Early Literacy (Montana)
Last Modified on 03/10/2025 10:08 am CDT
Tool Search: Early Literacy
The Early Literacy tool documents students in grade PK-03 and their eligibility for Montana's Early Literacy State Program. This tool is read-only for Montana State Edition users.
List Screen
The List Screen displays all Early Literacy records for the student. Select an existing record or the New button to open the Detail Screen.
Early Literacy List ScreenRead - View the Early Literacy tool and existing records.
Write - Edit existing records.
Add - Add new records.
Delete - Delete existing records.
Business Logic
- A student may only have one active Early Literacy record at a time. Overlapping records are not allowed.
- Early Literacy records are considered program records, and each instance of a student's participation in the program has a start and end date.
- Early Literacy Start and End Dates are NOT tied to the student Enrollment or School Calendar records.
- The Federal/State Program Updater can bulk update Early Literacy records.
- State and District-defined elements are allowed.
Detail Screen
The Detail Screen allows users with the appropriate tool rights to view and modify the student's Early Literacy record. For additional information, see the Tool Rights section.
Early Literacy Detail ScreenEarly Literacy Field Descriptions
Record Entry Date
The first day the student participated in the program. This field is required.
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Database Location
Ad hoc Inquiries
Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > startDate (atRisk.startDate)
End Date
The day the student stopped participating in the program. This field auto-populates to 365 days after the State Date but can be edited as needed.
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Database Location
Ad hoc Inquiries
Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > endDate (atRisk.endDate)
School Year
The school year in which the student participated in the program. This is required.
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Database Location
Ad hoc Inquiries
State Grade
The grade in which the student participated in the program. The state of Montana provides the list of values available in this dropdown. Click the expand link to view available options and other information about this field.
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Options available in this dropdown include:
- Kindergarten Full
- Kindergarten Half
- Pre-Kindergarten
- Grade 1
- Grade 2
- Grade 3
Database Location
Ad hoc Inquiries
Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > stateGrade (atRisk.stateGrade)
Eligibility Domain
The values available in this dropdown are dynamic based on the State Grade selected. This field is required. Multiple options can be selected. Click the expand link to view available options and other information about this field.
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When Pre-Kindergarten is selected, options available in this dropdown include:
- 01001AK: Alphabet Knowledge (PK, KH, KF)
- 01001OL: Oral Language (PK, KH, KF)
- 01001PLA: Phonological Awareness (PK, KH, KF)
When Kindergarten Half is selected, options available in this dropdown include:
- 02001AK: Alphabet Knowledge (PK, KH, KF)
- 02001OL: Oral Language (PK, KH, KF)
- 02001PLA: Phonological Awareness (PK, KH, KF)
When Kindergarten Full is selected, options available in this dropdown include:
- 03001AK: Alphabet Knowledge (PK, KH, KF)
- 03001OL: Oral Language (PK, KH, KF)
- 03001PLA: Phonological Awareness (PK, KH, KF)
When Grade 1 is selected, options available in this dropdown include:
- 04001DS: Developmental Spelling (01, 02, 03)
- 04001LC: Listening Comprehension (01, 02)
- 04001PMA: Phonemic Awareness (01)
- 04001VO: Vocabulary (01, 02, 03)
- 04001WR: Word Reading (01, 02, 03)
When Grade 2 is selected, options available in this dropdown include:
- 05001CRA: Connected Text Accuracy (02, 03)
- 05001DS: Developmental Spelling (01, 02, 03)
- 05001LC: Listening Comprehension (01, 02)
- 05001RCS: Reading Composite Score (02, 03)
- 05001VO: Vocabulary (01, 02, 03)
- 05001WR: Word Reading (01, 02, 03)
- 05001CTF: Connected Text Fluency (02, 03)
When Grade 3 is selected, options available in this dropdown include:
- 06001CRA: Connected Text Accuracy (02, 03)
- 06001CTF: Connected Text Fluency (02, 03)
- 06001DS: Developmental Spelling (01, 02, 03)
- 06001RCS: Reading Composite Score (02, 03)
- 06001VO: Vocabulary (01, 02, 03)
- 06001WR: Word Reading (01, 02, 03)
Database Location
Ad hoc Inquiries
Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > intervention (atRisk.intervention)
The values available in this dropdown are dynamic based on the State Grade selected. This field is required. Click the expand link to view available options and other information about this field.
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Note: When Other is selected as the Methodology Tool, the Methodology Comments field becomes required.
When Pre-Kindergarten is selected, options available in this dropdown include:
- 01001ARP: Acadience Reading PK (PK, KH, KF)
- 01001ASC: Assessment of Story Comprehension (PK, KH, KF)
- 01001EBP: Early Bird (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 01001GRTG: Getting Ready to Read! (PK, KH, KF)
- 01001LSRS: Language Screen and Reading Screen (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 01001MIDI: myIGDIs (PK, KH, KF)
- 01001OT: Other (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03) Enter details in Other Methodology Comments
- 01001QIL: Quick Interactive Language (PK, KH, KF)
- 01001SEL: Star Early Literacy (PK, KH, KF)
- 01001TOPEL: TOPEL - Test of Preschool Early Literacy (PK, KH, KF)
When Kindergarten Half is selected, options available in this dropdown include:
- 02001ARP: Acadience Reading PK (PK, KH, KF)
- 02001ASC: Assessment of Story Comprehension (PK, KH, KF)
- 02001EBP: Early Bird (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 02001GRTG: Getting Ready to Read! (PK, KH, KF)
- 02001LSRS: Language Screen and Reading Screen (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 02001MIDI: myIGDIs (PK, KH, KF)
- 02001OT: Other (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 02001QIL: Quick Interactive Language (PK, KH, KF)
- 02001SEL: Star Early Literacy (PK, KH, KF)
- 02001TOPEL: TOPEL - Test of Preschool Early Literacy (PK, KH, KF)
When Kindergarten Full is selected, options available in this dropdown include:
- 03001ARP: Acadience Reading PK (PK, KH, KF)
- 03001ASC: Assessment of Story Comprehension (PK, KH, KF)
- 03001EBP: Early Bird (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 03001GRTG: Getting Ready to Read! (PK, KH, KF)
- 03001LSRS: Language Screen and Reading Screen (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 03001MIDI: myIGDIs (PK, KH, KF)
- 03001OT: Other (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 03001QIL: Quick Interactive Language (PK, KH, KF)
- 03001SEL: Star Early Literacy (PK, KH, KF)
- 03001TOPEL: TOPEL - Test of Preschool Early Literacy (PK, KH, KF)
When Grade 1 is selected, options available in this dropdown include:
- 04001ARP: Acadience Reading (01, 02, 03)
- 04001AWP: aimswebPlus (01, 02, 03)
- 04001DIBELS: DIBELS 8th (01, 02, 03)
- 04001EBP: Early Bird (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 04001ECBM: EasyCBM (01, 02, 03)
- 04001FB: FastBridge (01, 02, 03)
- 04001LSRS: Language Screen and Reading Screen (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 04001OT: Other (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
When Grade 2 is selected, options available in this dropdown include:
- 05001ARP: Acadience Reading (01, 02, 03)
- 05001AWP: aimswebPlus (01, 02, 03)
- 05001DIBELS: DIBELS 8th (01, 02, 03)
- 05001EBP: Early Bird (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 05001ECBM: EasyCBM (01, 02, 03)
- 05001FB: FastBridge (01, 02, 03)
- 05001LSRS: Language Screen and Reading Screen (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 05001OT: Other (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
When Grade 3 is selected, options available in this dropdown include:
- 06001ARP: Acadience Reading (01, 02, 03)
- 06001AWP: aimswebPlus (01, 02, 03)
- 06001DIBELS: DIBELS 8th (01, 02, 03)
- 06001EBP: Early Bird (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 06001ECBM: EasyCBM (01, 02, 03)
- 06001FB: FastBridge (01, 02, 03)
- 06001LSRS: Language Screen and Reading Screen (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
- 06001OT: Other (PK, KH, KF, 01, 02, 03)
Database Location
Ad hoc Inquiries
Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > methodologyTool (atRisk.methodologyTool)
This is required when Other is selected as the Methodology Tool. This field is limited to 100 characters.
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Database Location
Ad hoc Inquiries
Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > methodologyToolComments (atRisk.methodologyToolComments)
Any comments related to the record. This field is limited to 255 characters.
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Database Location
Ad hoc Inquiries
Student > Learner > State Programs > At Risk > comments (atRisk.comments)
State Defined Elements
Any state-defined fields display below the above fields. The header for this section does NOT display until the state adds state reporting fields.
District Defined Elements
Any district-defined fields display below the above fields and the state-defined elements. The header for this section does NOT display until the district adds fields.
Create a New Early Literacy Record
- From the List Screen, click New. The Program Information Detail Screen displays.
- Enter a Screener Start Date by entering the day in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the day.
- Optional: Enter an End Date by entering the day in mm/dd/yyyy format or click the calendar icon to select the day.
- Select a School Year from the dropdown.
- Select the student's grade from the State Grade dropdown.
- Select all applicable values from the Eligibility Domain multi-select field.
- Select the value for the Select Methodology Tool dropdown.
- When applicable, enter any Methodology Comments.
- When applicable, enter any Comments related to the record.
- Click the Save button. The new Early Literacy record now displays in the List Screen.
Edit Existing Early Literacy Records
Users with the appropriate Write tool rights can edit existing Early Literacy records. When applicable, select an existing record, make desired changes to any of the above fields, and then click the Save button.
Delete an Early Literacy Record
The Delete button only displays for those users with Delete tool rights. Deleting records is NOT recommended.
Click Print on the List Screen to generate a PDF Summary Report of the student's Early Literacy records. This PDF Summary Report can be transferred using the Student Records Transfer tool.
Digital Repository
Tool Search: Digital Repository Preferences
Click the Documents button on the List Screen to upload PDFs to the Digital Repository. The Documents button only displays when the Person category is enabled on the Digital Repository screen and Early Literacy is selected on the Person tool under Student Information Program Participation.