Individual Education Plan (Nevada) [.2223 - .2231]

Classic View: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Search Terms: Special Ed Document

The editors available on the Individual Education Plan provide all required information by the State of Nevada. Editors and fields are listed below. Included here are instructions on entering data into Campus and references to state-defined guidelines. 

See the Nevada Department of Education website ( for data standards and guidelines for entering data into the IEP.

The current format of this document is the NV IEP 2022. Print formats are selected in Plan Types. Pre-populated plan types for Nevada include:

  • NV IEP With Transition (Currently Documented)
  • NV IEP Without Transition
  • NV IEP Data Plan

Image of Nevada IEP editorsImage 1: Nevada IEP with Transition editors

Individual Education Plan Editors

 The following section lists the editors available on the student's Individual Education Plan, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a description of what the editor is used for and any special considerations, and a list of fields and a description of each field on every editor.

The following table lists the editors available in the three Nevada IEP plan types:


With Transition UI & Print

Without Transition UI & Print

Data Plan UI & Print

Education Plan




Student Demographics




Parent/Guardian Information




Meeting Participants




Procedural Safeguards



Present Levels (PLAAFP)



Strengths, Concerns, Interests, and Preferences



Special Factors





Transition Services



Goals and Objectives



Method for Reporting Progress



Specially Designed Instruction




Supplementary Aids and Services




Related Services




Statewide and/or District-wide Assessments




CRT Alternate Assessment




Extended School Year Services







IEP Implementation



Enrollment Status

Enrollment Status

Enrollment Status




Medicaid Consent




Education Plan

 The Education Plan editor stores plan information as well as related dates. The Education Plan editor displays in the Meeting Information section of the printed IEP.  

This editor must be saved before continuing to other areas of the plan. Creation and Modification information for the plan appears at the bottom of this editor. 

Image of NV Education Plan editorImage 2: Education Plan editor

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Field Name

DescriptionDatabase NameAd Hoc

Meeting Type


Indicates the purpose of the meeting. The purpose for the meeting should correspond to the purpose set forth in the written notice of the IEP meeting. Options include:

  • Interim IEP Initial IEP
  • Initial IEP
  • Annual IEP
  • IEP Following 3-Yr Reevaluation 
  • Revision to IEP Dated
  • Exit/Graduation
  • IEP Revision Without A Meeting:
  • Other:  

Only one (1) meeting type can be selected. Certain types require additional information, such as selection in a dropdown or selecting a date field.

EPlan.meetingReason1,SEPlan.meetingReason2, SEPlan.meetingReason3, SEPlan.meetingReason4, SEPlan.meetingReason5, SEPlan.meetingReason6, SEPlan.meetingReason7, SEPlan.meetingReason8Learner Planning > Learning Plans > Nevada Fields >  interimIEP, initialIEP, annualIEP, iepFollowing3YrReeval, revisionToIEP, exit, iepRevisionWithoutMeeting, other

Date of Meeting


The date of the meeting.SEPlan.meetingDateLearner Planning > Learning Plans > meetingDate
Date of Last IEP MeetingThe date of the last annual IEP meeting. This date is pulled from the Date of Meeting field in the previous IEP, if applicable.SEPlan.otherDateN/A

IEP Services will Begin


The date the IEP services are going to begin. This is the plan start date.Plan.startDateLearner Planning > Learning Plans > planStartDate

Anticipated Duration of Services


The date which corresponds to the expected length of time this IEP will be in effect. This is the anticipated plan end date. 

This field autopopulates to one year minus one day from the IEP Services Begin Date. When Exit/Graduation is selected as the Meeting Type, this date does not autopopulate. When Interim is selected as the Meeting Type, this field autopopulates to 30 calendars from the IEP Services Begin Date.

Plan.endDateLearner Planning > Learning Plans > planEndDate

IEP Review Date 


The date of the IEP review. This date must be projected no more than one year from the date of the IEP meeting.SEPlan.annualReviewDateLearner Planning > Learning Plans > annualReviewDate

Eligibility Date 


The eligibility date of the most recent eligibility determination. This date pulls from the Evaluation Date field on the Determination of Eligibility document, if applicable. SEPlan.evalDateLearner Planning > Learning Plans > evalDate

Anticipated 3-Yr Reevaluation


The anticipated date of the reevaluation 3 years from the most recent eligibility determination. This date is calculated based on the Evaluation Date field on the Determination of Eligibility document, if applicable. SEPlan.threeEvalDateLearner Planning > Learning Plans > threeEvalDate

The Comment field is used to record any additional information related to the IEP, i.e. the meeting was conducted via phone, the parents could not attend etc. This field is limited to 650 characters. 

Interpreter Needed

A checkbox indicating an interpreter is needed for the parent or student to participate in the IEP meeting. 

Other Accommodation Needed

A text field used to indicate any special arrangements needed for the parent or student to participate in the IEP meeting.


Student Demographics

 The Student Demographics editor populates information about the student such as demographic data, address and school information. The Student Demographics editor displays in the Student/Parent Information section of the printed IEP .  

Only the Assigned School Information section of this editor is editable. Clicking Refresh Student Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information entered for the student from the Demographics, Households, Enrollments and School tools.

Image of NV Student Demographics editorImage 3: Student Demographics editor

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Field Name


Database Location (when Refresh Student Information is clicked)

Campus Location

Last Name

The student's last name.identity.lastName

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name

First NameThe student's first name.identity.firstNameCensus > People > Demographics > First Name
Middle NameThe student's middle name.identity.middleNameCensus > People > Demographics > Middle Name
SuffixThe student's suffix.identity.suffixCensus > People > Demographics > Suffix Name
GenderThe student's gender.identity.genderCensus > People > Demographics > Gender
BirthdateThe student's birthdate.identity.birthDateCensus > People > Demographics > Birth Date
Student AddressThe student's address.address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state; address.zipCensus > Households > Address Info
Race, Ethnicity (state)The student's state designated race/ethnicity.identity.raceEthnicityCensus > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Race/Ethnicity 
Federal Student Ethnicity CodeThe student's federal designated ethnicity code.identity.federalRacesCensus > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Federal Designation
Race(s)The student's race(s). identity.raceEthnicity1-5
Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Race(s)
Student Primary LanguageThe student's home primary language.identity.homePrimaryLanguageCensus > People > Demographics > First Language
LEP StatusThe student's LEP status.identity.learnerCategoryStudent Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL > Program Status
School NameThe student's assigned school name.

System Administration > Resources > School > School > School Detail > Name
School NumberThe number of the Administration > Resources > School > School > School Detail > State School Number
AddressThe address of the school.

school.address;; school.state;

System Administration > Resources > School > School > School Detail > Address
TelephoneThe telephone number of the Administration > Resources > School > School > School Detail > Phone
Zoned School

The zoned within which the school is zoned. If applicable, this defaults from the Household Zoned School tab.

Other Zoned SchoolThis option is only available when Other is selected on the Zoned School field. planstudent.otherZonedSchool
 Emergency Contact Name A text field used to enter an emergency contact for the student.N/AN/A
 Emergency Contact Number A text field used to enter the phone number for an emergency contact for the student.N/AN/A
Student NumberThe student's ID number.identity.studentNumberStudent Information > General > Summary > Student Number
GradeThe student's grade.enrollment.grade

Enrollments > Grade

Parent/Guardian Information

The Parent/Guardian Information editor populates based on the established student/guardian relationships created on the student's  Relationships tool or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the  Households tool. The editor includes  Demographics  information for the student's guardian. The Parent/Guardian Demographics editor displays in the Student/Parent Information section of the printed IEP.

This editor is not editable. Clicking Refresh Guardian Information synchronizes information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's guardian's Demographics and Households tools.

 Image 4: Parent/Guardian Information editor 

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Field Name

DescriptionDatabase Location (when Refresh Guardian Information is clicked)

Campus Location

GuardianThe relationship between the student and guardian.planGuardian.relationshipCensus > People > Relationships > Relationships
NameThe full name of the guardian.identity.lastName; identity.firstName; identity.middleName; identity.suffixCensus > People > Demographics > Last Name; First Name; Middle Name; Suffix
Home PhoneThe home phone number of the > People > Households > Household Phone & Address(es) > Phone
Work PhoneThe work phone number of the > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Work Phone 
Cell PhoneThe cell phone number of the > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Cell Phone 
EmailThe email address of the > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Email
Primary Language Spoken at HomeThe language spoken at the guardian's home.identity.homePrimaryLanguageCensus > People > Demographics > Person Information > Home Language
AddressThe address of the guardian's home.address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state; address.zipCensus > Households > Address Info

Meeting Participants

The Meeting Participants editor is used to record team meetings and participants for the student. The Meeting Participants editor displays in the IEP Participation section of the printed IEP.

The required roles of Parent/Guardian/Surrogate, LEA Representative, Special Education Teacher, and Regular Education Teacher must be entered before this editor can be saved, if the student is over the age of 14.

Image 5: Meeting Participants editor

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Field NameDescriptionsDatabase
Meeting Participants Editor
Print In PlanThis checkbox is used to mark if this information should print in the student's plan. This is marked by default. Only one team meeting can be marked as Print in Plan = Yes.SEPTeamMeeting.iepMeeting
Meeting DateThe day of the team meeting.SEPTeamMeeting.meetingDate
Meeting DescriptionAny information regarding the meeting can be entered into the Meeting Description text box.SEPTeamMeeting.comments
Meeting Participants Attendance Editor
Link to Team MemberAny team member linked to the student's Team Members tab displays in the Link to Team Member dropdown. See the Team Members document for information on how to enter individual's information into this tool.SEPTeamMeetingAttendanceAlt.teamID
Last NameThe team member's last name.SEPTeamMeetingAttendanceAlt.lastName
First NameThe team member's first name.SEPTeamMeetingAttendanceAlt.firstName

The role of this team member. Values in this dropdown are based on a locked list of roles in the Attribute/Dictionary.


The required roles of Parent/Guardian/Surrogate, LEA Representative, Special Education Teacher, and Regular Education Teacher must be entered before this editor can be saved. If the Title field on the Team Member tab matches the name? the role defaults in this editor.

Role (blank field) The role of the team member (manually entered). This text field is only available if one of the three "Other" options is selected in the Role dropdown. SEPTeamMeetingAttendanceAlt.varChar1
AttendedIndicates the person was present at the meeting. This determines which participants print on the plan.SEPTeamMeetingAttendanceAlt.check4
InvitedIndicates the person was invited to the meeting. SEPTeamMeetingAttendanceAlt.check5
Add new team participantThis button is used to enter additional team members' information into this editor.N/A

Procedural Safeguards

The Procedural Safeguards editor records required engagement of parents and notification of the transfer of rights to the student at the age of 18. The checkboxes are used to indicate whether the student has been informed of the transfer of rights that will occur at age 18. The Procedural Safeguards editor displays in the Procedural Safeguards section of the printed IEP.

Image of NV Procedural Safeguards editorImage 6: Procedural Safeguards editor

Present Levels (PLAAFP)

The Present Levels (PLAAFP) editor includes the student's present levels of academic achievement and functional performance, including the assessment conducted to determine level, resulting skills determined, and needs identified. The Present Levels (PLAAFP) editor displays on the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance section of the printed IEP.

 Image of NV PLAAFP editorImage 7: PLAAFP editor 

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Field Name


Sequence #


The sequence in which the PLAAFP records display in the editor and on the printed version of the IEP.PlanGoalPLAAFP.seq

Assessment Conducted


 The name of the assessment that provided pertinent information for the development of the IEP. This could include formal or informal methods, classroom observations, student work samples, teacher-created or other achievement tests, recent evaluations, behavior rating scales, performance data from regular education teachers, parental input, etc. PlanGoalPLAAFP.need

Assessment Results


The results of the assessment corresponding to the assessment conducted.PlanGoalPLAAFP.testResults

Effect on student's involvement and progress in general education...


A text field used to describe the effect of the assessment results on the student's involvement and progress in general education curriculum. For early childhood students, this field is used to describe the impact of the assessment results on the involvement in student's developmental activities.PlanGoalPLAAFP.educationalPerformance

Strengths, Concerns, Interests, and Preferences

The Strengths, Concerns, Interests, and Preferences editor records observed student strengths, the parents' educational concerns, the student's preferences and interests, and how these preferences and interest were considered. The Strengths, Concerns, Interests, and Preferences editor displays on the Strengths, Concerns, Interests, and Preferences section of the printed IEP.

  Image of NV Strengths, Concerns, Interests, and Preferences editorImage 8: Strengths, Concerns, Interests, and Preferences editor

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Field NameDescriptionDatabase

Statement of Student Strengths


A text box used to describe the student's strengths to capture information that can be utilized in developing goals and objectives.SEPPlanning.studentStrengths

Statement of Parent Educational Concerns


A text box used to describe the parent's concerns regarding the student's education.SEPPlanning.parentConcerns

Statement of Student's Preferences and Interests

* Required

A text box used to describe the student's preferences and interests if transition services are discussed.
* If the student is 14 years of age or older within the dates of the current plan, this field is required.
If student was not in attendance, describe the steps taken to ensure that the student's preferences and interests were consideredA text box used to describe the steps taken to ensure that the student's preferences and interests were considered at the meeting.SEPPlanning.method

Special Factors

 The Special Factors editor identifies possible concerns that may interfere with the student's learning, such as behavior issues, limited English proficiency, visual or communication impairments or assistive technology. The Special Factors editor displays in the Considerations of Special Factors section of the printed IEP. 

Users must answer each question in order to save the editor.

Image of NV Special Factors editorImage 9: Special Factors editor

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Question (Y/N)Database

1. Does the student's behavior impede the student's learning or the learning of others?

2. Does the student require assistive technology devices and services?SEPSpecialFactors.assistTech
3. Does the student have limited English proficiency?SEPSpecialFactors.languageCheck
4. Is the student blind or visually impaired?SEPSpecialFactors.brailleCheck
5. Is the student deaf or hard of hearing?SEPSpecialFactors.deafCheck
6. Does the student have a Specific Learning Disability and Dyslexia?SEPSpecialFactors.special


The Transition editor describes the type of diploma the student will receive upon completion of school, the student's vision for their future, the Course of Study designed to encourage this transition, and the post-secondary goals identified for the student's future. The Transition editor displays on the Transition section of the printed IEP. 

This editor is only available with the NV IEP With Transition plan.

Image 10: Transition editor

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Field NameDescriptionDatabase

Diploma Selected for Graduation


A checkbox used to reflect the IEP team's decision regarding the appropriate diploma option for the student. Options include either the Standard or Advanced High School Diploma, Adjusted High School Diploma, or Alternate High School Diploma.


Student's Vision for Future


A text box used to describe the student's vision for the future.SEPTransitionNeeds.comments

Statement of Transition Services: Course of Study


A text box used to describe the anticipated course of study the student will be pursuing that will promote movement to postsecondary goals.  SEPTransitionNeeds.courseStudy1
Statement of Measurable Postsecondary Goals

A series of text boxes used to describe the student's postsecondary goals related to the following areas:

  • Training/Education
  • Employment
  • Independent Living Skills (As Appropriate)
  • Other
SEPTransitionNeeds.trainingCheck, SEPTransitionNeeds.trainingPlanning, SEPTransitionNeeds.employmentCheck, SEPTransitionNeeds.employmentPlanning, SEPTransitionNeeds.livingCheck, SEPTransitionNeeds.livingPlanning, SEPTransitionNeeds.educationCheck, SEPTransitionNeeds.educationPlanning

Transition Services

The Transition Services editor describes the services provided to the student to achieve the transition goals identified in the previous editor. The Transition editor displays on the Transition section of the printed IEP.

This editor is only available with the NV IEP With Transition plan.

Image of NV Transition Services editorImage 11: Transition Services editor

The Any Other Agency Involvement (Optional) field associated with the text field is used to describe any additional agencies involved.

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Field NameDescriptionDatabase



A text box used to describe the use of formal techniques used to teach to the student.


Related Service


A text box used to describe the related services necessary to assist the student to benefit from specially designed instruction.


Community Experiences


A text field used to describe the community experiences provided outside of the school that impact the student's education and progress.SEPTransitionServices.commExperiencesText

Employment and Other Post-School Adult Living Objectives


A text box used to describe the employment and other post-school adult living objectives and services that lead to a career or job for the student.

Acquisition of Daily Living Skills and Functional Vocational Evaluation (if appropriate)A text box used to describe activities adults do every day and the assessment process that provides information about job or career interests, aptitudes and skills for the student.SEPTransitionServices.vocationalEvalText
OtherA text box used to add any other agency involvement with the student.SEPTransitionServices.otherText

Goals and Objectives

The Goals and Objectives editor describes annual goals set for the student as well as how that goal will be measured and whether the goal relates to an existing post-secondary goal or an Extended School Year program. The Goals and Objectives editor displays on the IEP Goals, Including Academic and Functional Goals, and Benchmarks or Short-Term Objectives section of the printed IEP. 

Image of NV Goals and Objectives editorImage 12: Goals and Objectives editor

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Field NameDescriptionDatabase



The sequence in which the goals will display in the goals and objectives editor and the printed IEP.PlanGoal.seq

Measurable Annual Goal


A text field used to describe the student's measurable annual goals and how progress toward the annual goal will be measured. Template Banks (the white paper icon) can be used to prepopulate this field with goals established in System Administration.

Check here if this goal supports the student's postsecondary goal(s)... 

This checkbox is used to designate that the goal related to one of the student's postsecondary goals. The second set of checkboxes is used to specify to which area, Training/Education, Employment, Independent Living Skills, or Other, the goal pertains.

 Check here if this goal will be addressed during Extended School Year Services (ESY) This checkbox is used to designate that the goal will be addressed during the Extended School Year Services (ESY).PlanGoal.check6

Each goal added must include either a benchmark or short term objective(s). Objectives can be added after a goal is saved, and then by clicking New Plan Objective in the action bar.

Image of NV Objectives editorImage 13: Objectives editor

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Field NameDescriptionDatabase



The sequence in which the objective will display in the goals and objectives editor and the printed IEP.PlanGoalObjective.seq

Benchmark or Short-Term Objective


A benchmark or short-term objective is used to gauge the student is progressing toward achieving the annual goal.PlanGoalObjective.objective

Method for Reporting Progress

The Method for Reporting Progress editor describes the document(s) that will be used to report student progress and how often that document will be produced. The Method for Reporting Progress editor displays on the Method for Reporting Progress section of the printed IEP. 

Image of NV Method for Reporting Progress editorImage 14: Method for Reporting Progress editor

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Field NameDescriptionDatabase

Method for Reporting the Student's Progress Toward Meeting Annual Goals


This section is used to mark all the options used to report the student's progress toward meeting their annual goals to the student's parents. All options that apply should be marked. Options include:

  • IEP Goals Pages
  • District Report Card
  • Specialized Progress Report
  • Parent Conferences
  • Other
SEPReportingProgress.iepCheck, SEPReportingProgress.reportCardCheck, SEPReportingProgress.specialCheck, SEPReportingProgress.conferenceCheck, SEPReportingProgress.otherCheck

Projected Frequency of Reports


This section is used to mark how frequently reports will be made in measuring the student's progress towards their annual goals. Options include:

  • Quarterly
  • Semester
  • Trimester
  • Other

Specially Designed Instruction

The Specially Designed Instruction editor lists services provided to the student in a Special Education setting. The Specially Designed Instruction editor displays on the Special Education Services section of the printed IEP. 

 Image of NV Specially Designed Instruction editorImage 15: Specially Designed Instruction editor 

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Field NameDescriptionDatabase
SequenceThe sort order in which the Services display both in the UI and on the print format.N/A



A text field used to describe the special ed services being provided to the student in the areas for which annual goals have been written.PlanServiceProvided.serviceID, PlanServiceProvided.serviceName

Location of Service


A text field used to describe the location where the student will receive services.PlanServiceProvided.locationSPED

Start Date


The start date of the service.PlanServiceProvided.startDate

End Date


The end date of the service.PlanServiceProvided.endDate

Service Minutes


The number of service minutes that corresponds with the frequency of the services that will be provided.PlanServiceProvided.serviceDirect



The frequency of service to be provided for the student.PlanServiceProvided.serviceFreqPeriod

Supplementary Aids and Services

The Supplementary Aids and Services editor lists the accommodations and modifications made to assist the student in participating in regular education. The Supplementary Aids and Services editor displays on the Supplementary Aids and Services area on the printed IEP. 

 Image of NV Supplementary Aids and Services editorImage 16: Supplementary Aids and Services editor 

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Field NameDescriptionDatabase
SequenceThe sort order in which the Supplemental Aids display both in the UI and on the print format.N/A

Modifications, Accommodations, or Supports for Student or Personnel


A text field used to describe the modifications, accommodations, or supports being provided to the student or personnel.PlanServiceProvided.serviceID, PlanServiceProvided.serviceName

Location of Services


A text filed used to describe the location where the services will be provided.PlanServiceProvided.locationSPED

Beginning Date


The start date of the services. This field auto-populates from the initial IEP date field Education Plan editor, but it can be modified as needed.PlanServiceProvided.startDate

Ending Date


The end date of the services. This field auto-populates from the IEP termination date field Education Plan editor, but it can be modified as needed.PlanServiceProvided.endDate



A text filed used to describe the frequency of the service.PlanServiceProvided.serviceDeliveryStatement

Related Services

The Related Services editor lists developmental, corrective or other supportive services required to assist the student with a disability. The Related Services editor displays on the Related Services area of the printed IEP.

Image of NV Related Services editorImage 17: Related Services editor

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Service options are based on a hard-coded list but additional options can be added in the Services tool.

Field NameDescriptionDatabase
SequenceThe sort order in which the Services display both in the UI and on the print format.N/A



A dropdown used to select the related special ed service being provided to the student.PlanServiceProvided.serviceID, PlanServiceProvided.serviceName

Service Type 


A dropdown used to select the type of service being provided to the student.PlanServiceProvided.model
Service Type Description A text field used to provide additional details concerning the service type selected.PlanServiceProvided.comments

Location of Service


A text field used to describe the location where the student will receive services.PlanServiceProvided.locationSPED

Start Date


The start date of the service. This field auto-populates from the initial IEP date field Education Plan editor, but it can be modified as needed.PlanServiceProvided.startDate

End Date


The end date of the service. This field auto-populates from the IEP termination date field Education Plan editor, but it can be modified as needed.PlanServiceProvided.endDate

Service Minutes


The number of service minutes that correspond with the frequency of the services that will be provided.PlanServiceProvided.serviceDirect



The frequency of service to be provided for the student.PlanServiceProvided.serviceFreqPeriod

Statewide and/or District-wide Assessments

The Statewide and/or District-wide Assessments editor records student participation in assessments and whether accommodations are provided. The Statewide and/or District-wide Assessments editor displays on the Participation in Statewide and/or District-Wide Assessments section of the printed IEP. 

  Image 18: Statewide and/or District-wide Assessments editor

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Field NameDescriptionDatabase

Assessment Name


A dropdown used to select the name of the assessment.SEPTestAccommodationList.testName
Other Assessment Name

The name of the assessment. This option is only available when "Other" is selected in the Assessment Name dropdown.




Indicates how the student will participate in the assessment.SEPTestAccommodationList.alternate

If the student will participate in an alternate assessment, explain why the student cannot participate in the regular assessment, and why the particular alternate assessment selected is appropriate.  

 Required if "Alternate" is selected  

If the Participation is marked as Alternate, this field is used to describe why the student cannot participate in the regular assessment and why the alternate is appropriate for the student.SEPTestAccommodationList.appropriate
If the student will participate in regular assessment, does the student require accommodations?If the Participation is marked as Yes, this field indicates if the student requires test accommodations.SEPTestAccommodationList.appropriate

List Accommodation(s)

Required if Yes is selected for the question, "If the student will participate in regular assessment, does the student require accommodations?"

If the student does require test accommodations, this field is used to describe the accommodation(s) the student needs.SEPTestAccommodationList.accommodations

CRT Alternate Assessment

The CRT Alternate Assessment editor is only available and only needs to be filled out when Alternate is selected as the Participation option on the Assessment editor (previous editor). The CRT Alternate Assessment editor displays on the State Criterion-Referenced (CRT) Alternate Assessment section of the printed IEP. 

Image of NV CRT Alternate Assessments editorImage 19: CRT Alternate Assessment editor

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Is the student eligible for and receiving services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through a current IEP?SEPTestAccommodationsZZ. tinyInt2
Does the student demonstrate cognitive functioning and adaptive behavior that limit full participation in the general education curriculum and state-wide assessments even with supplementary aids, accommodations, and modifications?SEPTestAccommodationsZZ. tinyInt3
Does the student require substantial supports to meaningfully access and achieve measurable gains on the State's challenging grade-level content standards?SEPTestAccommodationsZZ. tinyInt4
Does the student require extensive, direct individualized instruction to achieve measurable gains on the state's challenging grade-level content standards and to acquire, maintain, and generalize skills necessary for application in school, home, work, and community settings?SEPTestAccommodationsZZ. tinyInt5
The IEP committee's decision about the student's participation in the NAA was NOT primarily based on any of the following: a disability category or label, poor attendance or extended absences, native language, social, cultural, or economic differences, academic and other services received, educational environment or instructional setting, percent of time receiving special education services, English Learner (EL) status, current or previous low academic achievement, or current or previous need for accommodations (e.g., assistive technology/AAC) to participate in general State or districtwide assessments.SEPTestAccommodationsZZ. tinyInt6
Has the IEP committee informed the parent/guardian of the consequences of the student participating in the Nevada Alternate Assessment (e.g., modified diploma vs. standard diploma) and of being evaluated against alternate achievement standards?N/A

Extended School Year Services

The Extended School Year Services editor indicates if the student requires services beyond the standard school time, such as beyond school hours or during breaks. The Extended School Year Services editor displays on the Extended School Year Services section of the printed IEP.  

   Image of NV Extended School Year Services editorImage 20: Extended School Year Services editor

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Field NameDescriptionDatabase

Does the student require extended school year services?


Indicates if the student needs extended school year services.SEPExtendedYear.extendedYear
If need for ESY is to be determined at a later date, indicate date by which IEP decision will be made:The date the decision to determine the student's need for extended school year services will be made in the


The Placement editor describes the placement setting chosen for the student and justification of that placement. The Placement editor displays on the Placement section of the printed IEP.

A maximum of three placement records can be saved.

 Image of NV Placement editorImage 21: Placement editor

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Field NameDescriptionDatabase

Start Date  


The beginning date of the placement. Placement dates cannot overlap and must be within the plan dates.SEPGenericForm.smallDate1

End Date  


The last date of the placement. Placement dates cannot overlap and must be within the plan dates.SEPGenericForm.smallDate2

Placement Considerations


Indicates the placement considerations made by the IEP team for the student.  Options include:

  • Regular class with supplementary aids and services (no removal)
  • Regular class and special education class (e.g., resource) combination
  • Self-contained program
  • Special School
  • Residential
  • Hospital
  • Home
  • Other
SEPGenericForm.tinyint1, SEPGenericForm.tinyint2, SEPGenericForm.tinyint3, SEPGenericForm.tinyint4, SEPGenericForm.tinyint5, SEPGenericForm.tinyint6, SEPGenericForm.tinyint7, SEPGenericForm.tinyint8

Percentage of Time in Regular Education Environment


The average percent of time the student spends in a regular education environment.SEPGenericForm.vcMax2

Justification for Placement Involving Removal from Regular Education  Environments

Required if the Percentage is less than 100

A text field used to describe the justification for the student's placement and removal from a regular educational environment.SEPGenericForm.vcMax3

IEP Implementation

The IEP Implementation editor records parent acceptance of the special education participation plan. The IEP Implementation editor displays on the IEP Implementation section of the printed IEP.  

Image of NV IEP Implementation editorImage 22: IEP Implementation editor

Enrollment Status

The Enrollment Status editor stores basic information about the student's participation in special education, including disability, status, and setting. The Enrollment Status editor displays on the Eligibility Category section of the printed IEP. 

This editor must be saved before locking the plan.

Image 23: Enrollment Status editor

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Field NameDescriptionDatabase
State IDThe student's state ID. This field is pulled from the Enrollment tab and cannot be modified.PlanState.stateID

Primary Disability


The student's primary disability.PlanState.disability1, PlanState.disability1Name
Secondary DisabilityThe student's secondary disability.PlanState.disability2, PlanState.disability2Name

Special Ed Status


The student's special ed status.
Options display in this dropdown based on the age and enrollment of the student:
  • If the student is between the ages of 3-5 by October 1 AND enrolled with a grade of PK, only the 'E' codes display in the drop down.
  • If the student is between the ages of 5-21 by October 1 AND enrolled with a grade of K or greater, only the 'B' codes display in the drop down. 
  • If the student does not fit into either of those two categories, all codes display.
PlanState.specialEdStatus, PlanState.specialEdStatusString

Special Ed Setting


The student's special ed educational environment.PlanState.specialEdSetting, PlanState.specialEdSettingSgtring
Resident District

The student's district of residence. This field is pulled from the Enrollment tab and cannot be modified.

PlanState.residentDistrictNumber, PlanState.residentDistrictName

Medicaid Consent

The Medicaid Consent editor is used to document the parent/guardian's consent for the district to disclose the student's information in regards to seeking Medicaid funding. The Medicaid Consent editor prints in the Consent for Release of Information and Medicaid Reimbursement section of the printed plan.

This page is not considered part of the IEP and will not include a page number upon printing.

Image of Medicaid Consent editorImage 24: Medicaid Consent editor

Click here to expand...
Field NameDescriptionAd hoc
Print in PlanThis checkbox will print this editor in the plan. The default is unmarked.N/A
Yes/NoThe Yes/No checkboxes are used to indicate the parent/guardian's consent.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > Nevada Medicaid Consent >  parentGuardianConsent
NameThe name of the parent/guardian.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > Nevada Medicaid Consent >  name
SignatureThe signature of the parent/guardian.N/A
DateThe date the parent/guardian consented.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > Nevada Medicaid Consent >  date

Print the IEP

Click the Print button on the Documents tab to generate a PDF of the student's education plan. 

 Image of NV IEP Print exampleImage 25: Nevada IEP Print example