Salary Distribution Report

Human Resources will no longer be available after June 30th, 2025. For more information, visit the Human Resources and Staff Evaluation Deprecation FAQ.

Tool Search: Salary Distribution Report

The Salary Distribution Report includes multiple options for reporting FTE, salary, and step and lane schedules for employees. This report is especially useful for users who do not have access to budget information in Campus.

Screenshot of Salary Distribution Report Editor 

Generating the Report

  1. Select the Salary Schedule(s) on which you want to report.

    If you select the blank line, the report will include salaries that are not tied to a salary schedule.

    Screenshot of salary schedule with no selection.

    Inactive Salary Schedules display with a double asterisk (**).

  2. Enter the As of Date for the specific date on which you want to report.

    If you do not enter a date, the report will use today's date.

  3. Select one of the following Group By options to group the report options.

    Group By OptionCampus will sort the data by the...

    account within each selected schedule.

    This option is only available if the Require GL Account Distributions field on the District Master is selected.

    Step and Lanestep and lane within each selected schedule.
    Position Codeposition code within each selected schedule. If you select this option, you may also select the specific position code(s) by which you want to group report results.
    Use the CTRL and SHIFT keys to select multiple position codes.
    Position Groupposition group within each selected schedule. If you select this option, you may also select the specific position group(s) by which you want to group report results.
    Use the CTRL and SHIFT keys to select multiple position groups.
  4. Click the Run button.
    The report results display on the screen.

Printing the Report

  1. Complete the steps for Generating the Report.
  2. Click the Print Options button.
    The Print Salary Distribution Options window displays.
    Screenshot of Print Salary Distribution Options
  3. Select one of the following View Options:

    View OptionDisplays this information on the report...
    Summary• Schedule
    • Account
    • Total FTE by Account
    • Total Salary by Account
    Detail• Schedule
    • Account
    • Total FTE by Account
    • Total Salary by Account
    • FTE
    • Salary
    • Employee
    • Position
    • % Distribution
  4. Select one of the following Print Formats:
    • CSV
    • PDF - If you select PDF, you may also mark the Shade Alternate Rows checkbox.
  5. Click the Print button.
    The report displays in the print format that you selected.

Printed Report Examples

Click the pictures in the following tables to enlarge the images. The examples are in PDF format; however, the reports may also be printed in CSV format.

Grouped By Account Number

View OptionExample

Screenshot of summary report example.


Screenshot of detail report example.

Grouped By Position Code

View OptionExample

Screenshot of summary report example.


Screenshot of detail report example.

Grouped By Step and Lane

View OptionExample

Screenshot of summary report example.


Screenshot of detail report example.

Grouped By Position Group

View OptionExample

Screenshot of summary report example.


Screenshot of detail report example.