Evaluation Statuses

Status Description Owner
Draft The evaluation is assigned to the supervisor and they can select the initial ratings, enter comments and possibly attach supporting files. This is also the only status in which an evaluation may be deleted. Supervisor
Reflection The evaluation is currently assigned to the direct report for review where they can enter ratings and comments. The supervisor may also make changes at this time. Changes entered by the supervisor cannot be seen by the direct report. Direct Report
Returned The direct report has reviewed the evaluation, made comments or changes and has sent the evaluation to their supervisor for further review. Supervisor
Evaluator Review The direct report has sent their feedback to the supervisor. Supervisor
Acknowledgement The evaluation is currently assigned to the direct report and is waiting for their acknowledgement. Direct Report
Evaluator to Complete The direct report has acknowledged the evaluation and the evaluation is currently assigned to the supervisor. Supervisor
Complete The evaluation workflow is complete. The evaluation may be viewed by the administrator, supervisor and direct report. N/A