Tool Search: Gifted & Talented
The Gifted and Talented Tool
The Gifted and Talented Program allows each school to design programs to serve the needs of identified gifted/talented students; these differentiated programs include enrichment activities, acceleration and/or honors classes. Users may create as many Gifted/Talented records for a student as necessary.
Gifted Detail Editor
Gifted and Talented Status
The Gifted Status allows users to indicate student's Gifted/Talented status.
Identified Date
Indicates the date on which Gifted/Talented services start.
Parent Decision
Parental permission is required for a student to participate in the program. Use this field to indicate if services were approved or declined.
Parent Declined Date
If the parent/guardian declines services, indicate the date on which services were declined.
GT Committee Members
This field is used to indicate the members of the committee determining Gifted/Talented status for the student. These are the members who recommend inclusion in the Gifted/Talented program.
Nominating Role Group
Use this field to indicate who nominated the student for the Gifted/Talented program. Users may select as many groups as applicable.
Course/Program Type
The Course/Program Type field is used to deliver Gifted/Talented services. The selections for this field are maintained by the Hawaii Department of Education.
Teacher Completing Worksheet
This field is used at end-user discretion. Users must have user-rights to access this field.
Gifted Program Area
Use this to indicate the area in which the student is gifted/talented. The selections for this field are maintained by the Hawaii Department of Education.
For students who are gifted/talented in multiple areas, create a record for each area in which the student is gifted/talented.
Program Start Date
Indicates the date on which the student began the Gifted/Talented Program.
Program Exit Reason
This field indicates the reason for which the student exited the program.
Program Exit Date
Indicates the date on which the student exited the program.
Program Subject Area
Use the Program Subject Area field to indicate the subject area of concentration for the Gifted Talented Programs of Intellectual/Academic (IA) or Visual/Performance Arts (VP). The selections for this field are maintained by the Hawaii Department of Education.
Projected Contact Minutes/Week
This field indicates the number of instructional minutes of Gifted/Talented instruction is provided. Students should receive at least 90 minutes of service each week.
Subject Area Other
Use the Subject Area Other field to describe the subject area if the Program Subject Area is 5: Other.
Program Description Details
Use this field to indicate the elements that are included in the identification process and program dimensions. Users should be sure to include the following information: Program Area, Program Description (subject area, number of minutes/week for instruction, grade level, program type), and Criteria used in the screening process (matrix of instruments and measures).
Selection Criteria Type
Use this field to indicate all the items used in screening the student for inclusion in the Gifted/Talented program. The selections for this field are maintained by the Hawaii Department of Education.
Selection Criteria Name
Use this field to enter a name for the Selection Criteria used.
The Gifted Documents Tool
The Gifted and Talented Documents tool allows users to upload and store any gifted and talented related documents for each student. Please see the Managing Documents article for more information.