STAR LA Extract (Human Resources) (Minnesota)

Human Resources will no longer be available after June 30th, 2025. For more information, visit the Human Resources and Staff Evaluation Deprecation FAQ.

Tool Search: STAR LA

The STAR LA Extract collects demographic data for all staff employed in positions which the State Board of Teaching or the Minnesota Board of School Administrators require licensure.

Screenshot of the STAR LA Extract Editor.STAR LA Extract Editor

Report Logic

The STAR LA Extract reports one record per licensed staff member. The most recent record prior to or on the Snapshot Date is reported. In order to report, the following must be true:

  • Staff that have at least one or more active Work Assignments where Human Resources > Administration > Position Code > STAR Extract = LA on the Snapshot Date of the extract editor report.
  • Staff who only have Work Assignments marked as NA or Do not report are not included.
  • Staff can report on the LA and NA extract if they have one or more Work Assignments marked as LA and one or more Work Assignments marked as NA.
  • Staff that are hired and immediately terminated do not report; e.g., the Hire Date is after the Previous Snapshot and the Termination Date is before the current Snapshot.
  • Work Assignment will report based on assigned Work Location. Multiple Work Locations will only report one record.

Years of Experience Fields

The Years of Experience fields indicate the number of years of experience acquired by an individual serving in an assignment for which licensure is required. A value only reports if the individual is employed as a licensed school staff member for the first time in Minnesota and has previous experience in another state/country or is returning to the Minnesota public school system after a break in service.

  • If staff serve in more than one position, experience is reported in only one category with precedence as follows: Superintendent, Principal, Teacher, Other. For example, if the Superintendent also has experience as a Teacher, Campus sums the values and reports under Superintendent.
  • When Work History records contain an End Date, Campus calculates the months for each record then sums and converts to years and reports that value.

Generate the Extract

  1. Select STAR LA as the Extract Type.
  2. Enter a Snapshot Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. Only data active as of this date will be included in the report.
    • Submission 1
    • Submission 2
  3. Enter a Previous Snapshot Date in mmddyyyy format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. This date indicates the last time the report was run.
  4. Select the Additional Pay Types to include in the report. (optional)
  5. Select the Format in which the report should generate. Use State Format (Fixed Width) for submission to the state and CSV or HTML for data review and verification.
  6. Click Generate Extract to view the report in the selected format.

Extract Layout

Element NameDescriptionLocation

Record Type Indicator

The record type. Reports as "LA."

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Not dynamically stored

Contracting District Number

The identification number of the reporting school district.

Numeric, 4 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > Number


Contracting District Type

The type of school district submitting the report.

Numeric, 2 digits

System Administration > Resources > District Information > Type


File Folder Number

The identification number assigned to a candidate upon application for licensure or to an individual granted "Community Expert" status by the Board of Teaching. If Type is License, reports License Number.

Numeric, 6 digits

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Qualifications > Licensure/Certification > Type, Number



Social Security Number

Reports 000000000.

Numeric, 9 digits


Staff Name

The name of the staff member.

Alphanumeric, 48 characters

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information > Last Name, First Name, Middle Name



Identification of the individual as (M)ale or (F)emale.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information > Gender


Birth Date

The date of birth of the individual.

Date field, 8 digits

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information > Birth Date


Race Ethnicity

Reports 0.

Numeric, 1 digit


Employment Status

Identifies the current employment status of all licensed staff. See the following Hiring Status Options table for values.

If Hire Date is between Previous Snapshot Date and Snapshot Date, reports Hiring Status, otherwise 00. If Hire Date is on or prior to the Previous Snapshot Date, reports 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information > Hiring Status, Hire Date


Inactive Transfer Termination Status

Identifies why the individual became inactive or why employment was terminated since the last STAR submission.

  • Reports the Exit Reason value from the most current Employment Record if it exists, or
  • Reports the State Leave Code from Leave Entry Details if a record exists during the snapshot period.
    • If the Leave Entry has a start date and no end date, a code reports. 
    • If both start and end dates fall within the snapshot, a code does not report. 
    • If end date is >= snapshot date, a code reports.
  • Otherwise, report 00

Numeric, 2 digits

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information > Exit Reason, Termination Date OR Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Leave Entry > Start Date, End Date, State Leave Code


Contract Salary

The contact salary of each active staff member. Reports the Calculated Base Pay from the most recent wage information prior to the Snapshot Date. If that value is Null, the Base Pay reports.

If Additional Pay types are selected on the extract editor, the amount is added to the value that reports. Only Annual and Lump Sum frequencies are included and only when the Start Date and/or End Date are NOT NULL.

Staff members who report with an inactive, transfer, or termination code other than 00 in the Inactive Transfer Termination Status field report 000000.

Numeric, 6 digits

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignment > Wage Information > Calculated Base Pay, Base Pay, Additional Pay > Amount


Highest Education Level

Identifies the highest level of education obtained by the employee. See the following Highest Education Level Options table for values.

Numeric, 2 digits

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Qualifications > Education > Degree Type, Credit Hours

Contract Days

The number of days the employee is contracted to report to work. Otherwise, reports the Total Contract Days from the Primary work assignment.

One Work Assignment and One Wage Detail

Reports the Contract Days value from Work Assignments that exist within the snapshot period's latest fiscal year where End Date is NULL.

One Work Assignment and Multiple Wage Details

When multiple Wage Detail records exist within the snapshot period's latest fiscal year where one record contains End Date > July 1 and other records contain Start Date <= Snapshot Date, the Contract Days are summed.

Multiple Active Work Assignments and One Wage Detail

When multiple Work Assignments exist within the snapshot period's latest fiscal year where the End Date is NULL, the highest value from all assignments in the Contract Days reports.

Multiple Active Work Assignments and Multiple Wage Details

When multiple Wage Detail records exist within the snapshot period latest fiscal year where one record contains End Date > July 1 and other records contain Start Date <= Snapshot Date, the Contract Days are summed prior to determining the highest value.

When multiple Work Assignments exist within the snapshot period's latest fiscal year where one record contains an End Date > July 1 and other records contain Start Date <= Snapshot Date, the Contract Days are summed from the latest Wage Detail records.

Staff who report with an inactive, transfer, or termination code other than 00 in the Inactive/Transfer/Termination Status element, 000 reports.

Numeric, 3 digits

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignment > Wage Detail Record > Total Contract Days


Years of Experience Superintendent

The number of years of experience the individual has as a Superintendent (State Position Code of 920001 or 920002). If New Licensed Staff is 02 or 04 and Title is Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent, reports the years of experience calculated from the Start Month and Year and the year of the Snapshot Date. Does not calculate from experience beyond the Snapshot Date. If multiple records exist, sum values. Otherwise reports as 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Qualifications > Work History > Title, Start Month/Year

Years of Experience Principal

The number of years of experience the individual has as a Principal (State Position Code of 93XXXX). If New Licensed Staff is 02 or 04 and Title is Principal or Assistant Principal, reports the years of experience calculated from the Start Month and Year and the year of the Snapshot Date. Does not calculate from experience beyond the Snapshot Date. If multiple records exist, sum values. Otherwise reports as 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Qualifications > Work History > Title, Start Month/Year

Years of Experience Teacher

The number of years of experience the individual has as a Teacher (State Position Code of 000110, 000111, 000115, 000680, 90XXXX, 91XXXX, 920002, 920003, 93XXXX, 94XXXX, 95XXXX, 96XXXX or 99XXXX). If New Licensed Staff is 02 or 04 and Title is Teacher, reports the years of experience calculated from the Start Month and Year and the year of the Snapshot Date. Does not calculate from experience beyond the Snapshot Date. If multiple records exist, sum values. Otherwise reports as 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Qualifications > Work History > Title, Start Month/Year

Years Of Experience Other

The number of years of experience the individual has in some other capacity (State Position Code of 000110, 000111, 000115, 000680, 90XXXX, 91XXXX, 94XXXX, 95XXXX, 96XXXX or 99XXXX). If New Licensed Staff is 02 or 04 and Title is Other, reports the years of experience calculated from the Start Month and Year and the year of the Snapshot Date. Does not calculate from experience beyond the Snapshot Date. If multiple records exist, sum values. Otherwise reports as 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Qualifications > Work History > Title, Start Month/Year

Out of District Assignment

Indicates if the licensed staff person provides a portion of their services or assignments in another public school district. Reports as (Y)es is the Primary Work Assignment has a Sub-Location of OOD: Out of District. Otherwise reports as (N)o.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignment > Sub-Location

HREmploymentAssignment. primarySubLocation

Full Time Part Time

Indicates the employee's FTE.

Full-Time F is >=.8 FTE. Otherwise, P reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Wage Detail > FTE


Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > Work Assignments > Position FTE

District Use

Reports Personnel Number for district use. Not required by the state.

Numeric, 10 digits

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information > Personnel Number



Indicates if the individual is of Hispanic/Latino origin.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Y or N

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information > Hispanic/Latino


American Indian or Alaska Native

Indicates if the individual is of American Indian or Alaska Native origin.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Y or N

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information > American Indian or Alaska Native



Indicates if the individual is of Asian origin.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Y or N

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information > Asian


Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Indicates if the individual is of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander origin.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Y or N

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information > Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Black or African American

Indicates if the individual is of Black or African American origin.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Y or N

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information > Black or African American



Indicates if the individual is of White origin.

Alphanumeric, 1 character
Y or N

Human Resources > Personnel > Personnel Master > HR General Information > White



Hiring Status Options



Default value - returning staff


Newly licensed staff


Staff returning to profession after a break in service


Transferred from another public school system in Minnesota


Transferred from school in another state, country or a non-public school


Newly-licensed staff

06Long-term substitute in Minnesota

Highest Education Level Options

If multiple degrees with a code of B** or M** are found, all degrees are added together to determine total Credit Hours.

Core CodeCore DefinitionCode Reported


High School Diploma



GED or Equivalent






Associates of Arts



Associates of Science



Associates of Applied Science



Bachelors of Arts
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Bachelor of Business Administration
Bachelor of Education

If Credit Hours is greater than or equal to 60, reports 07.
If Credit Hours is between 59 and 45, reports 06.
If Credit Hours is between 44 and 30, reports 05.
If Credit Hours is between 29 and 15, reports 04.
Otherwise, reports 03.


First Professional Degree



Master of Arts
Master of Science
Master of Education
Master of Business Administration

If Credit Hours is greater than or equal to 60, reports 12.
If Credit Hours is between 59 and 45, reports 11.
If Credit Hours is between 44 and 30, reports 10.
If Credit Hours is between 29 and 15, reports 09.
Otherwise, reports 08.


Certificate in Advanced Graduate Study



Juris Doctor



Educational Doctorate



Educational Specialist



Doctor of Philosophy



Doctor of Medicine



Doctor of Psychology