Position Code Report

Tool Search: Position Code Report

The Position Code report allows you to print a comprehensive list of Position Codes. You may print a detailed or summary version of the codes in PDF or CSV format.

This report is also available from Position Codes.

Screenshot highlighting the Reports tool and the report options window that displays.

Printing a Detailed Position Code Report

The Detail option allows you to sort the Position Codes alphabetically by code or by Position Group. The Detail option also allows you to include the General Ledger Account Number assigned to the code and any User Fields that have been added to the Position Code. You may include inactive Position Codes. Inactive Position Codes do NOT have an "X" in the Active column.

Screenshot of the Position Code Listing report editor with a View Option of Detail selected. 

Position Code Listing Detail View Options

Generating the Detail Position Code Report

  1. Select the Detail View Option.
    The report editor refreshes and displays the Sort Options and Include fields.
  2. Select one of the following Sort Options.
    • Position Code
    • Position Group
  3. Mark the checkbox next to any of the following options to include those details on the report.
    • Inactive Position Codes
    • GL Account Number
    •  User Fields 
  4. Select one of the following Print Formats:
    • CSV
    • PDF - If you select PDF, you may also mark the Shade Alternate Rows checkbox.
  5. Click the Print button.
    The report displays in the print format that you selected.

Screenshot of an example of the detail report.

Detail Position Code Report Example

Printing a Summary Position Code Report

The Summary option prints the Position Code/Description and the Assignment Code/Description. You may include inactive Position Codes. Inactive Position Codes do NOT have an "X" in the Active column.

Screenshot of the Position Code Listing report editor with a View Option of Summary selected. 

Position Code Listing Summary View Options

Generating the Summary Report

  1. Select the Summary View Option.
    The report editor refreshes and displays the Include options.
  2. Mark the Inactive Position Codes checkbox to include inactive position codes on the report.
  3. Select one of the following Print Formats:
    • CSV
    • PDF - If you select PDF, you may also mark the Shade Alternate Rows checkbox.
  4. Click the Print button.
    The report displays in the print format that you selected.

Screenshot of an example of the summary report.

Position Code Summary Listing Example

Screenshot of an example of the detail report.

Position Code Detail Listing Example