Special Education Table 8A Extract (Pennsylvania)

Tool Search: Special Education Extracts

The Table 8A Extract reports all students who have a locked Evaluation Summary Report (ESR) where the Evaluation is within the start and end dates entered on the report editor, and the student's State Referral record for each locked evaluation is within the entered dates.

Screenshot of the Special Education Table 8A Extract editor.Special Education Table 8A Extract

Report Logic

All students who have a locked ESR Evaluation and the Evaluation Editor's Date of Report is within the Start and End Dates entered on the extract editor. When there are multiple locked ESRs within the report generation start and end dates, a record reports for each ESR. The student's State Referral record is used to find the start date prior and closest to the locked ESR Date of Report where the Referral Type is Initial.

When the State Referral Record has the Referral Stopped checkbox marked, it does not report.

ESR Re-Evaluations are not included.

Report Editor



Extract Type

Determines the type of Extract being generated. For this extract, select Table 8A Extract.

Start Date

Indicates the starting date to use when locating locked ESR Evaluation records. This date can span multiple school years.

End Date Indicates the ending date to use when locating locked ESR Evaluation records.
Last Staff Day Indicates the last day of the school year for which the staff reports to the school building and spends instructing students. This value reports in Field 11 of the report.
First Staff Day Indicates the first day of the school year for which the staff reports to the school building and spends instructing students. This value reports in Field 12 of the report.
Report Protected Identities

When marked, last name, first name, middle name, suffix, and gender information reports from the Protected Identity Information section on the Identities editor, when the fields are populated.

Format Determines how the extract generates. Extracts can be generated in State Format (comma delimited) or HTML.  Use the HTML format for reviewing and verifying data prior to submission to the state. Use the State Format for submitting the data to the Department of Education.
Ad hoc Filter Select an existing ad hoc filter from which to report students. Only those students included in the filter and who meet the reporting population are included in the extract.
Report Generation

To generate the report immediately, use the Generate Extract option. To choose when the report generates, use the Submit to Batch option. Submit to Batch is useful when generating the report for several calendars or for larger amounts of data being reported. See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the Table 8A Extract

  1. Select the Table 8A Extract from the Extract Type dropdown.
  2. Enter the desired Start Date and End Date for which to report student ESR records.
  3. Enter the Last Staff Day and First Staff Day.
  4. Optional: mark the Report Protected Identities checkbox.
  5. Select the Format of the extract.
  6. Optional: select an Ad hoc Filter.
  7. Select a Grade level for the extract.
  8. Click the Generate Extract button or the Submit to Batch button, when available. The extract displays in the selected format.

Report Layout

Element Name





Reports the district number of the reporting school.

Numeric, 9 digits

District Information > State District Number



PA Secure ID

Reports the student's State ID, when populated. 

Reports the Local Student Number when the State ID field is not populated.

Numeric, 10 digits

Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID


Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID



Last Name

Reports the legal last name of the student.

When the Legal Last Name field is populated and the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the Extract editor, information reports from that field.

Alphanumeric, 255 characters

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Demographics > Last Name



First Name

Reports the legal first name of the student.

When the Legal First Name field is populated and the Report Protected Identities checkbox is marked on the Extract editor, information reports from that field.

Alphanumeric, 255 characters

Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Demographics > First Name



Birth Date

Reports the student's date of birth.

Date field, 10 characters (YYYY-MM-DD)

Demographics > Birth Date



 Location Code

Reports the student's school code that identifies the school where the student receives the majority of their special education services.

This value reports the school linked to the student's PA ESR Date of Report field for the primary enrollment (when one exists) or to the special education enrollment.

When there is no location code assigned, reports a value of 9999. 

Numeric, 4 digits.

Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident School


School Information > State School Number



Date Parent Permission to Evaluate Received

Reports the date the school received consent for the initial evaluation.

When there is no State Referral record that is prior to the ESR, this field reports blank.

When there is a State Referral record prior to the ESR but has a Referral Type that is NOT Initial, this field reports blank.

Date field, 10 characters (YYYY-MM-DD)

State Referral > Received Consent Date



Date Eligibility Decision Made Reports the date of the final evaluation report. This date must fall within the reporting time frame identified.

Date field, 10 characters (YYYY-MM-DD)

Special Education Documents > ESR > Evaluation Editor > Date of Report



Indicates whether the student was found to be eligible.

Reports a value of E when the ESR > Conclusions > Determinations of Eligibility and Educational Needs > C is marked.

Reports a value of NE when the ESR > Conclusions > Determinations of Eligibility and Educational Needs > C is not marked. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Special Education Documents > ESR > Conclusions > Determination of Eligibility and Educational Needs


Reason for Delay

Reports the reason for delay when the Evaluation Report was not issued within 60 calendar days of receipt of the parental consent, excluding summer breaks.

When there is no referral record prior to the ESR, this field reports blank.

When there is a referral record prior to the ESR, but it has a Referral Type that is NOT Initial, this field reports blank.

Numeric, 1 digits

State Referral > Reason for Delay


Last Staff Day

Reports the last staff day of the reporting school year for the building in which the student spends a majority of time.

This field reports from the Extract Editor.

Date field, 10 characters (YYYY-MM-DD)

PA State Reporting > Special Education Tables > Table 8A Extract > Last Staff Day

First Staff Day

Reports the first staff day of the reporting school year for the building in which the student spends a majority of time.

This field reports from the Extract Editor.

Date field, 10 characters (YYYY-MM-DD)

PA State Reporting > Special Education Tables > Table 8A Extract > First Staff Day

Number of Days

Reports a calculated value from the date the Parent Permission was Received until the date the Eligibility Decision was Made, excluding summer breaks.

  • A value of ERR reports when the Date Parent Permission to Evaluate Received (Received Consent) or the Date Eligibility Decision Made (locked ESR Date of Report) or the Last Staff Day or First Day are blank.
  • A value of ERR reports when the Date Parent Permission to Evaluate Received is greater than the Date of Eligibility Decision Made (locked ESR Date of Report.
  • A value of 0 reports when the Date Parent Permission to Evaluate Received is greater than or equal to the Last Staff Day and  less than or equal to the First Staff Day and the Date Eligibility Decision Made is before the First Staff Day.

The following calculations are used, depending on the dates used in the ESR and on the report editor:

  1. The number of days between the Last Staff Day entered on the report editor minus the Date Parent Permission to Evaluate Received reports. (Calculation: Last Staff Day - Received Consent)
  2. The difference between the Last Staff Day minus Received Consent plus the difference between the Date Eligibility Decision Made and the First Staff Day (Calculation: (Last Staff Day - Received Consent) + ESR Date/Eligibility Date < First Staff Day)
  3. The difference between the Date Eligibility Decision Made and the First Staff Day reports when the ESR Date/Eligibility Date is greater than or equal to the Last Staff Day AND Received Consent is greater than or equal to the Last Staff Day AND Received Consent is less than or equal to the First Staff Day.  (Calculation: ESR Date or Eligibility Date - First Staff Day).
  4. The difference between the Date Eligibility Decision Made and the Date Permission to Evaluate Received reports. (Calculation: ESR Date/Eligibility Date - Received Consent).

Numeric, 3

Calculated Value

Date IEP Developed

Reports the date the initial IEP was developed.

The IEP after and closest to the Evaluation's date of report is used.

This field reports blank when the Date IEP Developed is in the future of when the report is generated. 

When the Eligibility (field 9) is NE, this field also reports as blank.

Date field, 10 characters (YYYY-MM-DD)

Special Education Documents > IEP > Plan Header > Meeting Date



Reports entered data from the Comments for Delay field on the State Referral tool.

When there is no referral record prior to the ESR, this reports blank.

When the referral record prior to the ESR is NOT Initial Referral Type, reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 255 characters

State Referral > Comments for Delay
