SASID Export (Massachusetts) [.2211 - .2243]

Tool Search: SASID Export

The SASID Export reports students who do not have a SASID, to be sent to the Massachusetts Department of Education.

SASID Extract Report Editor

Report Logic

This extract lists all students who do not have a State ID on record.

Generating the SASID Extract

  1. Select SASID Extract as the Extract Type.
  2. Enter an Effective Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date.
  3. Select the Format in which the report should generate. Use State Format (CSV) for submission to the state and HTML or XML for data review and verification.
  4. If desired, mark Header Off to remove the header from the extract.
  5. Select an Ad hoc Filter to limit records reported.
  6. Indicate which Calendar(s) should be included in the report.
  7. Click Generate Extract to view the report in the selected format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting a SASID export request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Report Example

SASID Export Example - State Format (CSV)

 SASID Export Example - HTML Format

Report Layout

Format, and
Campus DatabaseCampus Interface
LASIDThe locally assigned student identification number.Alphanumeric, 5 charactersEnrollment.
Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number
First NameThe student's first name.Alphanumeric, 50 charactersIdentity.firstNameCensus > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name
Middle NameThe student's middle name.Alphanumeric, 50 charactersIdentity.middleNameCensus > People > Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name
Last Name

The student's last name. Suffix also reports in this field, if applicable.

Alphanumeric, 50 charactersIdentity.lastNameCensus > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name
SuffixThe student's suffix.Alphanumeric, 2 charactersIdentity.suffixCensus > People > Demographics > Person Information > Suffix
Date of BirthThe student's birth date.

Date, 10 characters


Identity.birthDateCensus > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date
City of BirthThe student's city of birth.Alphanumeric, 50 charactersIdentity.birthCityCensus > People > Demographics > Person Information > Town of Birth

The student's gender.

Logic reports a Gender value as follows:

  1. Report "F" when a non-binary flag does not exist and Gender (Census > People > Demographics > Gender) = Female.
  2. Report "M" when a non-binary flag does not exist and Gender (Census > People > Demographics > Gender) = Male.
  3. Report "N" when the student is assigned a Flag on the Flags tab (Student Information > General > Flags), where the following are true:
    1. Start Date of flag is on or before extract Effective Date.
    2. End Date of flag is after extract Effective Date or is Null.
    3. The flag must have a Code of "GndrNB" (Program Admin > Flags > Flags Detail > Code).
    4. The flag must have State Reported checked.
Alphanumeric, 1 characterIdentity.genderCensus > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender
Town of ResidenceThe student's town of residence.Alphanumeric, 10 charactersEnrollment.
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Tab > City/Town of Residence
SASID Reports blank.N/AN/AN/A