Household Applications Student Details Field Descriptions



Current Eligibility

The student's current eligibility status as processed in the current school year.

If there is an eligibility displayed here, the FRAM Processor should investigate the existing eligibility before processing the application. If the application is processed, the existing eligibility may be overwritten or end dated depending on the existing eligibility dates. Point of Sale customers should keep in mind that this could create a discrepancy between eligibilities on Point of Sale transactions processed to date.

NameThe name(s) of students included on the application.
Birth DateThe birth date for the listed student(s).
GradeGrade level for the student in the selected School Year
SchoolSchool the student is enrolled in for the selected School Year.
Student Indicator Select the appropriate option for Homeless, Runaway, Migrant, Foster or Head Start student(s).

Remove Student

This button removes selected students from the Student(s) in Household section.

Add Student from Census

This button allows you to add selected people to the Student section of the application. Only students entered in  Census may be added. 


It is possible to add a non-enrolled child to the student section. If a child will be enrolled in school at some point during the school year or at the start of the next school year consider adding the child to the student section. Upon receiving an enrollment the eligibility will auto-populate for the child.