Qualifications (Personnel Master)

Human Resources will no longer be available after June 30th, 2025. For more information, visit the Human Resources and Staff Evaluation Deprecation FAQ.

Tool Search: Personnel Master

The Qualifications section displays a staff member's education, licensure and work history. Qualification information is useful for determining which courses a staff member may teach and scheduling teachers and other personnel for subsequent school years.

You can enter multiple qualifications for a staff member. For example, the staff member may be highly qualified in two subject areas or may have multiple degrees.

Entering qualifications is optional; however, for detailed accountability reporting (i.e., Federal EDEN reporting and NCLB data collection) each staff member should have the proper qualifications entered.

Add a New Qualification

  1. Select Qualifications from the left-hand navigation.
    The Qualifications Editor displays.
    Screenshot of the qualification editor.
  2. Click the New Qualification button.
    The Qualification Details area displays.
  3. Select one of the following Qualifications from the Qualification Category dropdown list:
  4. Use the information in Screen Examples and Field Descriptions in this article to enter information specific to the qualification you are adding.
  5. Click the Save button.

Delete a Qualification

You can delete Qualifications from an employee as long as the Qualification is not associated with a current or historical Work Assignment record.

If there are files attached to the Qualification, the files are also deleted.

  1. Select Qualifications from the left-hand navigation.
    The Qualifications Editor displays.
  2. Select the Qualification you want to delete.
    Screenshot highlighting the Delete button and the record being deleted.
  3. Delete all Endorsements and Field Codes then Save.
  4. Select the Qualification again.
  5. Click Delete.
    A confirmation message displays.
  6. Click OK.

Screen Examples and Field Descriptions

Different fields display on the Qualifications editor depending on the qualification you are adding. The following information summarizes Qualifications by the following types:


The Education Credential is used to track a staff person's education level.

Screenshot of the fields that display when a Qualification Category of Education is selected. 



Qualification Category

The type of qualification being entered.

Education Institution

The school the individual is attending or from which they received their degree.

Degree Type

The type of degree the individual has or is aspiring to acquire.

Degree Subject Major

The academic major the individual has or is earning.

Degree Subject Minor

The academic minor the individual has or is earning.

Date Received

The date the degree was received.


The state in which the degree was received.

Expected Completion Date

The date on which the individual is expected to earn their degree.

Credit Hours

The number of hours the individual has received for completing courses.


Highly Qualified

State and Federal reports often require the number of highly qualified teachers responsible for teaching students in a district. This number is used in analysis of student performance. This Qualifications editor includes the Subject Type for which the staff person is highly qualified and the Subject Matter Competency.

Screenshot of the fields that display when a Qualification Category of Highly Qualified is selected. 



Qualification Category

The type of qualification being entered.

Expected Highly Qualified Date

The date by which the person anticipates being Highly Qualified.

Start Date

Date on which the credential was given to the staff person.

End Date

Date on which the credential expired or will expire.

Subject Type

Selection of subject matter for which the staff person is highly qualified. Options are as follows:

  • NA: Not Applicable
  • CORE: Core Academic Subject Area
  • ELEM: Basic Elementary Curriculum
  • SPED: Special Education Content

Core Subject Area

Selected subject area for which the CORE subject type applies. This field only displays when the Subject Type field is set to CORE.


Indication the staff person passed the HOUSSE (High, Objective, Uniform State Standard of Evaluation) exam.

HOUSSE Completion Date

Date on which the staff person passes the HOUSSE (High, Objective, Uniform State Standard of Evaluation) exam.

Competency Validation

Selection of competency designation. Options are as follows:

  • RSUB: Rigorous Subject Matter Test
  • AMAJ: Academic Major
  • ACC: Advanced Certification or Credential
  • CEAM: Coursework Equivalent to Academic Major
  • VSC: Valid State Competency

State Competency

The area in which the individual has successfully demonstrated competency. This field only displays when the Competency Validation is set to VSC: Valid State Competency.
State Competency values are set up in HR Codes.


Licensure/Certification Credential

The Licensure/Certification credential tracks the staff person's English Learners, Special Education settings and other non-instructional licensing and/or certification that may be received.

Screenshot of the fields that display when a Qualification Category of Licensure/Certification is selected. 

Data Element


Start Date

Date on which the credential was given to the staff person.

Expiration Date

Date on which the credential will end or did end.


Indicates whether the qualification is a license or certification. The License Type or Certification Type dropdown list displays depending on the option you select in this field.

License Type

The type of license being added. This field only displays if you select License Type in the Type field.
Options include the following:

  • REG: Regular / Full
  • TMP: Temporary
  • EMG: Emergency
  • PRO: Provisional

Certification Type

The type of certification being added. This field only displays if you select Certification Type in the Type field.
Options include the following:

  • 01: Full Credential
  • 02: University Internship
  • 03: District Internship
  • 04: Pre-intern
  • 05: Emergency Permit (in current assignment)
  • 06: Waiver (in current assignment)
  • 07: Multiple-subject/single-subject Ryan credential

The following Certification Types are available in New York ONLY.


Certification Type is a required field for New York districts.

  • 00: Certificate Exemption
  • 08: Probationary
  • 09: Professional
  • 10: Initial
  • 11: Extension
  • 12: Permanent


The license or certification number.


A description of the license or certificate.

Teaching Area

This field specifies the teaching area in which the license or certificate has been earned.

Credit Hours

The number of hours the individual has received for completing courses.

English Learners (EL) Fully Certified

This checkbox indicates the staff person is considered to be fully qualified to teach English Learners (EL) and Special Education courses.

 English Learners Credential 

This field indicates the type of English Learners credential the staff person has acquired. Options are as follows:

  • BILI: Bilingual Education
  • BOTH: Both ESL and BE
  • CERT: Certified in content with ESL/BE PD training
  • ENDS: Endorsed for ESL, TESOL, TELL, or BE
  • ENGLL: Teachers of English Language Learners
  • ESL: English as a Second Language
  • SPKOT: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages

SPED Related Services Credential

This field indicates the type of Special Education credential the staff person has acquired. Options are as follows:

  • AUDIO: Audiologists
  • COUNSELOR: Counselors and Rehabilitation Counselors
  • INTERPRET: Interpreters
  • MEDNURSE: Medical/Nursing Service Staff
  • OCCTHERAP: Occupational Therapists
  • ORIENTMOBIL: Orientation and Mobility Specialists
  • PEANDREC: Phys Ed, Recreation, Therapeutic Rec Specialists
  • PHYSTHERAP: Physical Therapists
  • PSYCH: Psychologists
  • SOCIALWORK: Social Workers
  • SPEECHPATH: Speech-language Pathologists



    If needed, you can define additional credentials on HR Codes

Paraprofessional Qualification

This field indicates the type of Paraprofessional qualifications the staff person has acquired. Paraprofessional qualifications are set up on HR Codes.

Add Endorsement

This area allows you to enter endorsements related to the license/certification. You may enter an unlimited number of endorsements. Endorsements are set up on the  HR Codes. Endorsements may be deleted by selecting the black X next to the endorsement.

Add Field Code

This field identifies the Field Code printed on the employee’s certificate authorizing the employee to have a particular assignment. This field includes a Start Date (required) and an Expiration Date.

This is a state-specific field and only displays if your state requires this information.


Military Experience

The Military Experience qualification tracks the Branch in which the employee served, the employee's years of service, and whether they are still on active duty.

Screenshot of the fields that display when a Qualification Category of Military Experience is selected. 

Qualification CategoryThe type of qualification being entered.
Start DateThe date on which the employee's military service started.
End DateThe date on which the employee's military service ended.
Active DutyIdentifies whether the employee is on active duty.

Identifies the military branch to which the employee belongs.

The options that display in the dropdown list are set up in Human Resources > Administration > HR Codes.


Work History

The Work History qualification tracks the staff person's past and current work experience. This information may come from a resume or from an applicant tracking system.

Screenshot of the fields that display when a Qualification Category of Work History is selected. 



Qualification Category

The type of qualification being entered.

Start Date

The date on which the position began.

End Date

The date on which the position ended.


The staff person's previous employer or a current employer, other than the district, for whom the employee is currently working.


The title for the position.


The city of the employer's location.


The state of the employer's location.

Total Certified Experience

This field indicates how many months of certified experience is included with this work history. This number is included in the Total Certified Experience on the summary page.

District Credit
State Credit
Public Credit
Private Credit
Non Ed Voc/CTE Credit

These fields indicate additional types of certified experience. These numbers are not related to the Total Certified Experience field.


Crisis Intervention

The Crisis Intervention qualification indicates the employee can perform crisis intervention processes like administering a restraint on a student, following recommended training and guidelines, as part of a Behavior Response.

Screenshot of the fields that display when a Qualification Category of Crisis Intervention is selected. 


Qualification Category

The type of qualification being entered.

Start Date

The date on which the qualification begins.

End Date

The date on which the qualification expires.

Managing File Attachments

You can attach files to an employee's qualification. This feature is only available if your administrator has  enabled the attachment feature.

Screenshot highlighting the Documents button for a qualification record. 

Example upload button for file attachments

To view documents, click the upload button

 Users with the appropriate tool rights may also complete the following tasks.




