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Consent Form (Kentucky) [.2315 and previous]

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The Consent form is used to record the proposed evaluation(s) (or reevaluation) needed to determine the student's eligibility for services and whether the student's parent/guardian provided consent for the evaluation(s) to be performed.

The current format of this document is the KY Consent for Evaluation print format. Formats are selected in Eval Types.

Image 1: Kentucky Consent Form 

Consent Form Editors

The following table lists the editors available on the student's Consent Form, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a Description of what the editor is used for and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.

Editor Name

Printed Document Section


Special Considerations and Instructions

ConsentIntroductory InformationThe Consent editor includes the dates associated with evaluation of the student, including the date the student was notified, the date of consent for initial evaluation and the date of consent for services.The Notice Date auto-populates with the current date. The Date of Consent for Initial Evaluation and Date of Consent for Reevaluation will be available based on the Evaluation Type selected.
Student DemographicsIntroductory InformationThe Student Demographics editor includes student data entered in the Demographics tool.Clicking Refresh Student Information will synchronize the information in the editor with the current information entered on the Demographics, Households, School and Enrollments tools.
Consent to Evaluate/ReevaluateConsent to Evaluate/ReevaluateThe Evaluations editor lists the assessments provided to the students in the areas of Health, Performance, Communication, and Transitional Services. Evaluations can be marked as included in a general assessment (X) or as existing in the student's educational records (E).N/A
Parental ConsentParental ConsentThe Parental Consent editor includes the individual providing consent to evaluation, whether consent was given, and the areas to be evaluated.N/A