Student School Associations (Arizona 7.1)

This association represents the school in which a student is enrolled.

To prepare for summer withdrawal students, districts need to perform a specific setup in order to send the Student School Association resource correctly. Please see Appendix A for further details.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.


When a new enrollment is saved for a student.  A record reports for each distinct enrollment in a School and Enrollment Start Date where 'State Exclude' is not checked.

  • When a student has two enrollments in the same School, Calendar & Schedule Structure with the same start date, report from the enrollment service type in the following order:
    1. P: Primary Enrollment
    2. S: Partial/Ancillary
    3. N: Special Ed Services
  • When an enrollment with a higher priority is deleted, the enrollment with lower priority posts a new record.
  • Do not send records when the Calendar Exclude check box is checked in the calendar the student is enrolled.
  • Do not send records when the School Exclude check box is checked in the calendar the student is enrolled.

When the start date for an enrollment is changed.

  • When an enrollment with a lower priority is changed, data does not send.
PostWhen the start status is changed from ZZZ to a different value.

When an enrollment is updated for a student.

  • When a change is made to the Graduation > NCLB Cohort End Year field.
  • When a student is assigned to a Graduation or CTE Program or the start and/or end dates are modified.
  • When a student's start status is change.
  • When a student's end status is changed.
  • When a student's grade level is changed.
  • When a student's End Action is changed.
  • When a student's School Choice checkbox is checked or unchecked.

  • When a student's Resident District field is changed.
  • When a students Service Type is changed.

  • When the Calendar reference is changed due to a Natural Key update on the Calendars resource.

When an enrollment is deleted.

  • When a student has two enrollments in the same school for the same start date, records with lower priority do not trigger a delete.

When the start date of an enrollment is changed.

Resource Toggle and Resync Logic

This table describes the Resource Toggle and Trigger logic of this object.


Business Rule

NoneWhen a resource is toggled to OFF after data has sent, all sent data remains in the ODS but no new data is sent.
PutWhen the natural key of the Calendar Reference is changed, a put is done to update the Calendar Reference even when the Student School Association resource is turned OFF.
ResyncWhen a record is in the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table and not in the ODS, it is deleted from the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table.
ResyncWhen a record is in the ODS and it does not have a matching record in Campus or the Ed-Fi Identity Mapping table, it is deleted from the ODS.
ResyncWhen a mapping is changed in Resource Preferences, a resync needs to be done to reflect the changes.

Natural Key Changes, Cascading Updates, and Deletes Logic

This table describes the Natural Key Changes/Cascading Updates and Deletes logic of this object.


Business Rule


Natural Key changes:  

  • When the School ID changes, all data remains under the old number and a resync needs to be completed to populate data under the new number. The delete tool would need to be used to remove all data from the old School ID. When an Ed-Fi ID changes, this happens with the cascading deletes from the Ed-Fi ID Change trigger.
  • When the enrollment start date changes, all dependent resources are deleted and reposted. When a dependent resource is turned off, all dependent resources are deleted and not re-posted.

Cascading Deletes:  When the Student School Association is deleted, all dependent resources are deleted.

  • Student Parent Associations, Student Education Organization Associations, Student Section Associations, Graduation Plans, Student Program Associations, Student CTE Program Associations, Student Special Education Program Associations, Student Title 1 Part A Program Associations, Student Academic Records, Course Transcripts, Grades, Student Discipline Incident Associations, Discipline Actions, Student Cohort Associations, Student School Attendance Events, Student Section Attendance Events

Scope Year Logic

This table describes scope year logic of this object.

The record sends to the scope year for the school year the enrollment is associated with.
Data only sends for the years that have valid configuration.

Resource Preferences

This table describes the Resource Preferences of this object.

Data Element Label

Mapping Needed

Entry Type DescriptorsEnrollment Start Status
Exit Withdraw Type DescriptorsEnrollment End Status
Enrollment Graduation (Year End Status)
Enrollment End Action
Exit Reason DescriptorsEnrollment Withdrawal Reason
Membership FTE DescriptorsEnrollment School Membership FTE
Membership Type DescriptorsEnrollment Local Service Type
Special Enrollment DescriptorsEnrollment Special Enrollment
Tuition Payer DescriptorsEnrollment Tuition Payer

Identity Mapping Object Key

This table describes the Identity Mapping Object Key of this object.


Object Key Data Source


Event Queue Detail

This table describes the Event Queue Detail of this object.

Campus Table

Ed-Fi Action




The primary table used for sending data for this resource.

personPost/DeleteStudent ID in Student Reference
graduationPutClass of School Year Type Reference
programsPutGraduation Plan Reference
programparticipationPutGraduation Plan Reference

Object Data Elements

This table describes data elements sent within the Student School Association resource.

Data ElementBusiness Requirements and RulesMandatory, Conditional or OptionalLocation


The unique identifier of the resource. M

entryDate  The month, day, and year on  which an individual enters and  begins to receive instructional  services in a campus.   

Report the enrollment start dates.

When there are enrollments with an end status of ZZZ and a subsequent enrollment with a start status of ZZZ, combine the enrollments and report the earliest start date (where the start status is NOT ZZZ) for the enrollment start date.

The enrollments must be in the same school, grade, and local service type. Also, the enrollment start date must be the next instructional day after the ZZZ end status, or be before or equal to the ZZZ end status.

MEnrollments > Start Date
calendarReferenceA reference related to the Calendar resource.

Reports the Calendar reference for the calendar in which the student is enrolled that is being reported.

When the Calendar the student is enrolled in is mapped via the EdFi Calendar Override Mapping tool to a different calendar, reference that different calendar

CConfiguration > Resource Preferences > Calendars > Calendar Override Mapping
classOfSchoolYearTypeReference  The year the student is expected to graduate. 

Reports the year selected in Student Information > General > Graduation > NCLB Cohort End Year.

When NCLB Cohort End Year = Null, do not report

graduationPlanReferenceA reference to the related  GraduationPlan resource.

This is optional, does not report.
schoolReference  A reference to the related 
School resource. 

Reports the fields that are part of the Natural Key for the School resource.
schoolYearTypeReference  The school year the student 
is being reported in.

Reports the end year of the calendar.
studentReference  A reference to the related 
Student resource. 

Reports the reference for the student being reported.

Note: The Ed-Fi ID reports from the Student State ID field.

educationPlans An unordered collection of studentSchoolAssociation
EducationPlans. This association represents the school in which a student is enrolled. 

This is optional, does not report.
employedWhileEnrolled An individual who is a paid employee or works in his or her own business, profession, or farm and at the same time is enrolled in secondary, postsecondary, or adult education. 
This is optional, does not report.
entryGradeLevelDescriptor The grade level or primary instructional level at which a student enters and receives services in a school or an educational institution during a given academic session. 

Reports the Ed-Fi Code from the Grade Level mapping for the grade selected on the student's enrollment.

When a mapping is not available, the record errors.

M Enrollments > Grade
entryGradeLevelReasonDescriptor A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table.

This is optional, does not report. 
entryTypeDescriptor A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table. 

Reports the Ed-Fi Code Value mapped to the selected Start Status.

When blank, do not report.

OEnrollments > Start Status

exitWithdrawDate The month, day, and year of the first day after the date of an individual''s last attendance at a campus (when known), the day on which an individual graduated, or the date on which it becomes known officially that an individual left school. 

Reports the enrollment end date.

When there are enrollments with an end status of ZZZ and a subsequent enrollment with a start status of ZZZ, combine the enrollments and report the latest end date (where the end status is NOT ZZZ) for the enrollment end date.

The enrollments must be in the same school, grade, and local service type. Also, the enrollment start date must be the next instructional day after the ZZZ end status, or be before or equal to the ZZZ end status.

OEnrollments > End Date


Withdrawal Reasons are a secondary reason for the withdrawal (the primary reason being the Withdrawal Activity Code). Withdrawal Reasons are optional, and does not apply to the great majority of students who withdraw from school prior to the last scheduled day of session.

Reports based on the mapped value indicated in the Ed-Fi mapping tool tied to the attribute dictionary item selected.

When a mapping does not exist, do not report.

CEnrollments > Withdrawal Reason

exitWithdrawTypeDescriptor A unique identifier used as Primary Key, not derived from business logic, when acting as Foreign Key, references the parent table. 

Reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the End Action. When not populated (null) reports the Ed-Fi Code mapped to the State End Status. 

The State End Status is based on the Local End Status selected. Local End Statuses are mapped to the State End Statuses through the Enrollment End Status Setup tool. 


Enrollments > End Status


Enrollments > End Action

membershipTypeDescriptorMembership Type identifies whether a school has primary responsibility for managing a specific student's curriculum or not. The "P" code value allows the reporting of students who are enrolled in a SPED program but not enrolled in a school.

Reports based on the mapped value indicated in the EdFi mapping tool, when it exists, tied to the attribute dictionary item selected.

When a mapping does not exist, do not report.

MEnrollments > State Reporting Fields > Local Service Type
primarySchool Indicates whether a given enrollment record should be considered the primary record for a student. When omitted, the default is true. 

This is optional, does not report.
repeatGradeIndicator An indicator of whether the student is enrolling to repeat a grade level, either by failure or an agreement to hold the student back. 

This is optional, does not report.
residencyStatusDescriptor An indication of the location of a persons legal residence relative to (within or outside of) the boundaries of the public school attended and its administrative unit.

This is optional, does not report.
schoolChoiceTransfer An indication of whether students transferred in or out of the school did so during the school year under the provisions for public school choice in accordance with Title I, Part A, Section 1116. 

This is optional, does not report.
totalCommunityCollegeEnrolledCreditsThe total value of credits for courses at community college.

Reports the value from the 'Total CC CTE Credits' field, when populated.
CEnrollments > State Reporting Fields > Total CC CTE Credits
totalPlannedInstructionalHoursThe planned total number of clock hours for CTED courses.

Reports the value from the Total CTE Hours field, when populated.
CEnrollments > State Reporting Fields > Total CTE Hours


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Data ElementBusiness Requirement sand RulesMandatory, Conditional, or OptionalLocation
membershipResponsibilityDescriptorReports '03' (which = Funding)Mn/a
startDateThe effective date of this FTE value.

When the default value is being reported, the enrollment start date reports.

When the first entered value is being reported, the enrollment start date reports.

When a new value from custom student is created, the effective date on the record reports. 


Enrollments > Start Date


Enrollments > Effective Date

endDateThe date this CTDS ceased being the student's funded district of residence.

When there is a single "split enrollment" record, the Enrollment End Date the record is tied to reports.

When there are subsequent "split enrollment" records, the latest instructional date prior to the next record's Effective Date value reports.


Enrollments > End Date


Enrollments > Effective Date


localEducationAgencyId: The identifier assigned to a local education agency.

School Identity Column. Student's District of Residence.

This reports the entity ID for the district selected in the Resident District field.
The Entity ID that corresponds with the District selected in the Resident District table reports.

MEnrollments > Resident


Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and RulesMandatory, Conditional, or OptionalLocation
fteStartDateThe start date for the Student School Association Membership.

When  the default value is being reported, report the enrollment start date.

When the first entered value is being reported, report the enrollment start date.

When the value from custom student is being reported, report effective date on the record being reported.


Enrollments > Start Date


Enrollments > Effective Date


The ID of the Membership FTE Descriptor.

When the Percent Enrolled field is not NULL, reports based on the mapped value indicated in the EdFi mapping tool, when it exists, tied to the attribute dictionary item selected.

When the Percent Enrolled is NULL, or not NULL but there is no mapped value in the EdFi mapping tool, reports based on the value entered into the default field on the Percent Enrolled attribute.

When Percent Enrolled  is NULL, and the default field on the Percent Enrolled attribute is NULL, reports based on a value of '1.00'.


Attribute Dictionary > Enrollment > School Membership FTE > Default Value

Enrollments > FTE %



fteEndDateThe end date for the Student School Association Membership.

When there is a single "split enrollment" record, reports the Enrollment End Date to which the record is tied.

When there are subsequent "split enrollment" records, reports the latest instructional date prior to the next record's Effective Date value.


Enrollments > End Date




Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and RulesMandatory, Conditional, or OptionalLocation
specialEnrollmentStartDateThe start date for the Student School Association Special Enrollment.

When the default value is being reported, reports the enrollment start date.

When the first entered value is being reported, reports the enrollment start date.

When the value from custom student is being reported, reports effective date on the record being reported.


Enrollments > Start Date


Enrollments > Effective Date


specialEnrollmentDescriptorThe ID of the Special Enrollment Descriptor.

When the default value is entered and no other Special Enrollment record exists, reports the default value.

When the Special Enrollment value exists, reports based on the mapped value indicated in the EdFi mapping tool, when it exists, tied to the attribute dictionary item selected.

When a mapping does not exist, does not report.


Attribute Dictionary > Enrollment> Special Enrollment > Default Value


Enrollments > Special Enrollment


specialEnrollmentEndDateThe end date for the Student School Association Special Enrollment.

When there is a single "split enrollment" record, reports the Enrollment End Date to which the record is tied.

When there are subsequent "split enrollment" records, reports the latest instructional date prior to the next record's Effective Date value.


Enrollments > End Date




Data Element LabelBusiness Requirements and RulesMandatory, Conditional, or OptionalLocation
payerStartDateThe start date for the Student School Association Tuition Payer.

When the default value is being reported, reports the enrollment start date.

When the first entered value is being reported, reports the enrollment start date.

When the value from custom student is being reported, report effective date on the record being reported.


Enrollments > Start Date


Enrollments > Effective Date


tuitionPayer DescriptorThe ID of the Tuition Payer Descriptor.

When State Aid is not NULL, report based on the the mapped value indicated in the EdFi mapping tool, when it exists, tied to the attribute dictionary item selected.

When no mapping exists, continue below to the second bullet.

When State Aid is NULL, reports based on the value entered into the default field on the Enrollment.stateAid attribute.

When State Aid is NULL, and the default field on the Enrollment.stateAid attribute is NULL, reports based on a value of '1


Enrollments > Tuition Payer


Attribute Dictionary > Enrollment > Tuition Payer > Default Value


payerEndDateThe end date for the Student School Association Tuition Payer.

When there is a single "split enrollment" record, reports the Enrollment End Date to which the record is tied.

When there are subsequent "split enrollment" records, reports the latest instructional date prior to the next record's Effective Date value.


Enrollments > End Date




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Enrollment State Start Status Descriptors

E11st AZ enroll, from same school
E21st AZ enroll, from within district
E31st AZ enroll, from other district
E4NOT 1st AZ enroll, from other district
E5NOT 1st AZ enroll, from within district
E61st AZ enroll, from other state
E71st AZ enroll, from within district, dropout
E81st AZ enroll, other district, dropout
E9NOT 1st AZ enroll; from within district, dropout
E10NOT 1st AZ enroll, other district dropout
E111st AZ enroll this year for home taught student
E151st AZ enroll, from detention facility
E16NOT 1st AZ enroll, from detention facility
E17GCD awarded: attending AZ university
E18GCD awarded: attending AZ community college
E19GCD-eligible, enrolled in CTE program
E20GCD-eligible, pursuing additional board exam
EKTransferred calendar tracks within the same school
PProgram Only
R1Readmission after a W1
R2Readmission after a W2
R3Readmission after a W3
R4Readmission after a W4
R5Readmission after a W5
R6Readmission after a W6
R9Readmission after a W9
R10Readmission after a W10
R11Readmission after a W11
R12Readmission after a W12
R21Readmission after a W21/S21
R22Readmission after a W22
RDMid-year Demoted re-entry
RPMid-year Promoted re-entry

Exit Withdraw Type Descriptors

Ed-Fi Code Value


Not State Reported District Use Only
W1Transfer: other schoolW1
W3Expelled or long term suspensionW3
W4Absence or status unknownW4
W9Transfer:  home taughtW9
W10Transfer:  detentionW10
W12Vocational schoolW12
W13Completed (AIMS)W13
W15GCD awardedW15
W17GCD awarded no criteria for four-year univW17
W18CD awarded no criteria for AZ comm collegeW18
W19GCD eligible not in full-time CTE progW19
W20GCD awarded, no post GCD participationW20
W21Transfer to another school out of stateW21
W22Transferred to attend school in another countryW22
WDMid Year DemoteWD
WPMid Year PromotionWP
WKTransferred calendar tracks within the same schoolWK
S1Summer transfer - out of districtS1
S4Summer absence or status unknownS4
S5Summer dropoutS5
S6Summer not of school ageS6
S7Summer early graduationS7
S8Summer deceasedS8
S9Summer transfer - home taughtS9
S10Summer transfer - detentionS10
S11Summer GEDS11
S12Summer transfer - vocational schoolS12
S99Summer transfer - within districtS99
S19GCD, not enrolled in full-time CTE programS19
S21Transferred to attend school out of stateS21
S22Transferred to attend school in another countryS22
D1Eligible for GCDD1
D2Awarded GCDD2

Enrollment End Action

Code ValueDescription
D: DemoteD: Demote
P: PromoteP: Promote
R: RetainR: Retain

Enrollment  Withdrawal Reason

Code ValueDescription
WR1: School identified for Federal ImprovementWR1: School identified for Federal Improvement
WR2: School persistently dangerousWR2: School persistently dangerous
WR3: Individual Transfer OptionWR3: Individual Transfer Option
WR4: Pregnancy/Biological ParentWR4: Pregnancy/Biological Parent

Enrollment School Membership FTE 

Code ValueDescription
0.00: 00%0.00: Student's course load is part time, equivalent to 0% of a full time program
0.25: 25%0.25: 0.25 Student's course load is part time, equivalent to 25% of a full time program
0.50: 50%0.50: 0.50 Student's course load is part time, equivalent to 50% of a full time program
0.75: 75%0.75: 0.75 Student's course load is part time, equivalent to 75% of a full time program
1.00: 100%1.00: 1.00 Student's course load is part time, equivalent to 100% of a full time program

Enrollment Local Service Type

Code ValueDescription

A: Ancillary         


C: Concurrent Course Work Program

Concurrent Course Work Program
D: Dropout Recovery ProgramDropout Recovery Program
G: Grand Canyon DiplomaGrand Canyon Diploma
O: Program OnlyProgram Only
P: PrimaryPrimary



Enrollment Special Enrollment

Ed-Fi Code ValueDescription   
3Open Enrollment
4976 - State Assistance
5823 - Interstate Compact
6Type 03 HS Student

Enrollment Tuition Payer                                                                                                                                                           

Ed-Fi Code Value

Short Description            


11 The "normal" setting for Arizona school children who generate state fundingThe "normal" setting for Arizona school children who generate state funding.
2Privately paid tuition, no tuition charged.Privately paid tuition, no tuition charged.
3Foreign Exchange StudentForeign exchange student
4Non-SPED (NSE) students in residential treatment centersNon-SPED (NSE) students in residential treatment centers
5JTED/Non-Resident Charter (concurrent)JTED/Non-Resident Charter (concurrent)
6ISEP StudentISEP student
7Other State funded formulaStudents funded through other state formula programs
8Non-AZ resident at specail schoolNon-Arizona resident boarding at specialized school

Appendix A - Summer Withdrawal Students  

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When a student has finished their previous year’s enrollment and intends to come back to the school the following year, but the student is a no show for the district, a Student School Association record must still be sent. The following setup options must be completed in order to report data correctly for summer withdrawal students: 

  1. Mark the 'No Show' checkbox on the student's enrollment.
  2. Any Ed-Fi data that was previously sent for the student is automatically deleted after marking the 'No Show' checkbox, except for the Student School Association record.
  3. This process must be completed each year in order to send data for summer withdrawal students correctly.