Support Portal

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Technical and Authorized Contacts may submit cases online via the Support Portal. The portal gives authorized contacts an active role in managing cases by allowing them to submit new requests, add attachments, communicate with Support, and review closed cases. 

To access the Support Portal, navigate to

For easy access, we recommend creating a bookmark for the Support Portal. For more information on how to create a bookmark, select your browser: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari

Screenshot of Support Portal sign in screen.

Once logged in, click on Cases and select Submit a Case.

Notifications in the Support Portal

 To view current and upcoming maintenance as well as ongoing incidents, there is a Notifications Panel in the Support Portal.

If there is a current outage or incident in progress, an orange banner will display at the top of the Support Portal below the header.

Screenshot of an example incident notification. It says

Open maintenance messages, which are generally posted two weeks in advance, will display with a green banner.

Screenshot of a mainteance notification. It says

A gray banner will appear below the header if there are no current open notifications.

Screenshot of what the Support Portal looks like when there are no notifications. A gray banner across the top says

These banners have a link to the Support > Notifications page, which can also be found under the Support dropdown.

When an incident is open, additional updates and details may appear on the Notifications page.  Click the Closed Notifications tab to view closed notices.  To get back to the main Support Portal page, click Home.

Screenshot of the Notifications page.

The intent of these messages is to inform authorized contacts before a case is submitted with details about a known issue, starting with awareness and investigation.   If you are experiencing the same symptoms, we request that you still submit a case, but a follow up phone call is not necessary. This helps us understand the scope of an issue and verify that your district is experiencing the same issue.

 The Notifications page is not hosted on the Infinite Campus network, so even if Campus Community is unavailable, the Support Portal should be, and messages from Infinite Campus can be seen via the Notifications page.   

 Communications about upcoming maintenance or incidents in progress will continue to be posted to Campus Community News and in the Announcements (Forum) for non-authorized contacts to be informed.

 Emails about incidents in progress may also sent to authorized contacts when applicable.

Case Types

To begin a support case, click on the case type that best matches your issue or request. Cases will be routed to the proper support resource based on the type chosen. 

Screenshot of the Case Types that are available for selection from the Support Portal. The table below references each Case Type.

The following case types are available: 

Case TypeDescriptionExamples
Application IssueCampus is not working as expected or you are experiencing a problem.
  • Receiving error token
  • Teachers are unable to take attendance
Ask a QuestionAsk a how-to question or for advice.
  • What is the best way to set up a snow day? 
  • Where can I find a specific report? 
  • How do I end date a student's enrollment?
Report an OutageCampus is inaccessible for all (or most) users.
  • Users are unable to access Infinite Campus
Request TrainingEnter a request to schedule Infinite Campus training.
  • Request for Campus Learning training for teachers
  • Request for scheduling training for counselors
Data Restore

Request lost or deleted data be restored. We require your written permission.

  • Data is backed up nightly
  • Data is retained for 30 days
  • Data must be missing or deleted
  • Restoration may recreate missing or deleted data
For more information on Data Restoration, see the Campus Data Retention Policy.
  • Restore deleted enrollment
Server IssueReport an issue with your campus server.
  • SQL database connection issues
  • Hardware end of life
  • Reporting server errors
  • Data Warehouse server problems
  • SSRS server access issues
Server Access

Request Server, SQL Server (ODBC), or SSRS Access.

Note that Infinite Campus Schema Bootcamp training is required for SQL Server access.

  • Request access to the database to run SQL scripts
Modify Support ContactsUpdate or Replace your current Support Contacts
  • Add an additional contact after the purchase of a Premium Suite
  • Replace existing Technical Contact after a retirement
Request ConsultingRequest time with an Infinite Campus Business Consultant, who can guide you on the use of advanced system features and help align current and future business processes with SIS functionality.
Request Technical ServicesReport an issue with an existing Technical Services project, request a new project, or submit a modification to an existing project.
  • Existing custom project (fix/modification)
  • Custom report, report card, or transcript
  • Data import/export/modification
  • Integrations with 3rd Party applications (not 1EdTech integrations)
  • Other Services (e.g. one-off requests)

Case Fields

The following fields may be found on the case forms. Some fields are specific to certain case types. Fields marked with a red asterisk on the form are required to create the case. Tool tips are available for some fields by hovering over the information icon. 

The more specific information is provided to Support, the faster we can provide you with a resolution. See the example below for a well-written ticket.

FieldDefinitionDisplays on Case Types
AccountIndicates the school district that is reporting the issue. This field defaults to the district assigned to the user.

Contacts at multiple districts may use the dropdown to select the proper district.
ContactIndicates the contact who is reporting the issue. This field defaults to the user entering the case.

Contacts may submit on behalf of other contacts at their district. Use the dropdown to select another contact name.
PriorityIndicates the scope or time sensitivity of the issue. This field defaults to Medium.
  • Critical - Campus software not operational. Limited to Outage cases.
  • High - Inability to perform a time sensitive task.
  • Medium - Usable, but functionality affected. 
  • Low - Questions, services, etc.
SubjectThe topic of the case; may indicate the issue and the Campus module affected.
The Subject should be self-descriptive. Make it brief and specific. This helps to route the case accordingly and allows the district to easily locate the issue when managing cases.
DescriptionDetails on the issue you are experiencing. Please include information on Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. The more information provided helps to speed up the qualification process.All
TypeIndicates which application or request type is being made.Application Issue
Request Technical Services
ModuleIndicates the top most reported modules in alphabetical order. If the module is not listed, please select Not Applicable. Application Issue
Ask a Question
Data Restore
Server Issue
Request Technical Services
Steps to ReproduceClick-by-click steps to replicate the issue. Please include information such as what is shown on the screen, what fields were populated, with what text, etc. Provide usernames or specific student data to view if applicable. Application Issue
Environment ChangesWere any changes recently made to your workstation or to your Campus site? Examples include new software, updated tool rights, or a version update.Application Issue
Error MessagePlease copy and paste any error messages that may display.Application Issue
Report an Outage
Server Issue
Expected ResultsHow do the results differ from what is expected? What should be occurring based on knowledge of the tool and the permissions of the issue reporter?Application Issue
Who is impacted?Indicates the scope of the issue. Examples include all users in the district, all users in a calendar, all teachers who teach a specific course, etc.Application Issue
Issue BeganWhen did the issue first occur? Application Issue
Server Issue
Location within ProductArea in Campus where you are working.Ask a Question
Request TypeIndicates the kind of request being made.Request Training
Server Access
Modify Support Contacts
Preferred Training DateFirst, second and third choice dates when you would prefer to schedule your training.Request Training
Approximate Date of LossDate when the data was deleted.Data Restore
Reason for RestoreReason why the data was lost.Data Restore
Desired Completion DateDate by which the work should be finished.Request Technical Services
Contact First NameFirst name of the contact being added, modified, or replaced.Modify Support Contacts
Contact Last NameLast name of the contact being added, modified, or replaced.Modify Support Contacts
Contact EmailEmail address of the contact being added, modified, or replaced.Modify Support Contacts
Contact TitleTitle of the contact being added, modified or replaced.Modify Support Contacts
Contact Primary PhoneContact's main phone number.Modify Support Contacts
Contact Secondary PhoneContact's secondary phone number if available. Modify Support Contacts
Contact TypeDesignate if the contact with be Authorized, Technical, or Read Only.Modify Support Contacts
Area of ResponsibilityIndicate the area(s) of Campus that the individual is the contact for by highlighting the desired options from Available and using the arrows to move them into Chosen. Options include:
  • SIS
  • Food Service
  • Human Resources
  • Finance
  • Online Payments
  • Voice Messenger
  • State Edition
Modify Support Contacts
Contact Replacement NameIf replacing a contact, indicate which contact should be removed.Modify Support Contacts
Preferred Consult DateFirst date you would like to have a consult scheduled.Request Consulting
Preferred Consult Date 2Second date you would like to have a consult scheduled.Request Consulting
Preferred Consult Date 3Third date you would like to have a consult scheduled.Request Consulting

Case Example

The following is an example of a well-written Application Issue case. The contact has included answers to the questions and Support can begin investigating right away.

Screenshot of an example case.