Student Special Education Program Associations (Arizona 7.1)

Reports the Special Education data for a student.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


Reports one record for each Primary/Secondary SPED Services School with a student having a new IEP created and saved for a student and locked in a given scope year.

  • When a student has multiple overlapping enrollments within the primary/secondary school, information reports from the enrollment with a Local Service Type of P: Primary.
  • When a student has multiple overlapping enrollments within the primary/secondary school, but no P: Primary enrollment, information reports from the T: AOI enrollment.
  • When a student has multiple overlapping enrollments within the primary/secondary school, but no P: Primary or T: AOI enrollment, information reports from the most recent A: Ancillary enrollment.
  • When a student has multiple overlapping enrollments within the primary/secondary school, but no P: Primary, T: AOI, or A: Ancillary enrollment, information reports the most recent O: Program Only enrollment.
  • When Primary/Secondary Services dropdowns are not populated, information reports from the enrollment that overlaps the IEP dates that has a IC Service Type of P: Primary.

  • IEP start dates must be on or after enrollment start date and on or before enrollment end date.

  • A record is not sent for an enrollment that is marked as State Exclude or No Show.

  • A record is not sent when the enrollment is in a calendar marked as State Exclude.

  • A record is not sent when the enrollment Start Status = E: NON-SAIS DISTRICT USE ONLY!.

PostWhen a new enrollment is created for a student that has an existing IEP.
  • Enrollment start date must be after IEP start date.
  • IEP end date must be NULL or after Enrollment start date.
  • When the student has more than one IEP started in previous schools years, only the most recent IEP reports. 

When a start date is entered or changed for an existing record.

  • When the resource was posted from the IEP, updates when the start date was changed.
  • When the resource was posted from the Enrollment, updates when the start date was changed.

When an end date is entered or changed for an existing record.

  • When the resource was posted from the IEP, updates when the start date was changed.
  • When the resource was posted from Enrollment, updates when start date was changed.

When reporting from an amendment, only post when one of the following editors are updated (Find this in the PlanAmendment table):

  • Education Plan
  • Placement
Delete/PostWhen the student has two locked IEPs with the same start date and one record is deleted or unlocked, the remaining IEP posts.
Delete/PostWhen an enrollment end date is entered for a student with a valid enrollment end status: W1-W13.
Delete/PostWhen an Exit Evaluation is entered for a student, updates the end date of the active IEP.
DeleteIEP is deleted for a student.
DeleteWhen a student's enrollment Start Status is changed from a valid code to E: NON-SAIS DISTRICT USE ONLY! and saved.
DeleteWhen an existing enrollment is marked as State Exclude or No Show.
DeleteWhen the IEP Start or End Dates OR the Enrollment Start or End Dates have been updated so the IEP and Enrollment no longer overlap, deletes the record when one was created.
DeleteWhen a plan is unlocked.

School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

NoneWhen a resource is toggled to OFF after data has sent, all sent data remains in the ODS but no new data is sent.
ResyncWhen a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it is deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncWhen a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it is deleted from the ODS.
ResyncWhen a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync needs to be done to reflect the changes.
ResyncWhen Student Special Education Program Association is toggled off, records are not deleted from this resource in the State ODS when resyncing.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.

Post/DeleteNatural Key changes: when the IEP Start Date changes the resource is deleted/reposted.
  • LEA Reference - District Numbers cannot change after data has been sent. When a district number changes, an Ed-Fi error occurs and this change would not be supported.
  • When an Ed-Fi ID changes, a delete/post occurs with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change triggers.
  • When the IEP Start Date changes, the resource is deleted/reposted.
DeleteCascading Deletes: N/A there are no dependent resources.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.

Business Rules
The record sends to any year in which the IEP or State Reporting record overlaps.
Data only sends for the years that have valid configuration.

Resource Preferences

This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.

Data Element Label

Mapping Needed

Special Education Setting DescriptorsEnrollment Special Ed Setting OR
Plan Special Ed Setting OR
State Reporting Special Ed Setting
Select the Program Type Descriptor associated with this programProgram Type Descriptor

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.

campusObjectTypeObject Key Data Source

Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus TableEd-Fi ActionFields
planPost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.
enrollmentPutReports ideaEligibility and specialEducationSettingDescriptor.
specialedstatePost/Put/DeleteThe primary table used for sending data for this resource.

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student Special Education Program Associations resource.

Data Element LabelBusiness Requirement and LogicMandatory, Conditional or Optional


id The unique identifier of the resource.M

The month, day, and year on which the student first received services.

Reports the LATEST of the following dates:
  • IEP Start Date when the Enrollment End Date is blank/null OR after the IEP Start Date.
  • Enrollment Start Date when the IEP End Date is after the Enrollment Start Date.

ZZZ Calculation

When there are enrollments connected by an end status of ZZZ and a subsequent enrollment with a start status of ZZZ, the enrollments are combined into one reportable enrollment (Start Date of the "first" enrollment is used as the Enrollment Start Date). 

See the Arizona Enrollments article for more ZZZ Enrollment information.


When there are multiple enrollments that all start before the IEP starts, the following logic is used to determine which enrollment to use to calculate the Enrollment Start Date:
  • When reporting from the Primary SPED Services School, the enrollment tied to the Primary SPED Services School is always used.
  • Otherwise, when reporting from the Secondary SPED Services School, the enrollment tied to the Secondary SPED Services School is always used.
  • Otherwise, reports from the enrollment that has an IC Service Type of P: Primary.
  • Amendments to IEPs are reported as a new Student Special Education Program Association (SSEPA) record. A PUT is NOT performed on the existing record.

AZ locked Plan > Education Plan > IEP Start Date


Student Information> General > Enrollments > Start Date




The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services.

  1. When the SPED Services School is populated with a SPED Concurrency Type of Primary or the Primary SPED Services School is populated on the locked IEP, reports the School Entity ID from the selected school.
  2. When the SPED Services School is populated with a SPED Concurrency Type of Secondary or the Secondary SPED Services School is populated on the locked IEP, reports the School Entity ID from the selected schooll. 
  3. Report the School Entity ID.

AZ locked Plan > Enrollment Status > Primary SPED Services School

AZ locked Plan > Enrollment Status > Secondary SPED Services School

AZ locked Plan > Placement > SPED Concurrency Type

AZ locked Plan > Placement > SPED Services School

System Administration > Resources > Schools > school record > Entity ID



A reference to the Program


  1. Reports the entityID value from Funded SPED Service DOR when it is populated.
  2. When it is not populated, reports from customdistrict.attributeid.


Reports the value.


Reports Special Education.



District Information > Entity ID

Plan > Enrollment Status > Funded SPED, Service DOR


Plan > Enrollment Status > Special Ed Setting




A unique alpha-numeric code assigned to a student.

Reports the Natural Key for the Student resource.

The Ed-Fi ID reports from the Student State ID field.

M Demographics > Student State ID


The month, day and year on which the student exited the program or stopped receiving services.

  1. When Enrollment End Date is NOT null:
    • Reports the earliest of the following dates:
      • Exit Date for the Evaluation of the type Exit. The Exit Date must be within the IEP Start Date and the IEP End Date to be considered.
      • Enrollment End Date

      • IEP End Date 
  2. When Enrollment End Date IS blank/null:
    • Verify that one of the following is true: 
      • An IEP exists starting immediately after an existing plan. OR
      • An IEP has an end date that is prior to the last instructional day of the school year. OR
      • The most recent Evaluation with a type of Exit has an exit reason of SPED01 or SPED09.
    • Reports the earliest of the following:
      • IEP End Date
      • Exit Date for the Evaluation of the type Exit. The Exit Date must be within the IEP Start Date and the IEP End Date to be considered.
      • Last instructional day of the school year. 
ZZZ Calculation
When there are enrollments connected with an end status of ZZZ AND a subsequent enrollment with a start status of ZZZ, the enrollments are combined into a reportable enrollment. 
  • The latest end date of the combined enrollments reports for the enrollment end date.
  • The enrollments must be in the same school, grade, and local service type. Also, the enrollment start date must be the next instructional day after the ZZZ end status, or be before or equal to the ZZZ end status.


The end date being sent must be an instructional day. When the calculated date (using the logic above) is not an instructional day, the previous instructional day reports. Example: 

  • 4/15/23 is the calculated end date, but is not an instructional day.
  • 4/14/23 is not an instructional day.
  • 4/13/23 is an instructional day.
  • 4/13/23 reports.
When there are multiple enrollments that all start before the IEP starts, use the following logic to determine which enrollment to use to calculate the Enrollment End Date:
  • When reporting from the Primary SPED Services School, always uses the enrollment tied to the Primary SPED Services School.
  • When reporting from the Secondary SPED Services School, always uses the enrollment tied to the Secondary SPED Services School.
  • Otherwise, reports from the enrollment that has a Service Type of P: Primary.

When the LRE (SPED Setting) is D: Public or Private Separate Day School for greater than 50% of the school day, the End Date does NOT report until the associated enrollment has an end date. This logic also applies to amended IEPs.


Documents > Exit Evaluation > Exit Date

Enrollment > End Date

IEP End Date

IEP Start Date


Indicator of the eligibility of the student to receive special education services according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

This is optional, does not report.



The reason the child left the Program within a school or district.

  1. When an Enrollment End Date is null:
    • When an IEP exists starting immediately after an existing plan or starts the very next instructional day, reports SPED09.
    • When the most recent Exit Evaluation has an Exit reason of SPED01 or SPED09, reports the Ed-Fi code from the Exit Reason selected.
    • When the IEP end date ends prior to the last instructional day of the school year, reports SPED01.
  2. When an Enrollment End Date is not null:
    • When the IEP End Date is before Enrollment End Date
      • And an IEP exists starting immediately after an existing plan or starts the very next instructional day, reports SPED09.
      • Otherwise, reports SPED01.
    • Reports the Ed-Fi code from the Exit Reason selected in the Exit Evaluation:
      • Evaluation Exit Date must be after enrollment start date.
      • Evaluation Exit Date must be before enrollment end date or last instructional day and before IEP End Date.
    • Reports based on the table below when a student's enrollment is ended with the following End Status.
  3. Otherwise, report blank.
DescriptorBusiness Rule
SPED02Reports when a student has an end status of W7, W14, W15, W17-W20, D2, G.

When end status is NULL, but Graduation (Year End Status) = G, also reports.

SPED03Reports when a student has an end status of W6, but whose enrollment Grade Level is not mapped to one of the following state grade levels: PS, KG, UE.
SPED04Reports when a student has an end status of W8.

Reports when a student has an end status of:

  1. W10
  2. W9, W21, W22 - Grade Level is not mapped to PS.
  3. W1 - There is not another consecutive enrollment in the same school year, in the same school, that starts the very next instructional day.

Reports when a student has an end status of:

  1. W3, W4, W5, W11, W12, W13, W41, W51
  2. W2 - Grade Level is not mapped to PS.

Reports when:

  1. An IEP exists starting immediately after an existing plan (or starts the very next instructional day) and IEP end date is before enrollment end date.
  2. A student has an end status of:
    • WK, WD, WP
    •  W1 - There is another consecutive enrollment in the same school year, in the same school, that starts the very next instructional day.

Reports when a student has and end status of W6 - Is in state mapped grades PS, K, or UE.

SPED13Reports when the enrollment end date is equal to the last instructional day of the year and the IEP is active as of the last instructional day of the year.
SPED14Reports when a student has an end status of W9, W21, W22, or W2 and the enrollment Grade Level is mapped to the state grade level of PS.

Reports when no other conditions above are met.

When a new IEP is added within the same school year, this should be changed based on the information in the new IEP.


Documents > Exit Evaluation > Exit Reason

Enrollment > Exit Status


Reports the Special Education setting for the student.

  1. Reports the Ed-Fi code for the value selected in Special Ed setting from the IEP or State Reporting Record being reported. For the school year 23-24 and beyond, the setting is in the Placement editor.
  2. When the field is blank or Ed-Fi Code is NULL, does not report.

Documents > Plan > Current Plan > Enrollment Status> Special Ed Setting

Documents > Plan > Current Plan > Placement > Special Ed Setting






MainSPEDSchool (R)

This field tells (True or False) whether this is Primary school for SPED concurrency or not.

  1. When reporting from the Secondary SPED Services School, reports false.
  2. Otherwise, reports true.
MPlan > Enrollment Status > Secondary SPED Services School


An unordered collection of Student Special Education Program Association Assessment Outcomes. This entity collection represents the SPED outcomes of students at an education organization.

Only reports when a student has an evaluation created where the evaluation date is within the IEP dates where the Outcomes editor is populated. See Array section below for data logic for each field

  1. Reports one item in the array for each question answered on the Outcomes editor.
  2. Looks for the most recent Evaluation where the Evaluation Date is later than the IEP start date and before the enrollment end date or last instructional day.


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Assessment Outcomes

Data Element LabelBusiness Requirement and LogicMandatory, Conditional, or OptionalLocation
This descriptor holds the category of an assessment based on format and content.

When 'Positive Social-Emotional Skills (including early language/communication and early literacy) outcomes summary' is marked, reports SPSC01.

When 'Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy) outcomes summary', reports SPSC02.

When 'Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs outcomes summary', reports SPSC03.

Documents > Evaluation > Outcomes

This descriptor holds the period of time window in which an assessment is supposed to be administered (e.g., Beginning of Year, Middle of Year, End of Year).
  • When the Evaluation Type is Entry, reports SPSE01.
  • When the Evaluation Type is Exit, reports SPSE02.

Documents > Evaluation > Evaluation Type
This descriptor holds the outcome of an Assessment based on the Assessment Category.

Reports the corresponding Ed-Fi code below based on the corresponding dropdown to the question being answered.
Ed-Fi CodeBusiness Rule
SPSOC01Reports when drop down value is "Overall not age appropriate: Does not yet show functioning expected in any situation, does not show immediate foundational skills in any situation."
SPSOC02Reports when drop down value is "Overall not age appropriate: Occasionally uses immediate foundational skills across settings and situations"
SPSOC03Reports when drop down value is "Overall not age appropriate: Uses immediate foundational skills most or all of the time across settings and situation."
SPSOC04Reports when drop down value is "Overall not age appropriate: Shows occasional age-appropriate functioning across settings and situations."
SPSOC05Reports when drop down value is "Overall not age appropriate: Shows functioning expected for his or her age some of the time and/or in some settings and situations."
SPSOC06Reports when drop down value is "Age appropriate: Functioning generally is considered appropriate for his or her age, but there are some significant concerns about the child’s functioning in this outcome area."
SPSOC07Reports when drop down value is "Age appropriate: Shows functioning expected for his or her age in all or almost all everyday situations that are part of the child’s life."

Documents > Evaluation > Assessment Outcomes Summary

isProgressMadeIndicates whether these results with Progress Made or Progress Not Made.
  • When 'Has Progress been made' Yes checkbox is marked for the corresponding question, reports True.
  • Otherwise, reports False.
C=Documents > Evaluation > Outcomes > Has Progress Been Made


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Special Education Setting Descriptor

Code ValueDescriptionNamespaceShort Description
Correctional FacilitiesCorrectional Facilitiesuri://ed-fi.or /SpecialEducationSettingDescriptorCorrectional Facilities
Inside reg class between 40-79% of the dayInside regular class no more than 79% of day and no less than 40% of the dayuri:// reg class between 40-79% of the day
Inside regular class 80% or more of the dayInside regular class 80% or more of the dayuri:// regular class 80% or more of the day
Inside regular class less than 40% of the dayInside regular class less than 40% of the dayuri:// regular class less than 40% of the day
Parentally-placed in Private SchoolsParentally-placed in Private Schoolsuri:// in Private Schools
Residential FacilityResidential Facilityuri:// Facility
Separate SchoolSeparate Schooluri:// School