Add People to a Household Application

Tool Search: Household Applications

If a household member or student is missing from the member list on the Household Application editor, use the provided Search tools to locate them in Campus and add them to the Household Application. If an adult cannot be located using the People Search tool, the person may be added by using the Quick Add option.

Before adding a person to the application, perform a thorough search to verify the person does not have a record in Campus that you can associate with the application. 

If a child will be enrolled in school at some point during the school year or at the start of the next school year, consider adding the child to the student section. Once the child is enrolled in the district, the eligibility will auto-populate for the child.

Adding Students

This scenario may apply to younger children in a household who have just started attending school and who do not currently appear as Student(s) in Household editor.

Screenshot of adding a student. The Add Student from Census button and the student to add are called out.

  1. Click Add Student from Census.
  2. In the side panel, search for the student.
  3. Select the student from the search results
  4. Click Add Students in the side panel.
  5. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

Add Person From Census

Screenshot of a Household Application in process, with the Add Person from Census button called out.

  1. Click the Add Person from Census button.
  2. In the side panel, search for the person.
  3. Select the person from the search results.
  4. Click Add People to add the person to the household application.

Adding People using Quick Add

The Quick Add button does NOT add the person to Campus. They are only added to the application. People added via Quick Add cannot be added to the Student section of the application.

Screenshot of a Household Application in process, with the Quick Add name option fields highlighted.

  1. Type the  First Name and Last Name in the Household Income Details.
  2. Click the Quick Add button.