Student Education Organization Responsibility Associations (Indiana v3.6)

This association represents the student funding mechanism.

Object Triggering Logic



PostWhen an enrollment is created and saved for a person and the enrollment overlaps a configured year.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if enrollment is in a School marked as State Exclude.
  • Do not send a record if the No Show checkbox is marked on the enrollment.
  • Do not send a record if students enrollmentType = N: Special Ed Services AND the Membership Exclude box on enrollment is marked.

When any student data is edited for the person in the Data Elements fields below.

When a student's enrollment information changes on any of the following fields:

  • Start Date
  • Local Start Status
  • End Date
  • Local End Status
  • Resident District
  • Resident School
  • Serving District
  • ADM Type
  • Corpotation of Legal Settlement
  • Accountable School
  • Service Type
  • Membership Exclude

This record will delete if the student no longer has an eligible enrollment in the District.

DeleteIf the enrollment is marked as a no show.

Scope Year

Business Rules

A record reports  when an enrollment is created and saved that is aligned to a scoped year.

  • The enrollment must overlap with the scope year to report.
  • Data only sends for the years that have valid configuration.
  • Enrollment must be enrollmentType = S or P.
  • Enrollment with enrollmentType = N and 'Membership Exclude' checked does NOT report.

When using data in Campus that has a single date, the following logic is applied to determine the scope year(s) to which to report the data.

  • Current Year:  Records will be compared to today's date to determine if the record is eligible to report
  • Previous Years:  The record's date must be on or before the schools year's end date defined in the School Years editor. If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used
  • Future Years:  The record's date must be on or after the schools year's start date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used

When using data in Campus that have start and end dates, the following logic is applied to determine the scope year(s) to which to report the data.

  • Current Year:  The records start date must be on or before today's date and the records end date must be on or after today's date.
  • Previous Years:  The record's start date must be on or before the school year's end date and the record's end date must be after the school year's end date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 6/30/xxxx is used.
  • Future Years:  The record's start date must be on or before the schools year's start date and the record's end date must be on or after the school year's start date defined in the School Years editor.  If blank, the default date of 7/01/xxxx is used.

Object Data Elements

Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required data elements for Data to send to Ed-Fi. 

Data Element Label

Business Requirement


M, C or O


idThe unique identifier of the resourceN/AMN/A
beginDateMonth, day, and year of the start date of an education organization's responsibility for a student.
  1. Reports the student's Enrollment start date.
  2. If the student's enrollment starts with a startStatus = '000-SEOA Start', reports the new start date of the enrollment.
    • '000-SEOA Start' is specifically for changes in the SEOA.  This start status should not send for SSA.
MEnrollment > Start Date


responsibilityDescriptorThis descriptor defines types of responsibility an education organization may have for a student (e.g., accountability, attendance, funding).
  • Reports Attendance if Resident District has a value AND the value for Resident District is different than the value for Serving District.
  • Reports Funding in all other situations.
    MStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Resident District, Serving District



    educationOrganizationReferenceA reference to the related EducationOrganization resource.See the array/reference data elements section below.M

    State District Number

    Connection Credential District Number


    studentReferenceA reference to the related Student resource.Reports the student's Student State ID.

    See the array/reference data elements section below.
    endDateMonth, day, and year of the end date of an education organization's responsibility for a student.
    1. Reports the student's Enrollment end date.
    2. If the student's enrollment ends with an endStatus = '000-SEOA End', reports the enrollment end date.
      • '000-SEOA End' is specifically for changes in the SEOA.  This end status should not send for SSA.
    CEnrollment > End Date

    _etagA unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.N/AMN/A
    _extIDOE extension array.See the array/reference data elements section below.MN/A

    Arrays / References

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    Business Requirement

    Business Rules


    admCodeDescriptorStudent is enrolled and attending this reported school as a Resident Enrollment, Transfers Out, Cash Transfers, State Obligations, Placements In, or Dual Enrollment.Reports the value on Enrollment from the ADM Type field in State reporting fields.
    • If the ADM Type is '0: PK Services Only', does not report.

    instructionalDaysThe number of instructional days for the student at the education organization for a given school year. Allowable values are 1 - 180.If ADM Code = 6 or 20 (admCodeDescriptor), reports length of enrollment in days.
    • If no end date, reports up to the end date of the instructional calendar.
      • If end date, reports up to and including end date.

    instructionalMinutesThe number of instructional days for the student at the education organization during the course of one full day. Allowable values are 1 - 400.

    If ADM Code = 6 or 20 (admCodeDescriptor), reports Daily Dual Enrolled Inst. Minutes from Enrollment.

    An unordered collection of student Education Organization Responsibility Association Additional EdOrg Responsibilities. Additional education organization responsibility designation for the student.

    See 'schoolCorpResponsibility Descriptor and schoolCorpId' below. Includes a record for each valid combination (e.g. If both Corporation of Legal Settlement and Accountable School are populated, two records will be contained in this array.)

    Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Corporation of Legal Settlement


    Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Accountable School



    An indication of the education organization's responsibility for a student.Reports the value.
    • 'Legal Settlement' if Corporation of Legal Settlement is populated.
    • 'Accountability' if Accountable School is populated.

    schoolCorpIdThe state identifier for the school corporation with the assigned responsibility to the student.
    • Legal Settlement
      • Reports the EdOrgID of the Corporation of Legal Settlement selected.
      • Example: If “0945: Silver Creek School Corporation” is selected for Corporation of Legal Settlement, reports 1009450000 as the EdOrgID (10 + COLS ID selected + 0000).
    • Accountability
      • Reports the EdOrgID of the Accountable School selected.
      • Reports EdOrgID as: 10 + Resident District selected (use District # associated to enrollment if NULL) + Accountable School selected.
      • Example: If “0777: Silver Creek High School” was selected for Accountable School, reports 1009450777 as the EdOrgID (10 + District # associated with enrollment + Accountable School ID selected) assuming the student's enrollment was associated to Silver Creek School Corporation (0945).
      • Example 2: If "0851: Clarksville Middle School" was selected for Accountable School and "1000: Clarksville Com School Corp" was selected for the Resident District, reports 1010000851 (10 + Resident District + Accountable School).



    Business Rules



    EducationOrganizationReferenceReports the Education Organization for this student.
    1. 10+District#+School#
    2. If multiple keys and secrets (multiple connections)
      • Reports from 'District Number' on the connection credentials for each connection made.
    "educationOrganizationReference": {
          "educationOrganizationId": 0,
          "link": {
            "rel": "string",
            "href": "string"

    Combination of District Number and School Number

    System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number

    System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

    If multiple Ed-Fi Connections;

    1. Reports district from
      • System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration > Connection > District Number
    2. Reports school from
      • System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number




    Reports the student's Student State ID

    "studentReference": {
          "studentUniqueId": "string",
          "link": {
            "rel": "string",
            "href": "string"
    Census > Demographics > Ed-Fi ID


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    Code Value



    Short Description

    1Resident Enrollmenturi:// Enrollment
    2Transfers Outuri:// Out
    3Cash Transfersuri:// Transfers
    4State Obligationsuri:// Obligations
    5Placements Inuri:// In
    6A student enrolled full time as a home school or nonpublic student and enrolled in the Traditional Public school corporation or Charter school to receive education during some part of the day.uri:// Enrollment
    10Choice Scholarshipuri:// Scholarship
    20Adult Educationuri:// Education

    Responsibility Descriptors and School Corp Responsibility Descriptors 

    Code Value



    Short Description

    Legal SettlementLegal Settlementuri:// Settlement