Configure Rating Scales

PATH:  Staff Evaluations > Staff Evaluations Setup > Rating Scales

PATH: Human Resources > Administration > Staff Evaluations Setup > Rating Scales (HR-enabled)

Rating scales are used to measure the level of an employee's performance and display as a dropdown list on the evaluation. You may associate multiple Rating Scales with a single Evaluation Period.

You can only associate one Rating Scale with each Category. However, you can define unique code definitions when setting up Categories, Elements and Sub-Elements. See the Add Categories to the Category Bank article for more information.

Screenshot of the New Rating Scale editor after clicking the New button.

Complete the following steps to create a new Rating Scale.

  1. Click the New button.
    The New Rating Scale editor displays.
  2. Enter a unique Code to identify the Rating Scale.
  3. Select the  Evaluation Period  to which you want to associate the Rating Scale.
  4. Enter a detailed Description of the Rating Scale.
  5. Enter a unique Code and Description for each Rating.

    The following image is an example. You may enter as many codes as your Rating Scale requires. Click the Add Rating button to add additional rows for more codes.

    Screenshot showing an example of Codes and Descriptions.

  6. Click the Save button.
    The new Rating Scale displays in the Rating Scales group.