User Fields


Tool Search: User Fields

The User Fields tool allows you to set up user-defined fields and values without requiring system administrator involvement. You can specify where the fields appear and whether they display.

What can I do?What do I need to know?

Screenshot highlighting the New button on the User Fields tool and showing the detail section that displays.

Field Descriptions




Display Name

The name of the field as it appears on the screen.

Screen Location

The screen on which the field appears.

Data Type

This option defines the field type. Options include the following types:

  • textBox. This option displays a text box in which users can type.
  • dropdownList. This option displays a dropdown list from which they can make a selection. Additional setup procedures are required when selecting this field.
  • dateField. This option displays a date field in which they can type a date.
  • numberField. This option displays a text box in which users may type a number.
  • phoneField. This option displays a text box in which users may type a phone number.
  • emailField. This option displays a text box in which users may type an email address.
  • checkBox. This option displays checkbox next to the display name.
  • moneyField. This option displays a text box in which users may type a dollar amount.


This checkbox indicates whether the field is required.


This checkbox indicates whether the field is visible on the screen.

Default Value

The value that automatically appears in the field.

To specify a default value for...Then...
a dropdown listenter the code for the option you want to automatically select.

enter 1 if you want the checkbox to be marked.

Enter 0 if you want the checkbox to be clear.

Max Size

The largest number of characters the field allows.


Additional information about the field.

Add a User-defined Field

  1. Click the New button.
    The User Field Detail editor displays.
  2. Type the Display Name.
  3. Select the Screen Location.
  4. Select the Data Type.
  5. Select the Required checkbox if you want to make this field required for the end user. (optional)
  6. Select the Hide checkbox if you want to hide this field from the end user. (optional)

    Selecting this checkbox clears the Required checkbox.

  7. Type a Default Value and a Max Size.

    These fields are optional and do not apply to dropdown lists or checkbox fields.

  8. Type any additional Comments . (optional)
  9. Click the Save button.
    Campus adds the field to the User Fields navigation tree.
  10. Complete the following steps if you are adding a dropdown list.
    1. Expand the navigation tree and click the button to expand the newly created field.
      The Dictionary entry appears.
      Screenshot highlighting a new field and the details section below.
    2. Select the Dictionary.
      The Code and Description fields appear. The Active checkbox is selected by default. To hide the option in the dropdown list, clear the Active checkbox.
    3. Type a Code and Description for the option.

      The Code and Description will appear in the user's dropdown list after you save your changes. When the total number of items is greater than or equal to 50, the dropdown list on the tool becomes an auto-search field, allowing the user to type the first few letters of the item and the available choices will filter to those matching the entered text.

    4. Click the Add Row button to add additional options to the dropdown list.
    5. Click the Save button.

Dictionary items can be sorted alphabetically or numerically by the Code, Description or the Active checkbox by clicking on the name of that column.

Hide a User-Defined Field

User-defined fields cannot be deleted; however, they can be hidden from the user. To a hide a user-defined field, select the field to be hidden, check the Hide checkbox, and click the Save button.

screenshot of the user field detail highlighting the hide checkbox.