a user exits a document by closing it, the editor they were previously working on is automatically opened and allows other users to edit it immediately. These fixes only apply to Special Ed Documents rewritten with the New Look of Campus.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents


Messenger 2.0 Preview/Test Message (SIS-167814) [Enhancement] 

A new workflow has been added to allow users to select a messenger recipient and preview the message for inbox, email, and text messages. This enhancement will also offer the ability to send test emails and text messages in the context of the recipient. This will allow users to see how the message will look both in Infinite Campus and send a realistic test message (including fields/sub-reports) to themselves or other staff members.

Path: Communication > Messenger > Messenger 2.0


New Look of Infinite Campus – Household ID Added to Advanced Household Search and Household Title Bar (SIS-155618) [Enhancement] 

A Household ID option has been added to the Household Advanced Search and Household ID information now appears to the right of the household name in the household title bar.

Path: Search > Households > Advanced

New Look of Infinite Campus – Household Search Not Showing PO Box in Address (SIS-160197)

The Household search was failing to show PO Box information in address results. This issue was corrected.

Path: Household Search

New Look of Infinite Campus - Campus Version and Server Name Information Added to User Menu (SIS-160507) [Enhancement] 

Users can now view their Infinite Campus version and sever name by clicking the About Campus SIS button in the User Menu.

Path: N/A

New Look of Infinite Campus – Start Date Added to Future Address Search Results (SIS-167603) [Enhancement] 

Future household addresses will now show their start date within household search results.

Path: N/A

New Look of Infinite Campus – Tool Search Results Limit Increased to 500 (SIS-169211) [Enhancement] 

The Tool search has been updated to now require a search term and results are now limited to 500 results.

Path: N/A

New Look of Infinite Campus – Form Focus Updated to Start at Top Banner (SIS-169966) [Enhancement] 

In an effort to improve accessibility, the form focus when first logging into the New Look of Infinite Campus has been updated to start at the top of the banner, ensuring the next tab stop is the skip to Main Content link.

Path: N/A

New Look of Infinite Campus – Navigation Breadcrumbs Updated to Better Function with Screen Readers (SIS-170091) [Enhancement] 

Navigational breadcrumbs within the New Look of Infinite Campus have been updated to inform screen readers they are breadcrumbs instead of a series of links.

Path: N/A


Learning Interoperability - School Scoping List (SIS-168687)

Previously, if a district did not have schools created in the current year, the Learning Interoperability tool behaved as if the district did not have a Campus Learning license, even if one was in place. This has been corrected.

Path: System Administration > Learning Interoperability

Learning Interoperability Error Handling (SIS-168994)

Logic has been updated to correctly report errors that may occur when loading the vendor or district settings.

Path: System Administration > Learning Interoperability

OneRoster - Error Message for Empty Put Request (SIS-169126) [Enhancement] 

Error logic for OneRoster has been updated to return a 400 error when a put request is returned with an empty body.

Path: No specific path

OneRoster - Enrollments Endpoint Update in 1.1 (SIS-169344) [Enhancement] 

The terms reference has been removed from the Enrollments endpoint in OneRoster 1.1.

Path: No specific path

OneRoster - Assignment Date Logic (SIS-169838)

Assignment date logic has been updated to address a time zone issue. Logic no longer requires that dates are sent using UTC time nor assumes that dates are sent using the local time zone. Release Notes added 11/10/23

Path: No specific path

Vendor Icons in Learning Interoperability (SIS-170016)

Previously, vendor icons did not display properly if the Content Security Policy was set to Enforce. This has been corrected so icons display regardless of the Content Security Policy set.

Path: System Administration > Learning Interoperability

Online Payments

Updated Logic for Online Payments (SIS-171169)

Updated logic to accommodate Online Payments made towards Food Service, Optional Fees, and Recurring Payments when the prior Calendar has ended while the enrollment is still open. New logic looks to the future Calendar/enrollment rather than the enrollment tied to the past Calendar.

Path: N/A


SectionID Performance Improvements (SIS-165839)

Optimizations were made to the ClassbookDetail query to improve system performance when loading sectionID and personID data.

Path: N/A

Point of Sale

Transaction Balance Update (SIS-144414)

Run balances were not updating correctly for some Point of Sale deposits. This issue was corrected.

Path: Point of Sale > Account Maintenance > Account > Journal tab

POS Transaction Summary Report Fix (SIS-156939)

The General Summary field was not populating with any information when the Calendar day is not marked as Instructional/School Day/Attendance. This has been corrected.

Path: Point of Sale > Reports > Transaction Summary

POS Run Balance Fix (SIS-169480)

Online payments made for food service accounts were occasionally not calculating in the Run Balance. This has been corrected.

Path: Point of Sale > Account Maintenance > Account      


Career Readiness Documents Upload (SIS-168664) [Enhancement] 

A Documents button has been added to the Career Readiness tool. This button opens a side panel that allows staff with appropriate tool rights to upload documents to the selected student's Career Readiness records. Campus Digital Repository must be enabled to use this feature.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Career Readiness

Career Readiness Program Updater Wizard (SIS-168665) [Enhancement] 

States using the Career Readiness tool can now select Career Readiness in the Federal/State Program Updater in order to map to an import file to import program data.

Path: Student Information > Program Administration > Federal/State Program Update Wizard


Responsive Section Builder and Inactive Students (SIS-150497)

TheResponsive Section Builder was allowing students who were no longer actively enrolled in the school to be added to a Responsive Scheduling Section. This has been corrected.

Path: Scheduling & Responsive Scheduling > Section Builder

Staff Planner Batch Edit Staff and Constraints (SIS-167151) [Enhancement] 

As part of the ongoing enhancements to scheduling tools and the dependency on JAVA, the Staff Planner now includes the ability to add or replace the total number of periods and courses a teacher is allowed to teach to multiple teachers at one time.

There are two Batch Edit options available:

  • Batch Edit Staff adds or replaces the Max Periods, Max Courses, Max Consecutive Periods and the Scheduling Team.
  • Batch Edit Constraints adds, replaces and removes Course and Room Constraints, as well placement restrictions for the filtered list of staff members.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Staff Planner

Scheduling Board Updates (SIS-168843) [Enhancement] 

The following updates have been made to the Scheduling Board:


  • The validation for a calendar not having any terms, schedules or periods has been added to the Scheduling Board Trials interface.
  • To assist users with potential schedule loading issues, information banners have been added when there is no staff or courses.
  • Descriptions for available Load Balancing options has been added.
  • The Mark Multiple Terms/Periods Settings option now displays those terms/periods in blue (was previously orange).
  • A new View Setting has been added, called One Section Per Row. When marked, sections that span multiple period schedule (Y axis) or multiple periods (X axis) now display on one line.
  • When the browser window is small enough to trigger a horizontal scroll bar, Staff Planner information now fits into the designated card space.
  • A Feedback button has been added to Scheduling Board, cCourse Planner and Staff Planner. Clicking this takes the user to a Campus Community Forum where ideas, comments, questions, etc. can be posted for future improvements.
  • The Locked Trial Alert message has been modified to let users know that a trial is locked while the save process is in progress.
  • When there are no Lunch options created for the calendar, the Assign Lunch option on the Section Side Panel no longer displays.
  • The available Percentages that displayed on the left side just below the Settings has been moved into a separate Trial Statistics Side Panel, available by clicking the Stats button in the Action row.
  • Navigation information has been added to the Hover options to more clearly indicate that courses, periods, departments, etc. can be right-clicked and can be dragged onto the board.
  • An option to hide the Course Number in the Section cell has been added to the View Settings Side Panel.
  • A new Split Cell option has been added to the View Settings Side Panel. When marked for the Course, the Course Number and Course Name display in two separate cells; when marked for the Section, the Course Number-Section Number (or any of the selectable values for View Section in the Settings Panel) and the Placed/Seat Count and Locked Symbols display in separate cells.


  • When the Drag and Drop: Enable Preferred Section Placement is marked in Build > Settings, dragging a section onto the board from the course caused the section numbers to be labeled out of numeric order. This has been corrected.
  • Placement suggestions no longer show duplicate records.
  • When dragging a new section onto the board, previous sections placed are no longer moved or replaced.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Scheduling > Scheduling Board

Scheduling Board - Assign Teacher, Staff History (SIS-170851)

Removing a teacher from the Assign Teacher dropdown in the Scheduling Board was not removing that teacher from the Staff History record. This has been corrected.

Path: Scheduling & Courses > Scheduling > Scheduling Board

Walk-In Scheduler - Modified By Display (SIS-170976)

Using the Load function in Walk-In Scheduler removed the Modified By Name and Date/Time information on the course section when the student was added to the section as part of the Scheduling Board process. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Schedule > Walk-In Scheduler

Scheduling Units Incorrect Value (SIS-171003)

It was reported that two students who had the same course schedule and course sections for the entire year had a different total for their scheduling units when viewed on the Student Schedule. This has been corrected.

Path: Student Information > General > Schedule

School Store

School Store Button Update (SIS-157939) [Enhancement] 

Save buttons within School Store General Product have been updated from "Save" to "Save & Next" in order to reflect the button function.

Path: School Store > Product Inventory > General Product


Two-Factor Authentication Security Code Updated to Be More Visible in Email Message (SIS-154346) [Enhancement] 

The security code provided in email messages for logging into Infinite Campus using two-factor authentication has been bolded and made larger to improve identification and scannability.

Path: N/A

Tool Rights Changes Made in New Look of Infinite Campus Not Appearing in Audit Log (SIS-159886)

Modifications to user and user group tool rights within the New Look of Infinite Campus were not being included in the Audit Log. This issue was corrected.

Path: System Administration > Auditing > View Audit Log

State-Specific Notes


Arizona - Ed-Fi Updates for 2023-24 School Year (SIS-165791)

The following changes have been made to Ed-Fi reporting for the 23-24 school year:

  • Ed-Fi Resources are now version 3.6.
  • AzEDS is now on version 9.0. Resources have been updated to meet those requirements.
  • A new Student Program Evaluation is available. It reports the student's survey results based on their participation in 21st CCLC Programming.
  • Discipline Action, Discipline Incident and Student Discipline Incident Association Resources have been updated for SPED and 21st CCLC changes.
  • Section 504 Student Program Association resource has been updated to report the new fields added to the Section 504 record.
  • Student Needs Resource has been updated for new fields, changes to existing fields and new trigger logic.
  • Student Special Education Program Association Resource has been updated for new fields, changes to existing fields and new trigger logic.
  • Student Education Organization Responsibility Association Resource updated for changes to existing fields and new trigger logic.
  • Student Education Organization Association Resource now sends the azTribalAffiliations extensions when the Tribal Enrollment field is populated.
  • Student Parent Association Resource reports the beginDate, endDate and isIDEAParent when populated when the IDEA Parent field is populated on the SPED Team Members and Section 504 records.
  • A mapping in Student Education Organization Association has been added for the enrolled Tribal Affiliation descriptor.
  • Student Program Attendance Events Resource now includes an Activity Code field.
  • Student School Attendance Events Resource has been updated for changes in the Event Duration logic for K-8 students. Modality time has also been updated for partial day virtual attendance for K-8 students.

See the linked articles for more information.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi 

Arizona - Latin Seal of Biliteracy (SIS-169618)

Code 95: Latin is now available for selection when assigning a Seal of Biliteracy.

Path: Student Information > General > Graduation

Arizona - ZZZ Enrollment Sort Logic (SIS-170707)

Enrollments with a ZZZ Start Status are now sorted based on their Enrollment Start Dates instead of Enrollment IDs.

A resync is needed for ALL student-related resources for any students who have ZZZ enrollments in the current academic year.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollments


BIE Special Ed Documents Rewrite (SIS-155528)

The BIE IEP and BIE Evaluation Summary Report have been completely rewritten with the New Look of Campus. The current print formats are BIE IEP 2023.2 and BIE Evaluation 2023.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents, System Administration > Special Ed > Plan Types/Eval Types

BIE-ERC Configuration for ISEP Allotment Report (SIS-158545)

The ISEP Allotment Report has been updated to reflect the Education Resource Center (ERC) configuration. This includes removing references to the Education Line Office (ELO) and adding ERC and BIE Region names / codes where applicable.

Path: BIE Reports > BIE ISEP Allotment Report


California - NEW State Seal of Civic Engagement (SIS-154456)

A new State Seal of Graduation, called Civic Engagement, is now available for selection in the State Seal Information on the student's Graduation record.

Path: Student Information > General > Graduation

California - Highest Education Level (SIS-163695) (SIS-167346)

The database location for the Highest Education Level has been moved from the CustomStudent table to the Identities table.

CALPADS SINF has been adjusted accordingly in preparation for reporting the education level on both parents in the 23-24 school year.

This information is entered on the Demographics record.

Path: Census > People > Demographics

California Immunizations TK Grade Level Update (SIS-168906)

The TK Grade Level has been added to several immunizations' rules, including Polio, DTaP/DTP, Hib, Varicella, and Measles. See the California Immunization Rules article for additional information.

Path: System Administration > Health > Vaccines

California - CALPADS Student Discipline Incident Result Authority (SIS-169817)

The Incident Result Authority field was not reporting the assigned value from the Behavior Resolution editor. This has been corrected.

Path: CA State Reporting > CALPADS Student Discipline

California - CALPADS Student Discipline (SIS-169819)

Multiple rows were reporting for the Student Incident Result File due to an incorrect state resolution code. This has been corrected.

Path: CA State Reporting > CALPADS Student Discipline

California - New Language Codes REVERTED (SIS-171303)

New Language codes that were released in a previous Rx (SIS-155205) have been *reverted* due to decisions made by the State of California.

Current Language Codes used in Home Primary Language and Language of Instruction, and reported in CALPADS SELA and CRSE are accepted by the state until mid-September.

Path: CA State Reporting > CALPADS SELA, CALPADS CRSE; Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language; Scheduling & Courses > Courses > Course Section


Colorado IEP Print in Plan Update (SIS-167672)

The Colorado Individual Education Plan State/District Assessment editor has been updated to default the Print in Plan checkbox to marked when creating a new plan.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents


Hawaii Immunizations Updates (SIS-168022)

Grandfathering rules have been added for the Varicella, Hepatitis A, HPV, Meningococcal, and Tdap vaccines. Catch-up rules for DTaP have been added and special conditions for HPV have also been updated. See the Hawaii Immunization Rules article for additional information.

Path: System Administration > Health > Vaccines


Indiana-Ed-Fi-Auto Mapping for Version 3.6 (SIS-165692) [Enhancement] 

Auto mapping has been implemented for Ed-Fi v3.6 in Indiana.

Path: N/A

Indiana-Ed-Fi-Error Log Message Added for Student School Associations (SIS-169768) [Enhancement] 

The following error message displays when a Student School Association record attempts to send with a blank 'entryGradeLevelDescriptor' or attempts to send without 'entryGradeLevelDescriptor' included in the JSON:

  • The Grade Level associated with this student's enrollment is not mapped in Resource Preferences. Map the grade levels in Resource Preferences and resync this student.

This occurs when you try to send a record for an enrollment but the grade on the enrollment has not been mapped in 'Grade Levels' in Resource Preferences.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Indiana-Ed-Fi-Version 3.6.1 Resources Implemented (SIS-171103)

All Indiana Ed-Fi resources have been updated to version 3.6.1 The code for version 2.4/3.1 has been deprecated. Templates should be used to complete any outstanding reporting for the 2022-2023 school year.

Updates have also been made to support the Identities system in Indiana:

  • Added 'Get EdFi ID' button under the Person Identifiers section of the Demographics screen.
  • Changed the 'EdFi ID' label to 'Parent EdFi ID'.
  • Enabled the 'ID Post-Amble' field on the Connection Detail screen under Ed-Fi Configuration.
  • Enabled the 'Ed-Fi Locator' and 'State ID' tools.
  • Created Ed-Fi conversion scripts to appropriately address the use of 'Ed-Fi ID' in the cases of:
    • Student Ed-Fi ID
    • Staff Ed-Fi ID

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi, Census > People > Demographics


Iowa - SIF StudentAttendanceSummary_DaysInMembership Calculation (SIS-170080)

Logic has been updated for StudentAttendanceSummary_DaysInMembership to only report for a given calendar instead of across all calendar for the school. Value reported does not exceed the CalendarSummary_DaysInSession element.

Path: No specific path 


Kentucky - NRE - Quartz "RecordsTransferSchedulingTrialPurgeJob" Needs To Be Optimized (SIS-168719)

The Quartz job used to purge old records transfer data was failing for customers with large amounts of data in these tables. The job has been optimized to address those failures.

Path: N/A

Kentucky Career Readiness (SIS-169936)

The following Career Readiness State Course Codes have been added to the attribute/dictionary in all KY districts and they will be used for alternative diploma students: 600184: Developing Career Options, 600185: Individualized Career Work Experience, 600189: Experience in Workplace Principles

600190: Developing Leadership Skills.

Path: System Administration > Custom > Attribute Dictionary > State Course Code(s)

Kentucky Safe Schools (SIS-170053)

Behavior Event codes V19 - Hazing 1st Degree, and V20 - Hazing 2nd Degree have been added to the Safe Schools Report and will appear in the SS1: Assault or Violence Sub Report.

KY State Reporting > Safe Schools

Kentucky – State Reporting (SIS-170718)

Course>Type in Attribute Dictionary is now a locked dictionary item.

Path: System Administration > Custom > Attribute Dictionary > Course > Type

Kentucky Special Ed Updates (SIS-170746)

The character limit on the text fields in the Kentucky Conference Summary, Referral, and Evaluation have been increased to 8000 characters unless otherwise noted.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Kentucky - Career Readiness - Hide Core Minutes Field (SIS-170981)

The Minutes field on the Career Readiness tool has been hidden for Kentucky, as the state does not track minutes.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Career Readiness


Maryland - HSDC Extract and Assessment Status Calculation Tool Updates (SIS-157439)

The High School Data Collection (HSDC) extract has been updated to include element names and reporting logic for fields 770-800, which were previously added as filler fields in Campus.2227. The 'HSDC Unweighted GPA' and 'CCR Unweighted GPA' options have been removed from the Calculated Assessment Statuses screen.

The MD Assessment Status Calculation Tool has also been updated as part of this case including:

  • Report description
  • Campus Custom GPA relationship
  • CCR Math Status Calculation
  • Display of individual student custom HSDC Unweighted GPA and CCR Unweighted GPA

Path: MD State Reporting > HSDC, Assessment Status Calculation Tool


Michigan Ed-Fi: Student Update (SIS-168683)

An Exclude from Ed-Fi MSDS checkbox has been added to the State Reporting section on Enrollment. When checked students are excluded from the XML MSDS reports generated in the ODS. The Michigan Ed-Fi Data v3.1 – Studentresource has also been updated to include this data.

Path: Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields

System Administration > Ed-Fi


Minnesota IEP and ISP Updates (SIS-168312)

Several updates have been made to Minnesota's Special Ed documents. Updates the the IEP include:

  • a new print format, MN IEP 23, is now available.
  • the Print in Plan checkbox has been removed from the State Assessment editor. This editor now always prints.

Updates the the ISP include:

  • a new print format, MN ISP 23, is now available.
  • the Print in Plan checkbox has been removed from the State Assessment editor. This editor now always prints.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Minnesota MCCC (SIS-169699)

SCED Course Identifier: 007: Adapted Physical Education for Subject Area 08: Physical, Health and Safety Education (K-12) has been updated for MCCC Reporting.

Path: Course > Course Information > NCES Data > SCED Course Identifier

Minnesota Ed-Fi (SIS-170150)

Logic has been updated for Student School Association so that Student Special Program Association records report as expected.

Path: Minnesota > Ed-Fi


Missouri MOSIS Student Graduate Follow-Up Report Update (SIS-168917)

The MOSIS Student Graduate Follow-Up extract has been updated to report student ID numbers longer than 10 numbers.

Path: MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > Student Graduate Follow-up

Missouri Federal/State Program Updater Fix (SIS-169503)

An issue when importing On Track records using the Federal/State Program Updater has been fixed for Missouri.

Path: Program Admin > Federal/State Program Updater, Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs

Missouri MOSIS Student Core Credits Earned Logic Update (SIS-170934)

The Credits Earned (field 354) and On Track to Graduate (field 353) values reported on the MOSIS Student Core Extract now reports all credits earned toward graduation, including those prior to grade 9. The On Track to Graduate calculation has also been updated to no longer calculate planned credits.

Path: MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > Student Core

Missouri Course Virtual Provider List Updated (SIS-171004)

The list of Virtual Providers on the Courses tool has been updated for Missouri. See the Missouri Scheduling Components article for additional information.

Path: System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Course > Virtual Provider, Scheduling > Courses > Course

Missouri MOSIS Student Graduate Follow Up Update (SIS-171067)

The character limit for reporting the Reporting School Code element on the MOSIS Student Graduate Follow Up has been updated from 4 to 6.

Path: MO State Reporting > MOSIS Extracts > Student Graduation Follow-up


Montana Special Ed Documents Updates (SIS-169502)

Several updates have been made to Montana's Special Ed Document. Updates to the Evaluation include:

  • a new print format, MT Evaluation Report, is now available. The MT Evaluation Report 2022 is now historical.
  • verbiage on the PWN editor has been updated.

Updates to the IEP include:

  • a new print format, MT IEP, is now available. The MT IEP 2022.3 is now now historical.
  • verbiage on the PWN editor has been updated.
  • validation has been added to the Statewide Assessment Editor that a selection must be made from the Assessment dropdown in order to Complete the editor.
  • validation has been added to the Districtwide Assessment Editor that a selection must be made in the "The student will participate in the Districtwide assessment in the following manner" dropdown in order to Complete the editor.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents, System Administration > Special Ed > Plan Types/Eval Types

Montana IEP Print Order Fix (SIS-170058)

TheMontana IEP print format has been updated to print the PLAAFPS and Measurable Annual Goals objectives in the order displayed in the editor.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Montana SCED Code Update (SIS-171017)

The list of SCED Codes has been updated for Montana.

Path: Scheduling > Courses > Course


Nebraska Ed-Fi Attendance Events Object Triggering Logic Update (SIS-167292) [Enhancement] 

Object triggering logic on the Student School Attendance Events and Student Section Attendance Events resources has been updated to post attendance data when a new attendance event is verified for a student and the Attendance State Code is mapped to an Ed-Fi code, or when a student has a positive attendance record and Positive Attendance is mapped to an Ed-Fi code.;

This update requires a resync of the Student School Attendance Events AND Student Section Attendance Events resources.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Nebraska Special Ed PSP Print Fix (SIS-167643)

An issue where amended PSP sections were not printing has been fixed.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Nebraska Ed-Fi version 3.6.1 Updates (SIS-169481)

All resources are now version 3.6.1 for Nebraska. See the Ed-Fi Data (Nebraska v3.6) article for additional information.

Logic for the Student Special Education Program Associations resource has been updated to report iepBeginDate and Part C Transition Delay Reason when specified.

The Student Discipline Incident Associations resource has been deprecated in favor of two resources: Student Discipline Incident Behavior Associations and the Student Discipline Incident Non-Offender Associations resources.

This update requires a resync of the Student Special Education Program Associations resource.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Nebraska Ed-Fi Cohorts Update (SIS-170946)

The Nebraska Cohorts resource has been update to Delete when the program is deleted.

This update requires a resync of the Cohorts resource.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Nebraska Ed-Fi Programs Object Triggering Logic Update (SIS-170973)

Object triggering logic on the Programs resource has been updated for Blended Learning Groups.

This update requires a resync of the Programs resources.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi


Nevada - Work Experience Tab (Career Readiness) (SIS-157406)

The Career Readiness tool is now available in Nevada for recording student work experience data. Information that can be captured includes type of experience, career cluster, credentials earned, time spent, course information, and employer information.

Path: Student Information > Program Participation > Career Readiness

Nevada-CTE Certifications Added (SIS-169386)

The following CTE certifications have been added. They are available for selection under the Award Detail drop list of the Graduation Award Information section on the student's graduation record.

  • 115 Advanced Computer Science
  • 117 Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
  • 135 Agricultural Welding, Power, and Structure Technology
  • 165 Animal Systems
  • 275 Building Trades in Construction Technology
  • 375 Design Drafting
  • 465 Engineering Foundations
  • 605 Human and Social Services
  • 615 Industrial Maintenance
  • 665 Logistics Management
  • 755 Office Management
  • 783 Plant Systems

Path: Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Award Information

Nevada Special Ed IEP Fixes (SIS-170874)

Several small fixes have been implemented for Nevada. Updates to the IEP include:

  • on the Assessment Participation editor, when N/A is selected in the participation dropdown, the rest of the questions are not required.
  • on the Education Plan editor, the Anticipated 3-yr Reevaluation date calculation has been updated to auto-populate to exactly three years from the Eligibility Date.
  • on the Enrollment Information editor, when a disability is selected in the Primary Disability dropdown, that value no longer displays in the Secondary Disability dropdown.
  • the Medicaid editor is the only editor that can be placed in a Not Needed status.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

New Mexico

New Mexico - Ed-Fi Parents and Student Parent Associations Resources (SIS-167081)

The Parents and Student Parent Associations resources have been made available for Ed-Fi reporting in New Mexico.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

New Mexico - Ed-Fi Student Language Instruction Program Associations Resource (SIS-167932)

The Student Language Instruction Program Associations resource has been made available for Ed-Fi reporting in New Mexico.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

New York

New York SIRS Programs Fact Update (SIS-168819)

The SIRS Programs Fact has been updated to not report students with an enrollment code of 5905.

Path: NY State Reporting > SIRS Extracts > Programs Fact

New York SSEC Extract Fix (SIS-170833)

An error with the SSEC Extract has been fixed for New York.

Path: NY State Reporting > SSEC Extracts > SSEC


Ohio Organization General Information (DN) Extract Updates (SIS-168456)

Updates to the logic for the Organization General Information (DN) extract have been made. These logic changes reflect the changes made to the Building General Information (DN), Building Delivery Model, District General Information (DN), District Delivery Model, and Medical Group tabs in the UI.

Path: OH State Reporting > OH Extracts > Organization General Information (DN)

Ohio Student SPED Record (GE) Update (SIS-168485)

The Student SPED Record (GE) Extract logic was updated to report both the initial IEP and the amended IEP for a student with both types of IEP records.

Path: OH State Reporting > OH Extracts > Student SPED Record (GE)

Ohio Student Course Grade (FR) Logic Update (SIS-169067)

Reporting population logic has been updated to assure students who have withdrawn from a section of the course do not report a GradeStatus = F.

Path: OH State Reporting > Ohio Extracts > Student Course Grade (FR)


Oklahoma SIF Dictionary Updates (SIS-171280)

Two new Admission fields were added to the Admission drop-list on Enrollment:


A new State End Status code was also added:

  • HSA

Path: Student Info > General > Enrollments > SIF Fields > Admission; System Admin > Enrollment > End Status Type > End Status Type Editor > *State End Status Code (Mapping)


Oregon EL Reporting Updates (SIS-170179)

Several updates have been made to Oregon for reporting purposes. A new field, Unable to Participate in EL Identification Screen, has been added to the State Reported Data Plan editor on the Oregon Data Plan. In addition, a new field, Unable to Participate in EL Identification Screen, has been added to the Section 504 tool.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents


Pennsylvania Special Ed IEP Font Inconsistency Fix (SIS-166535) [Enhancement] 

The font sizes on both the IEP for both the print and UI has been updated for consistency to 10 point font.

Pat: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Pennsylvania PIMS Staff Assignment Template Checkbox Added and Logic Update (SIS-168894)

A new checkbox, FTE Whole Numbers, has been added to the PIMS Staff Assignment Template extract editor. When marked, Percent Time Assigned (field 18) reports the staff member's FTE in whole numbers. When unmarked, that field reports the value as a percentage.

Path: PA State Reporting > PIMS Extracts > Staff Assignment Template

Pennsylvania PIMS Terminated Staff Checkboxes Added (SIS-168895)

A new checkbox, Terminated Staff, has been added for both the PIMS Staff and Staff Assignment Templates. When marked, all terminated staff from one year prior to the extract generation date report.

For the PIMS Staff Assignment Template, another checkbox, Terminated PIL Staff, has been added. When marked, all terminated staff with assignment codes of 1100, 1101, 1105, 1106, 1111, 1112, 1150, 1155, 1160, 1165, and 2300 from one year prior to the extract generation date report.

Path: PA State Reporting > PIMS Extracts > Staff Template/Staff Assignment Template

Pennsylvania IEP Services Fix (SIS-169788)

An issue on the Pennsylvania IEP Services editor has been fixed.

Path: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Pennsylvania PIMS Incident Offender Parent Involvement Fix (SIS-170088)

An issue when generating the PIMS Incident Offender Parent Involvement extract has been resolved.

Path: PA State Reporting > PIMS Extracts > Incident Offender Parent Involvement


Tennessee - Update Advanced Academics Dropdown on Course (SIS-169413)

The Advanced Academics dropdown list has been updated to include CLEP - College-Level Exam Prg (CLEP).

Path: Scheduling > Courses > Course


Texas-Ed-Fi-Student Identification and Demographics Domain Resources Implemented (SIS-156146)

The following Ed-Fi resources have been implemented for Texas. They include state-specific fields and reporting logic where appropriate:

A resync is required as part of this update. Additional resources with required localizations will be implemented in future releases.

Path: System Administration > Ed-Fi

Texas-TREx Extract Reporting Multiple Prior Days Elements (SIS-167416)

The TREx Extract reported Attendance Prior Days elements from excluded calendars. This issue has been corrected. The following fields only report from calendars that are NOT marked 'Exclude':

  • PriorDaysAttended
  • PriorDaysAbsent
  • PriorRSDaysAttended
  • PriorRSADaysAttended

Path: Student Information > General > TREx Extract

Texas-Student Attendance Interchange Updates (SIS-169700)

Reporting logic for the Student Attendance Interchange has been updated:

Student Truancy Extension

  • Only reports if 'TX-ExcessiveUnexcusedAbsence Indicator', 'TX-TruancyPreventionMeasureIndicator', or 'TX-TruancyComplaintFiledIndicator' = '1'.
  • Does not report if all fields = 0.

Special Programs Reporting Period Attendance Extension

  • Duplicate reporting periods for CTE are no longer reported.

Path: TX State Reporting > TSDS Extract > Student Attendance Interchange


Virginia Student Record Collection Update (SIS-168359)

Logic for reporting Entry Date for combined records on the Student Record Collection has been updated to report from the earliest record's Start Date.

Path: VA State Reporting > Student Record Collection

Virginia Behavior Code List Updates (SIS-168720)

The State Event Codes BB1 Bomb Threat and BS011 Unauthorized use of school electronic/equipment have been inactivated for Virginia.

Path: Behavior > Behavior Admin > Event Types; System Administration > Custom > Attribute/Dictionary > Behavior > State Event Code


Wyoming - New State Seal Codes (SIS-168910)

The ‘ADV: Seal of Biliteracy - Advanced Distinction’ and ‘BAS: Seal of Biliteracy’ codes have been added to the list of state seals.

Path: Student information > General > Graduation > State Seals and Certs